size_t siglen = ecdsa_size(&myself->connection->ecdsa);
- char key[ECDH_SIZE];
- char sig[siglen];
+ char key[(ECDH_SIZE + siglen) * 2 + 1];
// TODO: include nonce? Use relevant parts of SSH or TLS protocol
if(!ecdh_generate_public(&c->ecdh, key))
return false;
- if(!ecdsa_sign(&myself->connection->ecdsa, key, ECDH_SIZE, sig))
+ if(!ecdsa_sign(&myself->connection->ecdsa, key, ECDH_SIZE, key + ECDH_SIZE))
return false;
- char out[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
- bin2hex(key, out, ECDH_SIZE);
- bin2hex(sig, out + ECDH_SIZE * 2, siglen);
- out[(ECDH_SIZE + siglen) * 2] = 0;
+ b64encode(key, key, ECDH_SIZE + siglen);
- bool result = send_request(c, "%d %s", METAKEY, out);
+ bool result = send_request(c, "%d %s", METAKEY, key);
bool send_metakey(connection_t *c) {
ifdebug(SCARY_THINGS) {
bin2hex(key, hexkey, len);
- hexkey[len * 2] = '\0';
logger(LOG_DEBUG, "Generated random meta key (unencrypted): %s", hexkey);
/* Convert the encrypted random data to a hexadecimal formatted string */
bin2hex(enckey, hexkey, len);
- hexkey[len * 2] = '\0';
/* Send the meta key */
static bool metakey_ec_h(connection_t *c, const char *request) {
size_t siglen = ecdsa_size(&c->ecdsa);
- char in[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
char key[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
char sig[siglen];
logger(LOG_DEBUG, "Got ECDH metakey from %s", c->name);
- if(sscanf(request, "%*d " MAX_STRING, in) != 1) {
+ if(sscanf(request, "%*d " MAX_STRING, key) != 1) {
logger(LOG_ERR, "Got bad %s from %s (%s)", "METAKEY", c->name, c->hostname);
return false;
- if(strlen(in) != (ECDH_SIZE + siglen) * 2) {
- logger(LOG_ERR, "Possible intruder %s (%s): %s %d != %d", c->name, c->hostname, "wrong keylength", strlen(in) / 2, (ECDH_SIZE + siglen));
+ int inlen = b64decode(key, key, sizeof key);
+ if(inlen != (ECDH_SIZE + siglen)) {
+ logger(LOG_ERR, "Possible intruder %s (%s): %s", c->name, c->hostname, "wrong keylength");
return false;
- hex2bin(in, key, ECDH_SIZE);
- hex2bin(in + ECDH_SIZE * 2, sig, siglen);
- if(!ecdsa_verify(&c->ecdsa, key, ECDH_SIZE, sig)) {
+ if(!ecdsa_verify(&c->ecdsa, key, ECDH_SIZE, key + ECDH_SIZE)) {
logger(LOG_ERR, "Possible intruder %s (%s): %s", c->name, c->hostname, "invalid ECDSA signature");
return false;
- char shared[ECDH_SHARED_SIZE * 2 + 1];
+ char shared[ECDH_SHARED_SIZE];
if(!ecdh_compute_shared(&c->ecdh, key, shared))
return false;
- bin2hex(shared, shared, ECDH_SHARED_SIZE);
- shared[ECDH_SHARED_SIZE * 2] = 0;
- logger(LOG_DEBUG, "Shared secret is %s", shared);
cipher_set_key(&c->incipher, mykey, true);
digest_set_key(&c->indigest, mykey + mykeylen, mykeylen);
return false;
+ /* Convert the challenge from hexadecimal back to binary */
+ int inlen = hex2bin(hexkey, enckey, sizeof enckey);
/* Check if the length of the meta key is all right */
- if(strlen(hexkey) != len * 2) {
+ if(inlen != len) {
logger(LOG_ERR, "Possible intruder %s (%s): %s", c->name, c->hostname, "wrong keylength");
return false;
- /* Convert the challenge from hexadecimal back to binary */
- hex2bin(hexkey, enckey, len);
/* Decrypt the meta key */
if(!rsa_private_decrypt(&myself->connection->rsa, enckey, len, key)) {
ifdebug(SCARY_THINGS) {
bin2hex(key, hexkey, len);
- hexkey[len * 2] = '\0';
logger(LOG_DEBUG, "Received random meta key (unencrypted): %s", hexkey);
/* Convert to hex */
bin2hex(c->hischallenge, buffer, len);
- buffer[len * 2] = '\0';
/* Send the challenge */
return false;
+ /* Convert the challenge from hexadecimal back to binary */
+ int inlen = hex2bin(buffer, buffer, sizeof buffer);
/* Check if the length of the challenge is all right */
- if(strlen(buffer) != len * 2) {
+ if(inlen != len) {
logger(LOG_ERR, "Possible intruder %s (%s): %s", c->name, c->hostname, "wrong challenge length");
return false;
- /* Convert the challenge from hexadecimal back to binary */
- hex2bin(buffer, buffer, len);
c->allow_request = CHAL_REPLY;
/* Calculate the hash from the challenge we received */
/* Convert the hash to a hexadecimal formatted string */
bin2hex(digest, buffer, digestlen);
- buffer[digestlen * 2] = '\0';
/* Send the reply */
return false;
+ /* Convert the hash to binary format */
+ int inlen = hex2bin(hishash, hishash, sizeof hishash);
/* Check if the length of the hash is all right */
- if(strlen(hishash) != digest_length(&c->outdigest) * 2) {
+ if(inlen != digest_length(&c->outdigest)) {
logger(LOG_ERR, "Possible intruder %s (%s): %s", c->name, c->hostname, "wrong challenge reply length");
return false;
- /* Convert the hash to binary format */
- hex2bin(hishash, hishash, digest_length(&c->outdigest));
/* Verify the hash */
ecdh_generate_public(&to->ecdh, key);
- bin2hex(key, key, ECDH_SIZE);
- key[ECDH_SIZE * 2] = '\0';
+ b64encode(key, key, ECDH_SIZE);
return send_request(to->nexthop->connection, "%d %s %s ECDH:%s %d %d %zu %d", ANS_KEY,
myself->name, to->name, key,
digest_set_key(&to->indigest, key, keylen);
bin2hex(key, key, keylen);
- key[keylen * 2] = '\0';
// Reset sequence number and late packet window
mykeyused = true;
/* ECDH or old-style key exchange? */
if(experimental && !strncmp(key, "ECDH:", 5)) {
- keylen = (strlen(key) - 5) / 2;
+ int keylen = b64decode(key + 5, key + 5, sizeof key - 5);
if(keylen != ECDH_SIZE) {
logger(LOG_ERR, "Node %s (%s) uses wrong keylength!", from->name, from->hostname);
char shared[ECDH_SHARED_SIZE * 2 + 1];
- char hex[ECDH_SHARED_SIZE * 2 + 1];
- hex2bin(key + 5, key + 5, keylen);
if(!ecdh_compute_shared(&from->ecdh, key + 5, shared))
return false;
if(strcmp(myself->name, from->name) < 0)
memmove(key, key + mykeylen * 2, hiskeylen * 2);
} else {
- keylen = strlen(key) / 2;
- hex2bin(key, key, keylen);
+ keylen = hex2bin(key, key, sizeof key);
if(keylen != cipher_keylength(&from->outcipher)) {
logger(LOG_ERR, "Node %s (%s) uses wrong keylength!", from->name, from->hostname);