netmask 64
mtu 1280
- On non Debian/Ubuntu systems, a line can be put in a boot script, such as `ip -6 addr add 2001:db8:beef:1::1/64 dev eth1`.
+On non Debian/Ubuntu systems, a line can be put in a boot script, such as `ip -6 addr add 2001:db8:beef:1::1/64 dev eth1`.
2. IPv6 forwarding needs to be enabled: put `echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding` in a boot script, or `net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1` in `/etc/sysctl.conf`.
3. This setup uses tinc's "switch" mode: subnets are not assigned in the host files; only Address (for ConnectTo targets only) and the key are required in host files.
-4. It is assumed that the config files go into something like `/etc/tinc/link` and `/etc/tinc/nets.boot` has an entry for "link". The following table can be used to guide configuration of routers:
- * "routera" configuration for tinc (the master router):
+4. It is assumed that the config files go into something like `/etc/tinc/link` and `/etc/tinc/nets.boot` has an entry for "link". The following table can be used to guide configuration of routers. The "routera" configuration for tinc (the master router):
>cat tinc.conf
Name = routera
ip -6 addr del 2001:db8:beef::1/64 dev $INTERFACE
ip -6 link set $INTERFACE down
- * "routerb" configuration for tinc (the other non-master routers will be like this one):
+The "routerb" configuration for tinc (the other non-master routers will be like this one):
>cat tinc.conf