From: Ivo Timmermans Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000 00:33:07 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Initial revision X-Git-Tag: release-1.0pre1~102 X-Git-Url:;h=1243156a5e03a666b36bc4400f1402243a85c9a7;p=tinc Initial revision --- 1243156a5e03a666b36bc4400f1402243a85c9a7 diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c379d5b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Main tinc authors: +Guus Sliepen +Ivo Timmermans +Robert van der Meulen + +These files are from other sources: + * lib/pidfile.h and lib/pidfile.c are by Martin Schulze, taken from + the syslog 1.3 sources. + * The files cipher/blowfish/ and cipher/idea/ are from the SSLeay + package by Eric Young. diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a43ea212 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6a85edb --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,623 @@ +2000-02-07 Guus Sliepen + + * Version 0.3.3 + + * src/net.c: fixed add_mac_addresses to work with the latest + kernels. Requires properly set up MAC address of the tap + device and some changes to config file. + +1999-10-20 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (add_queue), src/net.h: removed `prev' element + +1999-09-17 Ivo Timmermans + + * define __USE_BSD, used in lib/xmalloc.c + +1999-08-23 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/tincd.c (detach): initialize xalloc_fail_func + + * src/protocol.c (key_changed_h): use key_changed_t + +1999-08-20 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.3 + + * cipher/ src/ remove the -ansi -Wall + compiler flags + +1999-08-19 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c: made some messages more userfriendly + (xsend, xrecv): the right amount of bytes + (handle_tap_input): check for short IP packets + + * cipher/cipher.c (do_encrypt): calculate out->len the readable + way; added two bytes to in->len in calculation + +1999-08-15 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.2.26 + + * src/net.c (send_packet): open an udp socket if necessary + (setup_vpn_connection): set status.dataopen to 1 + (write_n): new function, called from xrecv + + * src/protocol.c (add_host_h): don't open a data connection yet + + * src/net.h: new status flag `dataopen' + + * src/net.c, src/protocol.c, src/tincd.c: revisited syslog + messages + + * src/net.c (flush_queue): largely copied from prune_conn_list in + netutl.c + +1999-08-13 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/protocol.c (ans_key_h): test if the key's for us with an + exact match + +1999-08-12 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (send_packet): add two more bytes to the queue + (send_broadcast_ping): remember time + (main_loop): test for timeout even when select didn't timeout + + * src/netutl.h (dump_conn_list): added proto for dump_conn_list + + * src/tincd.c (make_names): use CONFDIR as base directory, from a + patch by James + (sigusr2_handler): new function, call regenerate_keys + (setup_signals): install sigusr2_handler + + * src/net.c (xrecv): write two more bytes to the tap device + + * src/ define CONFDIR + + * src/netutl.c (lookup_conn): check for exact match first + +1999-08-08 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (send_packet): do not check for our own idea of an + expired key, we would have known about this anyway, via the + KEY_CHANGED request. + + * Version 0.2.25 + + * Did some rechecking on the debuglevels + + * src/protocol.c (notify_one): call getsockopt + (ack_h): check if another request follows me + (add_host_h): idem + + * src/netutl.c (prune_conn_list): rewritten + + * src/protocol.c (del_host_h): return 0 when deleting someone that + we do not know of, as this is not fatal. + + * src/net.c (close_network_connections): moved the send_termreq + over to where it belongs + + * src/netutl.c (dump_conn_list): new function, called from + sigusr1_handler + + * src/tincd.c (sigusr1_handler): new function + +1999-08-07 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.2.24 + + * doc/tincd.conf.5: added documentation for the KeyExpire value + + * src/tincd.c (sigsegv_handler): act nicely on a second segv + + * src/encr.c (recalculate_encryption_keys): new function, called + from regenerate_keys + + * src/protocol.c (set_keys): alloc strlen(ek) instead of k->len + bytes for encryption key + + * src/protocol.h: added prototype for send_key_changed2 + + * src/protocol.c (send_key_changed): new function + (key_changed_h): new function + (send_key_changed2): new function + + * src/protocol.h: new request type: KEY_CHANGED + + * src/tincd.c (sigsegv_handler): ignore any following SIGSEGV's + + * cipher/cipher.h: add prototype for cipher_init + + * src/net.c (send_packet): check for expiring keys + (handle_incoming_vpn_data): idem + + * src/protocol.c (send_key_answer): use `my_key_expiry' + + * src/encr.c (generate_private_key): adjust my_key_expiry + (regenerate_keys): new function + + * src/conf.c: add configure option `KeyExpire' + + * src/encr.c: add key expiration times + +1999-08-05 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.2.23 + + * I don't know what I did, but at least everything seems to work + ok now :) Have a look at the diff to know what's changed. + +1999-08-03 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/protocol.c (public_key_h): moved the `Connection activated' + message over to send_ack + + * src/net.c (send_packet): add 4 bytes less to the sendqueue + (twice) + +1999-08-02 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (add_mac_addresses): switched 30 and 26 in indices, as + Hans suggested + + * src/netutl.c (prune_conn_list): changed, partly from a patch + from Hans + + * src/tincd.c (detach): added debug level in startup message + +1999-06-18 Ivo Timmermans + + * doc/ removed design* from build process + + * added __USE_BSD define for libc5 systems + +1999-05-09 Ivo Timmermans + + * doc/tinc.texi: merged with design.texi + +1999-05-08 Ivo Timmermans + + * doc/ included tinc.texi + +1999-05-05 Ivo Timmermans + + * cipher/cipher.c, cipher/cipher.h, src/encr.c: replaced all + occurrences of `cypher' by `cipher' + +1999-04-16 Ivo Timmermans + + * AUTHORS: added acknowledgements for Martin Schulze and Eric + Young + + * TODO: updated a little + +1999-04-11 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.2.22 + + * src/encr.c (free_key): return if key == NULL + + * src/protocol.c (send_del_host): new function + (del_host_h): new function + (termreq_h): call notify_others(..., send_del_host) + (add_host_h): update call to notify_others + + * src/netutl.c (free_conn_element): call free_key twice + + * src/encr.c (free_key): new function, updated encr.h + + * src/netutl.c (free_conn_element): free the send/recv queues + (destroy_queue): new function, called by free_conn_element + (destroy_conn_list): use free_conn_element + + * src/protocol.h: new request DEL_HOST, new typedef del_host_t + + * placed some random comments + + * src/net.c (strtoip): moved to netutl.c; updated net.h and + netutl.h + + * src/protocol.c (notify_one): new function + +1999-04-10 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (hostlookup): moved to netutl.c; updated netutl.h + + * src/protocol.c (public_key_h): removed half of the whole + function, mainly because we handle keys differently now + (notify_others): don't test for `myself' + (public_key_h): call notify_others + (notify_others): test for the source + (public_key_h): updated accordingly + (add_host_h): extended + + * src/net.h: removed field `nr' from conn_list_t + + * Version 0.2.21 + + * src/net.c (flush_queue): meddled with some pointers, thanks to + Fruit for helping me out on this one + +1999-04-09 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/netutl.c (lookup_conn): removed `const' keyword + + * src/net.h: merged sq_element_t and rq_element_t into + queue_element_t and send_queue_t and recv_queue_t into + packet_queue_t; updated conn_list_t + + * src/net.c: moved lookup_conn, free_conn_list, prune_conn_list, + new_conn_list, destroy_list to netutl.c, updated net.h and + netutl.h + (flush_queue): written as a generalized version of flush_*_queue + (add_queue): generalized + (add_recv_queue): removed + + * src/ added netutl.c and netutl.h + + * src/netutl.h: new file + + * src/netutl.c: new file + + * src/net.c (add_recv_queue): written.. but we need something + better + + * src/protocol.c (send_key_request): test for fw == NULL + +1999-04-08 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (xsend): send `from' field + + * src/net.h: added field `from' to struct real_packet_t + + * src/protocol.h: increased protocol version, protocol 3 or lower + is not supported anymore. + + * src/net.c (handle_incoming_vpn_data): test for valid key before + decrypting; updated protocol.h + + * src/protocol.c: include utils.h + (set_keys): new function + (ans_key_h): flush queue when key arrived + (send_key_request): removed parameter `cl' + + * lib/ updated to include utils.c/h + + * lib/utils.c: new file + + * lib/utils.h: new file + + * src/encr.c (powerize): rewritten, changed name to + make_shared_key, updated src/encr.h + + * src/protocol.c (send_passphrase): don't print out that ugly + passphrase + (req_key_h): send key to tmp->from instead of tmp->to :) + (calculate_h, calc_res_h, almost_key_h): removed, we now have a + better way of dealing with keys anyway + + * src/net.c (new_conn_list): initialize p->nexthop to p + + * src/protocol.c (req_key_h): written + (send_key_answer): new function + (ans_key_h): written + + * src/net.h: added field waitingforkey to status_bits_t + added field nexthop to conn_list_t + +1999-04-07 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/protocol.c (send_key_request): new function + + * src/protocol.h: added REQ_KEY, ANS_KEY, key_req_t + + * src/net.h: add `validkey' to struct status_bits_t + + * Version 0.2.20 (intermediate) + + * src/net.c (handle_incoming_vpn_data): update call to do_decrypt + + * cipher/cipher.c (do_encrypt): add parameter `key', call + cipher_set_key + (do_decrypt): idem + + * src/net.c (handle_tap_input): moved de_encrypt call to xsend + + * src/protocol.c: added req_key_h and ans_key_h + + * src/net.c (add_queue): removed `to' + (send_packet): changed call to add_queue accordingly + + * src/net.h: removed field `to' from sq_element_t + + * src/net.c (flush_queue): new function + (send_packet): call flush_queue before attempting to send + + * src/net.h: included public and shared keys in struct conn_list_t + +1999-04-06 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (add_queue): written + + * src/net.h: added new field sq to conn_list_t, declared struct + send_queue_t and sq_element_t + + * src/key.c: new file + + * src/key.h: new file + +1999-04-03 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.2.19 + + * cipher/ don't make and install a + + * Version 0.2.18 + + * src/encr.c (security_init): call cypher_init + + * cipher/cipher.c (cypher_init): written, sets values to + dynamically loaded functions + + * added libtool support, various were + also updated + + * src/genauth.c: removed the encrypting part + + * src/net.c (handle_incoming_vpn_data): updated call to + do_bf_decrypt to do_encrypt + (handle_tap_input): same with the call to do_bf_encrypt + + * cipher/cipher.c (low_bf_crypt_key): written + (do_encrypt, do_decrypt): written (hardcoded to blowfish) + + * src/encr.c (low_bf_crypt_key, do_bf_encrypt, do_bf_decrypt): + romeved + + * added support for libtool, Makefiles in the dir + `cipher' added + + * include this new dir, libbf removed + + * new dir `cipher', moved libbf into it, renamed to blowfish + +1999-04-02 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (check_network_activity): handle an error on outgoing + data connection + +1999-04-01 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.2.17 + + * src/net.c (destroy_conn_list): written + (close_network_connections): call destroy_conn_list() + + * added some more tests. + + * src/tincd.c (sigsegv_handler): re-execute with g_argv + + * Version 0.2.16 + + * doc/Makefile.maint: replaced man_MANS with dyn_MANS + + * doc/ it didn't install tincd.conf.5 + + * doc/tincd.conf.5: written + + * doc/tincd.conf.sample: rewritten to reflect these changes in + syntax + + * src/conf.c (readconfig): rewritten. config file now accepts and + tolerates spaces, and any integer base for integer variables, and + better error reporting. parsing is now case insensitive. = signs + may be omitted. + +1999-03-31 Ivo Timmermans + + * doc/ (EXTRA_DIST): included tincd.conf.sample + +1999-03-29 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.2.15 + + * src/tincd.c (sighup_handler): close and re-open all network + connections + (sigsegv_handler): ignoring it for now + + * src/conf.h (get_config_val): added declaration + + * src/net.c (get_timeout): removed, moved code to + setup_network_connections + + * src/tincd.c (parse_options): Call add_config_val() instead of + storing it in `timeout' + +1999-02-10 Ivo Timmermans + + * Version 0.2.14 + + * src/net.c (get_timeout): added + (main_loop): call get_timeout + + * src/conf.c, src/conf.h: PingTimeout config option added + + * src/conf.c, src/conf.h: timeout declared + + * src/tincd.c (long_options, usage, parse_options): Added -t option + +1999-01-25 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/encr.c (low_bf_crypt): obsolete, removed + + * src/net.c (terminate_connection): special case for ping timeouts + (check_dead_connections): set timeout flag + + * src/protocol.c (send_timeout, timeout_h): written + +1999-01-24 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (free_conn_element): written; updated prune_conn_list + to use it + (new_conn_list): written + (create_new_connection): uses new_conn_list, updated call from + handle_new_meta_connection + + * src/net.h: added hostname field to conn_list_t, updated several + functions to use and initialize it + +1999-01-23 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (prune_conn_list): simplified + + * increased version number to 0.2.14 + + * Version 0.2.13 + + * src/net.c (delete_conn_from_list): removed + (prune_conn_list): written + (setup_outgoing_connection, create_new_connection, + handle_new_meta_connection): status.remove = 0 + (main_loop): inserted call to prune_conn_list + (check_network_activity, check_dead_connections, + send_broadcast_ping, terminate_connection): added test for + status.remove + (terminate_connection): set status.remove to 1 instead of just + deleting an entry + + * src/net.h: added field `remove' to struct status_bits_t + + * increased version number to 0.2.13 + + * Version 0.2.12 + + * src/net.c (create_new_connection): removed the `initiating + authentication sequence.' part of the message + (delete_conn_from_list): rewritten + (check_dead_connections): all those SEGV's came from here, when a + free'd p was referenced in the next step of the for loop + +1999-01-22 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/net.c (terminate_connection): remove calls to shutdown() + + * increased version number to 0.2.12 + + * Version 0.2.11 + + * src/net.c (setup_myself): myself-> when + successfully set up, so that the appropriate sockets may be closed + (close_network_connections): updated to use that information + default value for myself is NULL + (close_network_connections): test if myself != NULL before + referencing it + + * src/conf.c (add_config_val): new values now get added in front + of the list + + * src/conf.h: removed value for privatekeyfile + + * src/protocol.c (send_public_key): used sizeof(public_key_t) for + dynamic allocation + +1999-01-20 Ivo Timmermans + + * TODO: written; updated to include TODO in + distribution + + * doc/tincd.x: written + + * src/tincd.c (usage): some text beautifying + +1999-01-19 Ivo Timmermans + + * doc/ updated to use help2man + + * added test for perl which is in m4/perl.m4 + + * m4/perl.m4, doc/GNUmakefile, doc/Makefile.maint, + doc/Makefile.summ, doc/help2man: included from fileutils 4.0 + +1999-01-18 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/tincd.c (main): updated to point to COPYING and AUTHORS when + requesting version info + + * src/protocol.c (send_public_key): updated to use new + public_key_t struct + + * src/encr.c (calculate_shared_key): renamed to set_shared_key, + changed prototype accordingly in src/encr.h + (set_shared_key): dynamic allocation of tmp + removed definitions for his_public_key and our_shared_key + include stdlib.h + (get_public_key): removed, obsolete due to my_public_key_base36, + also removed prototype from src/encr.h + + * src/encr.h: changed prototype for powerize + + * src/encr.c (powerize): rewritten, args changed + + * src/protocol.c (send_calculate): written + + * src/protocol.h: added declarations for struct calculate_t and + struct public_key_t + + * src/encr.h: add declaration for my_public_key_base36 + + * src/encr.c (calculate_public_key): also store my public key in + the variable my_public_key_base36, for later use in protocol.c + + * src/net.h: added field `nr' to struct conn_list_t + added some comments + + * src/protocol.c (public_key_h): starts calculation of a shared + key instead of immediately activating connection + + * src/net.c (strtoip): fixed ip->ip assignment + + * src/conf.c: #include net.h + (add_config_val): removed superfluous xmalloc + + * src/net.h: added prototype tor strtoip + + * src/conf.c (strtoip): rewritten to accept textual hostnames + replaced all calls to charpos() with strchr() + removed charpos() + (strtoip): moved to net.c + + * increased version number to 0.2.11 + + * Version 0.2.10 + + * src/tincd.c: Did some function re-ordering and commenting + + * src/encr.c (low_bf_crypt_key): copied from low_bf_crypt, this + function also requires an encrypting key to be given + (encrypt_passphrase): Updated to use low_bf_crypt_key + (verify_passphrase): Updated to use low_bf_crypt_key + +1999-01-14 Ivo Timmermans + + * src/encr.c (verify_passphrase): written + (encrypt_passphrase): written + + * src/protocol.c (send_passphrase): calls encrypt_passphrase + + * src/encr.c (read_passphrase): rewritten + (security_init): updated to call read_passphrase + + * src/tincd.c (make_names): created new variable confbase + +1999-01-13 Ivo Timmermans + + * NEWS: added mention of 0.2.10 + + * increased version to 0.2.10 + + * restarted this ChangeLog thingy. + + diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b42a17ac --- /dev/null +++ b/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +Basic Installation +================== + + These are generic installation instructions. + + The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for +various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses +those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package. +It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent +definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that +you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, a file +`config.cache' that saves the results of its tests to speed up +reconfiguring, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output +(useful mainly for debugging `configure'). + + If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try +to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail +diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can +be considered for the next release. If at some point `config.cache' +contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it. + + The file `' is used to create `configure' by a program +called `autoconf'. You only need `' if you want to change +it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'. + +The simplest way to compile this package is: + + 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type + `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're + using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type + `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute + `configure' itself. + + Running `configure' takes awhile. While running, it prints some + messages telling which features it is checking for. + + 2. Type `make' to compile the package. + + 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with + the package. + + 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and + documentation. + + 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the + source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the + files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for + a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is + also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly + for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get + all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came + with the distribution. + +Compilers and Options +===================== + + Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that +the `configure' script does not know about. You can give `configure' +initial values for variables by setting them in the environment. Using +a Bourne-compatible shell, you can do that on the command line like +this: + CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix ./configure + +Or on systems that have the `env' program, you can do it like this: + env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-s ./configure + +Compiling For Multiple Architectures +==================================== + + You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the +same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their +own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that +supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the +directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run +the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the +source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'. + + If you have to use a `make' that does not supports the `VPATH' +variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a time +in the source code directory. After you have installed the package for +one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring for another +architecture. + +Installation Names +================== + + By default, `make install' will install the package's files in +`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an +installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the +option `--prefix=PATH'. + + You can specify separate installation prefixes for +architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you +give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use +PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries. +Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix. + + In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give +options like `--bindir=PATH' to specify different values for particular +kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories +you can set and what kinds of files go in them. + + If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed +with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the +option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'. + +Optional Features +================= + + Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to +`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package. +They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE +is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The +`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the +package recognizes. + + For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually +find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't, +you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and +`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations. + +Specifying the System Type +========================== + + There may be some features `configure' can not figure out +automatically, but needs to determine by the type of host the package +will run on. Usually `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints +a message saying it can not guess the host type, give it the +`--host=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system +type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name with three fields: + CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM + +See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If +`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't +need to know the host type. + + If you are building compiler tools for cross-compiling, you can also +use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will +produce code for and the `--build=TYPE' option to select the type of +system on which you are compiling the package. + +Sharing Defaults +================ + + If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, +you can create a site shell script called `' that gives +default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'. +`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then +`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists. Or, you can set the +`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script. +A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script. + +Operation Controls +================== + + `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it +operates. + +`--cache-file=FILE' + Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of + `./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for + debugging `configure'. + +`--help' + Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit. + +`--quiet' +`--silent' +`-q' + Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To + suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error + messages will still be shown). + +`--srcdir=DIR' + Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually + `configure' can determine that directory automatically. + +`--version' + Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure' + script, and exit. + +`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ea29c83 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +## Process this file with automake to get + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = gnits + +SUBDIRS = m4 lib cipher src doc + +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 + +EXTRA_DIST = TODO + diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..290f59fd --- /dev/null +++ b/NEWS @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +version 0.3.4 Feb 19 2000 + * The fix that was in 0.3.3 appeared to be wrong. Fixed now. + +version 0.3.3 Feb 9 2000 + * Fixed bug that made tinc stop working with latest kernels (Guus + Sliepen) + * Updated the manual + +version 0.3.2 Nov 12 1999 + * no more `Invalid filedescriptor' when working with multiple + connections + * forward unknown packets to uplink + +version 0.3.1 Oct 20 1999 + * fixed a bug where tinc would exit without a trace + +version 0.3 Aug 20 1999 + * pings now work immediately + * all packet sizes get transmitted correctly + +version 0.2.26 Aug 15 1999 + * fixed some remaining bugs + * --sysconfdir works with configure + * last version before 0.3 + +version 0.2.25 Aug 8 1999 + * improved stability, going towards 0.3 now. + +version 0.2.24 Aug 7 1999 + * added key aging, there's a new config variable, KeyExpire. + * updated man and info pages + +version 0.2.23 Aug 5 1999 + * all known bugs fixed, this is a candidate for 0.3 + +version 0.2.22 Apr 11 1999 + * multiconnection thing is now working nearly perfect :) + +version 0.2.21 Apr 10 1999 + * You shouldn't notice a thing, but a lot has changed wrt key +management - except that it refuses to talk to versions < 0.2.20 + +version 0.2.20 + +version 0.2.19 Apr 3 1999 + * don't install a + +version 0.2.18 Apr 3 1999 + * blowfish library dynamically loaded upon execution + * included Eric Young's IDEA library + +version 0.2.17 Apr 1 1999 + * tincd now re-executes itself in case of a segmentation fault. + +version 0.2.16 Apr 1 1999 + * wrote tincd.conf(5) man page, which still needs a lot of work. + * config file now accepts and tolerates spaces, and any integer base +for integer variables, and better error reporting. See +doc/tincd.conf.sample for an example. + +version 0.2.15 Mar 29 1999 + * fixed bugs + +version 0.2.14 Feb 10 1999 + * added --timeout flag and PingTimeout configuration + * did some first syslog cleanup work + +version 0.2.13 Jan 23 1999 + * bugfixes + +version 0.2.12 Jan 23 1999 + * fixed nauseating bug so that it would crash whenever a connection +got lost + +version 0.2.11 Jan 22 1999 + * framework for multiple connections has been done + * simple manpage for tincd + +version 0.2.10 Jan 18 1999 + * passphrase support added + +version 0.2.9 Jan 13 1999 + * bugs fixed. + +version 0.2.8 Jan 11 1999 + * a reworked protocol version + * a ping/pong system + * more reliable networking code + * automatic reconnection + * still does not work with more than one connection :) + * strips MAC addresses before sending, so there's less overhead, and +less redundancy + +version 0.2.7 Jan 3 1999 + * several updates to make extending more easy. + +version 0.2.6 Dec 20 1998 + * Point-to-Point connections have been established, including +blowfish encryption and a secret key-exchange. + +version 0.2.5 Dec 16 1998 + * Project renamed to tinc, in honour of TINC. + +version 0.2.4 Dec 16 1998 + * now it really does ;) + +version 0.2.3 Nov 24 1998 + * it sort of works now + +version 0.2.2 Nov 20 1998 + * uses GNU gmp. + +version 0.2.1 Nov 14 1998 + + * Bare version. diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f2e47bf --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +This is the README file for tinc version 0.3. +Installation instructions may be found in the INSTALL file. + +tinc is Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans and +others. For a complete list of authors see the AUTHORS file. +This product includes software developed by Eric Young ( + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +your option) any later version. See the file COPYING for more details. + +This version of tinc relies on the GNU Multi-Precision Library +(gmp). This library is available from your nearest GNU mirror. Please +install this first even before trying to run configure. If you don't +do this, configure will (hopefully) mention it to you. + +This version of tinc supports multiple virtual networks at once. To +use this feature, you may supply a netname via the -n or --net +options. The standard locations for the config files will then be +/etc/tinc//. + +In this version, MAC addresses are stripped off before encoding and +sending a packet. When the packet reaches its destination, the MAC +addresses are rebuilt again. They then have the form +FE:FD:aa:bb:cc:dd. aa, bb, cc and dd are taken from the destination +and source IP address. + +tincd regenerates its encryption key pairs. It does this on the first +activity after the keys have expired. This period is adjustable in the +configuration file, and the default time is 3600 seconds (one +hour). If you send a USR2 signal to the daemon, it'll regenerate +immediately. diff --git a/THANKS b/THANKS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bde0b719 --- /dev/null +++ b/THANKS @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +I would like to thank + + * Guus Sliepen/guus + * Hans Bayle (for making some useful coding suggestions and fixing a + bug or two) + * James B. MacLean (for fixing several mission critical bugs, and for + giving me a few good ideas, and, most of all, for the wonderful + testing and debugging) + * Robert van der Meulen/Emphyrio + * Sander Smeenk/Fluor + * Tijs van Bakel/smoke + * Wessel Dankers/Fruit (for the name `tinc' and being a royal pain in +the ass (je hebt erom gevraagd)) + +for their help, support and ideas. Thank you guys! + +And especially guus, for starting this whole project... diff --git a/TODO b/TODO new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75a92b8f --- /dev/null +++ b/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +* write better documentation + +* Adapt it to IPv6 - better yet, any protocol. + * this would require to base routing on MAC addresses instead of IP + addresses, as is done now. If this can be done, IPX is also + supported. + * let tinc assign a MAC address to the tap device, based on some + whacky number + +* add a digital signature to each packet, using HMAC + +* enable encryption using other ciphers (IDEA) + * the library is already included, but it cannot be used. + +* allow multiple outgoing links, or a list of them, so that if a host + is not available, that we can select another from the list. + +* support for multiple protocols; PPTP, IPSec, NIAS, L2TP,... diff --git a/acconfig.h b/acconfig.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb2fb025 --- /dev/null +++ b/acconfig.h @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/* Define to the name name of this package */ +#undef PACKAGE + +/* Define to the version of the package */ +#undef VERSION + +/* Define to rpl_malloc if the replacement function should be used. */ +#undef malloc + +/* Define to rpl_realloc if the replacement function should be used. */ +#undef realloc + +/* This is always defined. It enables GNU extensions on systems that + have them. */ +#if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) +# undef _GNU_SOURCE +#endif + +#if !defined(__USE_BSD) +# undef __USE_BSD +#endif + +#undef HAVE_NAMESPACES +#undef HAVE_STL diff --git a/aclocal.m4 b/aclocal.m4 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9efe2ee2 --- /dev/null +++ b/aclocal.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,669 @@ +dnl aclocal.m4 generated automatically by aclocal 1.4 + +dnl Copyright (C) 1994, 1995-8, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +dnl even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +dnl PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +# Do all the work for Automake. This macro actually does too much -- +# some checks are only needed if your package does certain things. +# But this isn't really a big deal. + +# serial 1 + +dnl Usage: +dnl AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(package,version, [no-define]) + +AC_DEFUN(AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE, +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_INSTALL]) +PACKAGE=[$1] +AC_SUBST(PACKAGE) +VERSION=[$2] +AC_SUBST(VERSION) +dnl test to see if srcdir already configured +if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`" && test -f $srcdir/config.status; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first]) +fi +ifelse([$3],, +AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of package]) +AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Version number of package])) +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SANITY_CHECK]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ARG_PROGRAM]) +dnl FIXME This is truly gross. +missing_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` +AM_MISSING_PROG(ACLOCAL, aclocal, $missing_dir) +AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOCONF, autoconf, $missing_dir) +AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOMAKE, automake, $missing_dir) +AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOHEADER, autoheader, $missing_dir) +AM_MISSING_PROG(MAKEINFO, makeinfo, $missing_dir) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MAKE_SET])]) + +# +# Check to make sure that the build environment is sane. +# + +AC_DEFUN(AM_SANITY_CHECK, +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether build environment is sane]) +# Just in case +sleep 1 +echo timestamp > conftestfile +# Do `set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a +# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks +# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing +# directory). +if ( + set X `ls -Lt $srcdir/configure conftestfile 2> /dev/null` + if test "[$]*" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t $srcdir/configure conftestfile` + fi + if test "[$]*" != "X $srcdir/configure conftestfile" \ + && test "[$]*" != "X conftestfile $srcdir/configure"; then + + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + AC_MSG_ERROR([ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken +alias in your environment]) + fi + + test "[$]2" = conftestfile + ) +then + # Ok. + : +else + AC_MSG_ERROR([newly created file is older than distributed files! +Check your system clock]) +fi +rm -f conftest* +AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)]) + +dnl AM_MISSING_PROG(NAME, PROGRAM, DIRECTORY) +dnl The program must properly implement --version. +AC_DEFUN(AM_MISSING_PROG, +[AC_MSG_CHECKING(for working $2) +# Run test in a subshell; some versions of sh will print an error if +# an executable is not found, even if stderr is redirected. +# Redirect stdin to placate older versions of autoconf. Sigh. +if ($2 --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then + $1=$2 + AC_MSG_RESULT(found) +else + $1="$3/missing $2" + AC_MSG_RESULT(missing) +fi +AC_SUBST($1)]) + +# Like AC_CONFIG_HEADER, but automatically create stamp file. + +AC_DEFUN(AM_CONFIG_HEADER, +[AC_PREREQ([2.12]) +AC_CONFIG_HEADER([$1]) +dnl When config.status generates a header, we must update the stamp-h file. +dnl This file resides in the same directory as the config header +dnl that is generated. We must strip everything past the first ":", +dnl and everything past the last "/". +AC_OUTPUT_COMMANDS(changequote(<<,>>)dnl +ifelse(patsubst(<<$1>>, <<[^ ]>>, <<>>), <<>>, +<>CONFIG_HEADERS" || echo timestamp > patsubst(<<$1>>, <<^\([^:]*/\)?.*>>, <<\1>>)stamp-h<<>>dnl>>, +<>; do + case " <<$>>CONFIG_HEADERS " in + *" <<$>>am_file "*<<)>> + echo timestamp > `echo <<$>>am_file | sed -e 's%:.*%%' -e 's%[^/]*$%%'`stamp-h$am_indx + ;; + esac + am_indx=`expr "<<$>>am_indx" + 1` +done<<>>dnl>>) +changequote([,]))]) + +#serial 1 + +dnl From Jim Meyering. +dnl Find a new-enough version of Perl. +dnl + +AC_DEFUN(jm_PERL, +[ + dnl FIXME: don't hard-code 5.003 + dnl FIXME: should we cache the result? + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for perl5.003 or newer]) + if test "${PERL+set}" = set; then + # `PERL' is set in the user's environment. + candidate_perl_names="$PERL" + perl_specified=yes + else + candidate_perl_names='perl perl5' + perl_specified=no + fi + + found=no + AC_SUBST(PERL) + PERL="$missing_dir/missing perl" + for perl in $candidate_perl_names; do + # Run test in a subshell; some versions of sh will print an error if + # an executable is not found, even if stderr is redirected. + if ( $perl -e 'require 5.003' ) > /dev/null 2>&1; then + PERL=$perl + found=yes + break + fi + done + + AC_MSG_RESULT($found) + test $found = no && AC_MSG_WARN([ +*** You don't seem to have perl5.003 or newer installed. +*** Because of that, you may be unable to regenerate certain files +*** if you modify the sources from which they are derived.] ) +]) + + +# serial 40 AC_PROG_LIBTOOL +AC_DEFUN(AC_PROG_LIBTOOL, +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl + +# Save cache, so that ltconfig can load it +AC_CACHE_SAVE + +# Actually configure libtool. ac_aux_dir is where install-sh is found. +CC="$CC" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" \ +LD="$LD" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" LIBS="$LIBS" \ +LN_S="$LN_S" NM="$NM" RANLIB="$RANLIB" \ +DLLTOOL="$DLLTOOL" AS="$AS" OBJDUMP="$OBJDUMP" \ +${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $ac_aux_dir/ltconfig --no-reexec \ +$libtool_flags --no-verify $ac_aux_dir/ $lt_target \ +|| AC_MSG_ERROR([libtool configure failed]) + +# Reload cache, that may have been modified by ltconfig +AC_CACHE_LOAD + +# This can be used to rebuild libtool when needed +LIBTOOL_DEPS="$ac_aux_dir/ltconfig $ac_aux_dir/" + +# Always use our own libtool. +LIBTOOL='$(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool' +AC_SUBST(LIBTOOL)dnl + +# Redirect the config.log output again, so that the ltconfig log is not +# clobbered by the next message. +exec 5>>./config.log +]) + +AC_DEFUN(AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP, +[AC_PREREQ(2.13)dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ENABLE_SHARED])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ENABLE_STATIC])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_BUILD])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_RANLIB])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_LD])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_NM])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_LN_S])dnl +dnl + +case "$target" in +NONE) lt_target="$host" ;; +*) lt_target="$target" ;; +esac + +# Check for any special flags to pass to ltconfig. +libtool_flags="--cache-file=$cache_file" +test "$enable_shared" = no && libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --disable-shared" +test "$enable_static" = no && libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --disable-static" +test "$enable_fast_install" = no && libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --disable-fast-install" +test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = yes && libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --with-gcc" +test "$ac_cv_prog_gnu_ld" = yes && libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --with-gnu-ld" +ifdef([AC_PROVIDE_AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN], +[libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --enable-dlopen"]) +ifdef([AC_PROVIDE_AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL], +[libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --enable-win32-dll"]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(libtool-lock, + [ --disable-libtool-lock avoid locking (might break parallel builds)]) +test "x$enable_libtool_lock" = xno && libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --disable-lock" +test x"$silent" = xyes && libtool_flags="$libtool_flags --silent" + +# Some flags need to be propagated to the compiler or linker for good +# libtool support. +case "$lt_target" in +*-*-irix6*) + # Find out which ABI we are using. + echo '[#]line __oline__ "configure"' > conftest.$ac_ext + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then + case "`/usr/bin/file conftest.o`" in + *32-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -32" + ;; + *N32*) + LD="${LD-ld} -n32" + ;; + *64-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -64" + ;; + esac + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; + +*-*-sco3.2v5*) + # On SCO OpenServer 5, we need -belf to get full-featured binaries. + SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -belf" + AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the C compiler needs -belf], lt_cv_cc_needs_belf, + [AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_C + AC_TRY_LINK([],[],[lt_cv_cc_needs_belf=yes],[lt_cv_cc_needs_belf=no]) + AC_LANG_RESTORE]) + if test x"$lt_cv_cc_needs_belf" != x"yes"; then + # this is probably gcc 2.8.0, egcs 1.0 or newer; no need for -belf + CFLAGS="$SAVE_CFLAGS" + fi + ;; + +ifdef([AC_PROVIDE_AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL], +[*-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw*) + AC_CHECK_TOOL(DLLTOOL, dlltool, false) + AC_CHECK_TOOL(AS, as, false) + AC_CHECK_TOOL(OBJDUMP, objdump, false) + ;; +]) +esac +]) + +# AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN - enable checks for dlopen support +AC_DEFUN(AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN, [AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])]) + +# AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL - declare package support for building win32 dll's +AC_DEFUN(AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL, [AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])]) + +# AC_ENABLE_SHARED - implement the --enable-shared flag +# Usage: AC_ENABLE_SHARED[(DEFAULT)] +# Where DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'. If omitted, it defaults to +# `yes'. +AC_DEFUN(AC_ENABLE_SHARED, [dnl +define([AC_ENABLE_SHARED_DEFAULT], ifelse($1, no, no, yes))dnl +AC_ARG_ENABLE(shared, +changequote(<<, >>)dnl +<< --enable-shared[=PKGS] build shared libraries [default=>>AC_ENABLE_SHARED_DEFAULT], +changequote([, ])dnl +[p=${PACKAGE-default} +case "$enableval" in +yes) enable_shared=yes ;; +no) enable_shared=no ;; +*) + enable_shared=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:," + for pkg in $enableval; do + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_shared=yes + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" + ;; +esac], +enable_shared=AC_ENABLE_SHARED_DEFAULT)dnl +]) + +# AC_DISABLE_SHARED - set the default shared flag to --disable-shared +AC_DEFUN(AC_DISABLE_SHARED, [AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl +AC_ENABLE_SHARED(no)]) + +# AC_ENABLE_STATIC - implement the --enable-static flag +# Usage: AC_ENABLE_STATIC[(DEFAULT)] +# Where DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'. If omitted, it defaults to +# `yes'. +AC_DEFUN(AC_ENABLE_STATIC, [dnl +define([AC_ENABLE_STATIC_DEFAULT], ifelse($1, no, no, yes))dnl +AC_ARG_ENABLE(static, +changequote(<<, >>)dnl +<< --enable-static[=PKGS] build static libraries [default=>>AC_ENABLE_STATIC_DEFAULT], +changequote([, ])dnl +[p=${PACKAGE-default} +case "$enableval" in +yes) enable_static=yes ;; +no) enable_static=no ;; +*) + enable_static=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:," + for pkg in $enableval; do + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_static=yes + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" + ;; +esac], +enable_static=AC_ENABLE_STATIC_DEFAULT)dnl +]) + +# AC_DISABLE_STATIC - set the default static flag to --disable-static +AC_DEFUN(AC_DISABLE_STATIC, [AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl +AC_ENABLE_STATIC(no)]) + + +# AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL - implement the --enable-fast-install flag +# Usage: AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL[(DEFAULT)] +# Where DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'. If omitted, it defaults to +# `yes'. +AC_DEFUN(AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL, [dnl +define([AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL_DEFAULT], ifelse($1, no, no, yes))dnl +AC_ARG_ENABLE(fast-install, +changequote(<<, >>)dnl +<< --enable-fast-install[=PKGS] optimize for fast installation [default=>>AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL_DEFAULT], +changequote([, ])dnl +[p=${PACKAGE-default} +case "$enableval" in +yes) enable_fast_install=yes ;; +no) enable_fast_install=no ;; +*) + enable_fast_install=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:," + for pkg in $enableval; do + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_fast_install=yes + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" + ;; +esac], +enable_fast_install=AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL_DEFAULT)dnl +]) + +# AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL - set the default to --disable-fast-install +AC_DEFUN(AC_DISABLE_FAST_INSTALL, [AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl +AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL(no)]) + +# AC_PROG_LD - find the path to the GNU or non-GNU linker +AC_DEFUN(AC_PROG_LD, +[AC_ARG_WITH(gnu-ld, +[ --with-gnu-ld assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no]], +test "$withval" = no || with_gnu_ld=yes, with_gnu_ld=no) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_BUILD])dnl +ac_prog=ld +if test "$ac_cv_prog_gcc" = yes; then + # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ld used by GCC]) + ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` + case "$ac_prog" in + # Accept absolute paths. +changequote(,)dnl + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) + re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./' +changequote([,])dnl + # Canonicalize the path of ld + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` + while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` + done + test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" + ;; + "") + # If it fails, then pretend we aren't using GCC. + ac_prog=ld + ;; + *) + # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH. + with_gnu_ld=unknown + ;; + esac +elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for GNU ld]) +else + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for non-GNU ld]) +fi +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_LD, +[if test -z "$LD"; then + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR-:}" + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then + ac_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" + # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, + # but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. + # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. + if "$ac_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 < /dev/null | egrep '(GNU|with BFD)' > /dev/null; then + test "$with_gnu_ld" != no && break + else + test "$with_gnu_ld" != yes && break + fi + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" +else + ac_cv_path_LD="$LD" # Let the user override the test with a path. +fi]) +LD="$ac_cv_path_LD" +if test -n "$LD"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT($LD) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi +test -z "$LD" && AC_MSG_ERROR([no acceptable ld found in \$PATH]) +AC_PROG_LD_GNU +]) + +AC_DEFUN(AC_PROG_LD_GNU, +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld], ac_cv_prog_gnu_ld, +[# I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. +if $LD -v 2>&1 &5; then + ac_cv_prog_gnu_ld=yes +else + ac_cv_prog_gnu_ld=no +fi]) +]) + +# AC_PROG_NM - find the path to a BSD-compatible name lister +AC_DEFUN(AC_PROG_NM, +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([for BSD-compatible nm]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_NM, +[if test -n "$NM"; then + # Let the user override the test. + ac_cv_path_NM="$NM" +else + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR-:}" + for ac_dir in $PATH /usr/ccs/bin /usr/ucb /bin; do + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f $ac_dir/nm || test -f $ac_dir/nm$ac_exeext ; then + # Check to see if the nm accepts a BSD-compat flag. + # Adding the `sed 1q' prevents false positives on HP-UX, which says: + # nm: unknown option "B" ignored + if ($ac_dir/nm -B /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'; exit 0) | egrep /dev/null >/dev/null; then + ac_cv_path_NM="$ac_dir/nm -B" + break + elif ($ac_dir/nm -p /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'; exit 0) | egrep /dev/null >/dev/null; then + ac_cv_path_NM="$ac_dir/nm -p" + break + else + ac_cv_path_NM=${ac_cv_path_NM="$ac_dir/nm"} # keep the first match, but + continue # so that we can try to find one that supports BSD flags + fi + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" + test -z "$ac_cv_path_NM" && ac_cv_path_NM=nm +fi]) +NM="$ac_cv_path_NM" +AC_MSG_RESULT([$NM]) +]) + +# AC_CHECK_LIBM - check for math library +AC_DEFUN(AC_CHECK_LIBM, +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST])dnl +LIBM= +case "$lt_target" in +*-*-beos* | *-*-cygwin*) + # These system don't have libm + ;; +*-ncr-sysv4.3*) + AC_CHECK_LIB(mw, _mwvalidcheckl, LIBM="-lmw") + AC_CHECK_LIB(m, main, LIBM="$LIBM -lm") + ;; +*) + AC_CHECK_LIB(m, main, LIBM="-lm") + ;; +esac +]) + +# AC_LIBLTDL_CONVENIENCE[(dir)] - sets LIBLTDL to the link flags for +# the libltdl convenience library, adds --enable-ltdl-convenience to +# the configure arguments. Note that LIBLTDL is not AC_SUBSTed, nor +# is AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS called. If DIR is not provided, it is assumed +# to be `${top_builddir}/libltdl'. Make sure you start DIR with +# '${top_builddir}/' (note the single quotes!) if your package is not +# flat, and, if you're not using automake, define top_builddir as +# appropriate in the Makefiles. +AC_DEFUN(AC_LIBLTDL_CONVENIENCE, [AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl + case "$enable_ltdl_convenience" in + no) AC_MSG_ERROR([this package needs a convenience libltdl]) ;; + "") enable_ltdl_convenience=yes + ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args --enable-ltdl-convenience" ;; + esac + LIBLTDL=ifelse($#,1,$1,['${top_builddir}/libltdl'])/ + INCLTDL=ifelse($#,1,-I$1,['-I${top_builddir}/libltdl']) +]) + +# AC_LIBLTDL_INSTALLABLE[(dir)] - sets LIBLTDL to the link flags for +# the libltdl installable library, and adds --enable-ltdl-install to +# the configure arguments. Note that LIBLTDL is not AC_SUBSTed, nor +# is AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS called. If DIR is not provided, it is assumed +# to be `${top_builddir}/libltdl'. Make sure you start DIR with +# '${top_builddir}/' (note the single quotes!) if your package is not +# flat, and, if you're not using automake, define top_builddir as +# appropriate in the Makefiles. +# In the future, this macro may have to be called after AC_PROG_LIBTOOL. +AC_DEFUN(AC_LIBLTDL_INSTALLABLE, [AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl + AC_CHECK_LIB(ltdl, main, + [test x"$enable_ltdl_install" != xyes && enable_ltdl_install=no], + [if test x"$enable_ltdl_install" = xno; then + AC_MSG_WARN([libltdl not installed, but installation disabled]) + else + enable_ltdl_install=yes + fi + ]) + if test x"$enable_ltdl_install" = x"yes"; then + ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args --enable-ltdl-install" + LIBLTDL=ifelse($#,1,$1,['${top_builddir}/libltdl'])/ + INCLTDL=ifelse($#,1,-I$1,['-I${top_builddir}/libltdl']) + else + ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args --enable-ltdl-install=no" + LIBLTDL="-lltdl" + INCLTDL= + fi +]) + +dnl old names +AC_DEFUN(AM_PROG_LIBTOOL, [indir([AC_PROG_LIBTOOL])])dnl +AC_DEFUN(AM_ENABLE_SHARED, [indir([AC_ENABLE_SHARED], $@)])dnl +AC_DEFUN(AM_ENABLE_STATIC, [indir([AC_ENABLE_STATIC], $@)])dnl +AC_DEFUN(AM_DISABLE_SHARED, [indir([AC_DISABLE_SHARED], $@)])dnl +AC_DEFUN(AM_DISABLE_STATIC, [indir([AC_DISABLE_STATIC], $@)])dnl +AC_DEFUN(AM_PROG_LD, [indir([AC_PROG_LD])])dnl +AC_DEFUN(AM_PROG_NM, [indir([AC_PROG_NM])])dnl + +dnl This is just to silence aclocal about the macro not being used +ifelse([AC_DISABLE_FAST_INSTALL])dnl + +#serial 1 + +dnl From Jim Meyering. +dnl Determine whether malloc accepts 0 as its argument. +dnl If it doesn't, arrange to use the replacement function. +dnl +dnl If you use this macro in a package, you should +dnl add the following two lines to acconfig.h: +dnl /* Define to rpl_malloc if the replacement function should be used. */ +dnl #undef malloc +dnl + +AC_DEFUN(jm_FUNC_MALLOC, +[ + if test x = y; then + dnl This code is deliberately never run via ./configure. + dnl FIXME: this is a gross hack to make autoheader put an entry + dnl for this symbol in + AC_CHECK_FUNCS(DONE_WORKING_MALLOC_CHECK) + fi + dnl xmalloc.c requires that this symbol be defined so it doesn't + dnl mistakenly use a broken malloc -- as it might if this test were omitted. + ac_kludge=HAVE_DONE_WORKING_MALLOC_CHECK + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($ac_kludge) + + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working malloc], jm_cv_func_working_malloc, + [AC_TRY_RUN([ + char *malloc (); + int + main () + { + exit (malloc (0) ? 0 : 1); + } + ], + jm_cv_func_working_malloc=yes, + jm_cv_func_working_malloc=no, + dnl When crosscompiling, assume malloc is broken. + jm_cv_func_working_malloc=no) + ]) + if test $jm_cv_func_working_malloc = no; then + LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS malloc.o" + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(malloc, rpl_malloc) + fi +]) + +#serial 1 + +dnl From Jim Meyering. +dnl Determine whether realloc works when both arguments are 0. +dnl If it doesn't, arrange to use the replacement function. +dnl +dnl If you use this macro in a package, you should +dnl add the following two lines to acconfig.h: +dnl /* Define to rpl_realloc if the replacement function should be used. */ +dnl #undef realloc +dnl + +AC_DEFUN(jm_FUNC_REALLOC, +[ + if test x = y; then + dnl This code is deliberately never run via ./configure. + dnl FIXME: this is a gross hack to make autoheader put an entry + dnl for this symbol in + AC_CHECK_FUNCS(DONE_WORKING_REALLOC_CHECK) + fi + dnl xmalloc.c requires that this symbol be defined so it doesn't + dnl mistakenly use a broken realloc -- as it might if this test were omitted. + ac_kludge=HAVE_DONE_WORKING_REALLOC_CHECK + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($ac_kludge) + + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working realloc], jm_cv_func_working_realloc, + [AC_TRY_RUN([ + char *realloc (); + int + main () + { + exit (realloc (0, 0) ? 0 : 1); + } + ], + jm_cv_func_working_realloc=yes, + jm_cv_func_working_realloc=no, + dnl When crosscompiling, assume realloc is broken. + jm_cv_func_working_realloc=no) + ]) + if test $jm_cv_func_working_realloc = no; then + LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS realloc.o" + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(realloc, rpl_realloc) + fi +]) + diff --git a/cipher/ b/cipher/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3c86f56a --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +## Process this file with automake to get + +SUBDIRS = blowfish idea + +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = + +INCLUDES = -I. -I$(top_builddir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src + +libcipher_la_SOURCES = cipher.c + +libcipher_la_LDFLAGS = + +noinst_HEADERS = cipher.h + +CFLAGS += -DPKGLIBDIR="\"$(pkglibdir)/\"" diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/COPYRIGHT b/cipher/blowfish/COPYRIGHT new file mode 100644 index 00000000..155c475d --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/COPYRIGHT @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( +All rights reserved. + +This package is an Blowfish implementation written +by Eric Young ( + +This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as +the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions +apply to all code found in this distribution. + +Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in +the code are not to be removed. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +are met: +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + must display the following acknowledgement: + This product includes software developed by Eric Young ( + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE +ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE +FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT +LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY +OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGE. + +The license and distribution terms for any publically available version or +derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be +copied and put under another distrubution license +[including the GNU Public License.] + +The reason behind this being stated in this direct manner is past +experience in code simply being copied and the attribution removed +from it and then being distributed as part of other packages. This +implementation was a non-trivial and unpaid effort. diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/INSTALL b/cipher/blowfish/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ec35edb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +This Eric Young's blowfish implementation, taken from his SSLeay library +and made available as a separate library. + +The version number (0.7.2m) is the SSLeay version that this library was +taken from. + +To build, just unpack and type make. +If you are not using gcc, edit the Makefile. +If you are compiling for an x86 box, try the assembler (it needs improving). +There are also some compile time options that can improve performance, +these are documented in the Makefile. + +eric 15-Apr-1997 + diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/ b/cipher/blowfish/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f270cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +## Process this file with automake to produce + +pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = + +INCLUDES = -I.. -I$(srcdir) + +libblowfish_la_SOURCES = bf_skey.c bf_ecb.c bf_enc.c bf_cbc.c \ +bf_cfb64.c bf_ofb64.c + +libblowfish_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:1:0 -export-dynamic + +noinst_HEADERS = bf_locl.h blowfish.h bf_pi.h + +EXTRA_DIST = COPYRIGHT README \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/README b/cipher/blowfish/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c08c1266 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/README @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +This comes straight from the libbf package. What follows is the +original README. The copyright for these files is in the COPYRIGHT +file. -- IT. + +This is a quick packaging up of my blowfish code into a library. +It has been lifted from SSLeay. +The copyright notices seem a little harsh because I have not spent the +time to rewrite the conditions from the normal SSLeay ones. + +Basically if you just want to play with the library, not a problem. + +eric 15-Apr-1997 diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/bf_cbc.c b/cipher/blowfish/bf_cbc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6a7305a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/bf_cbc.c @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +/* crypto/bf/bf_cbc.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "blowfish.h" +#include "bf_locl.h" + +void BF_cbc_encrypt(in, out, length, ks, iv, encrypt) +unsigned char *in; +unsigned char *out; +long length; +BF_KEY *ks; +unsigned char *iv; +int encrypt; + { + register BF_LONG tin0,tin1; + register BF_LONG tout0,tout1,xor0,xor1; + register long l=length; + BF_LONG tin[2]; + + if (encrypt) + { + n2l(iv,tout0); + n2l(iv,tout1); + iv-=8; + for (l-=8; l>=0; l-=8) + { + n2l(in,tin0); + n2l(in,tin1); + tin0^=tout0; + tin1^=tout1; + tin[0]=tin0; + tin[1]=tin1; + BF_encrypt(tin,ks,BF_ENCRYPT); + tout0=tin[0]; + tout1=tin[1]; + l2n(tout0,out); + l2n(tout1,out); + } + if (l != -8) + { + n2ln(in,tin0,tin1,l+8); + tin0^=tout0; + tin1^=tout1; + tin[0]=tin0; + tin[1]=tin1; + BF_encrypt(tin,ks,BF_ENCRYPT); + tout0=tin[0]; + tout1=tin[1]; + l2n(tout0,out); + l2n(tout1,out); + } + l2n(tout0,iv); + l2n(tout1,iv); + } + else + { + n2l(iv,xor0); + n2l(iv,xor1); + iv-=8; + for (l-=8; l>=0; l-=8) + { + n2l(in,tin0); + n2l(in,tin1); + tin[0]=tin0; + tin[1]=tin1; + BF_encrypt(tin,ks,BF_DECRYPT); + tout0=tin[0]^xor0; + tout1=tin[1]^xor1; + l2n(tout0,out); + l2n(tout1,out); + xor0=tin0; + xor1=tin1; + } + if (l != -8) + { + n2l(in,tin0); + n2l(in,tin1); + tin[0]=tin0; + tin[1]=tin1; + BF_encrypt(tin,ks,BF_DECRYPT); + tout0=tin[0]^xor0; + tout1=tin[1]^xor1; + l2nn(tout0,tout1,out,l+8); + xor0=tin0; + xor1=tin1; + } + l2n(xor0,iv); + l2n(xor1,iv); + } + tin0=tin1=tout0=tout1=xor0=xor1=0; + tin[0]=tin[1]=0; + } + diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/bf_cfb64.c b/cipher/blowfish/bf_cfb64.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2e44c36 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/bf_cfb64.c @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* crypto/bf/bf_cfb64.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "blowfish.h" +#include "bf_locl.h" + +/* The input and output encrypted as though 64bit cfb mode is being + * used. The extra state information to record how much of the + * 64bit block we have used is contained in *num; + */ + +void BF_cfb64_encrypt(in, out, length, schedule, ivec, num, encrypt) +unsigned char *in; +unsigned char *out; +long length; +BF_KEY *schedule; +unsigned char *ivec; +int *num; +int encrypt; + { + register BF_LONG v0,v1,t; + register int n= *num; + register long l=length; + BF_LONG ti[2]; + unsigned char *iv,c,cc; + + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + if (encrypt) + { + while (l--) + { + if (n == 0) + { + n2l(iv,v0); ti[0]=v0; + n2l(iv,v1); ti[1]=v1; + BF_encrypt((unsigned long *)ti,schedule,BF_ENCRYPT); + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + t=ti[0]; l2n(t,iv); + t=ti[1]; l2n(t,iv); + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + } + c= *(in++)^iv[n]; + *(out++)=c; + iv[n]=c; + n=(n+1)&0x07; + } + } + else + { + while (l--) + { + if (n == 0) + { + n2l(iv,v0); ti[0]=v0; + n2l(iv,v1); ti[1]=v1; + BF_encrypt((unsigned long *)ti,schedule,BF_ENCRYPT); + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + t=ti[0]; l2n(t,iv); + t=ti[1]; l2n(t,iv); + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + } + cc= *(in++); + c=iv[n]; + iv[n]=cc; + *(out++)=c^cc; + n=(n+1)&0x07; + } + } + v0=v1=ti[0]=ti[1]=t=c=cc=0; + *num=n; + } + diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/bf_ecb.c b/cipher/blowfish/bf_ecb.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8d1822a --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/bf_ecb.c @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* crypto/bf/bf_ecb.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "blowfish.h" +#include "bf_locl.h" + +/* Blowfish as implemented from 'Blowfish: Springer-Verlag paper' + * (From LECTURE NOTES IN COIMPUTER SCIENCE 809, FAST SOFTWARE ENCRYPTION, + * CAMBRIDGE SECURITY WORKSHOP, CAMBRIDGE, U.K., DECEMBER 9-11, 1993) + */ + +char *BF_version="BlowFish part of SSLeay 0.7.0 30-Jan-1997"; + +char *BF_options() + { +#ifdef BF_PTR + return("blowfish(ptr)"); +#elif defined(BF_PTR2) + return("blowfish(ptr2)"); +#else + return("blowfish(idx)"); +#endif + } + +void BF_ecb_encrypt(in, out, ks, encrypt) +unsigned char *in; +unsigned char *out; +BF_KEY *ks; +int encrypt; + { + BF_LONG l,d[2]; + + n2l(in,l); d[0]=l; + n2l(in,l); d[1]=l; + BF_encrypt(d,ks,encrypt); + l=d[0]; l2n(l,out); + l=d[1]; l2n(l,out); + l=d[0]=d[1]=0; + } + diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/bf_enc.c b/cipher/blowfish/bf_enc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6d18aa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/bf_enc.c @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +/* crypto/bf/bf_enc.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "blowfish.h" +#include "bf_locl.h" + +/* Blowfish as implemented from 'Blowfish: Springer-Verlag paper' + * (From LECTURE NOTES IN COIMPUTER SCIENCE 809, FAST SOFTWARE ENCRYPTION, + * CAMBRIDGE SECURITY WORKSHOP, CAMBRIDGE, U.K., DECEMBER 9-11, 1993) + */ + +#if (BF_ROUNDS != 16) && (BF_ROUNDS != 20) +If you set BF_ROUNDS to some value other than 16 or 20, you will have +to modify the code. +#endif + +void BF_encrypt(data,key,encrypt) +BF_LONG *data; +BF_KEY *key; +int encrypt; + { + register BF_LONG l,r,*p,*s; + + p=key->P; + s= &(key->S[0]); + l=data[0]; + r=data[1]; + + if (encrypt) + { + l^=p[0]; + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 1]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 2]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 3]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 4]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 5]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 6]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 7]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 8]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 9]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[10]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[11]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[12]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[13]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[14]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[15]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[16]); +#if BF_ROUNDS == 20 + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[17]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[18]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[19]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[20]); +#endif + r^=p[BF_ROUNDS+1]; + } + else + { + l^=p[BF_ROUNDS+1]; +#if BF_ROUNDS == 20 + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[20]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[19]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[18]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[17]); +#endif + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[16]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[15]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[14]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[13]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[12]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[11]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[10]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 9]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 8]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 7]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 6]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 5]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 4]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 3]); + BF_ENC(r,l,s,p[ 2]); + BF_ENC(l,r,s,p[ 1]); + r^=p[0]; + } + data[1]=l&0xffffffff; + data[0]=r&0xffffffff; + } diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/bf_locl.h b/cipher/blowfish/bf_locl.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..428ea0e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/bf_locl.h @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +/* crypto/bf/bf_local.h */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ +/* WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING + * + * Always modify since bf_locl.h is automatically generated from + * it during SSLeay configuration. + * + * WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING + */ + +#undef c2l +#define c2l(c,l) (l =((unsigned long)(*((c)++))) , \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<< 8L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<<16L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<<24L) + +/* NOTE - c is not incremented as per c2l */ +#undef c2ln +#define c2ln(c,l1,l2,n) { \ + c+=n; \ + l1=l2=0; \ + switch (n) { \ + case 8: l2 =((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<24L; \ + case 7: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<16L; \ + case 6: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<< 8L; \ + case 5: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c)))); \ + case 4: l1 =((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<24L; \ + case 3: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<16L; \ + case 2: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<< 8L; \ + case 1: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c)))); \ + } \ + } + +#undef l2c +#define l2c(l,c) (*((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l) )&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>> 8L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>16L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>24L)&0xff)) + +/* NOTE - c is not incremented as per l2c */ +#undef l2cn +#define l2cn(l1,l2,c,n) { \ + c+=n; \ + switch (n) { \ + case 8: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>>24L)&0xff); \ + case 7: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>>16L)&0xff); \ + case 6: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>> 8L)&0xff); \ + case 5: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2) )&0xff); \ + case 4: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>>24L)&0xff); \ + case 3: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>>16L)&0xff); \ + case 2: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>> 8L)&0xff); \ + case 1: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1) )&0xff); \ + } \ + } + +/* NOTE - c is not incremented as per n2l */ +#define n2ln(c,l1,l2,n) { \ + c+=n; \ + l1=l2=0; \ + switch (n) { \ + case 8: l2 =((unsigned long)(*(--(c)))) ; \ + case 7: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<< 8; \ + case 6: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<16; \ + case 5: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<24; \ + case 4: l1 =((unsigned long)(*(--(c)))) ; \ + case 3: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<< 8; \ + case 2: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<16; \ + case 1: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<24; \ + } \ + } + +/* NOTE - c is not incremented as per l2n */ +#define l2nn(l1,l2,c,n) { \ + c+=n; \ + switch (n) { \ + case 8: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2) )&0xff); \ + case 7: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>> 8)&0xff); \ + case 6: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>>16)&0xff); \ + case 5: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>>24)&0xff); \ + case 4: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1) )&0xff); \ + case 3: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>> 8)&0xff); \ + case 2: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>>16)&0xff); \ + case 1: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>>24)&0xff); \ + } \ + } + +#undef n2l +#define n2l(c,l) (l =((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<<24L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<<16L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<< 8L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))) + +#undef l2n +#define l2n(l,c) (*((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>24L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>16L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>> 8L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l) )&0xff)) + +/* This is actually a big endian algorithm, the most significate byte + * is used to lookup array 0 */ + +/* use BF_PTR2 for intel boxes, + * BF_PTR for sparc and MIPS/SGI + * use nothing for Alpha and HP. + */ +#if !defined(BF_PTR) && !defined(BF_PTR2) +#undef BF_PTR +#endif + +#define BF_M 0x3fc +#define BF_0 22L +#define BF_1 14L +#define BF_2 6L +#define BF_3 2L /* left shift */ + +#if defined(BF_PTR2) + +/* This is basically a special pentium verson */ +#define BF_ENC(LL,R,S,P) \ + { \ + BF_LONG t,u,v; \ + u=R>>BF_0; \ + v=R>>BF_1; \ + u&=BF_M; \ + v&=BF_M; \ + t= *(BF_LONG *)((unsigned char *)&(S[ 0])+u); \ + u=R>>BF_2; \ + t+= *(BF_LONG *)((unsigned char *)&(S[256])+v); \ + v=R<>BF_0)&BF_M))+ \ + *(BF_LONG *)((unsigned char *)&(S[256])+((R>>BF_1)&BF_M)))^ \ + *(BF_LONG *)((unsigned char *)&(S[512])+((R>>BF_2)&BF_M)))+ \ + *(BF_LONG *)((unsigned char *)&(S[768])+((R<>24L) ] + \ + S[0x0100+((R>>16L)&0xff)])^ \ + S[0x0200+((R>> 8L)&0xff)])+ \ + S[0x0300+((R )&0xff)])&0xffffffff; +#endif diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/bf_ofb64.c b/cipher/blowfish/bf_ofb64.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..308a5baf --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/bf_ofb64.c @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +/* crypto/bf/bf_ofb64.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "blowfish.h" +#include "bf_locl.h" + +/* The input and output encrypted as though 64bit ofb mode is being + * used. The extra state information to record how much of the + * 64bit block we have used is contained in *num; + */ +void BF_ofb64_encrypt(in, out, length, schedule, ivec, num) +unsigned char *in; +unsigned char *out; +long length; +BF_KEY *schedule; +unsigned char *ivec; +int *num; + { + register unsigned long v0,v1,t; + register int n= *num; + register long l=length; + unsigned char d[8]; + register char *dp; + unsigned long ti[2]; + unsigned char *iv; + int save=0; + + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + n2l(iv,v0); + n2l(iv,v1); + ti[0]=v0; + ti[1]=v1; + dp=(char *)d; + l2n(v0,dp); + l2n(v1,dp); + while (l--) + { + if (n == 0) + { + BF_encrypt((unsigned long *)ti,schedule,BF_ENCRYPT); + dp=(char *)d; + t=ti[0]; l2n(t,dp); + t=ti[1]; l2n(t,dp); + save++; + } + *(out++)= *(in++)^d[n]; + n=(n+1)&0x07; + } + if (save) + { + v0=ti[0]; + v1=ti[1]; + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + l2n(v0,iv); + l2n(v1,iv); + } + t=v0=v1=ti[0]=ti[1]=0; + *num=n; + } + diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/bf_pi.h b/cipher/blowfish/bf_pi.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b934f490 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/bf_pi.h @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +/* crypto/bf/bf_pi.h */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +static BF_KEY bf_init= { + { + 0x243f6a88L, 0x85a308d3L, 0x13198a2eL, 0x03707344L, + 0xa4093822L, 0x299f31d0L, 0x082efa98L, 0xec4e6c89L, + 0x452821e6L, 0x38d01377L, 0xbe5466cfL, 0x34e90c6cL, + 0xc0ac29b7L, 0xc97c50ddL, 0x3f84d5b5L, 0xb5470917L, + 0x9216d5d9L, 0x8979fb1b + },{ + 0xd1310ba6L, 0x98dfb5acL, 0x2ffd72dbL, 0xd01adfb7L, + 0xb8e1afedL, 0x6a267e96L, 0xba7c9045L, 0xf12c7f99L, + 0x24a19947L, 0xb3916cf7L, 0x0801f2e2L, 0x858efc16L, + 0x636920d8L, 0x71574e69L, 0xa458fea3L, 0xf4933d7eL, + 0x0d95748fL, 0x728eb658L, 0x718bcd58L, 0x82154aeeL, + 0x7b54a41dL, 0xc25a59b5L, 0x9c30d539L, 0x2af26013L, + 0xc5d1b023L, 0x286085f0L, 0xca417918L, 0xb8db38efL, + 0x8e79dcb0L, 0x603a180eL, 0x6c9e0e8bL, 0xb01e8a3eL, + 0xd71577c1L, 0xbd314b27L, 0x78af2fdaL, 0x55605c60L, + 0xe65525f3L, 0xaa55ab94L, 0x57489862L, 0x63e81440L, + 0x55ca396aL, 0x2aab10b6L, 0xb4cc5c34L, 0x1141e8ceL, + 0xa15486afL, 0x7c72e993L, 0xb3ee1411L, 0x636fbc2aL, + 0x2ba9c55dL, 0x741831f6L, 0xce5c3e16L, 0x9b87931eL, + 0xafd6ba33L, 0x6c24cf5cL, 0x7a325381L, 0x28958677L, + 0x3b8f4898L, 0x6b4bb9afL, 0xc4bfe81bL, 0x66282193L, + 0x61d809ccL, 0xfb21a991L, 0x487cac60L, 0x5dec8032L, + 0xef845d5dL, 0xe98575b1L, 0xdc262302L, 0xeb651b88L, + 0x23893e81L, 0xd396acc5L, 0x0f6d6ff3L, 0x83f44239L, + 0x2e0b4482L, 0xa4842004L, 0x69c8f04aL, 0x9e1f9b5eL, + 0x21c66842L, 0xf6e96c9aL, 0x670c9c61L, 0xabd388f0L, + 0x6a51a0d2L, 0xd8542f68L, 0x960fa728L, 0xab5133a3L, + 0x6eef0b6cL, 0x137a3be4L, 0xba3bf050L, 0x7efb2a98L, + 0xa1f1651dL, 0x39af0176L, 0x66ca593eL, 0x82430e88L, + 0x8cee8619L, 0x456f9fb4L, 0x7d84a5c3L, 0x3b8b5ebeL, + 0xe06f75d8L, 0x85c12073L, 0x401a449fL, 0x56c16aa6L, + 0x4ed3aa62L, 0x363f7706L, 0x1bfedf72L, 0x429b023dL, + 0x37d0d724L, 0xd00a1248L, 0xdb0fead3L, 0x49f1c09bL, + 0x075372c9L, 0x80991b7bL, 0x25d479d8L, 0xf6e8def7L, + 0xe3fe501aL, 0xb6794c3bL, 0x976ce0bdL, 0x04c006baL, + 0xc1a94fb6L, 0x409f60c4L, 0x5e5c9ec2L, 0x196a2463L, + 0x68fb6fafL, 0x3e6c53b5L, 0x1339b2ebL, 0x3b52ec6fL, + 0x6dfc511fL, 0x9b30952cL, 0xcc814544L, 0xaf5ebd09L, + 0xbee3d004L, 0xde334afdL, 0x660f2807L, 0x192e4bb3L, + 0xc0cba857L, 0x45c8740fL, 0xd20b5f39L, 0xb9d3fbdbL, + 0x5579c0bdL, 0x1a60320aL, 0xd6a100c6L, 0x402c7279L, + 0x679f25feL, 0xfb1fa3ccL, 0x8ea5e9f8L, 0xdb3222f8L, + 0x3c7516dfL, 0xfd616b15L, 0x2f501ec8L, 0xad0552abL, + 0x323db5faL, 0xfd238760L, 0x53317b48L, 0x3e00df82L, + 0x9e5c57bbL, 0xca6f8ca0L, 0x1a87562eL, 0xdf1769dbL, + 0xd542a8f6L, 0x287effc3L, 0xac6732c6L, 0x8c4f5573L, + 0x695b27b0L, 0xbbca58c8L, 0xe1ffa35dL, 0xb8f011a0L, + 0x10fa3d98L, 0xfd2183b8L, 0x4afcb56cL, 0x2dd1d35bL, + 0x9a53e479L, 0xb6f84565L, 0xd28e49bcL, 0x4bfb9790L, + 0xe1ddf2daL, 0xa4cb7e33L, 0x62fb1341L, 0xcee4c6e8L, + 0xef20cadaL, 0x36774c01L, 0xd07e9efeL, 0x2bf11fb4L, + 0x95dbda4dL, 0xae909198L, 0xeaad8e71L, 0x6b93d5a0L, + 0xd08ed1d0L, 0xafc725e0L, 0x8e3c5b2fL, 0x8e7594b7L, + 0x8ff6e2fbL, 0xf2122b64L, 0x8888b812L, 0x900df01cL, + 0x4fad5ea0L, 0x688fc31cL, 0xd1cff191L, 0xb3a8c1adL, + 0x2f2f2218L, 0xbe0e1777L, 0xea752dfeL, 0x8b021fa1L, + 0xe5a0cc0fL, 0xb56f74e8L, 0x18acf3d6L, 0xce89e299L, + 0xb4a84fe0L, 0xfd13e0b7L, 0x7cc43b81L, 0xd2ada8d9L, + 0x165fa266L, 0x80957705L, 0x93cc7314L, 0x211a1477L, + 0xe6ad2065L, 0x77b5fa86L, 0xc75442f5L, 0xfb9d35cfL, + 0xebcdaf0cL, 0x7b3e89a0L, 0xd6411bd3L, 0xae1e7e49L, + 0x00250e2dL, 0x2071b35eL, 0x226800bbL, 0x57b8e0afL, + 0x2464369bL, 0xf009b91eL, 0x5563911dL, 0x59dfa6aaL, + 0x78c14389L, 0xd95a537fL, 0x207d5ba2L, 0x02e5b9c5L, + 0x83260376L, 0x6295cfa9L, 0x11c81968L, 0x4e734a41L, + 0xb3472dcaL, 0x7b14a94aL, 0x1b510052L, 0x9a532915L, + 0xd60f573fL, 0xbc9bc6e4L, 0x2b60a476L, 0x81e67400L, + 0x08ba6fb5L, 0x571be91fL, 0xf296ec6bL, 0x2a0dd915L, + 0xb6636521L, 0xe7b9f9b6L, 0xff34052eL, 0xc5855664L, + 0x53b02d5dL, 0xa99f8fa1L, 0x08ba4799L, 0x6e85076aL, + 0x4b7a70e9L, 0xb5b32944L, 0xdb75092eL, 0xc4192623L, + 0xad6ea6b0L, 0x49a7df7dL, 0x9cee60b8L, 0x8fedb266L, + 0xecaa8c71L, 0x699a17ffL, 0x5664526cL, 0xc2b19ee1L, + 0x193602a5L, 0x75094c29L, 0xa0591340L, 0xe4183a3eL, + 0x3f54989aL, 0x5b429d65L, 0x6b8fe4d6L, 0x99f73fd6L, + 0xa1d29c07L, 0xefe830f5L, 0x4d2d38e6L, 0xf0255dc1L, + 0x4cdd2086L, 0x8470eb26L, 0x6382e9c6L, 0x021ecc5eL, + 0x09686b3fL, 0x3ebaefc9L, 0x3c971814L, 0x6b6a70a1L, + 0x687f3584L, 0x52a0e286L, 0xb79c5305L, 0xaa500737L, + 0x3e07841cL, 0x7fdeae5cL, 0x8e7d44ecL, 0x5716f2b8L, + 0xb03ada37L, 0xf0500c0dL, 0xf01c1f04L, 0x0200b3ffL, + 0xae0cf51aL, 0x3cb574b2L, 0x25837a58L, 0xdc0921bdL, + 0xd19113f9L, 0x7ca92ff6L, 0x94324773L, 0x22f54701L, + 0x3ae5e581L, 0x37c2dadcL, 0xc8b57634L, 0x9af3dda7L, + 0xa9446146L, 0x0fd0030eL, 0xecc8c73eL, 0xa4751e41L, + 0xe238cd99L, 0x3bea0e2fL, 0x3280bba1L, 0x183eb331L, + 0x4e548b38L, 0x4f6db908L, 0x6f420d03L, 0xf60a04bfL, + 0x2cb81290L, 0x24977c79L, 0x5679b072L, 0xbcaf89afL, + 0xde9a771fL, 0xd9930810L, 0xb38bae12L, 0xdccf3f2eL, + 0x5512721fL, 0x2e6b7124L, 0x501adde6L, 0x9f84cd87L, + 0x7a584718L, 0x7408da17L, 0xbc9f9abcL, 0xe94b7d8cL, + 0xec7aec3aL, 0xdb851dfaL, 0x63094366L, 0xc464c3d2L, + 0xef1c1847L, 0x3215d908L, 0xdd433b37L, 0x24c2ba16L, + 0x12a14d43L, 0x2a65c451L, 0x50940002L, 0x133ae4ddL, + 0x71dff89eL, 0x10314e55L, 0x81ac77d6L, 0x5f11199bL, + 0x043556f1L, 0xd7a3c76bL, 0x3c11183bL, 0x5924a509L, + 0xf28fe6edL, 0x97f1fbfaL, 0x9ebabf2cL, 0x1e153c6eL, + 0x86e34570L, 0xeae96fb1L, 0x860e5e0aL, 0x5a3e2ab3L, + 0x771fe71cL, 0x4e3d06faL, 0x2965dcb9L, 0x99e71d0fL, + 0x803e89d6L, 0x5266c825L, 0x2e4cc978L, 0x9c10b36aL, + 0xc6150ebaL, 0x94e2ea78L, 0xa5fc3c53L, 0x1e0a2df4L, + 0xf2f74ea7L, 0x361d2b3dL, 0x1939260fL, 0x19c27960L, + 0x5223a708L, 0xf71312b6L, 0xebadfe6eL, 0xeac31f66L, + 0xe3bc4595L, 0xa67bc883L, 0xb17f37d1L, 0x018cff28L, + 0xc332ddefL, 0xbe6c5aa5L, 0x65582185L, 0x68ab9802L, + 0xeecea50fL, 0xdb2f953bL, 0x2aef7dadL, 0x5b6e2f84L, + 0x1521b628L, 0x29076170L, 0xecdd4775L, 0x619f1510L, + 0x13cca830L, 0xeb61bd96L, 0x0334fe1eL, 0xaa0363cfL, + 0xb5735c90L, 0x4c70a239L, 0xd59e9e0bL, 0xcbaade14L, + 0xeecc86bcL, 0x60622ca7L, 0x9cab5cabL, 0xb2f3846eL, + 0x648b1eafL, 0x19bdf0caL, 0xa02369b9L, 0x655abb50L, + 0x40685a32L, 0x3c2ab4b3L, 0x319ee9d5L, 0xc021b8f7L, + 0x9b540b19L, 0x875fa099L, 0x95f7997eL, 0x623d7da8L, + 0xf837889aL, 0x97e32d77L, 0x11ed935fL, 0x16681281L, + 0x0e358829L, 0xc7e61fd6L, 0x96dedfa1L, 0x7858ba99L, + 0x57f584a5L, 0x1b227263L, 0x9b83c3ffL, 0x1ac24696L, + 0xcdb30aebL, 0x532e3054L, 0x8fd948e4L, 0x6dbc3128L, + 0x58ebf2efL, 0x34c6ffeaL, 0xfe28ed61L, 0xee7c3c73L, + 0x5d4a14d9L, 0xe864b7e3L, 0x42105d14L, 0x203e13e0L, + 0x45eee2b6L, 0xa3aaabeaL, 0xdb6c4f15L, 0xfacb4fd0L, + 0xc742f442L, 0xef6abbb5L, 0x654f3b1dL, 0x41cd2105L, + 0xd81e799eL, 0x86854dc7L, 0xe44b476aL, 0x3d816250L, + 0xcf62a1f2L, 0x5b8d2646L, 0xfc8883a0L, 0xc1c7b6a3L, + 0x7f1524c3L, 0x69cb7492L, 0x47848a0bL, 0x5692b285L, + 0x095bbf00L, 0xad19489dL, 0x1462b174L, 0x23820e00L, + 0x58428d2aL, 0x0c55f5eaL, 0x1dadf43eL, 0x233f7061L, + 0x3372f092L, 0x8d937e41L, 0xd65fecf1L, 0x6c223bdbL, + 0x7cde3759L, 0xcbee7460L, 0x4085f2a7L, 0xce77326eL, + 0xa6078084L, 0x19f8509eL, 0xe8efd855L, 0x61d99735L, + 0xa969a7aaL, 0xc50c06c2L, 0x5a04abfcL, 0x800bcadcL, + 0x9e447a2eL, 0xc3453484L, 0xfdd56705L, 0x0e1e9ec9L, + 0xdb73dbd3L, 0x105588cdL, 0x675fda79L, 0xe3674340L, + 0xc5c43465L, 0x713e38d8L, 0x3d28f89eL, 0xf16dff20L, + 0x153e21e7L, 0x8fb03d4aL, 0xe6e39f2bL, 0xdb83adf7L, + 0xe93d5a68L, 0x948140f7L, 0xf64c261cL, 0x94692934L, + 0x411520f7L, 0x7602d4f7L, 0xbcf46b2eL, 0xd4a20068L, + 0xd4082471L, 0x3320f46aL, 0x43b7d4b7L, 0x500061afL, + 0x1e39f62eL, 0x97244546L, 0x14214f74L, 0xbf8b8840L, + 0x4d95fc1dL, 0x96b591afL, 0x70f4ddd3L, 0x66a02f45L, + 0xbfbc09ecL, 0x03bd9785L, 0x7fac6dd0L, 0x31cb8504L, + 0x96eb27b3L, 0x55fd3941L, 0xda2547e6L, 0xabca0a9aL, + 0x28507825L, 0x530429f4L, 0x0a2c86daL, 0xe9b66dfbL, + 0x68dc1462L, 0xd7486900L, 0x680ec0a4L, 0x27a18deeL, + 0x4f3ffea2L, 0xe887ad8cL, 0xb58ce006L, 0x7af4d6b6L, + 0xaace1e7cL, 0xd3375fecL, 0xce78a399L, 0x406b2a42L, + 0x20fe9e35L, 0xd9f385b9L, 0xee39d7abL, 0x3b124e8bL, + 0x1dc9faf7L, 0x4b6d1856L, 0x26a36631L, 0xeae397b2L, + 0x3a6efa74L, 0xdd5b4332L, 0x6841e7f7L, 0xca7820fbL, + 0xfb0af54eL, 0xd8feb397L, 0x454056acL, 0xba489527L, + 0x55533a3aL, 0x20838d87L, 0xfe6ba9b7L, 0xd096954bL, + 0x55a867bcL, 0xa1159a58L, 0xcca92963L, 0x99e1db33L, + 0xa62a4a56L, 0x3f3125f9L, 0x5ef47e1cL, 0x9029317cL, + 0xfdf8e802L, 0x04272f70L, 0x80bb155cL, 0x05282ce3L, + 0x95c11548L, 0xe4c66d22L, 0x48c1133fL, 0xc70f86dcL, + 0x07f9c9eeL, 0x41041f0fL, 0x404779a4L, 0x5d886e17L, + 0x325f51ebL, 0xd59bc0d1L, 0xf2bcc18fL, 0x41113564L, + 0x257b7834L, 0x602a9c60L, 0xdff8e8a3L, 0x1f636c1bL, + 0x0e12b4c2L, 0x02e1329eL, 0xaf664fd1L, 0xcad18115L, + 0x6b2395e0L, 0x333e92e1L, 0x3b240b62L, 0xeebeb922L, + 0x85b2a20eL, 0xe6ba0d99L, 0xde720c8cL, 0x2da2f728L, + 0xd0127845L, 0x95b794fdL, 0x647d0862L, 0xe7ccf5f0L, + 0x5449a36fL, 0x877d48faL, 0xc39dfd27L, 0xf33e8d1eL, + 0x0a476341L, 0x992eff74L, 0x3a6f6eabL, 0xf4f8fd37L, + 0xa812dc60L, 0xa1ebddf8L, 0x991be14cL, 0xdb6e6b0dL, + 0xc67b5510L, 0x6d672c37L, 0x2765d43bL, 0xdcd0e804L, + 0xf1290dc7L, 0xcc00ffa3L, 0xb5390f92L, 0x690fed0bL, + 0x667b9ffbL, 0xcedb7d9cL, 0xa091cf0bL, 0xd9155ea3L, + 0xbb132f88L, 0x515bad24L, 0x7b9479bfL, 0x763bd6ebL, + 0x37392eb3L, 0xcc115979L, 0x8026e297L, 0xf42e312dL, + 0x6842ada7L, 0xc66a2b3bL, 0x12754cccL, 0x782ef11cL, + 0x6a124237L, 0xb79251e7L, 0x06a1bbe6L, 0x4bfb6350L, + 0x1a6b1018L, 0x11caedfaL, 0x3d25bdd8L, 0xe2e1c3c9L, + 0x44421659L, 0x0a121386L, 0xd90cec6eL, 0xd5abea2aL, + 0x64af674eL, 0xda86a85fL, 0xbebfe988L, 0x64e4c3feL, + 0x9dbc8057L, 0xf0f7c086L, 0x60787bf8L, 0x6003604dL, + 0xd1fd8346L, 0xf6381fb0L, 0x7745ae04L, 0xd736fcccL, + 0x83426b33L, 0xf01eab71L, 0xb0804187L, 0x3c005e5fL, + 0x77a057beL, 0xbde8ae24L, 0x55464299L, 0xbf582e61L, + 0x4e58f48fL, 0xf2ddfda2L, 0xf474ef38L, 0x8789bdc2L, + 0x5366f9c3L, 0xc8b38e74L, 0xb475f255L, 0x46fcd9b9L, + 0x7aeb2661L, 0x8b1ddf84L, 0x846a0e79L, 0x915f95e2L, + 0x466e598eL, 0x20b45770L, 0x8cd55591L, 0xc902de4cL, + 0xb90bace1L, 0xbb8205d0L, 0x11a86248L, 0x7574a99eL, + 0xb77f19b6L, 0xe0a9dc09L, 0x662d09a1L, 0xc4324633L, + 0xe85a1f02L, 0x09f0be8cL, 0x4a99a025L, 0x1d6efe10L, + 0x1ab93d1dL, 0x0ba5a4dfL, 0xa186f20fL, 0x2868f169L, + 0xdcb7da83L, 0x573906feL, 0xa1e2ce9bL, 0x4fcd7f52L, + 0x50115e01L, 0xa70683faL, 0xa002b5c4L, 0x0de6d027L, + 0x9af88c27L, 0x773f8641L, 0xc3604c06L, 0x61a806b5L, + 0xf0177a28L, 0xc0f586e0L, 0x006058aaL, 0x30dc7d62L, + 0x11e69ed7L, 0x2338ea63L, 0x53c2dd94L, 0xc2c21634L, + 0xbbcbee56L, 0x90bcb6deL, 0xebfc7da1L, 0xce591d76L, + 0x6f05e409L, 0x4b7c0188L, 0x39720a3dL, 0x7c927c24L, + 0x86e3725fL, 0x724d9db9L, 0x1ac15bb4L, 0xd39eb8fcL, + 0xed545578L, 0x08fca5b5L, 0xd83d7cd3L, 0x4dad0fc4L, + 0x1e50ef5eL, 0xb161e6f8L, 0xa28514d9L, 0x6c51133cL, + 0x6fd5c7e7L, 0x56e14ec4L, 0x362abfceL, 0xddc6c837L, + 0xd79a3234L, 0x92638212L, 0x670efa8eL, 0x406000e0L, + 0x3a39ce37L, 0xd3faf5cfL, 0xabc27737L, 0x5ac52d1bL, + 0x5cb0679eL, 0x4fa33742L, 0xd3822740L, 0x99bc9bbeL, + 0xd5118e9dL, 0xbf0f7315L, 0xd62d1c7eL, 0xc700c47bL, + 0xb78c1b6bL, 0x21a19045L, 0xb26eb1beL, 0x6a366eb4L, + 0x5748ab2fL, 0xbc946e79L, 0xc6a376d2L, 0x6549c2c8L, + 0x530ff8eeL, 0x468dde7dL, 0xd5730a1dL, 0x4cd04dc6L, + 0x2939bbdbL, 0xa9ba4650L, 0xac9526e8L, 0xbe5ee304L, + 0xa1fad5f0L, 0x6a2d519aL, 0x63ef8ce2L, 0x9a86ee22L, + 0xc089c2b8L, 0x43242ef6L, 0xa51e03aaL, 0x9cf2d0a4L, + 0x83c061baL, 0x9be96a4dL, 0x8fe51550L, 0xba645bd6L, + 0x2826a2f9L, 0xa73a3ae1L, 0x4ba99586L, 0xef5562e9L, + 0xc72fefd3L, 0xf752f7daL, 0x3f046f69L, 0x77fa0a59L, + 0x80e4a915L, 0x87b08601L, 0x9b09e6adL, 0x3b3ee593L, + 0xe990fd5aL, 0x9e34d797L, 0x2cf0b7d9L, 0x022b8b51L, + 0x96d5ac3aL, 0x017da67dL, 0xd1cf3ed6L, 0x7c7d2d28L, + 0x1f9f25cfL, 0xadf2b89bL, 0x5ad6b472L, 0x5a88f54cL, + 0xe029ac71L, 0xe019a5e6L, 0x47b0acfdL, 0xed93fa9bL, + 0xe8d3c48dL, 0x283b57ccL, 0xf8d56629L, 0x79132e28L, + 0x785f0191L, 0xed756055L, 0xf7960e44L, 0xe3d35e8cL, + 0x15056dd4L, 0x88f46dbaL, 0x03a16125L, 0x0564f0bdL, + 0xc3eb9e15L, 0x3c9057a2L, 0x97271aecL, 0xa93a072aL, + 0x1b3f6d9bL, 0x1e6321f5L, 0xf59c66fbL, 0x26dcf319L, + 0x7533d928L, 0xb155fdf5L, 0x03563482L, 0x8aba3cbbL, + 0x28517711L, 0xc20ad9f8L, 0xabcc5167L, 0xccad925fL, + 0x4de81751L, 0x3830dc8eL, 0x379d5862L, 0x9320f991L, + 0xea7a90c2L, 0xfb3e7bceL, 0x5121ce64L, 0x774fbe32L, + 0xa8b6e37eL, 0xc3293d46L, 0x48de5369L, 0x6413e680L, + 0xa2ae0810L, 0xdd6db224L, 0x69852dfdL, 0x09072166L, + 0xb39a460aL, 0x6445c0ddL, 0x586cdecfL, 0x1c20c8aeL, + 0x5bbef7ddL, 0x1b588d40L, 0xccd2017fL, 0x6bb4e3bbL, + 0xdda26a7eL, 0x3a59ff45L, 0x3e350a44L, 0xbcb4cdd5L, + 0x72eacea8L, 0xfa6484bbL, 0x8d6612aeL, 0xbf3c6f47L, + 0xd29be463L, 0x542f5d9eL, 0xaec2771bL, 0xf64e6370L, + 0x740e0d8dL, 0xe75b1357L, 0xf8721671L, 0xaf537d5dL, + 0x4040cb08L, 0x4eb4e2ccL, 0x34d2466aL, 0x0115af84L, + 0xe1b00428L, 0x95983a1dL, 0x06b89fb4L, 0xce6ea048L, + 0x6f3f3b82L, 0x3520ab82L, 0x011a1d4bL, 0x277227f8L, + 0x611560b1L, 0xe7933fdcL, 0xbb3a792bL, 0x344525bdL, + 0xa08839e1L, 0x51ce794bL, 0x2f32c9b7L, 0xa01fbac9L, + 0xe01cc87eL, 0xbcc7d1f6L, 0xcf0111c3L, 0xa1e8aac7L, + 0x1a908749L, 0xd44fbd9aL, 0xd0dadecbL, 0xd50ada38L, + 0x0339c32aL, 0xc6913667L, 0x8df9317cL, 0xe0b12b4fL, + 0xf79e59b7L, 0x43f5bb3aL, 0xf2d519ffL, 0x27d9459cL, + 0xbf97222cL, 0x15e6fc2aL, 0x0f91fc71L, 0x9b941525L, + 0xfae59361L, 0xceb69cebL, 0xc2a86459L, 0x12baa8d1L, + 0xb6c1075eL, 0xe3056a0cL, 0x10d25065L, 0xcb03a442L, + 0xe0ec6e0eL, 0x1698db3bL, 0x4c98a0beL, 0x3278e964L, + 0x9f1f9532L, 0xe0d392dfL, 0xd3a0342bL, 0x8971f21eL, + 0x1b0a7441L, 0x4ba3348cL, 0xc5be7120L, 0xc37632d8L, + 0xdf359f8dL, 0x9b992f2eL, 0xe60b6f47L, 0x0fe3f11dL, + 0xe54cda54L, 0x1edad891L, 0xce6279cfL, 0xcd3e7e6fL, + 0x1618b166L, 0xfd2c1d05L, 0x848fd2c5L, 0xf6fb2299L, + 0xf523f357L, 0xa6327623L, 0x93a83531L, 0x56cccd02L, + 0xacf08162L, 0x5a75ebb5L, 0x6e163697L, 0x88d273ccL, + 0xde966292L, 0x81b949d0L, 0x4c50901bL, 0x71c65614L, + 0xe6c6c7bdL, 0x327a140aL, 0x45e1d006L, 0xc3f27b9aL, + 0xc9aa53fdL, 0x62a80f00L, 0xbb25bfe2L, 0x35bdd2f6L, + 0x71126905L, 0xb2040222L, 0xb6cbcf7cL, 0xcd769c2bL, + 0x53113ec0L, 0x1640e3d3L, 0x38abbd60L, 0x2547adf0L, + 0xba38209cL, 0xf746ce76L, 0x77afa1c5L, 0x20756060L, + 0x85cbfe4eL, 0x8ae88dd8L, 0x7aaaf9b0L, 0x4cf9aa7eL, + 0x1948c25cL, 0x02fb8a8cL, 0x01c36ae4L, 0xd6ebe1f9L, + 0x90d4f869L, 0xa65cdea0L, 0x3f09252dL, 0xc208e69fL, + 0xb74e6132L, 0xce77e25bL, 0x578fdfe3L, 0x3ac372e6L, + } + }; + diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/bf_skey.c b/cipher/blowfish/bf_skey.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e01718c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/bf_skey.c @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +/* crypto/bf/bf_skey.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include +#include +#include "blowfish.h" +#include "bf_locl.h" +#include "bf_pi.h" + +void BF_set_key(key,len,data) +BF_KEY *key; +int len; +unsigned char *data; + { + int i; + BF_LONG *p,ri,in[2]; + unsigned char *d,*end; + + + memcpy((char *)key,(char *)&bf_init,sizeof(BF_KEY)); + p=key->P; + + if (len > ((BF_ROUNDS+2)*4)) len=(BF_ROUNDS+2)*4; + + d=data; + end= &(data[len]); + for (i=0; i<(BF_ROUNDS+2); i++) + { + ri= *(d++); + if (d >= end) d=data; + + ri<<=8; + ri|= *(d++); + if (d >= end) d=data; + + ri<<=8; + ri|= *(d++); + if (d >= end) d=data; + + ri<<=8; + ri|= *(d++); + if (d >= end) d=data; + + p[i]^=ri; + } + + in[0]=0L; + in[1]=0L; + for (i=0; i<(BF_ROUNDS+2); i+=2) + { + BF_encrypt(in,key,BF_ENCRYPT); + p[i ]=in[0]; + p[i+1]=in[1]; + } + + p=key->S; + for (i=0; i<4*256; i+=2) + { + BF_encrypt(in,key,BF_ENCRYPT); + p[i ]=in[0]; + p[i+1]=in[1]; + } + } + diff --git a/cipher/blowfish/blowfish.h b/cipher/blowfish/blowfish.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24c75f0f --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/blowfish/blowfish.h @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +/* crypto/bf/blowfish.h */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#ifndef HEADER_BLOWFISH_H +#define HEADER_BLOWFISH_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define BF_ENCRYPT 1 +#define BF_DECRYPT 0 + +/* If you make this 'unsigned int' the pointer variants will work on + * the Alpha, otherwise they will not. Strangly using the '8 byte' + * BF_LONG and the default 'non-pointer' inner loop is the best configuration + * for the Alpha */ +#define BF_LONG unsigned long + +#define BF_ROUNDS 16 +#define BF_BLOCK 8 + +typedef struct bf_key_st + { + BF_LONG P[BF_ROUNDS+2]; + BF_LONG S[4*256]; + } BF_KEY; + +#ifndef NOPROTO + +void BF_set_key(BF_KEY *key, int len, unsigned char *data); +void BF_ecb_encrypt(unsigned char *in,unsigned char *out,BF_KEY *key, + int encrypt); +void BF_encrypt(BF_LONG *data,BF_KEY *key,int encrypt); +void BF_cbc_encrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, long length, + BF_KEY *ks, unsigned char *iv, int encrypt); +void BF_cfb64_encrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, long length, + BF_KEY *schedule, unsigned char *ivec, int *num, int encrypt); +void BF_ofb64_encrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, long length, + BF_KEY *schedule, unsigned char *ivec, int *num); +char *BF_options(void); + +#else + +void BF_set_key(); +void BF_ecb_encrypt(); +void BF_encrypt(); +void BF_cbc_encrypt(); +void BF_cfb64_encrypt(); +void BF_ofb64_encrypt(); +char *BF_options(); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/cipher/cipher.c b/cipher/cipher.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf74519c --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/cipher.c @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/* + cipher.c -- wrapper functions for encryption algorithms + Copyright (C) 1999 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "blowfish/blowfish.h" +#include "idea/idea.h" + +#include "net.h" + +void (*blowfish_cfb64_encrypt) (unsigned char*, unsigned char*, int, + BF_KEY*, unsigned char*, int*, int) = NULL; +void (*blowfish_set_key) (BF_KEY*, int, char*) = NULL; + +unsigned char initvec[] = { 0x22, 0x7b, 0xad, 0x55, 0x41, 0xf4, 0x3e, 0xf3 }; +BF_KEY encryption_key; + +void low_crypt_key(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, BF_KEY *k, long len, int c) +{ + int count = 7; + unsigned char ivec[8]; + + memcpy(ivec, initvec, 8); + + blowfish_cfb64_encrypt(in, out, len, k, &ivec[0], &count, c); +} + +void do_encrypt(vpn_packet_t *in, real_packet_t *out, enc_key_t *key) +{ + unsigned char ivec[8]; + int r; + + memcpy(ivec, initvec, 8); + cipher_set_key(&encryption_key, key->length, key->key); + low_crypt_key((char*)(&in->data), (char*)(&out->, + &encryption_key, in->len, BF_ENCRYPT); + + out->len = in->len + 2; + r = (in->len + 2) % 8; + if(r) + out->len += (8-r); + out->len += 8; + /* The smallest multiple of 8 greater + than or equal to in->len + 8 */ + + out->data.len = in->len; +} + +void do_decrypt(real_packet_t *in, vpn_packet_t *out, enc_key_t *key) +{ + unsigned char ivec[8]; + + memcpy(ivec, initvec, 8); + cipher_set_key(&encryption_key, key->length, key->key); + low_crypt_key((char*)(&in->, (char*)(&out->data), + &encryption_key, in->data.len, BF_DECRYPT); + out->len = in->data.len; +} + +void cipher_set_key(BF_KEY *k, int l, char *t) +{ + blowfish_set_key(k, l, t); +} + +int cipher_init(int which) +{ + void *dlhandle; + char *error; + + if((dlhandle = dlopen(PKGLIBDIR "", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: %m", PKGLIBDIR ""); + return -1; + } + + blowfish_cfb64_encrypt = dlsym(dlhandle, "BF_cfb64_encrypt"); + if((error = dlerror()) != NULL) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s", error); + return -1; + } + blowfish_set_key = dlsym(dlhandle, "BF_set_key"); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/cipher/cipher.h b/cipher/cipher.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..647dcab0 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/cipher.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* + cipher.c -- header file for cipher.c + Copyright (C) 1999 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef __TINC_CIPHER_H__ +#define __TINC_CIPHER_H__ + +#include "blowfish/blowfish.h" +#include "net.h" + +enum { + CIPHER_BLOWFISH = 1, + CIPHER_IDEA +}; + +extern BF_KEY encryption_key; + +void low_crypt_key(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, BF_KEY*, long, int); + +void do_encrypt(vpn_packet_t *in, real_packet_t *out, enc_key_t *); +void do_decrypt(real_packet_t *in, vpn_packet_t *out, enc_key_t *); + +void cipher_set_key(BF_KEY*, int, char*); +int cipher_init(int); + +#endif /* __TINC_CIPHER_H__ */ diff --git a/cipher/idea/COPYRIGHT b/cipher/idea/COPYRIGHT new file mode 100644 index 00000000..155c475d --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/COPYRIGHT @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( +All rights reserved. + +This package is an Blowfish implementation written +by Eric Young ( + +This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as +the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions +apply to all code found in this distribution. + +Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in +the code are not to be removed. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +are met: +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + must display the following acknowledgement: + This product includes software developed by Eric Young ( + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND +ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE +ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE +FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT +LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY +OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGE. + +The license and distribution terms for any publically available version or +derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be +copied and put under another distrubution license +[including the GNU Public License.] + +The reason behind this being stated in this direct manner is past +experience in code simply being copied and the attribution removed +from it and then being distributed as part of other packages. This +implementation was a non-trivial and unpaid effort. diff --git a/cipher/idea/ b/cipher/idea/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c3c5840 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +## Process this file with automake to produce + +pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = + +INCLUDES = -I.. -I$(srcdir) + +libidea_la_SOURCES = i_skey.c i_ecb.c i_cbc.c \ +i_cfb64.c i_ofb64.c + +libidea_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:1:0 -export-dynamic + +noinst_HEADERS = idea_lcl.h idea.h + +EXTRA_DIST = COPYRIGHT diff --git a/cipher/idea/i_cbc.c b/cipher/idea/i_cbc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f653d8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/i_cbc.c @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* crypto/idea/i_cbc.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "idea.h" +#include "idea_lcl.h" + +void idea_cbc_encrypt(in, out, length, ks, iv, encrypt) +unsigned char *in; +unsigned char *out; +long length; +IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks; +unsigned char *iv; +int encrypt; + { + register unsigned long tin0,tin1; + register unsigned long tout0,tout1,xor0,xor1; + register long l=length; + unsigned long tin[2]; + + if (encrypt) + { + n2l(iv,tout0); + n2l(iv,tout1); + iv-=8; + for (l-=8; l>=0; l-=8) + { + n2l(in,tin0); + n2l(in,tin1); + tin0^=tout0; + tin1^=tout1; + tin[0]=tin0; + tin[1]=tin1; + idea_encrypt(tin,ks); + tout0=tin[0]; l2n(tout0,out); + tout1=tin[1]; l2n(tout1,out); + } + if (l != -8) + { + n2ln(in,tin0,tin1,l+8); + tin0^=tout0; + tin1^=tout1; + tin[0]=tin0; + tin[1]=tin1; + idea_encrypt(tin,ks); + tout0=tin[0]; l2n(tout0,out); + tout1=tin[1]; l2n(tout1,out); + } + l2n(tout0,iv); + l2n(tout1,iv); + } + else + { + n2l(iv,xor0); + n2l(iv,xor1); + iv-=8; + for (l-=8; l>=0; l-=8) + { + n2l(in,tin0); tin[0]=tin0; + n2l(in,tin1); tin[1]=tin1; + idea_encrypt(tin,ks); + tout0=tin[0]^xor0; + tout1=tin[1]^xor1; + l2n(tout0,out); + l2n(tout1,out); + xor0=tin0; + xor1=tin1; + } + if (l != -8) + { + n2l(in,tin0); tin[0]=tin0; + n2l(in,tin1); tin[1]=tin1; + idea_encrypt(tin,ks); + tout0=tin[0]^xor0; + tout1=tin[1]^xor1; + l2nn(tout0,tout1,out,l+8); + xor0=tin0; + xor1=tin1; + } + l2n(xor0,iv); + l2n(xor1,iv); + } + tin0=tin1=tout0=tout1=xor0=xor1=0; + tin[0]=tin[1]=0; + } + +void idea_encrypt(d,key) +unsigned long *d; +IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *key; + { + register IDEA_INT *p; + register unsigned long x1,x2,x3,x4,t0,t1,ul; + + x2=d[0]; + x1=(x2>>16); + x4=d[1]; + x3=(x4>>16); + + p= &(key->data[0][0]); + + E_IDEA(0); + E_IDEA(1); + E_IDEA(2); + E_IDEA(3); + E_IDEA(4); + E_IDEA(5); + E_IDEA(6); + E_IDEA(7); + + x1&=0xffff; + idea_mul(x1,x1,*p,ul); p++; + + t0= x3+ *(p++); + t1= x2+ *(p++); + + x4&=0xffff; + idea_mul(x4,x4,*p,ul); + + d[0]=(t0&0xffff)|((x1&0xffff)<<16); + d[1]=(x4&0xffff)|((t1&0xffff)<<16); + } diff --git a/cipher/idea/i_cfb64.c b/cipher/idea/i_cfb64.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..366f2d19 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/i_cfb64.c @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* crypto/idea/i_cfb64.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "idea.h" +#include "idea_lcl.h" + +/* The input and output encrypted as though 64bit cfb mode is being + * used. The extra state information to record how much of the + * 64bit block we have used is contained in *num; + */ + +void idea_cfb64_encrypt(in, out, length, schedule, ivec, num, encrypt) +unsigned char *in; +unsigned char *out; +long length; +IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *schedule; +unsigned char *ivec; +int *num; +int encrypt; + { + register unsigned long v0,v1,t; + register int n= *num; + register long l=length; + unsigned long ti[2]; + unsigned char *iv,c,cc; + + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + if (encrypt) + { + while (l--) + { + if (n == 0) + { + n2l(iv,v0); ti[0]=v0; + n2l(iv,v1); ti[1]=v1; + idea_encrypt((unsigned long *)ti,schedule); + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + t=ti[0]; l2n(t,iv); + t=ti[1]; l2n(t,iv); + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + } + c= *(in++)^iv[n]; + *(out++)=c; + iv[n]=c; + n=(n+1)&0x07; + } + } + else + { + while (l--) + { + if (n == 0) + { + n2l(iv,v0); ti[0]=v0; + n2l(iv,v1); ti[1]=v1; + idea_encrypt((unsigned long *)ti,schedule); + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + t=ti[0]; l2n(t,iv); + t=ti[1]; l2n(t,iv); + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + } + cc= *(in++); + c=iv[n]; + iv[n]=cc; + *(out++)=c^cc; + n=(n+1)&0x07; + } + } + v0=v1=ti[0]=ti[1]=t=c=cc=0; + *num=n; + } + diff --git a/cipher/idea/i_ecb.c b/cipher/idea/i_ecb.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e6dcae3 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/i_ecb.c @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/* crypto/idea/i_ecb.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "idea.h" +#include "idea_lcl.h" + +char *IDEA_version="IDEA part of SSLeay 0.8.2b 08-Jan-1998"; + +char *idea_options() + { + if (sizeof(short) != sizeof(IDEA_INT)) + return("idea(int)"); + else + return("idea(short)"); + } + +void idea_ecb_encrypt(in, out, ks) +unsigned char *in; +unsigned char *out; +IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks; + { + unsigned long l0,l1,d[2]; + + n2l(in,l0); d[0]=l0; + n2l(in,l1); d[1]=l1; + idea_encrypt(d,ks); + l0=d[0]; l2n(l0,out); + l1=d[1]; l2n(l1,out); + l0=l1=d[0]=d[1]=0; + } + diff --git a/cipher/idea/i_ofb64.c b/cipher/idea/i_ofb64.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43a9584a --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/i_ofb64.c @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +/* crypto/idea/i_ofb64.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "idea.h" +#include "idea_lcl.h" + +/* The input and output encrypted as though 64bit ofb mode is being + * used. The extra state information to record how much of the + * 64bit block we have used is contained in *num; + */ +void idea_ofb64_encrypt(in, out, length, schedule, ivec, num) +unsigned char *in; +unsigned char *out; +long length; +IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *schedule; +unsigned char *ivec; +int *num; + { + register unsigned long v0,v1,t; + register int n= *num; + register long l=length; + unsigned char d[8]; + register char *dp; + unsigned long ti[2]; + unsigned char *iv; + int save=0; + + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + n2l(iv,v0); + n2l(iv,v1); + ti[0]=v0; + ti[1]=v1; + dp=(char *)d; + l2n(v0,dp); + l2n(v1,dp); + while (l--) + { + if (n == 0) + { + idea_encrypt((unsigned long *)ti,schedule); + dp=(char *)d; + t=ti[0]; l2n(t,dp); + t=ti[1]; l2n(t,dp); + save++; + } + *(out++)= *(in++)^d[n]; + n=(n+1)&0x07; + } + if (save) + { + v0=ti[0]; + v1=ti[1]; + iv=(unsigned char *)ivec; + l2n(v0,iv); + l2n(v1,iv); + } + t=v0=v1=ti[0]=ti[1]=0; + *num=n; + } + diff --git a/cipher/idea/i_skey.c b/cipher/idea/i_skey.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fcbdb691 --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/i_skey.c @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +/* crypto/idea/i_skey.c */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +#include "idea.h" +#include "idea_lcl.h" + +#ifndef NOPROTO +static IDEA_INT inverse(unsigned int xin); +#else +static IDEA_INT inverse(); +#endif + +void idea_set_encrypt_key(key, ks) +unsigned char *key; +IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks; + { + int i; + register IDEA_INT *kt,*kf,r0,r1,r2; + + kt= &(ks->data[0][0]); + n2s(key,kt[0]); n2s(key,kt[1]); n2s(key,kt[2]); n2s(key,kt[3]); + n2s(key,kt[4]); n2s(key,kt[5]); n2s(key,kt[6]); n2s(key,kt[7]); + + kf=kt; + kt+=8; + for (i=0; i<6; i++) + { + r2= kf[1]; + r1= kf[2]; + *(kt++)= ((r2<<9) | (r1>>7))&0xffff; + r0= kf[3]; + *(kt++)= ((r1<<9) | (r0>>7))&0xffff; + r1= kf[4]; + *(kt++)= ((r0<<9) | (r1>>7))&0xffff; + r0= kf[5]; + *(kt++)= ((r1<<9) | (r0>>7))&0xffff; + r1= kf[6]; + *(kt++)= ((r0<<9) | (r1>>7))&0xffff; + r0= kf[7]; + *(kt++)= ((r1<<9) | (r0>>7))&0xffff; + r1= kf[0]; + if (i >= 5) break; + *(kt++)= ((r0<<9) | (r1>>7))&0xffff; + *(kt++)= ((r1<<9) | (r2>>7))&0xffff; + kf+=8; + } + } + +void idea_set_decrypt_key(ek, dk) +IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ek; +IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *dk; + { + int r; + register IDEA_INT *fp,*tp,t; + + tp= &(dk->data[0][0]); + fp= &(ek->data[8][0]); + for (r=0; r<9; r++) + { + *(tp++)=inverse(fp[0]); + *(tp++)=((int)(0x10000L-fp[2])&0xffff); + *(tp++)=((int)(0x10000L-fp[1])&0xffff); + *(tp++)=inverse(fp[3]); + if (r == 8) break; + fp-=6; + *(tp++)=fp[4]; + *(tp++)=fp[5]; + } + + tp= &(dk->data[0][0]); + t=tp[1]; + tp[1]=tp[2]; + tp[2]=t; + + t=tp[49]; + tp[49]=tp[50]; + tp[50]=t; + } + +/* taken directly from the 'paper' I'll have a look at it later */ +static IDEA_INT inverse(xin) +unsigned int xin; + { + long n1,n2,q,r,b1,b2,t; + + if (xin == 0) + b2=0; + else + { + n1=0x10001; + n2=xin; + b2=1; + b1=0; + + do { + r=(n1%n2); + q=(n1-r)/n2; + if (r == 0) + { if (b2 < 0) b2=0x10001+b2; } + else + { + n1=n2; + n2=r; + t=b2; + b2=b1-q*b2; + b1=t; + } + } while (r != 0); + } + return((IDEA_INT)b2); + } diff --git a/cipher/idea/idea.h b/cipher/idea/idea.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0eb4e0d --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/idea.h @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* crypto/idea/ */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +/* WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING + * + * Always modify since idea.h is automatically generated from + * it during SSLeay configuration. + * + * WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING + */ + + +#ifndef HEADER_IDEA_H +#define HEADER_IDEA_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define IDEA_ENCRYPT 1 +#define IDEA_DECRYPT 0 + +#define IDEA_INT unsigned int +#define IDEA_BLOCK 8 +#define IDEA_KEY_LENGTH 16 + +typedef struct idea_key_st + { + IDEA_INT data[9][6]; + } IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE; + +#ifndef NOPROTO +char *idea_options(void); +void idea_ecb_encrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, + IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks); +void idea_set_encrypt_key(unsigned char *key, IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks); +void idea_set_decrypt_key(IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ek, IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *dk); +void idea_cbc_encrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, + long length, IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks, unsigned char *iv,int enc); +void idea_cfb64_encrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, + long length, IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks, unsigned char *iv, + int *num,int enc); +void idea_ofb64_encrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, + long length, IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks, unsigned char *iv, int *num); +void idea_encrypt(unsigned long *in, IDEA_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks); +#else +char *idea_options(); +void idea_ecb_encrypt(); +void idea_set_encrypt_key(); +void idea_set_decrypt_key(); +void idea_cbc_encrypt(); +void idea_cfb64_encrypt(); +void idea_ofb64_encrypt(); +void idea_encrypt(); +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/cipher/idea/idea_lcl.h b/cipher/idea/idea_lcl.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a32ec51a --- /dev/null +++ b/cipher/idea/idea_lcl.h @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +/* crypto/idea/idea_lcl.h */ +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young ( + * All rights reserved. + * + * This package is an SSL implementation written + * by Eric Young ( + * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. + * + * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as + * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions + * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, + * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation + * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms + * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( + * + * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in + * the code are not to be removed. + * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution + * as the author of the parts of the library used. + * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or + * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software + * must display the following acknowledgement: + * "This product includes cryptographic software written by + * Eric Young (" + * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library + * being used are not cryptographic related :-). + * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from + * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: + * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND + * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS + * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) + * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT + * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY + * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + * SUCH DAMAGE. + * + * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or + * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be + * copied and put under another distribution licence + * [including the GNU Public Licence.] + */ + +/* The new form of this macro (check if the a*b == 0) was sugested by + * Colin Plumb */ +/* Removal of the inner if from from Wei Dai 24/4/96 */ +#define idea_mul(r,a,b,ul) \ +ul=(unsigned long)a*b; \ +if (ul != 0) \ + { \ + r=(ul&0xffff)-(ul>>16); \ + r-=((r)>>16); \ + } \ +else \ + r=(-(int)a-b+1); /* assuming a or b is 0 and in range */ \ + +#ifdef undef +#define idea_mul(r,a,b,ul,sl) \ +if (a == 0) r=(0x10001-b)&0xffff; \ +else if (b == 0) r=(0x10001-a)&0xffff; \ +else { \ + ul=(unsigned long)a*b; \ + sl=(ul&0xffff)-(ul>>16); \ + if (sl <= 0) sl+=0x10001; \ + r=sl; \ + } +#endif + +/* 7/12/95 - Many thanks to Rhys Weatherley + * for pointing out that I was assuming little endian + * byte order for all quantities what idea + * actually used bigendian. No where in the spec does it mention + * this, it is all in terms of 16 bit numbers and even the example + * does not use byte streams for the input example :-(. + * If you byte swap each pair of input, keys and iv, the functions + * would produce the output as the old version :-(. + */ + +/* NOTE - c is not incremented as per n2l */ +#define n2ln(c,l1,l2,n) { \ + c+=n; \ + l1=l2=0; \ + switch (n) { \ + case 8: l2 =((unsigned long)(*(--(c)))) ; \ + case 7: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<< 8; \ + case 6: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<16; \ + case 5: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<24; \ + case 4: l1 =((unsigned long)(*(--(c)))) ; \ + case 3: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<< 8; \ + case 2: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<16; \ + case 1: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<24; \ + } \ + } + +/* NOTE - c is not incremented as per l2n */ +#define l2nn(l1,l2,c,n) { \ + c+=n; \ + switch (n) { \ + case 8: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2) )&0xff); \ + case 7: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>> 8)&0xff); \ + case 6: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>>16)&0xff); \ + case 5: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>>24)&0xff); \ + case 4: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1) )&0xff); \ + case 3: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>> 8)&0xff); \ + case 2: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>>16)&0xff); \ + case 1: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>>24)&0xff); \ + } \ + } + +#undef n2l +#define n2l(c,l) (l =((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<<24L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<<16L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<< 8L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))) + +#undef l2n +#define l2n(l,c) (*((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>24L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>16L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>> 8L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l) )&0xff)) + +#undef s2n +#define s2n(l,c) (*((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l) )&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>> 8L)&0xff)) + +#undef n2s +#define n2s(c,l) (l =((IDEA_INT)(*((c)++)))<< 8L, \ + l|=((IDEA_INT)(*((c)++))) ) + +#ifdef undef +/* NOTE - c is not incremented as per c2l */ +#define c2ln(c,l1,l2,n) { \ + c+=n; \ + l1=l2=0; \ + switch (n) { \ + case 8: l2 =((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<24; \ + case 7: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<16; \ + case 6: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<< 8; \ + case 5: l2|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c)))); \ + case 4: l1 =((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<24; \ + case 3: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<<16; \ + case 2: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c))))<< 8; \ + case 1: l1|=((unsigned long)(*(--(c)))); \ + } \ + } + +/* NOTE - c is not incremented as per l2c */ +#define l2cn(l1,l2,c,n) { \ + c+=n; \ + switch (n) { \ + case 8: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>>24)&0xff); \ + case 7: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>>16)&0xff); \ + case 6: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2)>> 8)&0xff); \ + case 5: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l2) )&0xff); \ + case 4: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>>24)&0xff); \ + case 3: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>>16)&0xff); \ + case 2: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1)>> 8)&0xff); \ + case 1: *(--(c))=(unsigned char)(((l1) )&0xff); \ + } \ + } + +#undef c2s +#define c2s(c,l) (l =((unsigned long)(*((c)++))) , \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<< 8L) + +#undef s2c +#define s2c(l,c) (*((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l) )&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>> 8L)&0xff)) + +#undef c2l +#define c2l(c,l) (l =((unsigned long)(*((c)++))) , \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<< 8L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<<16L, \ + l|=((unsigned long)(*((c)++)))<<24L) + +#undef l2c +#define l2c(l,c) (*((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l) )&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>> 8L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>16L)&0xff), \ + *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>24L)&0xff)) +#endif + +#define E_IDEA(num) \ + x1&=0xffff; \ + idea_mul(x1,x1,*p,ul); p++; \ + x2+= *(p++); \ + x3+= *(p++); \ + x4&=0xffff; \ + idea_mul(x4,x4,*p,ul); p++; \ + t0=(x1^x3)&0xffff; \ + idea_mul(t0,t0,*p,ul); p++; \ + t1=(t0+(x2^x4))&0xffff; \ + idea_mul(t1,t1,*p,ul); p++; \ + t0+=t1; \ + x1^=t1; \ + x4^=t0; \ + ul=x2^t0; /* do the swap to x3 */ \ + x2=x3^t1; \ + x3=ul; + diff --git a/config.guess b/config.guess new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6cb567b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/config.guess @@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Attempt to guess a canonical system name. +# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# Written by Per Bothner . +# The master version of this file is at the FSF in /home/gd/gnu/lib. +# Please send patches to the Autoconf mailing list . +# +# This script attempts to guess a canonical system name similar to +# config.sub. If it succeeds, it prints the system name on stdout, and +# exits with 0. Otherwise, it exits with 1. +# +# The plan is that this can be called by configure scripts if you +# don't specify an explicit system type (host/target name). +# +# Only a few systems have been added to this list; please add others +# (but try to keep the structure clean). +# + +# Use $HOST_CC if defined. $CC may point to a cross-compiler +if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x; then + if test x"$HOST_CC" != x; then + CC_FOR_BUILD="$HOST_CC" + else + if test x"$CC" != x; then + CC_FOR_BUILD="$CC" + else + CC_FOR_BUILD=cc + fi + fi +fi + + +# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe. +# ( 8/24/94.) +if (test -f /.attbin/uname) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then + PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH +fi + +UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown +UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown +UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown +UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown + +dummy=dummy-$$ +trap 'rm -f $dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy; exit 1' 1 2 15 + +# Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive. + +case "${UNAME_MACHINE}:${UNAME_SYSTEM}:${UNAME_RELEASE}:${UNAME_VERSION}" in + alpha:OSF1:*:*) + if test $UNAME_RELEASE = "V4.0"; then + UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'` + fi + # A Vn.n version is a released version. + # A Tn.n version is a released field test version. + # A Xn.n version is an unreleased experimental baselevel. + # 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r. + cat <$dummy.s + .globl main + .ent main +main: + .frame \$30,0,\$26,0 + .prologue 0 + .long 0x47e03d80 # implver $0 + lda \$2,259 + .long 0x47e20c21 # amask $2,$1 + srl \$1,8,\$2 + sll \$2,2,\$2 + sll \$0,3,\$0 + addl \$1,\$0,\$0 + addl \$2,\$0,\$0 + ret \$31,(\$26),1 + .end main +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.s -o $dummy 2>/dev/null + if test "$?" = 0 ; then + ./$dummy + case "$?" in + 7) + UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" + ;; + 15) + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev5" + ;; + 14) + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev56" + ;; + 10) + UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca56" + ;; + 16) + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev6" + ;; + esac + fi + rm -f $dummy.s $dummy + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-osf`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/^[VTX]//' | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'` + exit 0 ;; + Alpha\ *:Windows_NT*:*) + # How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem? + # Should we change UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead + # of the specific Alpha model? + echo alpha-pc-interix + exit 0 ;; + 21064:Windows_NT:50:3) + echo alpha-dec-winnt3.5 + exit 0 ;; + Amiga*:UNIX_System_V:4.0:*) + echo m68k-cbm-sysv4 + exit 0;; + amiga:NetBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-cbm-netbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + amiga:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + *:[Aa]miga[Oo][Ss]:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-amigaos + exit 0 ;; + arc64:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo mips64el-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + arc:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo mipsel-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + hkmips:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo mips-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + pmax:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo mipsel-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + sgi:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo mips-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + wgrisc:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo mipsel-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + arm:RISC*:1.[012]*:*|arm:riscix:1.[012]*:*) + echo arm-acorn-riscix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0;; + arm32:NetBSD:*:*) + echo arm-unknown-netbsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*/\./'` + exit 0 ;; + SR2?01:HI-UX/MPP:*:*) + echo hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp + exit 0;; + Pyramid*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:SMP_DC-OSx*:*:*) + # (Earle F. Ake) contributed MIS and NILE. + if test "`(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`" = att ; then + echo pyramid-pyramid-sysv3 + else + echo pyramid-pyramid-bsd + fi + exit 0 ;; + NILE*:*:*:dcosx) + echo pyramid-pyramid-svr4 + exit 0 ;; + sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo sparc-hal-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit 0 ;; + sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo sparc-sun-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit 0 ;; + i86pc:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo i386-pc-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit 0 ;; + sun4*:SunOS:6*:*) + # According to config.sub, this is the proper way to canonicalize + # SunOS6. Hard to guess exactly what SunOS6 will be like, but + # it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4. + echo sparc-sun-solaris3`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit 0 ;; + sun4*:SunOS:*:*) + case "`/usr/bin/arch -k`" in + Series*|S4*) + UNAME_RELEASE=`uname -v` + ;; + esac + # Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'. + echo sparc-sun-sunos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/'` + exit 0 ;; + sun3*:SunOS:*:*) + echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + sun*:*:4.2BSD:*) + UNAME_RELEASE=`(head -1 /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null` + test "x${UNAME_RELEASE}" = "x" && UNAME_RELEASE=3 + case "`/bin/arch`" in + sun3) + echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + ;; + sun4) + echo sparc-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + ;; + esac + exit 0 ;; + aushp:SunOS:*:*) + echo sparc-auspex-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + atari*:NetBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-netbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + atari*:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + # The situation for MiNT is a little confusing. The machine name + # can be virtually everything (everything which is not + # "atarist" or "atariste" at least should have a processor + # > m68000). The system name ranges from "MiNT" over "FreeMiNT" + # to the lowercase version "mint" (or "freemint"). Finally + # the system name "TOS" denotes a system which is actually not + # MiNT. But MiNT is downward compatible to TOS, so this should + # be no problem. + atarist[e]:*MiNT:*:* | atarist[e]:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + atari*:*MiNT:*:* | atari*:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + *falcon*:*MiNT:*:* | *falcon*:*mint:*:* | *falcon*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + milan*:*MiNT:*:* | milan*:*mint:*:* | *milan*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-milan-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + hades*:*MiNT:*:* | hades*:*mint:*:* | *hades*:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-hades-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + *:*MiNT:*:* | *:*mint:*:* | *:*TOS:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-mint${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + sun3*:NetBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-sun-netbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + sun3*:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + mac68k:NetBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-apple-netbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + mac68k:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + mvme68k:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + mvme88k:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo m88k-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + powerpc:machten:*:*) + echo powerpc-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + macppc:NetBSD:*:*) + echo powerpc-apple-netbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + RISC*:Mach:*:*) + echo mips-dec-mach_bsd4.3 + exit 0 ;; + RISC*:ULTRIX:*:*) + echo mips-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + VAX*:ULTRIX*:*:*) + echo vax-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + 2020:CLIX:*:* | 2430:CLIX:*:*) + echo clipper-intergraph-clix${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos) + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c +#ifdef __cplusplus + int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { +#else + int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { +#endif + #if defined (host_mips) && defined (MIPSEB) + #if defined (SYSTYPE_SYSV) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssysv\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #if defined (SYSTYPE_SVR4) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssvr4\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #if defined (SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(SYSTYPE_BSD) + printf ("mips-mips-riscos%sbsd\n", argv[1]); exit (0); + #endif + #endif + exit (-1); + } +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy \ + && ./$dummy `echo "${UNAME_RELEASE}" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` \ + && rm $dummy.c $dummy && exit 0 + rm -f $dummy.c $dummy + echo mips-mips-riscos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + Night_Hawk:Power_UNIX:*:*) + echo powerpc-harris-powerunix + exit 0 ;; + m88k:CX/UX:7*:*) + echo m88k-harris-cxux7 + exit 0 ;; + m88k:*:4*:R4*) + echo m88k-motorola-sysv4 + exit 0 ;; + m88k:*:3*:R3*) + echo m88k-motorola-sysv3 + exit 0 ;; + AViiON:dgux:*:*) + # DG/UX returns AViiON for all architectures + UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p` + if [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88100 -o $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88110 ] ; then + if [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = m88kdguxelfx \ + -o ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = x ] ; then + echo m88k-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE} + else + echo m88k-dg-dguxbcs${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + else echo i586-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + exit 0 ;; + M88*:DolphinOS:*:*) # DolphinOS (SVR3) + echo m88k-dolphin-sysv3 + exit 0 ;; + M88*:*:R3*:*) + # Delta 88k system running SVR3 + echo m88k-motorola-sysv3 + exit 0 ;; + XD88*:*:*:*) # Tektronix XD88 system running UTekV (SVR3) + echo m88k-tektronix-sysv3 + exit 0 ;; + Tek43[0-9][0-9]:UTek:*:*) # Tektronix 4300 system running UTek (BSD) + echo m68k-tektronix-bsd + exit 0 ;; + *:IRIX*:*:*) + echo mips-sgi-irix`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/g'` + exit 0 ;; + ????????:AIX?:[12].1:2) # AIX 2.2.1 or AIX 2.1.1 is RT/PC AIX. + echo romp-ibm-aix # uname -m gives an 8 hex-code CPU id + exit 0 ;; # Note that: echo "'`uname -s`'" gives 'AIX ' + i?86:AIX:*:*) + echo i386-ibm-aix + exit 0 ;; + *:AIX:2:3) + if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #include + + main() + { + if (!__power_pc()) + exit(1); + puts("powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5"); + exit(0); + } +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy && ./$dummy && rm $dummy.c $dummy && exit 0 + rm -f $dummy.c $dummy + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5 + elif grep bos324 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.4 + else + echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2 + fi + exit 0 ;; + *:AIX:*:4) + IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | head -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'` + if /usr/sbin/lsattr -EHl ${IBM_CPU_ID} | grep POWER >/dev/null 2>&1; then + IBM_ARCH=rs6000 + else + IBM_ARCH=powerpc + fi + if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then + IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel` + else + IBM_REV=4.${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + echo ${IBM_ARCH}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV} + exit 0 ;; + *:AIX:*:*) + echo rs6000-ibm-aix + exit 0 ;; + ibmrt:4.4BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*) + echo romp-ibm-bsd4.4 + exit 0 ;; + ibmrt:*BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*) # covers RT/PC NetBSD and + echo romp-ibm-bsd${UNAME_RELEASE} # 4.3 with uname added to + exit 0 ;; # report: romp-ibm BSD 4.3 + *:BOSX:*:*) + echo rs6000-bull-bosx + exit 0 ;; + DPX/2?00:B.O.S.:*:*) + echo m68k-bull-sysv3 + exit 0 ;; + 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:1.*:*) + echo m68k-hp-bsd + exit 0 ;; + hp300:4.4BSD:*:* | 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:2.*:*) + echo m68k-hp-bsd4.4 + exit 0 ;; + 9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*) + case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in + 9000/31? ) HP_ARCH=m68000 ;; + 9000/[34]?? ) HP_ARCH=m68k ;; + 9000/[678][0-9][0-9]) + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #include + #include + + int main () + { + #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) + long bits = sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS); + #endif + long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION); + + switch (cpu) + { + case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: + #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) + switch (bits) + { + case 64: puts ("hppa2.0w"); break; + case 32: puts ("hppa2.0n"); break; + default: puts ("hppa2.0"); break; + } break; + #else /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */ + puts ("hppa2.0"); break; + #endif + default: puts ("hppa1.0"); break; + } + exit (0); + } +EOF + ($CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy 2>/dev/null ) && HP_ARCH=`./$dummy` + rm -f $dummy.c $dummy + esac + HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'` + echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV} + exit 0 ;; + 3050*:HI-UX:*:*) + sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c + #include + int + main () + { + long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION); + /* The order matters, because CPU_IS_HP_MC68K erroneously returns + true for CPU_PA_RISC1_0. CPU_IS_PA_RISC returns correct + results, however. */ + if (CPU_IS_PA_RISC (cpu)) + { + switch (cpu) + { + case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: puts ("hppa2.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + default: puts ("hppa-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break; + } + } + else if (CPU_IS_HP_MC68K (cpu)) + puts ("m68k-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); + else puts ("unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); + exit (0); + } +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy && ./$dummy && rm $dummy.c $dummy && exit 0 + rm -f $dummy.c $dummy + echo unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2 + exit 0 ;; + 9000/7??:4.3bsd:*:* | 9000/8?[79]:4.3bsd:*:* ) + echo hppa1.1-hp-bsd + exit 0 ;; + 9000/8??:4.3bsd:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-bsd + exit 0 ;; + *9??*:MPE/iX:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-mpeix + exit 0 ;; + hp7??:OSF1:*:* | hp8?[79]:OSF1:*:* ) + echo hppa1.1-hp-osf + exit 0 ;; + hp8??:OSF1:*:*) + echo hppa1.0-hp-osf + exit 0 ;; + i?86:OSF1:*:*) + if [ -x /usr/sbin/sysversion ] ; then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1mk + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1 + fi + exit 0 ;; + parisc*:Lites*:*:*) + echo hppa1.1-hp-lites + exit 0 ;; + hppa*:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo hppa-unknown-openbsd + exit 0 ;; + C1*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C1*:*) + echo c1-convex-bsd + exit 0 ;; + C2*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C2*:*) + if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc + then echo c32-convex-bsd + else echo c2-convex-bsd + fi + exit 0 ;; + C34*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C34*:*) + echo c34-convex-bsd + exit 0 ;; + C38*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C38*:*) + echo c38-convex-bsd + exit 0 ;; + C4*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C4*:*) + echo c4-convex-bsd + exit 0 ;; + CRAY*X-MP:*:*:*) + echo xmp-cray-unicos + exit 0 ;; + CRAY*Y-MP:*:*:*) + echo ymp-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + CRAY*[A-Z]90:*:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} \ + | sed -e 's/CRAY.*\([A-Z]90\)/\1/' \ + -e y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ + exit 0 ;; + CRAY*TS:*:*:*) + echo t90-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + CRAY*T3E:*:*:*) + echo t3e-cray-unicosmk${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + CRAY-2:*:*:*) + echo cray2-cray-unicos + exit 0 ;; + F300:UNIX_System_V:*:*) + FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'` + FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/ /_/'` + echo "f300-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}" + exit 0 ;; + F301:UNIX_System_V:*:*) + echo f301-fujitsu-uxpv`echo $UNAME_RELEASE | sed 's/ .*//'` + exit 0 ;; + hp3[0-9][05]:NetBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-hp-netbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + hp300:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + i?86:BSD/386:*:* | i?86:BSD/OS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + sparc*:BSD/OS:*:*) + echo sparc-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + *:BSD/OS:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + *:FreeBSD:*:*) + if test -x /usr/bin/objformat; then + if test "elf" = "`/usr/bin/objformat`"; then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-freebsdelf`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*//'` + exit 0 + fi + fi + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` + exit 0 ;; + *:NetBSD:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-netbsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*/\./'` + exit 0 ;; + *:OpenBSD:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-openbsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*/\./'` + exit 0 ;; + i*:CYGWIN*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-cygwin + exit 0 ;; + i*:MINGW*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw32 + exit 0 ;; + i*:Windows_NT*:* | Pentium*:Windows_NT*:*) + # How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem? + # It also conflicts with pre-2.0 versions of AT&T UWIN. Should we + # UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead of i386? + echo i386-pc-interix + exit 0 ;; + i*:UWIN*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-uwin + exit 0 ;; + p*:CYGWIN*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-cygwin + exit 0 ;; + prep*:SunOS:5.*:*) + echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'` + exit 0 ;; + *:GNU:*:*) + echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-gnu`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'` + exit 0 ;; + *:Linux:*:*) + # uname on the ARM produces all sorts of strangeness, and we need to + # filter it out. + case "$UNAME_MACHINE" in + armv*) UNAME_MACHINE=$UNAME_MACHINE ;; + arm* | sa110*) UNAME_MACHINE="arm" ;; + esac + + # The BFD linker knows what the default object file format is, so + # first see if it will tell us. cd to the root directory to prevent + # problems with other programs or directories called `ld' in the path. + ld_help_string=`cd /; ld --help 2>&1` + ld_supported_emulations=`echo $ld_help_string \ + | sed -ne '/supported emulations:/!d + s/[ ][ ]*/ /g + s/.*supported emulations: *// + s/ .*// + p'` + case "$ld_supported_emulations" in + i?86linux) echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuaout" ; exit 0 ;; + i?86coff) echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnucoff" ; exit 0 ;; + sparclinux) echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnuaout" ; exit 0 ;; + armlinux) echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnuaout" ; exit 0 ;; + m68klinux) echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnuaout" ; exit 0 ;; + elf32ppc) + # Determine Lib Version + cat >$dummy.c < +#if defined(__GLIBC__) +extern char __libc_version[]; +extern char __libc_release[]; +#endif +main(argc, argv) + int argc; + char *argv[]; +{ +#if defined(__GLIBC__) + printf("%s %s\n", __libc_version, __libc_release); +#else + printf("unkown\n"); +#endif + return 0; +} +EOF + LIBC="" + $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy 2>/dev/null + if test "$?" = 0 ; then + ./$dummy | grep 1\.99 > /dev/null + if test "$?" = 0 ; then + LIBC="libc1" + fi + fi + rm -f $dummy.c $dummy + echo powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu${LIBC} ; exit 0 ;; + esac + + if test "${UNAME_MACHINE}" = "alpha" ; then + sed 's/^ //' <$dummy.s + .globl main + .ent main + main: + .frame \$30,0,\$26,0 + .prologue 0 + .long 0x47e03d80 # implver $0 + lda \$2,259 + .long 0x47e20c21 # amask $2,$1 + srl \$1,8,\$2 + sll \$2,2,\$2 + sll \$0,3,\$0 + addl \$1,\$0,\$0 + addl \$2,\$0,\$0 + ret \$31,(\$26),1 + .end main +EOF + LIBC="" + $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.s -o $dummy 2>/dev/null + if test "$?" = 0 ; then + ./$dummy + case "$?" in + 7) + UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" + ;; + 15) + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev5" + ;; + 14) + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev56" + ;; + 10) + UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca56" + ;; + 16) + UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev6" + ;; + esac + + objdump --private-headers $dummy | \ + grep > /dev/null + if test "$?" = 0 ; then + LIBC="libc1" + fi + fi + rm -f $dummy.s $dummy + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu${LIBC} ; exit 0 + elif test "${UNAME_MACHINE}" = "mips" ; then + cat >$dummy.c </dev/null && ./$dummy "${UNAME_MACHINE}" && rm $dummy.c $dummy && exit 0 + rm -f $dummy.c $dummy + else + # Either a pre-BFD a.out linker (linux-gnuoldld) + # or one that does not give us useful --help. + # GCC wants to distinguish between linux-gnuoldld and linux-gnuaout. + # If ld does not provide *any* "supported emulations:" + # that means it is gnuoldld. + echo "$ld_help_string" | grep >/dev/null 2>&1 "supported emulations:" + test $? != 0 && echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuoldld" && exit 0 + + case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in + i?86) + VENDOR=pc; + ;; + *) + VENDOR=unknown; + ;; + esac + # Determine whether the default compiler is a.out or elf + cat >$dummy.c < +#ifdef __cplusplus + int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { +#else + int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { +#endif +#ifdef __ELF__ +# ifdef __GLIBC__ +# if __GLIBC__ >= 2 + printf ("%s-${VENDOR}-linux-gnu\n", argv[1]); +# else + printf ("%s-${VENDOR}-linux-gnulibc1\n", argv[1]); +# endif +# else + printf ("%s-${VENDOR}-linux-gnulibc1\n", argv[1]); +# endif +#else + printf ("%s-${VENDOR}-linux-gnuaout\n", argv[1]); +#endif + return 0; +} +EOF + $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy 2>/dev/null && ./$dummy "${UNAME_MACHINE}" && rm $dummy.c $dummy && exit 0 + rm -f $dummy.c $dummy + fi ;; +# ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there. earlier versions +# are messed up and put the nodename in both sysname and nodename. + i?86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*) + echo i386-sequent-sysv4 + exit 0 ;; + i?86:UNIX_SV:4.2MP:2.*) + # Unixware is an offshoot of SVR4, but it has its own version + # number series starting with 2... + # I am not positive that other SVR4 systems won't match this, + # I just have to hope. -- rms. + # Use sysv4.2uw... so that sysv4* matches it. + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv4.2uw${UNAME_VERSION} + exit 0 ;; + i?86:*:4.*:* | i?86:SYSTEM_V:4.*:*) + if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-univel-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + exit 0 ;; + i?86:*:5:7*) + UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|egrep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')` + (/bin/uname -X|egrep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486 + (/bin/uname -X|egrep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i586 + (/bin/uname -X|egrep '^Machine.*Pent.*II' >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i686 + (/bin/uname -X|egrep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i585 + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-${UNAME_SYSTEM}${UNAME_VERSION}-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + i?86:*:3.2:*) + if test -f /usr/options/; then + UNAME_REL=`sed -n 's/.*Version //p' /dev/null >/dev/null ; then + UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|egrep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')` + (/bin/uname -X|egrep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486 + (/bin/uname -X|egrep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i586 + (/bin/uname -X|egrep '^Machine.*Pent ?II' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i686 + (/bin/uname -X|egrep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) \ + && UNAME_MACHINE=i686 + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sco$UNAME_REL + else + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv32 + fi + exit 0 ;; + pc:*:*:*) + # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about + # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i386. + echo i386-pc-msdosdjgpp + exit 0 ;; + Intel:Mach:3*:*) + echo i386-pc-mach3 + exit 0 ;; + paragon:*:*:*) + echo i860-intel-osf1 + exit 0 ;; + i860:*:4.*:*) # i860-SVR4 + if grep Stardent /usr/include/sys/uadmin.h >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then + echo i860-stardent-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Stardent Vistra i860-SVR4 + else # Add other i860-SVR4 vendors below as they are discovered. + echo i860-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Unknown i860-SVR4 + fi + exit 0 ;; + mini*:CTIX:SYS*5:*) + # "miniframe" + echo m68010-convergent-sysv + exit 0 ;; + M68*:*:R3V[567]*:*) + test -r /sysV68 && echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv' && exit 0 ;; + 3[34]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0) + OS_REL='' + test -r /etc/.relid \ + && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid` + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \ + && echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL} && exit 0 + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \ + && echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL} && exit 0 ;; + 3[34]??:*:4.0:* | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:*) + /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \ + && echo i486-ncr-sysv4 && exit 0 ;; + m68*:LynxOS:2.*:*) + echo m68k-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + mc68030:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*) + echo m68k-atari-sysv4 + exit 0 ;; + i?86:LynxOS:2.*:* | i?86:LynxOS:3.[01]*:*) + echo i386-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + TSUNAMI:LynxOS:2.*:*) + echo sparc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + rs6000:LynxOS:2.*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:2.*:*) + echo rs6000-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + SM[BE]S:UNIX_SV:*:*) + echo mips-dde-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + RM*:ReliantUNIX-*:*:*) + echo mips-sni-sysv4 + exit 0 ;; + RM*:SINIX-*:*:*) + echo mips-sni-sysv4 + exit 0 ;; + *:SINIX-*:*:*) + if uname -p 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then + UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null` + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-sni-sysv4 + else + echo ns32k-sni-sysv + fi + exit 0 ;; + PENTIUM:CPunix:4.0*:*) # Unisys `ClearPath HMP IX 4000' SVR4/MP effort + # says + echo i586-unisys-sysv4 + exit 0 ;; + *:UNIX_System_V:4*:FTX*) + # From Gerald Hewes . + # How about differentiating between stratus architectures? -djm + echo hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4 + exit 0 ;; + *:*:*:FTX*) + # From + echo i860-stratus-sysv4 + exit 0 ;; + mc68*:A/UX:*:*) + echo m68k-apple-aux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + news*:NEWS-OS:*:6*) + echo mips-sony-newsos6 + exit 0 ;; + R[34]000:*System_V*:*:* | R4000:UNIX_SYSV:*:* | R*000:UNIX_SV:*:*) + if [ -d /usr/nec ]; then + echo mips-nec-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + else + echo mips-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} + fi + exit 0 ;; + BeBox:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on hardware made by Be, PPC only. + echo powerpc-be-beos + exit 0 ;; + BeMac:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Mac or Mac clone, PPC only. + echo powerpc-apple-beos + exit 0 ;; + BePC:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Intel PC compatible. + echo i586-pc-beos + exit 0 ;; + SX-4:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx4-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + SX-5:SUPER-UX:*:*) + echo sx5-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + Power*:Rhapsody:*:*) + echo powerpc-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; + *:Rhapsody:*:*) + echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; +esac + +#echo '(No uname command or uname output not recognized.)' 1>&2 +#echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}:${UNAME_SYSTEM}:${UNAME_RELEASE}:${UNAME_VERSION}" 1>&2 + +cat >$dummy.c < +# include +#endif +main () +{ +#if defined (sony) +#if defined (MIPSEB) + /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos". Perhaps BFD should be changed, + I don't know.... */ + printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#else +#include + printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n", +#ifdef NEWSOS4 + "4" +#else + "" +#endif + ); exit (0); +#endif +#endif + +#if defined (__arm) && defined (__acorn) && defined (__unix) + printf ("arm-acorn-riscix"); exit (0); +#endif + +#if defined (hp300) && !defined (hpux) + printf ("m68k-hp-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#endif + +#if defined (NeXT) +#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__) +#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k" +#endif + int version; + version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`; + if (version < 4) + printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version); + else + printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version); + exit (0); +#endif + +#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16) +#if defined (UMAXV) + printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0); +#else +#if defined (CMU) + printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0); +#else + printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#endif +#endif +#endif + +#if defined (__386BSD__) + printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#endif + +#if defined (sequent) +#if defined (i386) + printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0); +#endif +#if defined (ns32000) + printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0); +#endif +#endif + +#if defined (_SEQUENT_) + struct utsname un; + + uname(&un); + + if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) { + printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0); + } + if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */ + printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0); + } + printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0); + +#endif + +#if defined (vax) +#if !defined (ultrix) + printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#else + printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0); +#endif +#endif + +#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860) + printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0); +#endif + + exit (1); +} +EOF + +$CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy 2>/dev/null && ./$dummy && rm $dummy.c $dummy && exit 0 +rm -f $dummy.c $dummy + +# Apollos put the system type in the environment. + +test -d /usr/apollo && { echo ${ISP}-apollo-${SYSTYPE}; exit 0; } + +# Convex versions that predate uname can use getsysinfo(1) + +if [ -x /usr/convex/getsysinfo ] +then + case `getsysinfo -f cpu_type` in + c1*) + echo c1-convex-bsd + exit 0 ;; + c2*) + if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc + then echo c32-convex-bsd + else echo c2-convex-bsd + fi + exit 0 ;; + c34*) + echo c34-convex-bsd + exit 0 ;; + c38*) + echo c38-convex-bsd + exit 0 ;; + c4*) + echo c4-convex-bsd + exit 0 ;; + esac +fi + +#echo '(Unable to guess system type)' 1>&2 + +exit 1 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..64989fee --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* Generated automatically from by autoheader. */ + +/* Define if using alloca.c. */ +#undef C_ALLOCA + +/* Define to empty if the keyword does not work. */ +#undef const + +/* Define to one of _getb67, GETB67, getb67 for Cray-2 and Cray-YMP systems. + This function is required for alloca.c support on those systems. */ +#undef CRAY_STACKSEG_END + +/* Define if you have alloca, as a function or macro. */ +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA + +/* Define if you have and it should be used (not on Ultrix). */ +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA_H + +/* Define to `int' if doesn't define. */ +#undef pid_t + +/* Define as the return type of signal handlers (int or void). */ +#undef RETSIGTYPE + +/* Define to `unsigned' if doesn't define. */ +#undef size_t + +/* If using the C implementation of alloca, define if you know the + direction of stack growth for your system; otherwise it will be + automatically deduced at run-time. + STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses + STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses + STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown + */ +#undef STACK_DIRECTION + +/* Define if you have the ANSI C header files. */ +#undef STDC_HEADERS + +/* Define if you can safely include both and . */ +#undef TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME + +/* Define if your declares struct tm. */ +#undef TM_IN_SYS_TIME + +/* Define if your processor stores words with the most significant + byte first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */ +#undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + +/* Define to rpl_malloc if the replacement function should be used. */ +#undef malloc + +/* Define to rpl_realloc if the replacement function should be used. */ +#undef realloc + +/* This is always defined. It enables GNU extensions on systems that + have them. */ +#if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) +# undef _GNU_SOURCE +#endif + +#if !defined(__USE_BSD) +# undef __USE_BSD +#endif + +/* Define if you have the DONE_WORKING_MALLOC_CHECK function. */ +#undef HAVE_DONE_WORKING_MALLOC_CHECK + +/* Define if you have the DONE_WORKING_REALLOC_CHECK function. */ +#undef HAVE_DONE_WORKING_REALLOC_CHECK + +/* Define if you have the ftime function. */ +#undef HAVE_FTIME + +/* Define if you have the select function. */ +#undef HAVE_SELECT + +/* Define if you have the socket function. */ +#undef HAVE_SOCKET + +/* Define if you have the strerror function. */ +#undef HAVE_STRERROR + +/* Define if you have the strtol function. */ +#undef HAVE_STRTOL + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_FCNTL_H + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_GMP_H + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_GMP2_GMP_H + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_LIMITS_H + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYSLOG_H + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H + +/* Name of package */ +#undef PACKAGE + +/* Version number of package */ +#undef VERSION + diff --git a/config.sub b/config.sub new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2436b453 --- /dev/null +++ b/config.sub @@ -0,0 +1,1215 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Configuration validation subroutine script, version 1.1. +# Copyright (C) 1991, 92-97, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is (in principle) common to ALL GNU software. +# The presence of a machine in this file suggests that SOME GNU software +# can handle that machine. It does not imply ALL GNU software can. +# +# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, +# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type. +# Supply the specified configuration type as an argument. +# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1. +# Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed. + +# This file is supposed to be the same for all GNU packages +# and recognize all the CPU types, system types and aliases +# that are meaningful with *any* GNU software. +# Each package is responsible for reporting which valid configurations +# it does not support. The user should be able to distinguish +# a failure to support a valid configuration from a meaningless +# configuration. + +# The goal of this file is to map all the various variations of a given +# machine specification into a single specification in the form: +# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM +# or in some cases, the newer four-part form: +# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM +# It is wrong to echo any other type of specification. + +if [ x$1 = x ] +then + echo Configuration name missing. 1>&2 + echo "Usage: $0 CPU-MFR-OPSYS" 1>&2 + echo "or $0 ALIAS" 1>&2 + echo where ALIAS is a recognized configuration type. 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi + +# First pass through any local machine types. +case $1 in + *local*) + echo $1 + exit 0 + ;; + *) + ;; +esac + +# Separate what the user gave into CPU-COMPANY and OS or KERNEL-OS (if any). +# Here we must recognize all the valid KERNEL-OS combinations. +maybe_os=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\2/'` +case $maybe_os in + linux-gnu*) + os=-$maybe_os + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'` + ;; + *) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'` + if [ $basic_machine != $1 ] + then os=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*-/-/'` + else os=; fi + ;; +esac + +### Let's recognize common machines as not being operating systems so +### that things like config.sub decstation-3100 work. We also +### recognize some manufacturers as not being operating systems, so we +### can provide default operating systems below. +case $os in + -sun*os*) + # Prevent following clause from handling this invalid input. + ;; + -dec* | -mips* | -sequent* | -encore* | -pc532* | -sgi* | -sony* | \ + -att* | -7300* | -3300* | -delta* | -motorola* | -sun[234]* | \ + -unicom* | -ibm* | -next | -hp | -isi* | -apollo | -altos* | \ + -convergent* | -ncr* | -news | -32* | -3600* | -3100* | -hitachi* |\ + -c[123]* | -convex* | -sun | -crds | -omron* | -dg | -ultra | -tti* | \ + -harris | -dolphin | -highlevel | -gould | -cbm | -ns | -masscomp | \ + -apple) + os= + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -sim | -cisco | -oki | -wec | -winbond) + os= + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -scout) + ;; + -wrs) + os=vxworks + basic_machine=$1 + ;; + -hiux*) + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + -sco5) + os=-sco3.2v5 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco4) + os=-sco3.2v4 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco3.2.[4-9]*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'` + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco3.2v[4-9]*) + # Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer. + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -sco*) + os=-sco3.2v2 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -udk*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -isc) + os=-isc2.2 + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -clix*) + basic_machine=clipper-intergraph + ;; + -isc*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'` + ;; + -lynx*) + os=-lynxos + ;; + -ptx*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-sequent/'` + ;; + -windowsnt*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/windowsnt/winnt/'` + ;; + -psos*) + os=-psos + ;; +esac + +# Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations. +case $basic_machine in + # Recognize the basic CPU types without company name. + # Some are omitted here because they have special meanings below. + tahoe | i860 | m32r | m68k | m68000 | m88k | ns32k | arc | arm \ + | arme[lb] | pyramid | mn10200 | mn10300 | tron | a29k \ + | 580 | i960 | h8300 \ + | hppa | hppa1.0 | hppa1.1 | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0w | hppa2.0n \ + | alpha | alphaev[4-7] | alphaev56 | alphapca5[67] \ + | we32k | ns16k | clipper | i370 | sh | powerpc | powerpcle \ + | 1750a | dsp16xx | pdp11 | mips16 | mips64 | mipsel | mips64el \ + | mips64orion | mips64orionel | mipstx39 | mipstx39el \ + | mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el | mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \ + | mips64vr5000 | miprs64vr5000el \ + | sparc | sparclet | sparclite | sparc64 | sparcv9 | v850 | c4x \ + | thumb | d10v) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown + ;; + m88110 | m680[12346]0 | m683?2 | m68360 | m5200 | z8k | v70 | h8500 | w65) + ;; + + # We use `pc' rather than `unknown' + # because (1) that's what they normally are, and + # (2) the word "unknown" tends to confuse beginning users. + i[34567]86) + basic_machine=$basic_machine-pc + ;; + # Object if more than one company name word. + *-*-*) + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + # Recognize the basic CPU types with company name. + vax-* | tahoe-* | i[34567]86-* | i860-* | m32r-* | m68k-* | m68000-* \ + | m88k-* | sparc-* | ns32k-* | fx80-* | arc-* | arm-* | c[123]* \ + | mips-* | pyramid-* | tron-* | a29k-* | romp-* | rs6000-* \ + | power-* | none-* | 580-* | cray2-* | h8300-* | h8500-* | i960-* \ + | xmp-* | ymp-* \ + | hppa-* | hppa1.0-* | hppa1.1-* | hppa2.0-* | hppa2.0w-* | hppa2.0n-* \ + | alpha-* | alphaev[4-7]-* | alphaev56-* | alphapca5[67]-* \ + | we32k-* | cydra-* | ns16k-* | pn-* | np1-* | xps100-* \ + | clipper-* | orion-* \ + | sparclite-* | pdp11-* | sh-* | powerpc-* | powerpcle-* \ + | sparc64-* | sparcv9-* | sparc86x-* | mips16-* | mips64-* | mipsel-* \ + | mips64el-* | mips64orion-* | mips64orionel-* \ + | mips64vr4100-* | mips64vr4100el-* | mips64vr4300-* | mips64vr4300el-* \ + | mipstx39-* | mipstx39el-* \ + | f301-* | armv*-* | t3e-* \ + | m88110-* | m680[01234]0-* | m683?2-* | m68360-* | z8k-* | d10v-* \ + | thumb-* | v850-* | d30v-* | tic30-* | c30-* ) + ;; + # Recognize the various machine names and aliases which stand + # for a CPU type and a company and sometimes even an OS. + 386bsd) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-bsd + ;; + 3b1 | 7300 | 7300-att | att-7300 | pc7300 | safari | unixpc) + basic_machine=m68000-att + ;; + 3b*) + basic_machine=we32k-att + ;; + a29khif) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + adobe68k) + basic_machine=m68010-adobe + os=-scout + ;; + alliant | fx80) + basic_machine=fx80-alliant + ;; + altos | altos3068) + basic_machine=m68k-altos + ;; + am29k) + basic_machine=a29k-none + os=-bsd + ;; + amdahl) + basic_machine=580-amdahl + os=-sysv + ;; + amiga | amiga-*) + basic_machine=m68k-cbm + ;; + amigaos | amigados) + basic_machine=m68k-cbm + os=-amigaos + ;; + amigaunix | amix) + basic_machine=m68k-cbm + os=-sysv4 + ;; + apollo68) + basic_machine=m68k-apollo + os=-sysv + ;; + apollo68bsd) + basic_machine=m68k-apollo + os=-bsd + ;; + aux) + basic_machine=m68k-apple + os=-aux + ;; + balance) + basic_machine=ns32k-sequent + os=-dynix + ;; + convex-c1) + basic_machine=c1-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c2) + basic_machine=c2-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c32) + basic_machine=c32-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c34) + basic_machine=c34-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + convex-c38) + basic_machine=c38-convex + os=-bsd + ;; + cray | ymp) + basic_machine=ymp-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + cray2) + basic_machine=cray2-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + [ctj]90-cray) + basic_machine=c90-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + crds | unos) + basic_machine=m68k-crds + ;; + da30 | da30-*) + basic_machine=m68k-da30 + ;; + decstation | decstation-3100 | pmax | pmax-* | pmin | dec3100 | decstatn) + basic_machine=mips-dec + ;; + delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \ + | 3300-motorola | delta-motorola) + basic_machine=m68k-motorola + ;; + delta88) + basic_machine=m88k-motorola + os=-sysv3 + ;; + dpx20 | dpx20-*) + basic_machine=rs6000-bull + os=-bosx + ;; + dpx2* | dpx2*-bull) + basic_machine=m68k-bull + os=-sysv3 + ;; + ebmon29k) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-ebmon + ;; + elxsi) + basic_machine=elxsi-elxsi + os=-bsd + ;; + encore | umax | mmax) + basic_machine=ns32k-encore + ;; + es1800 | OSE68k | ose68k | ose | OSE) + basic_machine=m68k-ericsson + os=-ose + ;; + fx2800) + basic_machine=i860-alliant + ;; + genix) + basic_machine=ns32k-ns + ;; + gmicro) + basic_machine=tron-gmicro + os=-sysv + ;; + h3050r* | hiux*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + h8300hms) + basic_machine=h8300-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + h8300xray) + basic_machine=h8300-hitachi + os=-xray + ;; + h8500hms) + basic_machine=h8500-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + harris) + basic_machine=m88k-harris + os=-sysv3 + ;; + hp300-*) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + ;; + hp300bsd) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + os=-bsd + ;; + hp300hpux) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + os=-hpux + ;; + hp3k9[0-9][0-9] | hp9[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hp9k2[0-9][0-9] | hp9k31[0-9]) + basic_machine=m68000-hp + ;; + hp9k3[2-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=m68k-hp + ;; + hp9k6[0-9][0-9] | hp6[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hp9k7[0-79][0-9] | hp7[0-79][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k78[0-9] | hp78[0-9]) + # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[67]1 | hp8[67]1 | hp9k80[24] | hp80[24] | hp9k8[78]9 | hp8[78]9 | hp9k893 | hp893) + # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[0-9][13679] | hp8[0-9][13679]) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + ;; + hp9k8[0-9][0-9] | hp8[0-9][0-9]) + basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp + ;; + hppa-next) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + hppaosf) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + os=-osf + ;; + hppro) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp + os=-proelf + ;; + i370-ibm* | ibm*) + basic_machine=i370-ibm + os=-mvs + ;; +# I'm not sure what "Sysv32" means. Should this be sysv3.2? + i[34567]86v32) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv32 + ;; + i[34567]86v4*) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv4 + ;; + i[34567]86v) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-sysv + ;; + i[34567]86sol2) + basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'` + os=-solaris2 + ;; + i386mach) + basic_machine=i386-mach + os=-mach + ;; + i386-vsta | vsta) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-vsta + ;; + i386-go32 | go32) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-go32 + ;; + i386-mingw32 | mingw32) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-mingw32 + ;; + iris | iris4d) + basic_machine=mips-sgi + case $os in + -irix*) + ;; + *) + os=-irix4 + ;; + esac + ;; + isi68 | isi) + basic_machine=m68k-isi + os=-sysv + ;; + m88k-omron*) + basic_machine=m88k-omron + ;; + magnum | m3230) + basic_machine=mips-mips + os=-sysv + ;; + merlin) + basic_machine=ns32k-utek + os=-sysv + ;; + miniframe) + basic_machine=m68000-convergent + ;; + *mint | *MiNT) + basic_machine=m68k-atari + os=-mint + ;; + mipsel*-linux*) + basic_machine=mipsel-unknown + os=-linux-gnu + ;; + mips*-linux*) + basic_machine=mips-unknown + os=-linux-gnu + ;; + mips3*-*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'` + ;; + mips3*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`-unknown + ;; + monitor) + basic_machine=m68k-rom68k + os=-coff + ;; + msdos) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-msdos + ;; + ncr3000) + basic_machine=i486-ncr + os=-sysv4 + ;; + netbsd386) + basic_machine=i386-unknown + os=-netbsd + ;; + netwinder) + basic_machine=armv4l-corel + os=-linux + ;; + news | news700 | news800 | news900) + basic_machine=m68k-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + news1000) + basic_machine=m68030-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + news-3600 | risc-news) + basic_machine=mips-sony + os=-newsos + ;; + necv70) + basic_machine=v70-nec + os=-sysv + ;; + next | m*-next ) + basic_machine=m68k-next + case $os in + -nextstep* ) + ;; + -ns2*) + os=-nextstep2 + ;; + *) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + esac + ;; + nh3000) + basic_machine=m68k-harris + os=-cxux + ;; + nh[45]000) + basic_machine=m88k-harris + os=-cxux + ;; + nindy960) + basic_machine=i960-intel + os=-nindy + ;; + mon960) + basic_machine=i960-intel + os=-mon960 + ;; + np1) + basic_machine=np1-gould + ;; + op50n-* | op60c-*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + os=-proelf + ;; + OSE68000 | ose68000) + basic_machine=m68000-ericsson + os=-ose + ;; + os68k) + basic_machine=m68k-none + os=-os68k + ;; + pa-hitachi) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi + os=-hiuxwe2 + ;; + paragon) + basic_machine=i860-intel + os=-osf + ;; + pbd) + basic_machine=sparc-tti + ;; + pbb) + basic_machine=m68k-tti + ;; + pc532 | pc532-*) + basic_machine=ns32k-pc532 + ;; + pentium | p5 | k5 | k6 | nexen) + basic_machine=i586-pc + ;; + pentiumpro | p6 | 6x86) + basic_machine=i686-pc + ;; + pentiumii | pentium2) + basic_machine=i786-pc + ;; + pentium-* | p5-* | k5-* | k6-* | nexen-*) + basic_machine=i586-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentiumpro-* | p6-* | 6x86-*) + basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pentiumii-* | pentium2-*) + basic_machine=i786-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + pn) + basic_machine=pn-gould + ;; + power) basic_machine=rs6000-ibm + ;; + ppc) basic_machine=powerpc-unknown + ;; + ppc-*) basic_machine=powerpc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ppcle | powerpclittle | ppc-le | powerpc-little) + basic_machine=powerpcle-unknown + ;; + ppcle-* | powerpclittle-*) + basic_machine=powerpcle-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'` + ;; + ps2) + basic_machine=i386-ibm + ;; + rom68k) + basic_machine=m68k-rom68k + os=-coff + ;; + rm[46]00) + basic_machine=mips-siemens + ;; + rtpc | rtpc-*) + basic_machine=romp-ibm + ;; + sa29200) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + sequent) + basic_machine=i386-sequent + ;; + sh) + basic_machine=sh-hitachi + os=-hms + ;; + sparclite-wrs) + basic_machine=sparclite-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + sps7) + basic_machine=m68k-bull + os=-sysv2 + ;; + spur) + basic_machine=spur-unknown + ;; + st2000) + basic_machine=m68k-tandem + ;; + stratus) + basic_machine=i860-stratus + os=-sysv4 + ;; + sun2) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + ;; + sun2os3) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun2os4) + basic_machine=m68000-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun3os3) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun3os4) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun4os3) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-sunos3 + ;; + sun4os4) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-sunos4 + ;; + sun4sol2) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + os=-solaris2 + ;; + sun3 | sun3-*) + basic_machine=m68k-sun + ;; + sun4) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + ;; + sun386 | sun386i | roadrunner) + basic_machine=i386-sun + ;; + symmetry) + basic_machine=i386-sequent + os=-dynix + ;; + t3e) + basic_machine=t3e-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + tx39) + basic_machine=mipstx39-unknown + ;; + tx39el) + basic_machine=mipstx39el-unknown + ;; + tower | tower-32) + basic_machine=m68k-ncr + ;; + udi29k) + basic_machine=a29k-amd + os=-udi + ;; + ultra3) + basic_machine=a29k-nyu + os=-sym1 + ;; + v810 | necv810) + basic_machine=v810-nec + os=-none + ;; + vaxv) + basic_machine=vax-dec + os=-sysv + ;; + vms) + basic_machine=vax-dec + os=-vms + ;; + vpp*|vx|vx-*) + basic_machine=f301-fujitsu + ;; + vxworks960) + basic_machine=i960-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + vxworks68) + basic_machine=m68k-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + vxworks29k) + basic_machine=a29k-wrs + os=-vxworks + ;; + w65*) + basic_machine=w65-wdc + os=-none + ;; + w89k-*) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond + os=-proelf + ;; + xmp) + basic_machine=xmp-cray + os=-unicos + ;; + xps | xps100) + basic_machine=xps100-honeywell + ;; + z8k-*-coff) + basic_machine=z8k-unknown + os=-sim + ;; + none) + basic_machine=none-none + os=-none + ;; + +# Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types. It is in +# some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular. + w89k) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond + ;; + op50n) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + ;; + op60c) + basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki + ;; + mips) + if [ x$os = x-linux-gnu ]; then + basic_machine=mips-unknown + else + basic_machine=mips-mips + fi + ;; + romp) + basic_machine=romp-ibm + ;; + rs6000) + basic_machine=rs6000-ibm + ;; + vax) + basic_machine=vax-dec + ;; + pdp11) + basic_machine=pdp11-dec + ;; + we32k) + basic_machine=we32k-att + ;; + sparc | sparcv9) + basic_machine=sparc-sun + ;; + cydra) + basic_machine=cydra-cydrome + ;; + orion) + basic_machine=orion-highlevel + ;; + orion105) + basic_machine=clipper-highlevel + ;; + mac | mpw | mac-mpw) + basic_machine=m68k-apple + ;; + pmac | pmac-mpw) + basic_machine=powerpc-apple + ;; + c4x*) + basic_machine=c4x-none + os=-coff + ;; + *) + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; +esac + +# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers. +case $basic_machine in + *-digital*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/digital.*/dec/'` + ;; + *-commodore*) + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/commodore.*/cbm/'` + ;; + *) + ;; +esac + +# Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems. + +if [ x"$os" != x"" ] +then +case $os in + # First match some system type aliases + # that might get confused with valid system types. + # -solaris* is a basic system type, with this one exception. + -solaris1 | -solaris1.*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'` + ;; + -solaris) + os=-solaris2 + ;; + -svr4*) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -unixware*) + os=-sysv4.2uw + ;; + -gnu/linux*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'` + ;; + # First accept the basic system types. + # The portable systems comes first. + # Each alternative MUST END IN A *, to match a version number. + # -sysv* is not here because it comes later, after sysvr4. + -gnu* | -bsd* | -mach* | -minix* | -genix* | -ultrix* | -irix* \ + | -*vms* | -sco* | -esix* | -isc* | -aix* | -sunos | -sunos[34]*\ + | -hpux* | -unos* | -osf* | -luna* | -dgux* | -solaris* | -sym* \ + | -amigaos* | -amigados* | -msdos* | -newsos* | -unicos* | -aof* \ + | -aos* \ + | -nindy* | -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -ebmon* | -hms* | -mvs* \ + | -clix* | -riscos* | -uniplus* | -iris* | -rtu* | -xenix* \ + | -hiux* | -386bsd* | -netbsd* | -openbsd* | -freebsd* | -riscix* \ + | -lynxos* | -bosx* | -nextstep* | -cxux* | -aout* | -elf* | -oabi* \ + | -ptx* | -coff* | -ecoff* | -winnt* | -domain* | -vsta* \ + | -udi* | -eabi* | -lites* | -ieee* | -go32* | -aux* \ + | -cygwin* | -pe* | -psos* | -moss* | -proelf* | -rtems* \ + | -mingw32* | -linux-gnu* | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* \ + | -interix* | -uwin* | -rhapsody* | -openstep* | -oskit*) + # Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number. + ;; + -sim | -es1800* | -hms* | -xray | -os68k* | -none* | -v88r* \ + | -windows* | -osx | -abug | -netware* | -os9* | -beos* \ + | -macos* | -mpw* | -magic* | -mon960* | -lnews*) + ;; + -mac*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'` + ;; + -linux*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'` + ;; + -sunos5*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'` + ;; + -sunos6*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'` + ;; + -osfrose*) + os=-osfrose + ;; + -osf*) + os=-osf + ;; + -utek*) + os=-bsd + ;; + -dynix*) + os=-bsd + ;; + -acis*) + os=-aos + ;; + -386bsd) + os=-bsd + ;; + -ctix* | -uts*) + os=-sysv + ;; + -ns2 ) + os=-nextstep2 + ;; + # Preserve the version number of sinix5. + -sinix5.*) + os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'` + ;; + -sinix*) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -triton*) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -oss*) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -svr4) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + -svr3) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + -sysvr4) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + # This must come after -sysvr4. + -sysv*) + ;; + -ose*) + os=-ose + ;; + -es1800*) + os=-ose + ;; + -xenix) + os=-xenix + ;; + -*mint | -*MiNT) + os=-mint + ;; + -none) + ;; + *) + # Get rid of the `-' at the beginning of $os. + os=`echo $os | sed 's/[^-]*-//'` + echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': system \`$os\' not recognized 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; +esac +else + +# Here we handle the default operating systems that come with various machines. +# The value should be what the vendor currently ships out the door with their +# machine or put another way, the most popular os provided with the machine. + +# Note that if you're going to try to match "-MANUFACTURER" here (say, +# "-sun"), then you have to tell the case statement up towards the top +# that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating system. Otherwise, code above +# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating +# system, and we'll never get to this point. + +case $basic_machine in + *-acorn) + os=-riscix1.2 + ;; + arm*-corel) + os=-linux + ;; + arm*-semi) + os=-aout + ;; + pdp11-*) + os=-none + ;; + *-dec | vax-*) + os=-ultrix4.2 + ;; + m68*-apollo) + os=-domain + ;; + i386-sun) + os=-sunos4.0.2 + ;; + m68000-sun) + os=-sunos3 + # This also exists in the configure program, but was not the + # default. + # os=-sunos4 + ;; + m68*-cisco) + os=-aout + ;; + mips*-cisco) + os=-elf + ;; + mips*-*) + os=-elf + ;; + *-tti) # must be before sparc entry or we get the wrong os. + os=-sysv3 + ;; + sparc-* | *-sun) + os=-sunos4.1.1 + ;; + *-be) + os=-beos + ;; + *-ibm) + os=-aix + ;; + *-wec) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-winbond) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-oki) + os=-proelf + ;; + *-hp) + os=-hpux + ;; + *-hitachi) + os=-hiux + ;; + i860-* | *-att | *-ncr | *-altos | *-motorola | *-convergent) + os=-sysv + ;; + *-cbm) + os=-amigaos + ;; + *-dg) + os=-dgux + ;; + *-dolphin) + os=-sysv3 + ;; + m68k-ccur) + os=-rtu + ;; + m88k-omron*) + os=-luna + ;; + *-next ) + os=-nextstep + ;; + *-sequent) + os=-ptx + ;; + *-crds) + os=-unos + ;; + *-ns) + os=-genix + ;; + i370-*) + os=-mvs + ;; + *-next) + os=-nextstep3 + ;; + *-gould) + os=-sysv + ;; + *-highlevel) + os=-bsd + ;; + *-encore) + os=-bsd + ;; + *-sgi) + os=-irix + ;; + *-siemens) + os=-sysv4 + ;; + *-masscomp) + os=-rtu + ;; + f301-fujitsu) + os=-uxpv + ;; + *-rom68k) + os=-coff + ;; + *-*bug) + os=-coff + ;; + *-apple) + os=-macos + ;; + *-atari*) + os=-mint + ;; + *) + os=-none + ;; +esac +fi + +# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the +# manufacturer. We pick the logical manufacturer. +vendor=unknown +case $basic_machine in + *-unknown) + case $os in + -riscix*) + vendor=acorn + ;; + -sunos*) + vendor=sun + ;; + -aix*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -beos*) + vendor=be + ;; + -hpux*) + vendor=hp + ;; + -mpeix*) + vendor=hp + ;; + -hiux*) + vendor=hitachi + ;; + -unos*) + vendor=crds + ;; + -dgux*) + vendor=dg + ;; + -luna*) + vendor=omron + ;; + -genix*) + vendor=ns + ;; + -mvs*) + vendor=ibm + ;; + -ptx*) + vendor=sequent + ;; + -vxsim* | -vxworks*) + vendor=wrs + ;; + -aux*) + vendor=apple + ;; + -hms*) + vendor=hitachi + ;; + -mpw* | -macos*) + vendor=apple + ;; + -*mint | -*MiNT) + vendor=atari + ;; + esac + basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed "s/unknown/$vendor/"` + ;; +esac + +echo $basic_machine$os diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17debd1b --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +AC_INIT(src/tincd.c) +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(tinc, 0.3.4) +AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) + +# Enable GNU extensions. +# Define this here, not in acconfig's @TOP@ section, since definitions +# in the latter don't make it into the configure-time tests. +AC_DEFINE([_GNU_SOURCE]) +AC_DEFINE([__USE_BSD]) + +dnl Checks for programs. +AC_PROG_CC +AC_PROG_CPP +AC_PROG_GCC_TRADITIONAL +AC_PROG_AWK +AC_PROG_INSTALL +AC_PROG_LN_S +AC_PROG_RANLIB +AC_PROG_MAKE_SET +jm_PERL +AM_PROG_LIBTOOL + +dnl Checks for libraries. + +dnl Checks for header files. +AC_HEADER_STDC +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h limits.h sys/ioctl.h syslog.h unistd.h gmp.h gmp2/gmp.h \ +sys/time.h) + +dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. +AC_C_CONST +AC_C_BIGENDIAN +AC_TYPE_PID_T +AC_TYPE_SIZE_T +AC_HEADER_TIME +AC_STRUCT_TM + +dnl Checks for library functions. +AC_FUNC_MEMCMP +AC_FUNC_ALLOCA +AC_TYPE_SIGNAL +AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ftime socket select strtol strerror) +jm_FUNC_MALLOC +jm_FUNC_REALLOC + +# Check for the GNU Multi Precision Library +libgmp=none +AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp2, mpz_powm, [ + libgmp=gmp2 +]) +AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp, mpz_powm, [ + libgmp=gmp +]) + +if test $libgmp = none; then + AC_MSG_ERROR(libgmp is not installed. Please grab it from your + nearest GNU mirror and install it (see README)) +else + LIBS="$LIBS -l$libgmp" +fi + +AC_OUTPUT([Makefile src/Makefile cipher/Makefile cipher/blowfish/Makefile +cipher/idea/Makefile doc/Makefile lib/Makefile m4/Makefile]) diff --git a/doc/GNUmakefile b/doc/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8fb7a6b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Having a separate GNUmakefile lets me use features of GNU make +# to generate the man pages. +# This makefile is used only if you run GNU Make. +# It is necessary if you want to build targets usually of interest +# only to the maintainer. + +have-Makefile := $(shell test -f Makefile && echo yes) + +# If the user runs GNU make but has not yet run ./configure, +# give them a diagnostic. +ifeq ($(have-Makefile),yes) + +include Makefile +include $(srcdir)/Makefile.maint + +else + +all: + @echo There seems to be no Makefile in this directory. + @echo "You must run ./configure before running \`make'." + @exit 1 + +endif diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed2ec2e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +## Process this file with automake to get + +info_TEXINFOS = tinc.texi + +dyn_MANS = tincd.8 +man_aux = $(dyn_MANS:.8=.x) + +man_MANS = tincd.conf.5 $(dyn_MANS) + +PERL = @PERL@ +HELP2MAN = help2man +MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(dyn_MANS) + +EXTRA_DIST = $(man_MANS) $(HELP2MAN) $(man_aux) \ + Makefile.maint GNUmakefile Makefile.summ tincd.conf.sample + +# Use `ginstall' in the definition of man_MANS to avoid +# confusion with the `install' target. The install rule transforms `ginstall' +# to install before applying any user-specified name transformations. +transform = s/ginstall/install/; @program_transform_name@ + +# For additional rules usually of interest only to the maintainer, +# see GNUmakefile and Makefile.maint. diff --git a/doc/Makefile.maint b/doc/Makefile.maint new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e620be4a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/Makefile.maint @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# This -*- Makefile -*- uses features of GNU make. +# It is included via GNUmakefile. + +# The following one line summaries were extracted from the +# original man pages using this bit of sh code: +# for i in *.1; do echo "$i: "|tr -d '\012'; \ +# grep -A1 SH.NAME $i|sed '/SH NAME/d;s/^[^ ][^ ]* .- //'; done + +include Makefile.summ + +HELP2MAN-run = $(PERL) -w -- $(srcdir)/$(HELP2MAN) + +# Depend on to get version number changes. +$(dyn_MANS): $(top_srcdir)/ + +# Depend on the source file containing the --help text. +# Filter out irregular cases. +regular-men = $(filter-out $(irregular-men),$(dyn_MANS)) +$(regular-men): %.8: $(top_srcdir)/src/%.c + +executable = $(patsubst %/install,%/ginstall, ../src/$(basename $@)) +$(dyn_MANS): %.8: %.x $(HELP2MAN) + @if test -f $(executable); then \ + echo "Updating man page $@"; \ + rm -f $@-t $@; \ + $(HELP2MAN-run) \ + --name="$($(basename $@)-summary)" \ + --include=$(basename $@).x \ + $(executable) > $@-t; \ + chmod -w $@-t; \ + mv $@-t $@; \ + else \ + echo "WARNING: The man page $@ cannot be updated yet."; \ + echo " Retry once the corresponding executable is built."; \ + fi diff --git a/doc/Makefile.summ b/doc/Makefile.summ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c78ee67b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/Makefile.summ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- +tincd-summary = tinc daemon diff --git a/doc/help2man b/doc/help2man new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71778a92 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/help2man @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl -w + +# Generate a short man page from --help and --version output. +# Copyright © 1997, 98 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. + +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + +# Written by Brendan O'Dea + +use 5.004; +use strict; +use Getopt::Long; +use POSIX qw(strftime setlocale LC_TIME); + +my $this_program = 'help2man'; +my $this_version = '1.006'; +my $version_info = < +EOT + +my $help_info = < \$opt_name, + 'include=s' => \$include, + 'opt-include=s' => \$opt_include, + 'output=s' => \$opt_output, + 'no-info' => \$opt_no_info, + help => sub { print $help_info; exit }, + version => sub { print $version_info; exit }, +) or die $help_info; + +die $help_info unless @ARGV == 1; + +my %include = (); +my @include = (); # to retain order + +# Process include file (if given). Format is: +# +# [section name] +# verbatim text + +if ($include or $opt_include) +{ + if (open INC, $include || $opt_include) + { + my $sect; + + while () + { + if (/^\[([^]]+)\]/) + { + $sect = uc $1; + $sect =~ s/^\s+//; + $sect =~ s/\s+$//; + next; + } + + # Silently ignore anything before the first + # section--allows for comments and revision info. + next unless $sect; + + push @include, $sect unless $include{$sect}; + $include{$sect} ||= ''; + $include{$sect} .= $_; + } + + close INC; + + die "$this_program: no valid information found in `$include'\n" + unless %include; + + # Compress trailing blank lines. + for (keys %include) + { + $include{$_} =~ s/\n+$//; + $include{$_} .= "\n" unless /^NAME$/; + } + } + else + { + die "$this_program: can't open `$include' ($!)\n" if $include; + } +} + +# Turn off localisation of executable's ouput. +@ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3; + +# Turn off localisation of date (for strftime) +setlocale LC_TIME, 'C'; + +# Grab help and version paragraphs from executable +my @help = split /\n\n+/, `$ARGV[0] --help 2>/dev/null` + or die "$this_program: can't get `--help' info from $ARGV[0]\n"; + +my @version = split /\n\n+/, `$ARGV[0] --version 2>/dev/null` + or die "$this_program: can't get `--version' info from $ARGV[0]\n"; + +my $date = strftime "%B %Y", localtime; +my $program = $ARGV[0]; $program =~ s!.*/!!; +my $package = $program; +my $version; + +if ($opt_output) +{ + unlink $opt_output + or die "$this_program: can't unlink $opt_output ($!)\n" + if -e $opt_output; + + open STDOUT, ">$opt_output" + or die "$this_program: can't create $opt_output ($!)\n"; +} + +# The first line of the --version information is assumed to be in one +# of the following formats: +# +# +# +# GNU +# (GNU ) +# - GNU +# +# and seperated from any copyright/author details by a blank line. + +$_ = shift @version; + +if (/^(\S+)\s+\((GNU\s+[^)]+)\)\s+(.*)/ or + /^(\S+)\s+-\s*(GNU\s+\S+)\s+(.*)/) +{ + $program = $1; + $package = $2; + $version = $3; +} +elsif (/^(GNU\s+)?(\S+)\s+(.*)/) +{ + $program = $2; + $package = $1 ? "$1$2" : $2; + $version = $3; +} +else +{ + $version = $_; +} + +$program =~ s!.*/!!; + +# no info for `info' itself +$opt_no_info = 1 if $program eq 'info'; + +# --name overrides --include contents +$include{NAME} = "$program \\- $opt_name" if $opt_name; + +# Default (useless) NAME paragraph +$include{NAME} ||= "$program \\- manual page for $program $version"; + +# Man pages traditionally have the page title in caps. +my $PROGRAM = uc $program; + +# Header. +print < 0pt + % Only leave this space if the footline is nonempty. + % (We lessened \vsize for it in \oddfootingxxx.) + % The \baselineskip=24pt in plain's \makefootline has no effect. + \vskip 2\baselineskip + \unvbox\footlinebox + \fi + % + \ifcropmarks + \egroup % end of \vbox\bgroup + \hfil\egroup % end of (centering) \line\bgroup + \vskip\topandbottommargin plus1fill minus1fill + \boxmaxdepth = \cornerthick + \vbox to0pt{\vss + \line{% + \vbox{\moveleft\cornerthick\nsbot}% + \hfill + \vbox{\moveright\cornerthick\nsbot}% + }% + \nointerlineskip + \line{\ewbot\hfil\ewbot}% + }% + \egroup % \vbox from first cropmarks clause + \fi + }% end of \shipout\vbox + }% end of group with \turnoffactive + \advancepageno + \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi +} + +\newinsert\margin \dimen\margin=\maxdimen + +\def\pagebody#1{\vbox to\pageheight{\boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth #1}} +{\catcode`\@ =11 +\gdef\pagecontents#1{\ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\fi +% marginal hacks, juha@viisa.uucp (Juha Takala) +\ifvoid\margin\else % marginal info is present + \rlap{\kern\hsize\vbox to\z@{\kern1pt\box\margin \vss}}\fi +\dimen@=\dp#1 \unvbox#1 +\ifvoid\footins\else\vskip\skip\footins\footnoterule \unvbox\footins\fi +\ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi} +} + +% Here are the rules for the cropmarks. Note that they are +% offset so that the space between them is truly \outerhsize or \outervsize +% (P. A. MacKay, 12 November, 1986) +% +\def\ewtop{\vrule height\cornerthick depth0pt width\cornerlong} +\def\nstop{\vbox + {\hrule height\cornerthick depth\cornerlong width\cornerthick}} +\def\ewbot{\vrule height0pt depth\cornerthick width\cornerlong} +\def\nsbot{\vbox + {\hrule height\cornerlong depth\cornerthick width\cornerthick}} + +% Parse an argument, then pass it to #1. The argument is the rest of +% the input line (except we remove a trailing comment). #1 should be a +% macro which expects an ordinary undelimited TeX argument. +% +\def\parsearg#1{% + \let\next = #1% + \begingroup + \obeylines + \futurelet\temp\parseargx +} + +% If the next token is an obeyed space (from an @example environment or +% the like), remove it and recurse. Otherwise, we're done. +\def\parseargx{% + % \obeyedspace is defined far below, after the definition of \sepspaces. + \ifx\obeyedspace\temp + \expandafter\parseargdiscardspace + \else + \expandafter\parseargline + \fi +} + +% Remove a single space (as the delimiter token to the macro call). +{\obeyspaces % + \gdef\parseargdiscardspace {\futurelet\temp\parseargx}} + +{\obeylines % + \gdef\parseargline#1^^M{% + \endgroup % End of the group started in \parsearg. + % + % First remove any @c comment, then any @comment. + % Result of each macro is put in \toks0. + \argremovec #1\c\relax % + \expandafter\argremovecomment \the\toks0 \comment\relax % + % + % Call the caller's macro, saved as \next in \parsearg. + \expandafter\next\expandafter{\the\toks0}% + }% +} + +% Since all \c{,omment} does is throw away the argument, we can let TeX +% do that for us. The \relax here is matched by the \relax in the call +% in \parseargline; it could be more or less anything, its purpose is +% just to delimit the argument to the \c. +\def\argremovec#1\c#2\relax{\toks0 = {#1}} +\def\argremovecomment#1\comment#2\relax{\toks0 = {#1}} + +% \argremovec{,omment} might leave us with trailing spaces, though; e.g., +% @end itemize @c foo +% will have two active spaces as part of the argument with the +% `itemize'. Here we remove all active spaces from #1, and assign the +% result to \toks0. +% +% This loses if there are any *other* active characters besides spaces +% in the argument -- _ ^ +, for example -- since they get expanded. +% Fortunately, Texinfo does not define any such commands. (If it ever +% does, the catcode of the characters in questionwill have to be changed +% here.) But this means we cannot call \removeactivespaces as part of +% \argremovec{,omment}, since @c uses \parsearg, and thus the argument +% that \parsearg gets might well have any character at all in it. +% +\def\removeactivespaces#1{% + \begingroup + \ignoreactivespaces + \edef\temp{#1}% + \global\toks0 = \expandafter{\temp}% + \endgroup +} + +% Change the active space to expand to nothing. +% +\begingroup + \obeyspaces + \gdef\ignoreactivespaces{\obeyspaces\let =\empty} +\endgroup + + +\def\flushcr{\ifx\par\lisppar \def\next##1{}\else \let\next=\relax \fi \next} + +%% These are used to keep @begin/@end levels from running away +%% Call \inENV within environments (after a \begingroup) +\newif\ifENV \ENVfalse \def\inENV{\ifENV\relax\else\ENVtrue\fi} +\def\ENVcheck{% +\ifENV\errmessage{Still within an environment; press RETURN to continue} +\endgroup\fi} % This is not perfect, but it should reduce lossage + +% @begin foo is the same as @foo, for now. +\newhelp\EMsimple{Press RETURN to continue.} + +\outer\def\begin{\parsearg\beginxxx} + +\def\beginxxx #1{% +\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\relax +{\errhelp=\EMsimple \errmessage{Undefined command @begin #1}}\else +\csname #1\endcsname\fi} + +% @end foo executes the definition of \Efoo. +% +\def\end{\parsearg\endxxx} +\def\endxxx #1{% + \removeactivespaces{#1}% + \edef\endthing{\the\toks0}% + % + \expandafter\ifx\csname E\endthing\endcsname\relax + \expandafter\ifx\csname \endthing\endcsname\relax + % There's no \foo, i.e., no ``environment'' foo. + \errhelp = \EMsimple + \errmessage{Undefined command `@end \endthing'}% + \else + \unmatchedenderror\endthing + \fi + \else + % Everything's ok; the right environment has been started. + \csname E\endthing\endcsname + \fi +} + +% There is an environment #1, but it hasn't been started. Give an error. +% +\def\unmatchedenderror#1{% + \errhelp = \EMsimple + \errmessage{This `@end #1' doesn't have a matching `@#1'}% +} + +% Define the control sequence \E#1 to give an unmatched @end error. +% +\def\defineunmatchedend#1{% + \expandafter\def\csname E#1\endcsname{\unmatchedenderror{#1}}% +} + + +% Single-spacing is done by various environments (specifically, in +% \nonfillstart and \quotations). +\newskip\singlespaceskip \singlespaceskip = 12.5pt +\def\singlespace{% + % Why was this kern here? It messes up equalizing space above and below + % environments. --karl, 6may93 + %{\advance \baselineskip by -\singlespaceskip + %\kern \baselineskip}% + \setleading \singlespaceskip +} + +%% Simple single-character @ commands + +% @@ prints an @ +% Kludge this until the fonts are right (grr). +\def\@{{\tt\char64}} + +% This is turned off because it was never documented +% and you can use @w{...} around a quote to suppress ligatures. +%% Define @` and @' to be the same as ` and ' +%% but suppressing ligatures. +%\def\`{{`}} +%\def\'{{'}} + +% Used to generate quoted braces. +\def\mylbrace {{\tt\char123}} +\def\myrbrace {{\tt\char125}} +\let\{=\mylbrace +\let\}=\myrbrace +\begingroup + % Definitions to produce actual \{ & \} command in an index. + \catcode`\{ = 12 \catcode`\} = 12 + \catcode`\[ = 1 \catcode`\] = 2 + \catcode`\@ = 0 \catcode`\\ = 12 + @gdef@lbracecmd[\{]% + @gdef@rbracecmd[\}]% +@endgroup + +% Accents: @, @dotaccent @ringaccent @ubaraccent @udotaccent +% Others are defined by plain TeX: @` @' @" @^ @~ @= @v @H. +\let\, = \c +\let\dotaccent = \. +\def\ringaccent#1{{\accent23 #1}} +\let\tieaccent = \t +\let\ubaraccent = \b +\let\udotaccent = \d + +% Other special characters: @questiondown @exclamdown +% Plain TeX defines: @AA @AE @O @OE @L (and lowercase versions) @ss. +\def\questiondown{?`} +\def\exclamdown{!`} + +% Dotless i and dotless j, used for accents. +\def\imacro{i} +\def\jmacro{j} +\def\dotless#1{% + \def\temp{#1}% + \ifx\temp\imacro \ptexi + \else\ifx\temp\jmacro \j + \else \errmessage{@dotless can be used only with i or j}% + \fi\fi +} + +% Be sure we're in horizontal mode when doing a tie, since we make space +% equivalent to this in @example-like environments. Otherwise, a space +% at the beginning of a line will start with \penalty -- and +% since \penalty is valid in vertical mode, we'd end up putting the +% penalty on the vertical list instead of in the new paragraph. +{\catcode`@ = 11 + % Avoid using \@M directly, because that causes trouble + % if the definition is written into an index file. + \global\let\tiepenalty = \@M + \gdef\tie{\leavevmode\penalty\tiepenalty\ } +} + +% @: forces normal size whitespace following. +\def\:{\spacefactor=1000 } + +% @* forces a line break. +\def\*{\hfil\break\hbox{}\ignorespaces} + +% @. is an end-of-sentence period. +\def\.{.\spacefactor=3000 } + +% @! is an end-of-sentence bang. +\def\!{!\spacefactor=3000 } + +% @? is an end-of-sentence query. +\def\?{?\spacefactor=3000 } + +% @w prevents a word break. Without the \leavevmode, @w at the +% beginning of a paragraph, when TeX is still in vertical mode, would +% produce a whole line of output instead of starting the paragraph. +\def\w#1{\leavevmode\hbox{#1}} + +% @group ... @end group forces ... to be all on one page, by enclosing +% it in a TeX vbox. We use \vtop instead of \vbox to construct the box +% to keep its height that of a normal line. According to the rules for +% \topskip (p.114 of the TeXbook), the glue inserted is +% max (\topskip - \ht (first item), 0). If that height is large, +% therefore, no glue is inserted, and the space between the headline and +% the text is small, which looks bad. +% +\def\group{\begingroup + \ifnum\catcode13=\active \else + \errhelp = \groupinvalidhelp + \errmessage{@group invalid in context where filling is enabled}% + \fi + % + % The \vtop we start below produces a box with normal height and large + % depth; thus, TeX puts \baselineskip glue before it, and (when the + % next line of text is done) \lineskip glue after it. (See p.82 of + % the TeXbook.) Thus, space below is not quite equal to space + % above. But it's pretty close. + \def\Egroup{% + \egroup % End the \vtop. + \endgroup % End the \group. + }% + % + \vtop\bgroup + % We have to put a strut on the last line in case the @group is in + % the midst of an example, rather than completely enclosing it. + % Otherwise, the interline space between the last line of the group + % and the first line afterwards is too small. But we can't put the + % strut in \Egroup, since there it would be on a line by itself. + % Hence this just inserts a strut at the beginning of each line. + \everypar = {\strut}% + % + % Since we have a strut on every line, we don't need any of TeX's + % normal interline spacing. + \offinterlineskip + % + % OK, but now we have to do something about blank + % lines in the input in @example-like environments, which normally + % just turn into \lisppar, which will insert no space now that we've + % turned off the interline space. Simplest is to make them be an + % empty paragraph. + \ifx\par\lisppar + \edef\par{\leavevmode \par}% + % + % Reset ^^M's definition to new definition of \par. + \obeylines + \fi + % + % Do @comment since we are called inside an environment such as + % @example, where each end-of-line in the input causes an + % end-of-line in the output. We don't want the end-of-line after + % the `@group' to put extra space in the output. Since @group + % should appear on a line by itself (according to the Texinfo + % manual), we don't worry about eating any user text. + \comment +} +% +% TeX puts in an \escapechar (i.e., `@') at the beginning of the help +% message, so this ends up printing `@group can only ...'. +% +\newhelp\groupinvalidhelp{% +group can only be used in environments such as @example,^^J% +where each line of input produces a line of output.} + +% @need space-in-mils +% forces a page break if there is not space-in-mils remaining. + +\newdimen\mil \mil=0.001in + +\def\need{\parsearg\needx} + +% Old definition--didn't work. +%\def\needx #1{\par % +%% This method tries to make TeX break the page naturally +%% if the depth of the box does not fit. +%{\baselineskip=0pt% +%\vtop to #1\mil{\vfil}\kern -#1\mil\nobreak +%\prevdepth=-1000pt +%}} + +\def\needx#1{% + % Go into vertical mode, so we don't make a big box in the middle of a + % paragraph. + \par + % + % Don't add any leading before our big empty box, but allow a page + % break, since the best break might be right here. + \allowbreak + \nointerlineskip + \vtop to #1\mil{\vfil}% + % + % TeX does not even consider page breaks if a penalty added to the + % main vertical list is 10000 or more. But in order to see if the + % empty box we just added fits on the page, we must make it consider + % page breaks. On the other hand, we don't want to actually break the + % page after the empty box. So we use a penalty of 9999. + % + % There is an extremely small chance that TeX will actually break the + % page at this \penalty, if there are no other feasible breakpoints in + % sight. (If the user is using lots of big @group commands, which + % almost-but-not-quite fill up a page, TeX will have a hard time doing + % good page breaking, for example.) However, I could not construct an + % example where a page broke at this \penalty; if it happens in a real + % document, then we can reconsider our strategy. + \penalty9999 + % + % Back up by the size of the box, whether we did a page break or not. + \kern -#1\mil + % + % Do not allow a page break right after this kern. + \nobreak +} + +% @br forces paragraph break + +\let\br = \par + +% @dots{} output an ellipsis using the current font. +% We do .5em per period so that it has the same spacing in a typewriter +% font as three actual period characters. +% +\def\dots{% + \leavevmode + \hbox to 1.5em{% + \hskip 0pt plus 0.25fil minus 0.25fil + .\hss.\hss.% + \hskip 0pt plus 0.5fil minus 0.5fil + }% +} + +% @enddots{} is an end-of-sentence ellipsis. +% +\def\enddots{% + \leavevmode + \hbox to 2em{% + \hskip 0pt plus 0.25fil minus 0.25fil + .\hss.\hss.\hss.% + \hskip 0pt plus 0.5fil minus 0.5fil + }% + \spacefactor=3000 +} + + +% @page forces the start of a new page +% +\def\page{\par\vfill\supereject} + +% @exdent text.... +% outputs text on separate line in roman font, starting at standard page margin + +% This records the amount of indent in the innermost environment. +% That's how much \exdent should take out. +\newskip\exdentamount + +% This defn is used inside fill environments such as @defun. +\def\exdent{\parsearg\exdentyyy} +\def\exdentyyy #1{{\hfil\break\hbox{\kern -\exdentamount{\rm#1}}\hfil\break}} + +% This defn is used inside nofill environments such as @example. +\def\nofillexdent{\parsearg\nofillexdentyyy} +\def\nofillexdentyyy #1{{\advance \leftskip by -\exdentamount +\leftline{\hskip\leftskip{\rm#1}}}} + +% @inmargin{TEXT} puts TEXT in the margin next to the current paragraph. + +\def\inmargin#1{% +\strut\vadjust{\nobreak\kern-\strutdepth + \vtop to \strutdepth{\baselineskip\strutdepth\vss + \llap{\rightskip=\inmarginspacing \vbox{\noindent #1}}\null}}} +\newskip\inmarginspacing \inmarginspacing=1cm +\def\strutdepth{\dp\strutbox} + +%\hbox{{\rm#1}}\hfil\break}} + +% @include file insert text of that file as input. +% Allow normal characters that we make active in the argument (a file name). +\def\include{\begingroup + \catcode`\\=12 + \catcode`~=12 + \catcode`^=12 + \catcode`_=12 + \catcode`|=12 + \catcode`<=12 + \catcode`>=12 + \catcode`+=12 + \parsearg\includezzz} +% Restore active chars for included file. +\def\includezzz#1{\endgroup\begingroup + % Read the included file in a group so nested @include's work. + \def\thisfile{#1}% + \input\thisfile +\endgroup} + +\def\thisfile{} + +% @center line outputs that line, centered + +\def\center{\parsearg\centerzzz} +\def\centerzzz #1{{\advance\hsize by -\leftskip +\advance\hsize by -\rightskip +\centerline{#1}}} + +% @sp n outputs n lines of vertical space + +\def\sp{\parsearg\spxxx} +\def\spxxx #1{\vskip #1\baselineskip} + +% @comment ...line which is ignored... +% @c is the same as @comment +% @ignore ... @end ignore is another way to write a comment + +\def\comment{\begingroup \catcode`\^^M=\other% +\catcode`\@=\other \catcode`\{=\other \catcode`\}=\other% +\commentxxx} +{\catcode`\^^M=\other \gdef\commentxxx#1^^M{\endgroup}} + +\let\c=\comment + +% @paragraphindent is defined for the Info formatting commands only. +\let\paragraphindent=\comment + +% Prevent errors for section commands. +% Used in @ignore and in failing conditionals. +\def\ignoresections{% +\let\chapter=\relax +\let\unnumbered=\relax +\let\top=\relax +\let\unnumberedsec=\relax +\let\unnumberedsection=\relax +\let\unnumberedsubsec=\relax +\let\unnumberedsubsection=\relax +\let\unnumberedsubsubsec=\relax +\let\unnumberedsubsubsection=\relax +\let\section=\relax +\let\subsec=\relax +\let\subsubsec=\relax +\let\subsection=\relax +\let\subsubsection=\relax +\let\appendix=\relax +\let\appendixsec=\relax +\let\appendixsection=\relax +\let\appendixsubsec=\relax +\let\appendixsubsection=\relax +\let\appendixsubsubsec=\relax +\let\appendixsubsubsection=\relax +\let\contents=\relax +\let\smallbook=\relax +\let\titlepage=\relax +} + +% Used in nested conditionals, where we have to parse the Texinfo source +% and so want to turn off most commands, in case they are used +% incorrectly. +% +\def\ignoremorecommands{% + \let\defcodeindex = \relax + \let\defcv = \relax + \let\deffn = \relax + \let\deffnx = \relax + \let\defindex = \relax + \let\defivar = \relax + \let\defmac = \relax + \let\defmethod = \relax + \let\defop = \relax + \let\defopt = \relax + \let\defspec = \relax + \let\deftp = \relax + \let\deftypefn = \relax + \let\deftypefun = \relax + \let\deftypevar = \relax + \let\deftypevr = \relax + \let\defun = \relax + \let\defvar = \relax + \let\defvr = \relax + \let\ref = \relax + \let\xref = \relax + \let\printindex = \relax + \let\pxref = \relax + \let\settitle = \relax + \let\setchapternewpage = \relax + \let\setchapterstyle = \relax + \let\everyheading = \relax + \let\evenheading = \relax + \let\oddheading = \relax + \let\everyfooting = \relax + \let\evenfooting = \relax + \let\oddfooting = \relax + \let\headings = \relax + \let\include = \relax + \let\lowersections = \relax + \let\down = \relax + \let\raisesections = \relax + \let\up = \relax + \let\set = \relax + \let\clear = \relax + \let\item = \relax +} + +% Ignore @ignore ... @end ignore. +% +\def\ignore{\doignore{ignore}} + +% Ignore @ifinfo, @ifhtml, @ifnottex, @html, @menu, and @direntry text. +% +\def\ifinfo{\doignore{ifinfo}} +\def\ifhtml{\doignore{ifhtml}} +\def\ifnottex{\doignore{ifnottex}} +\def\html{\doignore{html}} +\def\menu{\doignore{menu}} +\def\direntry{\doignore{direntry}} + +% @dircategory CATEGORY -- specify a category of the dir file +% which this file should belong to. Ignore this in TeX. +\let\dircategory = \comment + +% Ignore text until a line `@end #1'. +% +\def\doignore#1{\begingroup + % Don't complain about control sequences we have declared \outer. + \ignoresections + % + % Define a command to swallow text until we reach `@end #1'. + % This @ is a catcode 12 token (that is the normal catcode of @ in + % this texinfo.tex file). We change the catcode of @ below to match. + \long\def\doignoretext##1@end #1{\enddoignore}% + % + % Make sure that spaces turn into tokens that match what \doignoretext wants. + \catcode32 = 10 + % + % Ignore braces, too, so mismatched braces don't cause trouble. + \catcode`\{ = 9 + \catcode`\} = 9 + % + % We must not have @c interpreted as a control sequence. + \catcode`\@ = 12 + % + % Make the letter c a comment character so that the rest of the line + % will be ignored. This way, the document can have (for example) + % @c @end ifinfo + % and the @end ifinfo will be properly ignored. + % (We've just changed @ to catcode 12.) + \catcode`\c = 14 + % + % And now expand that command. + \doignoretext +} + +% What we do to finish off ignored text. +% +\def\enddoignore{\endgroup\ignorespaces}% + +\newif\ifwarnedobs\warnedobsfalse +\def\obstexwarn{% + \ifwarnedobs\relax\else + % We need to warn folks that they may have trouble with TeX 3.0. + % This uses \immediate\write16 rather than \message to get newlines. + \immediate\write16{} + \immediate\write16{***WARNING*** for users of Unix TeX 3.0!} + \immediate\write16{This manual trips a bug in TeX version 3.0 (tex hangs).} + \immediate\write16{If you are running another version of TeX, relax.} + \immediate\write16{If you are running Unix TeX 3.0, kill this TeX process.} + \immediate\write16{ Then upgrade your TeX installation if you can.} + \immediate\write16{ (See} + \immediate\write16{If you are stuck with version 3.0, run the} + \immediate\write16{ script ``tex3patch'' from the Texinfo distribution} + \immediate\write16{ to use a workaround.} + \immediate\write16{} + \global\warnedobstrue + \fi +} + +% **In TeX 3.0, setting text in \nullfont hangs tex. For a +% workaround (which requires the file ``dummy.tfm'' to be installed), +% uncomment the following line: +%%%%%\font\nullfont=dummy\let\obstexwarn=\relax + +% Ignore text, except that we keep track of conditional commands for +% purposes of nesting, up to an `@end #1' command. +% +\def\nestedignore#1{% + \obstexwarn + % We must actually expand the ignored text to look for the @end + % command, so that nested ignore constructs work. Thus, we put the + % text into a \vbox and then do nothing with the result. To minimize + % the change of memory overflow, we follow the approach outlined on + % page 401 of the TeXbook: make the current font be a dummy font. + % + \setbox0 = \vbox\bgroup + % Don't complain about control sequences we have declared \outer. + \ignoresections + % + % Define `@end #1' to end the box, which will in turn undefine the + % @end command again. + \expandafter\def\csname E#1\endcsname{\egroup\ignorespaces}% + % + % We are going to be parsing Texinfo commands. Most cause no + % trouble when they are used incorrectly, but some commands do + % complicated argument parsing or otherwise get confused, so we + % undefine them. + % + % We can't do anything about stray @-signs, unfortunately; + % they'll produce `undefined control sequence' errors. + \ignoremorecommands + % + % Set the current font to be \nullfont, a TeX primitive, and define + % all the font commands to also use \nullfont. We don't use + % dummy.tfm, as suggested in the TeXbook, because not all sites + % might have that installed. Therefore, math mode will still + % produce output, but that should be an extremely small amount of + % stuff compared to the main input. + % + \nullfont + \let\tenrm = \nullfont \let\tenit = \nullfont \let\tensl = \nullfont + \let\tenbf = \nullfont \let\tentt = \nullfont \let\smallcaps = \nullfont + \let\tensf = \nullfont + % Similarly for index fonts (mostly for their use in + % smallexample) + \let\indrm = \nullfont \let\indit = \nullfont \let\indsl = \nullfont + \let\indbf = \nullfont \let\indtt = \nullfont \let\indsc = \nullfont + \let\indsf = \nullfont + % + % Don't complain when characters are missing from the fonts. + \tracinglostchars = 0 + % + % Don't bother to do space factor calculations. + \frenchspacing + % + % Don't report underfull hboxes. + \hbadness = 10000 + % + % Do minimal line-breaking. + \pretolerance = 10000 + % + % Do not execute instructions in @tex + \def\tex{\doignore{tex}}% + % Do not execute macro definitions. + % `c' is a comment character, so the word `macro' will get cut off. + \def\macro{\doignore{ma}}% +} + +% @set VAR sets the variable VAR to an empty value. +% @set VAR REST-OF-LINE sets VAR to the value REST-OF-LINE. +% +% Since we want to separate VAR from REST-OF-LINE (which might be +% empty), we can't just use \parsearg; we have to insert a space of our +% own to delimit the rest of the line, and then take it out again if we +% didn't need it. Make sure the catcode of space is correct to avoid +% losing inside @example, for instance. +% +\def\set{\begingroup\catcode` =10 + \catcode`\-=12 \catcode`\_=12 % Allow - and _ in VAR. + \parsearg\setxxx} +\def\setxxx#1{\setyyy#1 \endsetyyy} +\def\setyyy#1 #2\endsetyyy{% + \def\temp{#2}% + \ifx\temp\empty \global\expandafter\let\csname SET#1\endcsname = \empty + \else \setzzz{#1}#2\endsetzzz % Remove the trailing space \setxxx inserted. + \fi + \endgroup +} +% Can't use \xdef to pre-expand #2 and save some time, since \temp or +% \next or other control sequences that we've defined might get us into +% an infinite loop. Consider `@set foo @cite{bar}'. +\def\setzzz#1#2 \endsetzzz{\expandafter\gdef\csname SET#1\endcsname{#2}} + +% @clear VAR clears (i.e., unsets) the variable VAR. +% +\def\clear{\parsearg\clearxxx} +\def\clearxxx#1{\global\expandafter\let\csname SET#1\endcsname=\relax} + +% @value{foo} gets the text saved in variable foo. +% +{ + \catcode`\_ = \active + % + % We might end up with active _ or - characters in the argument if + % we're called from @code, as @code{@value{foo-bar_}}. So \let any + % such active characters to their normal equivalents. + \gdef\value{\begingroup + \catcode`\-=12 \catcode`\_=12 + \indexbreaks \let_\normalunderscore + \valuexxx} +} +\def\valuexxx#1{\expandablevalue{#1}\endgroup} + +% We have this subroutine so that we can handle at least some @value's +% properly in indexes (we \let\value to this in \indexdummies). Ones +% whose names contain - or _ still won't work, but we can't do anything +% about that. The command has to be fully expandable, since the result +% winds up in the index file. This means that if the variable's value +% contains other Texinfo commands, it's almost certain it will fail +% (although perhaps we could fix that with sufficient work to do a +% one-level expansion on the result, instead of complete). +% +\def\expandablevalue#1{% + \expandafter\ifx\csname SET#1\endcsname\relax + {[No value for ``#1'']}% + \else + \csname SET#1\endcsname + \fi +} + +% @ifset VAR ... @end ifset reads the `...' iff VAR has been defined +% with @set. +% +\def\ifset{\parsearg\ifsetxxx} +\def\ifsetxxx #1{% + \expandafter\ifx\csname SET#1\endcsname\relax + \expandafter\ifsetfail + \else + \expandafter\ifsetsucceed + \fi +} +\def\ifsetsucceed{\conditionalsucceed{ifset}} +\def\ifsetfail{\nestedignore{ifset}} +\defineunmatchedend{ifset} + +% @ifclear VAR ... @end ifclear reads the `...' iff VAR has never been +% defined with @set, or has been undefined with @clear. +% +\def\ifclear{\parsearg\ifclearxxx} +\def\ifclearxxx #1{% + \expandafter\ifx\csname SET#1\endcsname\relax + \expandafter\ifclearsucceed + \else + \expandafter\ifclearfail + \fi +} +\def\ifclearsucceed{\conditionalsucceed{ifclear}} +\def\ifclearfail{\nestedignore{ifclear}} +\defineunmatchedend{ifclear} + +% @iftex, @ifnothtml, @ifnotinfo always succeed; we read the text +% following, through the first @end iftex (etc.). Make `@end iftex' +% (etc.) valid only after an @iftex. +% +\def\iftex{\conditionalsucceed{iftex}} +\def\ifnothtml{\conditionalsucceed{ifnothtml}} +\def\ifnotinfo{\conditionalsucceed{ifnotinfo}} +\defineunmatchedend{iftex} +\defineunmatchedend{ifnothtml} +\defineunmatchedend{ifnotinfo} + +% We can't just want to start a group at @iftex (for example) and end it +% at @end iftex, since then @set commands inside the conditional have no +% effect (they'd get reverted at the end of the group). So we must +% define \Eiftex to redefine itself to be its previous value. (We can't +% just define it to fail again with an ``unmatched end'' error, since +% the @ifset might be nested.) +% +\def\conditionalsucceed#1{% + \edef\temp{% + % Remember the current value of \E#1. + \let\nece{prevE#1} = \nece{E#1}% + % + % At the `@end #1', redefine \E#1 to be its previous value. + \def\nece{E#1}{\let\nece{E#1} = \nece{prevE#1}}% + }% + \temp +} + +% We need to expand lots of \csname's, but we don't want to expand the +% control sequences after we've constructed them. +% +\def\nece#1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname#1\endcsname} + +% @asis just yields its argument. Used with @table, for example. +% +\def\asis#1{#1} + +% @math means output in math mode. +% We don't use $'s directly in the definition of \math because control +% sequences like \math are expanded when the toc file is written. Then, +% we read the toc file back, the $'s will be normal characters (as they +% should be, according to the definition of Texinfo). So we must use a +% control sequence to switch into and out of math mode. +% +% This isn't quite enough for @math to work properly in indices, but it +% seems unlikely it will ever be needed there. +% +\let\implicitmath = $ +\def\math#1{\implicitmath #1\implicitmath} + +% @bullet and @minus need the same treatment as @math, just above. +\def\bullet{\implicitmath\ptexbullet\implicitmath} +\def\minus{\implicitmath-\implicitmath} + +% @refill is a no-op. +\let\refill=\relax + +% If working on a large document in chapters, it is convenient to +% be able to disable indexing, cross-referencing, and contents, for test runs. +% This is done with @novalidate (before @setfilename). +% +\newif\iflinks \linkstrue % by default we want the aux files. +\let\novalidate = \linksfalse + +% @setfilename is done at the beginning of every texinfo file. +% So open here the files we need to have open while reading the input. +% This makes it possible to make a .fmt file for texinfo. +\def\setfilename{% + \iflinks + \readauxfile + \fi % \openindices needs to do some work in any case. + \openindices + \fixbackslash % Turn off hack to swallow `\input texinfo'. + \global\let\setfilename=\comment % Ignore extra @setfilename cmds. + % + % If texinfo.cnf is present on the system, read it. + % Useful for site-wide @afourpaper, etc. + % Just to be on the safe side, close the input stream before the \input. + \openin 1 texinfo.cnf + \ifeof1 \let\temp=\relax \else \def\temp{\input texinfo.cnf }\fi + \closein1 + \temp + % + \comment % Ignore the actual filename. +} + +% Called from \setfilename. +% +\def\openindices{% + \newindex{cp}% + \newcodeindex{fn}% + \newcodeindex{vr}% + \newcodeindex{tp}% + \newcodeindex{ky}% + \newcodeindex{pg}% +} + +% @bye. +\outer\def\bye{\pagealignmacro\tracingstats=1\ptexend} + + +\message{fonts,} +% Font-change commands. + +% Texinfo sort of supports the sans serif font style, which plain TeX does not. +% So we set up a \sf analogous to plain's \rm, etc. +\newfam\sffam +\def\sf{\fam=\sffam \tensf} +\let\li = \sf % Sometimes we call it \li, not \sf. + +% We don't need math for this one. +\def\ttsl{\tenttsl} + +% Use Computer Modern fonts at \magstephalf (11pt). +\newcount\mainmagstep +\mainmagstep=\magstephalf + +% Set the font macro #1 to the font named #2, adding on the +% specified font prefix (normally `cm'). +% #3 is the font's design size, #4 is a scale factor +\def\setfont#1#2#3#4{\font#1=\fontprefix#2#3 scaled #4} + +% Use cm as the default font prefix. +% To specify the font prefix, you must define \fontprefix +% before you read in texinfo.tex. +\ifx\fontprefix\undefined +\def\fontprefix{cm} +\fi +% Support font families that don't use the same naming scheme as CM. +\def\rmshape{r} +\def\rmbshape{bx} %where the normal face is bold +\def\bfshape{b} +\def\bxshape{bx} +\def\ttshape{tt} +\def\ttbshape{tt} +\def\ttslshape{sltt} +\def\itshape{ti} +\def\itbshape{bxti} +\def\slshape{sl} +\def\slbshape{bxsl} +\def\sfshape{ss} +\def\sfbshape{ss} +\def\scshape{csc} +\def\scbshape{csc} + +\ifx\bigger\relax +\let\mainmagstep=\magstep1 +\setfont\textrm\rmshape{12}{1000} +\setfont\texttt\ttshape{12}{1000} +\else +\setfont\textrm\rmshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\texttt\ttshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\fi +% Instead of cmb10, you many want to use cmbx10. +% cmbx10 is a prettier font on its own, but cmb10 +% looks better when embedded in a line with cmr10. +\setfont\textbf\bfshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textit\itshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textsl\slshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textsf\sfshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textsc\scshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textttsl\ttslshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\font\texti=cmmi10 scaled \mainmagstep +\font\textsy=cmsy10 scaled \mainmagstep + +% A few fonts for @defun, etc. +\setfont\defbf\bxshape{10}{\magstep1} %was 1314 +\setfont\deftt\ttshape{10}{\magstep1} +\def\df{\let\tentt=\deftt \let\tenbf = \defbf \bf} + +% Fonts for indices and small examples (9pt). +% We actually use the slanted font rather than the italic, +% because texinfo normally uses the slanted fonts for that. +% Do not make many font distinctions in general in the index, since they +% aren't very useful. +\setfont\ninett\ttshape{9}{1000} +\setfont\ninettsl\ttslshape{10}{900} +\setfont\indrm\rmshape{9}{1000} +\setfont\indit\itshape{9}{1000} +\setfont\indsl\slshape{9}{1000} +\let\indtt=\ninett +\let\indttsl=\ninettsl +\let\indsf=\indrm +\let\indbf=\indrm +\setfont\indsc\scshape{10}{900} +\font\indi=cmmi9 +\font\indsy=cmsy9 + +% Fonts for title page: +\setfont\titlerm\rmbshape{12}{\magstep3} +\setfont\titleit\itbshape{10}{\magstep4} +\setfont\titlesl\slbshape{10}{\magstep4} +\setfont\titlett\ttbshape{12}{\magstep3} +\setfont\titlettsl\ttslshape{10}{\magstep4} +\setfont\titlesf\sfbshape{17}{\magstep1} +\let\titlebf=\titlerm +\setfont\titlesc\scbshape{10}{\magstep4} +\font\titlei=cmmi12 scaled \magstep3 +\font\titlesy=cmsy10 scaled \magstep4 +\def\authorrm{\secrm} + +% Chapter (and unnumbered) fonts (17.28pt). +\setfont\chaprm\rmbshape{12}{\magstep2} +\setfont\chapit\itbshape{10}{\magstep3} +\setfont\chapsl\slbshape{10}{\magstep3} +\setfont\chaptt\ttbshape{12}{\magstep2} +\setfont\chapttsl\ttslshape{10}{\magstep3} +\setfont\chapsf\sfbshape{17}{1000} +\let\chapbf=\chaprm +\setfont\chapsc\scbshape{10}{\magstep3} +\font\chapi=cmmi12 scaled \magstep2 +\font\chapsy=cmsy10 scaled \magstep3 + +% Section fonts (14.4pt). +\setfont\secrm\rmbshape{12}{\magstep1} +\setfont\secit\itbshape{10}{\magstep2} +\setfont\secsl\slbshape{10}{\magstep2} +\setfont\sectt\ttbshape{12}{\magstep1} +\setfont\secttsl\ttslshape{10}{\magstep2} +\setfont\secsf\sfbshape{12}{\magstep1} +\let\secbf\secrm +\setfont\secsc\scbshape{10}{\magstep2} +\font\seci=cmmi12 scaled \magstep1 +\font\secsy=cmsy10 scaled \magstep2 + +% \setfont\ssecrm\bxshape{10}{\magstep1} % This size an font looked bad. +% \setfont\ssecit\itshape{10}{\magstep1} % The letters were too crowded. +% \setfont\ssecsl\slshape{10}{\magstep1} +% \setfont\ssectt\ttshape{10}{\magstep1} +% \setfont\ssecsf\sfshape{10}{\magstep1} + +%\setfont\ssecrm\bfshape{10}{1315} % Note the use of cmb rather than cmbx. +%\setfont\ssecit\itshape{10}{1315} % Also, the size is a little larger than +%\setfont\ssecsl\slshape{10}{1315} % being scaled magstep1. +%\setfont\ssectt\ttshape{10}{1315} +%\setfont\ssecsf\sfshape{10}{1315} + +%\let\ssecbf=\ssecrm + +% Subsection fonts (13.15pt). +\setfont\ssecrm\rmbshape{12}{\magstephalf} +\setfont\ssecit\itbshape{10}{1315} +\setfont\ssecsl\slbshape{10}{1315} +\setfont\ssectt\ttbshape{12}{\magstephalf} +\setfont\ssecttsl\ttslshape{10}{1315} +\setfont\ssecsf\sfbshape{12}{\magstephalf} +\let\ssecbf\ssecrm +\setfont\ssecsc\scbshape{10}{\magstep1} +\font\sseci=cmmi12 scaled \magstephalf +\font\ssecsy=cmsy10 scaled 1315 +% The smallcaps and symbol fonts should actually be scaled \magstep1.5, +% but that is not a standard magnification. + +% In order for the font changes to affect most math symbols and letters, +% we have to define the \textfont of the standard families. Since +% texinfo doesn't allow for producing subscripts and superscripts, we +% don't bother to reset \scriptfont and \scriptscriptfont (which would +% also require loading a lot more fonts). +% +\def\resetmathfonts{% + \textfont0 = \tenrm \textfont1 = \teni \textfont2 = \tensy + \textfont\itfam = \tenit \textfont\slfam = \tensl \textfont\bffam = \tenbf + \textfont\ttfam = \tentt \textfont\sffam = \tensf +} + + +% The font-changing commands redefine the meanings of \tenSTYLE, instead +% of just \STYLE. We do this so that font changes will continue to work +% in math mode, where it is the current \fam that is relevant in most +% cases, not the current font. Plain TeX does \def\bf{\fam=\bffam +% \tenbf}, for example. By redefining \tenbf, we obviate the need to +% redefine \bf itself. +\def\textfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\textrm \let\tenit=\textit \let\tensl=\textsl + \let\tenbf=\textbf \let\tentt=\texttt \let\smallcaps=\textsc + \let\tensf=\textsf \let\teni=\texti \let\tensy=\textsy \let\tenttsl=\textttsl + \resetmathfonts} +\def\titlefonts{% + \let\tenrm=\titlerm \let\tenit=\titleit \let\tensl=\titlesl + \let\tenbf=\titlebf \let\tentt=\titlett \let\smallcaps=\titlesc + \let\tensf=\titlesf \let\teni=\titlei \let\tensy=\titlesy + \let\tenttsl=\titlettsl + \resetmathfonts \setleading{25pt}} +\def\titlefont#1{{\titlefonts\rm #1}} +\def\chapfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\chaprm \let\tenit=\chapit \let\tensl=\chapsl + \let\tenbf=\chapbf \let\tentt=\chaptt \let\smallcaps=\chapsc + \let\tensf=\chapsf \let\teni=\chapi \let\tensy=\chapsy \let\tenttsl=\chapttsl + \resetmathfonts \setleading{19pt}} +\def\secfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\secrm \let\tenit=\secit \let\tensl=\secsl + \let\tenbf=\secbf \let\tentt=\sectt \let\smallcaps=\secsc + \let\tensf=\secsf \let\teni=\seci \let\tensy=\secsy \let\tenttsl=\secttsl + \resetmathfonts \setleading{16pt}} +\def\subsecfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\ssecrm \let\tenit=\ssecit \let\tensl=\ssecsl + \let\tenbf=\ssecbf \let\tentt=\ssectt \let\smallcaps=\ssecsc + \let\tensf=\ssecsf \let\teni=\sseci \let\tensy=\ssecsy \let\tenttsl=\ssecttsl + \resetmathfonts \setleading{15pt}} +\let\subsubsecfonts = \subsecfonts % Maybe make sssec fonts scaled magstephalf? +\def\indexfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\indrm \let\tenit=\indit \let\tensl=\indsl + \let\tenbf=\indbf \let\tentt=\indtt \let\smallcaps=\indsc + \let\tensf=\indsf \let\teni=\indi \let\tensy=\indsy \let\tenttsl=\indttsl + \resetmathfonts \setleading{12pt}} + +% Set up the default fonts, so we can use them for creating boxes. +% +\textfonts + +% Define these so they can be easily changed for other fonts. +\def\angleleft{$\langle$} +\def\angleright{$\rangle$} + +% Count depth in font-changes, for error checks +\newcount\fontdepth \fontdepth=0 + +% Fonts for short table of contents. +\setfont\shortcontrm\rmshape{12}{1000} +\setfont\shortcontbf\bxshape{12}{1000} +\setfont\shortcontsl\slshape{12}{1000} + +%% Add scribe-like font environments, plus @l for inline lisp (usually sans +%% serif) and @ii for TeX italic + +% \smartitalic{ARG} outputs arg in italics, followed by an italic correction +% unless the following character is such as not to need one. +\def\smartitalicx{\ifx\next,\else\ifx\next-\else\ifx\next.\else\/\fi\fi\fi} +\def\smartslanted#1{{\sl #1}\futurelet\next\smartitalicx} +\def\smartitalic#1{{\it #1}\futurelet\next\smartitalicx} + +\let\i=\smartitalic +\let\var=\smartslanted +\let\dfn=\smartslanted +\let\emph=\smartitalic +\let\cite=\smartslanted + +\def\b#1{{\bf #1}} +\let\strong=\b + +% We can't just use \exhyphenpenalty, because that only has effect at +% the end of a paragraph. Restore normal hyphenation at the end of the +% group within which \nohyphenation is presumably called. +% +\def\nohyphenation{\hyphenchar\font = -1 \aftergroup\restorehyphenation} +\def\restorehyphenation{\hyphenchar\font = `- } + +\def\t#1{% + {\tt \rawbackslash \frenchspacing #1}% + \null +} +\let\ttfont=\t +\def\samp#1{`\tclose{#1}'\null} +\setfont\smallrm\rmshape{8}{1000} +\font\smallsy=cmsy9 +\def\key#1{{\smallrm\textfont2=\smallsy \leavevmode\hbox{% + \raise0.4pt\hbox{\angleleft}\kern-.08em\vtop{% + \vbox{\hrule\kern-0.4pt + \hbox{\raise0.4pt\hbox{\vphantom{\angleleft}}#1}}% + \kern-0.4pt\hrule}% + \kern-.06em\raise0.4pt\hbox{\angleright}}}} +% The old definition, with no lozenge: +%\def\key #1{{\ttsl \nohyphenation \uppercase{#1}}\null} +\def\ctrl #1{{\tt \rawbackslash \hat}#1} + +% @file, @option are the same as @samp. +\let\file=\samp +\let\option=\samp + +% @code is a modification of @t, +% which makes spaces the same size as normal in the surrounding text. +\def\tclose#1{% + {% + % Change normal interword space to be same as for the current font. + \spaceskip = \fontdimen2\font + % + % Switch to typewriter. + \tt + % + % But `\ ' produces the large typewriter interword space. + \def\ {{\spaceskip = 0pt{} }}% + % + % Turn off hyphenation. + \nohyphenation + % + \rawbackslash + \frenchspacing + #1% + }% + \null +} + +% We *must* turn on hyphenation at `-' and `_' in \code. +% Otherwise, it is too hard to avoid overfull hboxes +% in the Emacs manual, the Library manual, etc. + +% Unfortunately, TeX uses one parameter (\hyphenchar) to control +% both hyphenation at - and hyphenation within words. +% We must therefore turn them both off (\tclose does that) +% and arrange explicitly to hyphenate at a dash. +% -- rms. +{ + \catcode`\-=\active + \catcode`\_=\active + % + \global\def\code{\begingroup + \catcode`\-=\active \let-\codedash + \catcode`\_=\active \let_\codeunder + \codex + } + % + % If we end up with any active - characters when handling the index, + % just treat them as a normal -. + \global\def\indexbreaks{\catcode`\-=\active \let-\realdash} +} + +\def\realdash{-} +\def\codedash{-\discretionary{}{}{}} +\def\codeunder{\ifusingtt{\normalunderscore\discretionary{}{}{}}{\_}} +\def\codex #1{\tclose{#1}\endgroup} + +%\let\exp=\tclose %Was temporary + +% @kbd is like @code, except that if the argument is just one @key command, +% then @kbd has no effect. + +% @kbdinputstyle -- arg is `distinct' (@kbd uses slanted tty font always), +% `example' (@kbd uses ttsl only inside of @example and friends), +% or `code' (@kbd uses normal tty font always). +\def\kbdinputstyle{\parsearg\kbdinputstylexxx} +\def\kbdinputstylexxx#1{% + \def\arg{#1}% + \ifx\arg\worddistinct + \gdef\kbdexamplefont{\ttsl}\gdef\kbdfont{\ttsl}% + \else\ifx\arg\wordexample + \gdef\kbdexamplefont{\ttsl}\gdef\kbdfont{\tt}% + \else\ifx\arg\wordcode + \gdef\kbdexamplefont{\tt}\gdef\kbdfont{\tt}% + \fi\fi\fi +} +\def\worddistinct{distinct} +\def\wordexample{example} +\def\wordcode{code} + +% Default is kbdinputdistinct. (Too much of a hassle to call the macro, +% the catcodes are wrong for parsearg to work.) +\gdef\kbdexamplefont{\ttsl}\gdef\kbdfont{\ttsl} + +\def\xkey{\key} +\def\kbdfoo#1#2#3\par{\def\one{#1}\def\three{#3}\def\threex{??}% +\ifx\one\xkey\ifx\threex\three \key{#2}% +\else{\tclose{\kbdfont\look}}\fi +\else{\tclose{\kbdfont\look}}\fi} + +% For @url, @env, @command quotes seem unnecessary, so use \code. +\let\url=\code +\let\env=\code +\let\command=\code + +% @uref (abbreviation for `urlref') takes an optional second argument +% specifying the text to display. First (mandatory) arg is the url. +% Perhaps eventually put in a hypertex \special here. +% +\def\uref#1{\urefxxx #1,,\finish} +\def\urefxxx#1,#2,#3\finish{% + \setbox0 = \hbox{\ignorespaces #2}% + \ifdim\wd0 > 0pt + \unhbox0\ (\code{#1})% + \else + \code{#1}% + \fi +} + +% rms does not like the angle brackets --karl, 17may97. +% So now @email is just like @uref. +%\def\email#1{\angleleft{\tt #1}\angleright} +\let\email=\uref + +% Check if we are currently using a typewriter font. Since all the +% Computer Modern typewriter fonts have zero interword stretch (and +% shrink), and it is reasonable to expect all typewriter fonts to have +% this property, we can check that font parameter. +% +\def\ifmonospace{\ifdim\fontdimen3\font=0pt } + +% Typeset a dimension, e.g., `in' or `pt'. The only reason for the +% argument is to make the input look right: @dmn{pt} instead of @dmn{}pt. +% +\def\dmn#1{\thinspace #1} + +\def\kbd#1{\def\look{#1}\expandafter\kbdfoo\look??\par} + +% @l was never documented to mean ``switch to the Lisp font'', +% and it is not used as such in any manual I can find. We need it for +% Polish suppressed-l. --karl, 22sep96. +%\def\l#1{{\li #1}\null} + +% Explicit font changes: @r, @sc, undocumented @ii. +\def\r#1{{\rm #1}} % roman font +\def\sc#1{{\smallcaps#1}} % smallcaps font +\def\ii#1{{\it #1}} % italic font + +% @acronym downcases the argument and prints in smallcaps. +\def\acronym#1{{\smallcaps \lowercase{#1}}} + +% @pounds{} is a sterling sign. +\def\pounds{{\it\$}} + + +\message{page headings,} + +\newskip\titlepagetopglue \titlepagetopglue = 1.5in +\newskip\titlepagebottomglue \titlepagebottomglue = 2pc + +% First the title page. Must do @settitle before @titlepage. +\newif\ifseenauthor +\newif\iffinishedtitlepage + +% Do an implicit @contents or @shortcontents after @end titlepage if the +% user says @setcontentsaftertitlepage or @setshortcontentsaftertitlepage. +% +\newif\ifsetcontentsaftertitlepage + \let\setcontentsaftertitlepage = \setcontentsaftertitlepagetrue +\newif\ifsetshortcontentsaftertitlepage + \let\setshortcontentsaftertitlepage = \setshortcontentsaftertitlepagetrue + +\def\shorttitlepage{\parsearg\shorttitlepagezzz} +\def\shorttitlepagezzz #1{\begingroup\hbox{}\vskip 1.5in \chaprm \centerline{#1}% + \endgroup\page\hbox{}\page} + +\def\titlepage{\begingroup \parindent=0pt \textfonts + \let\subtitlerm=\tenrm + \def\subtitlefont{\subtitlerm \normalbaselineskip = 13pt \normalbaselines}% + % + \def\authorfont{\authorrm \normalbaselineskip = 16pt \normalbaselines}% + % + % Leave some space at the very top of the page. + \vglue\titlepagetopglue + % + % Now you can print the title using @title. + \def\title{\parsearg\titlezzz}% + \def\titlezzz##1{\leftline{\titlefonts\rm ##1} + % print a rule at the page bottom also. + \finishedtitlepagefalse + \vskip4pt \hrule height 4pt width \hsize \vskip4pt}% + % No rule at page bottom unless we print one at the top with @title. + \finishedtitlepagetrue + % + % Now you can put text using @subtitle. + \def\subtitle{\parsearg\subtitlezzz}% + \def\subtitlezzz##1{{\subtitlefont \rightline{##1}}}% + % + % @author should come last, but may come many times. + \def\author{\parsearg\authorzzz}% + \def\authorzzz##1{\ifseenauthor\else\vskip 0pt plus 1filll\seenauthortrue\fi + {\authorfont \leftline{##1}}}% + % + % Most title ``pages'' are actually two pages long, with space + % at the top of the second. We don't want the ragged left on the second. + \let\oldpage = \page + \def\page{% + \iffinishedtitlepage\else + \finishtitlepage + \fi + \oldpage + \let\page = \oldpage + \hbox{}}% +% \def\page{\oldpage \hbox{}} +} + +\def\Etitlepage{% + \iffinishedtitlepage\else + \finishtitlepage + \fi + % It is important to do the page break before ending the group, + % because the headline and footline are only empty inside the group. + % If we use the new definition of \page, we always get a blank page + % after the title page, which we certainly don't want. + \oldpage + \endgroup + % + % If they want short, they certainly want long too. + \ifsetshortcontentsaftertitlepage + \shortcontents + \contents + \global\let\shortcontents = \relax + \global\let\contents = \relax + \fi + % + \ifsetcontentsaftertitlepage + \contents + \global\let\contents = \relax + \global\let\shortcontents = \relax + \fi + % + \HEADINGSon +} + +\def\finishtitlepage{% + \vskip4pt \hrule height 2pt width \hsize + \vskip\titlepagebottomglue + \finishedtitlepagetrue +} + +%%% Set up page headings and footings. + +\let\thispage=\folio + +\newtoks\evenheadline % headline on even pages +\newtoks\oddheadline % headline on odd pages +\newtoks\evenfootline % footline on even pages +\newtoks\oddfootline % footline on odd pages + +% Now make Tex use those variables +\headline={{\textfonts\rm \ifodd\pageno \the\oddheadline + \else \the\evenheadline \fi}} +\footline={{\textfonts\rm \ifodd\pageno \the\oddfootline + \else \the\evenfootline \fi}\HEADINGShook} +\let\HEADINGShook=\relax + +% Commands to set those variables. +% For example, this is what @headings on does +% @evenheading @thistitle|@thispage|@thischapter +% @oddheading @thischapter|@thispage|@thistitle +% @evenfooting @thisfile|| +% @oddfooting ||@thisfile + +\def\evenheading{\parsearg\evenheadingxxx} +\def\oddheading{\parsearg\oddheadingxxx} +\def\everyheading{\parsearg\everyheadingxxx} + +\def\evenfooting{\parsearg\evenfootingxxx} +\def\oddfooting{\parsearg\oddfootingxxx} +\def\everyfooting{\parsearg\everyfootingxxx} + +{\catcode`\@=0 % + +\gdef\evenheadingxxx #1{\evenheadingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\evenheadingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\evenheadline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} + +\gdef\oddheadingxxx #1{\oddheadingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\oddheadingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\oddheadline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} + +\gdef\everyheadingxxx#1{\oddheadingxxx{#1}\evenheadingxxx{#1}}% + +\gdef\evenfootingxxx #1{\evenfootingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\evenfootingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\evenfootline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} + +\gdef\oddfootingxxx #1{\oddfootingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\oddfootingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% + \global\oddfootline = {\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}% + % + % Leave some space for the footline. Hopefully ok to assume + % @evenfooting will not be used by itself. + \global\advance\pageheight by -\baselineskip + \global\advance\vsize by -\baselineskip +} + +\gdef\everyfootingxxx#1{\oddfootingxxx{#1}\evenfootingxxx{#1}} +% +}% unbind the catcode of @. + +% @headings double turns headings on for double-sided printing. +% @headings single turns headings on for single-sided printing. +% @headings off turns them off. +% @headings on same as @headings double, retained for compatibility. +% @headings after turns on double-sided headings after this page. +% @headings doubleafter turns on double-sided headings after this page. +% @headings singleafter turns on single-sided headings after this page. +% By default, they are off at the start of a document, +% and turned `on' after @end titlepage. + +\def\headings #1 {\csname HEADINGS#1\endcsname} + +\def\HEADINGSoff{ +\global\evenheadline={\hfil} \global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddheadline={\hfil} \global\oddfootline={\hfil}} +\HEADINGSoff +% When we turn headings on, set the page number to 1. +% For double-sided printing, put current file name in lower left corner, +% chapter name on inside top of right hand pages, document +% title on inside top of left hand pages, and page numbers on outside top +% edge of all pages. +\def\HEADINGSdouble{ +\global\pageno=1 +\global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddfootline={\hfil} +\global\evenheadline={\line{\folio\hfil\thistitle}} +\global\oddheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +\global\let\contentsalignmacro = \chapoddpage +} +\let\contentsalignmacro = \chappager + +% For single-sided printing, chapter title goes across top left of page, +% page number on top right. +\def\HEADINGSsingle{ +\global\pageno=1 +\global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddfootline={\hfil} +\global\evenheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +\global\oddheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +\global\let\contentsalignmacro = \chappager +} +\def\HEADINGSon{\HEADINGSdouble} + +\def\HEADINGSafter{\let\HEADINGShook=\HEADINGSdoublex} +\let\HEADINGSdoubleafter=\HEADINGSafter +\def\HEADINGSdoublex{% +\global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddfootline={\hfil} +\global\evenheadline={\line{\folio\hfil\thistitle}} +\global\oddheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +\global\let\contentsalignmacro = \chapoddpage +} + +\def\HEADINGSsingleafter{\let\HEADINGShook=\HEADINGSsinglex} +\def\HEADINGSsinglex{% +\global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddfootline={\hfil} +\global\evenheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +\global\oddheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +\global\let\contentsalignmacro = \chappager +} + +% Subroutines used in generating headings +% Produces Day Month Year style of output. +\def\today{\number\day\space +\ifcase\month\or +January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or +July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi +\space\number\year} + +% Use this if you want the Month Day, Year style of output. +%\def\today{\ifcase\month\or +%January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or +%July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi +%\space\number\day, \number\year} + +% @settitle line... specifies the title of the document, for headings +% It generates no output of its own + +\def\thistitle{No Title} +\def\settitle{\parsearg\settitlezzz} +\def\settitlezzz #1{\gdef\thistitle{#1}} + + +\message{tables,} +% Tables -- @table, @ftable, @vtable, @item(x), @kitem(x), @xitem(x). + +% default indentation of table text +\newdimen\tableindent \tableindent=.8in +% default indentation of @itemize and @enumerate text +\newdimen\itemindent \itemindent=.3in +% margin between end of table item and start of table text. +\newdimen\itemmargin \itemmargin=.1in + +% used internally for \itemindent minus \itemmargin +\newdimen\itemmax + +% Note @table, @vtable, and @vtable define @item, @itemx, etc., with +% these defs. +% They also define \itemindex +% to index the item name in whatever manner is desired (perhaps none). + +\newif\ifitemxneedsnegativevskip + +\def\itemxpar{\par\ifitemxneedsnegativevskip\nobreak\vskip-\parskip\nobreak\fi} + +\def\internalBitem{\smallbreak \parsearg\itemzzz} +\def\internalBitemx{\itemxpar \parsearg\itemzzz} + +\def\internalBxitem "#1"{\def\xitemsubtopix{#1} \smallbreak \parsearg\xitemzzz} +\def\internalBxitemx "#1"{\def\xitemsubtopix{#1} \itemxpar \parsearg\xitemzzz} + +\def\internalBkitem{\smallbreak \parsearg\kitemzzz} +\def\internalBkitemx{\itemxpar \parsearg\kitemzzz} + +\def\kitemzzz #1{\dosubind {kw}{\code{#1}}{for {\bf \lastfunction}}% + \itemzzz {#1}} + +\def\xitemzzz #1{\dosubind {kw}{\code{#1}}{for {\bf \xitemsubtopic}}% + \itemzzz {#1}} + +\def\itemzzz #1{\begingroup % + \advance\hsize by -\rightskip + \advance\hsize by -\tableindent + \setbox0=\hbox{\itemfont{#1}}% + \itemindex{#1}% + \nobreak % This prevents a break before @itemx. + % + % If the item text does not fit in the space we have, put it on a line + % by itself, and do not allow a page break either before or after that + % line. We do not start a paragraph here because then if the next + % command is, e.g., @kindex, the whatsit would get put into the + % horizontal list on a line by itself, resulting in extra blank space. + \ifdim \wd0>\itemmax + % + % Make this a paragraph so we get the \parskip glue and wrapping, + % but leave it ragged-right. + \begingroup + \advance\leftskip by-\tableindent + \advance\hsize by\tableindent + \advance\rightskip by0pt plus1fil + \leavevmode\unhbox0\par + \endgroup + % + % We're going to be starting a paragraph, but we don't want the + % \parskip glue -- logically it's part of the @item we just started. + \nobreak \vskip-\parskip + % + % Stop a page break at the \parskip glue coming up. Unfortunately + % we can't prevent a possible page break at the following + % \baselineskip glue. + \nobreak + \endgroup + \itemxneedsnegativevskipfalse + \else + % The item text fits into the space. Start a paragraph, so that the + % following text (if any) will end up on the same line. + \noindent + % Do this with kerns and \unhbox so that if there is a footnote in + % the item text, it can migrate to the main vertical list and + % eventually be printed. + \nobreak\kern-\tableindent + \dimen0 = \itemmax \advance\dimen0 by \itemmargin \advance\dimen0 by -\wd0 + \unhbox0 + \nobreak\kern\dimen0 + \endgroup + \itemxneedsnegativevskiptrue + \fi +} + +\def\item{\errmessage{@item while not in a table}} +\def\itemx{\errmessage{@itemx while not in a table}} +\def\kitem{\errmessage{@kitem while not in a table}} +\def\kitemx{\errmessage{@kitemx while not in a table}} +\def\xitem{\errmessage{@xitem while not in a table}} +\def\xitemx{\errmessage{@xitemx while not in a table}} + +% Contains a kludge to get @end[description] to work. +\def\description{\tablez{\dontindex}{1}{}{}{}{}} + +% @table, @ftable, @vtable. +\def\table{\begingroup\inENV\obeylines\obeyspaces\tablex} +{\obeylines\obeyspaces% +\gdef\tablex #1^^M{% +\tabley\dontindex#1 \endtabley}} + +\def\ftable{\begingroup\inENV\obeylines\obeyspaces\ftablex} +{\obeylines\obeyspaces% +\gdef\ftablex #1^^M{% +\tabley\fnitemindex#1 \endtabley +\def\Eftable{\endgraf\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% +\let\Etable=\relax}} + +\def\vtable{\begingroup\inENV\obeylines\obeyspaces\vtablex} +{\obeylines\obeyspaces% +\gdef\vtablex #1^^M{% +\tabley\vritemindex#1 \endtabley +\def\Evtable{\endgraf\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% +\let\Etable=\relax}} + +\def\dontindex #1{} +\def\fnitemindex #1{\doind {fn}{\code{#1}}}% +\def\vritemindex #1{\doind {vr}{\code{#1}}}% + +{\obeyspaces % +\gdef\tabley#1#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7\endtabley{\endgroup% +\tablez{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}} + +\def\tablez #1#2#3#4#5#6{% +\aboveenvbreak % +\begingroup % +\def\Edescription{\Etable}% Necessary kludge. +\let\itemindex=#1% +\ifnum 0#3>0 \advance \leftskip by #3\mil \fi % +\ifnum 0#4>0 \tableindent=#4\mil \fi % +\ifnum 0#5>0 \advance \rightskip by #5\mil \fi % +\def\itemfont{#2}% +\itemmax=\tableindent % +\advance \itemmax by -\itemmargin % +\advance \leftskip by \tableindent % +\exdentamount=\tableindent +\parindent = 0pt +\parskip = \smallskipamount +\ifdim \parskip=0pt \parskip=2pt \fi% +\def\Etable{\endgraf\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% +\let\item = \internalBitem % +\let\itemx = \internalBitemx % +\let\kitem = \internalBkitem % +\let\kitemx = \internalBkitemx % +\let\xitem = \internalBxitem % +\let\xitemx = \internalBxitemx % +} + +% This is the counter used by @enumerate, which is really @itemize + +\newcount \itemno + +\def\itemize{\parsearg\itemizezzz} + +\def\itemizezzz #1{% + \begingroup % ended by the @end itemize + \itemizey {#1}{\Eitemize} +} + +\def\itemizey #1#2{% +\aboveenvbreak % +\itemmax=\itemindent % +\advance \itemmax by -\itemmargin % +\advance \leftskip by \itemindent % +\exdentamount=\itemindent +\parindent = 0pt % +\parskip = \smallskipamount % +\ifdim \parskip=0pt \parskip=2pt \fi% +\def#2{\endgraf\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% +\def\itemcontents{#1}% +\let\item=\itemizeitem} + +% Set sfcode to normal for the chars that usually have another value. +% These are `.?!:;,' +\def\frenchspacing{\sfcode46=1000 \sfcode63=1000 \sfcode33=1000 + \sfcode58=1000 \sfcode59=1000 \sfcode44=1000 } + +% \splitoff TOKENS\endmark defines \first to be the first token in +% TOKENS, and \rest to be the remainder. +% +\def\splitoff#1#2\endmark{\def\first{#1}\def\rest{#2}}% + +% Allow an optional argument of an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, +% or number, to specify the first label in the enumerated list. No +% argument is the same as `1'. +% +\def\enumerate{\parsearg\enumeratezzz} +\def\enumeratezzz #1{\enumeratey #1 \endenumeratey} +\def\enumeratey #1 #2\endenumeratey{% + \begingroup % ended by the @end enumerate + % + % If we were given no argument, pretend we were given `1'. + \def\thearg{#1}% + \ifx\thearg\empty \def\thearg{1}\fi + % + % Detect if the argument is a single token. If so, it might be a + % letter. Otherwise, the only valid thing it can be is a number. + % (We will always have one token, because of the test we just made. + % This is a good thing, since \splitoff doesn't work given nothing at + % all -- the first parameter is undelimited.) + \expandafter\splitoff\thearg\endmark + \ifx\rest\empty + % Only one token in the argument. It could still be anything. + % A ``lowercase letter'' is one whose \lccode is nonzero. + % An ``uppercase letter'' is one whose \lccode is both nonzero, and + % not equal to itself. + % Otherwise, we assume it's a number. + % + % We need the \relax at the end of the \ifnum lines to stop TeX from + % continuing to look for a . + % + \ifnum\lccode\expandafter`\thearg=0\relax + \numericenumerate % a number (we hope) + \else + % It's a letter. + \ifnum\lccode\expandafter`\thearg=\expandafter`\thearg\relax + \lowercaseenumerate % lowercase letter + \else + \uppercaseenumerate % uppercase letter + \fi + \fi + \else + % Multiple tokens in the argument. We hope it's a number. + \numericenumerate + \fi +} + +% An @enumerate whose labels are integers. The starting integer is +% given in \thearg. +% +\def\numericenumerate{% + \itemno = \thearg + \startenumeration{\the\itemno}% +} + +% The starting (lowercase) letter is in \thearg. +\def\lowercaseenumerate{% + \itemno = \expandafter`\thearg + \startenumeration{% + % Be sure we're not beyond the end of the alphabet. + \ifnum\itemno=0 + \errmessage{No more lowercase letters in @enumerate; get a bigger + alphabet}% + \fi + \char\lccode\itemno + }% +} + +% The starting (uppercase) letter is in \thearg. +\def\uppercaseenumerate{% + \itemno = \expandafter`\thearg + \startenumeration{% + % Be sure we're not beyond the end of the alphabet. + \ifnum\itemno=0 + \errmessage{No more uppercase letters in @enumerate; get a bigger + alphabet} + \fi + \char\uccode\itemno + }% +} + +% Call itemizey, adding a period to the first argument and supplying the +% common last two arguments. Also subtract one from the initial value in +% \itemno, since @item increments \itemno. +% +\def\startenumeration#1{% + \advance\itemno by -1 + \itemizey{#1.}\Eenumerate\flushcr +} + +% @alphaenumerate and @capsenumerate are abbreviations for giving an arg +% to @enumerate. +% +\def\alphaenumerate{\enumerate{a}} +\def\capsenumerate{\enumerate{A}} +\def\Ealphaenumerate{\Eenumerate} +\def\Ecapsenumerate{\Eenumerate} + +% Definition of @item while inside @itemize. + +\def\itemizeitem{% +\advance\itemno by 1 +{\let\par=\endgraf \smallbreak}% +\ifhmode \errmessage{In hmode at itemizeitem}\fi +{\parskip=0in \hskip 0pt +\hbox to 0pt{\hss \itemcontents\hskip \itemmargin}% +\vadjust{\penalty 1200}}% +\flushcr} + +% @multitable macros +% Amy Hendrickson, 8/18/94, 3/6/96 +% +% @multitable ... @end multitable will make as many columns as desired. +% Contents of each column will wrap at width given in preamble. Width +% can be specified either with sample text given in a template line, +% or in percent of \hsize, the current width of text on page. + +% Table can continue over pages but will only break between lines. + +% To make preamble: +% +% Either define widths of columns in terms of percent of \hsize: +% @multitable @columnfractions .25 .3 .45 +% @item ... +% +% Numbers following @columnfractions are the percent of the total +% current hsize to be used for each column. You may use as many +% columns as desired. + + +% Or use a template: +% @multitable {Column 1 template} {Column 2 template} {Column 3 template} +% @item ... +% using the widest term desired in each column. +% +% For those who want to use more than one line's worth of words in +% the preamble, break the line within one argument and it +% will parse correctly, i.e., +% +% @multitable {Column 1 template} {Column 2 template} {Column 3 +% template} +% Not: +% @multitable {Column 1 template} {Column 2 template} +% {Column 3 template} + +% Each new table line starts with @item, each subsequent new column +% starts with @tab. Empty columns may be produced by supplying @tab's +% with nothing between them for as many times as empty columns are needed, +% ie, @tab@tab@tab will produce two empty columns. + +% @item, @tab, @multitable or @end multitable do not need to be on their +% own lines, but it will not hurt if they are. + +% Sample multitable: + +% @multitable {Column 1 template} {Column 2 template} {Column 3 template} +% @item first col stuff @tab second col stuff @tab third col +% @item +% first col stuff +% @tab +% second col stuff +% @tab +% third col +% @item first col stuff @tab second col stuff +% @tab Many paragraphs of text may be used in any column. +% +% They will wrap at the width determined by the template. +% @item@tab@tab This will be in third column. +% @end multitable + +% Default dimensions may be reset by user. +% @multitableparskip is vertical space between paragraphs in table. +% @multitableparindent is paragraph indent in table. +% @multitablecolmargin is horizontal space to be left between columns. +% @multitablelinespace is space to leave between table items, baseline +% to baseline. +% 0pt means it depends on current normal line spacing. +% +\newskip\multitableparskip +\newskip\multitableparindent +\newdimen\multitablecolspace +\newskip\multitablelinespace +\multitableparskip=0pt +\multitableparindent=6pt +\multitablecolspace=12pt +\multitablelinespace=0pt + +% Macros used to set up halign preamble: +% +\let\endsetuptable\relax +\def\xendsetuptable{\endsetuptable} +\let\columnfractions\relax +\def\xcolumnfractions{\columnfractions} +\newif\ifsetpercent + +% #1 is the part of the @columnfraction before the decimal point, which +% is presumably either 0 or the empty string (but we don't check, we +% just throw it away). #2 is the decimal part, which we use as the +% percent of \hsize for this column. +\def\pickupwholefraction#1.#2 {% + \global\advance\colcount by 1 + \expandafter\xdef\csname col\the\colcount\endcsname{.#2\hsize}% + \setuptable +} + +\newcount\colcount +\def\setuptable#1{% + \def\firstarg{#1}% + \ifx\firstarg\xendsetuptable + \let\go = \relax + \else + \ifx\firstarg\xcolumnfractions + \global\setpercenttrue + \else + \ifsetpercent + \let\go\pickupwholefraction + \else + \global\advance\colcount by 1 + \setbox0=\hbox{#1\unskip }% Add a normal word space as a separator; + % typically that is always in the input, anyway. + \expandafter\xdef\csname col\the\colcount\endcsname{\the\wd0}% + \fi + \fi + \ifx\go\pickupwholefraction + % Put the argument back for the \pickupwholefraction call, so + % we'll always have a period there to be parsed. + \def\go{\pickupwholefraction#1}% + \else + \let\go = \setuptable + \fi% + \fi + \go +} + +% multitable syntax +\def\tab{&\hskip1sp\relax} % 2/2/96 + % tiny skip here makes sure this column space is + % maintained, even if it is never used. + +% @multitable ... @end multitable definitions: +% +\def\multitable{\parsearg\dotable} +\def\dotable#1{\bgroup + \vskip\parskip + \let\item\crcr + \tolerance=9500 + \hbadness=9500 + \setmultitablespacing + \parskip=\multitableparskip + \parindent=\multitableparindent + \overfullrule=0pt + \global\colcount=0 + \def\Emultitable{\global\setpercentfalse\cr\egroup\egroup}% + % + % To parse everything between @multitable and @item: + \setuptable#1 \endsetuptable + % + % \everycr will reset column counter, \colcount, at the end of + % each line. Every column entry will cause \colcount to advance by one. + % The table preamble + % looks at the current \colcount to find the correct column width. + \everycr{\noalign{% + % + % \filbreak%% keeps underfull box messages off when table breaks over pages. + % Maybe so, but it also creates really weird page breaks when the table + % breaks over pages. Wouldn't \vfil be better? Wait until the problem + % manifests itself, so it can be fixed for real --karl. + \global\colcount=0\relax}}% + % + % This preamble sets up a generic column definition, which will + % be used as many times as user calls for columns. + % \vtop will set a single line and will also let text wrap and + % continue for many paragraphs if desired. + \halign\bgroup&\global\advance\colcount by 1\relax + \multistrut\vtop{\hsize=\expandafter\csname col\the\colcount\endcsname + % + % In order to keep entries from bumping into each other + % we will add a \leftskip of \multitablecolspace to all columns after + % the first one. + % + % If a template has been used, we will add \multitablecolspace + % to the width of each template entry. + % + % If the user has set preamble in terms of percent of \hsize we will + % use that dimension as the width of the column, and the \leftskip + % will keep entries from bumping into each other. Table will start at + % left margin and final column will justify at right margin. + % + % Make sure we don't inherit \rightskip from the outer environment. + \rightskip=0pt + \ifnum\colcount=1 + % The first column will be indented with the surrounding text. + \advance\hsize by\leftskip + \else + \ifsetpercent \else + % If user has not set preamble in terms of percent of \hsize + % we will advance \hsize by \multitablecolspace. + \advance\hsize by \multitablecolspace + \fi + % In either case we will make \leftskip=\multitablecolspace: + \leftskip=\multitablecolspace + \fi + % Ignoring space at the beginning and end avoids an occasional spurious + % blank line, when TeX decides to break the line at the space before the + % box from the multistrut, so the strut ends up on a line by itself. + % For example: + % @multitable @columnfractions .11 .89 + % @item @code{#} + % @tab Legal holiday which is valid in major parts of the whole country. + % Is automatically provided with highlighting sequences respectively marking + % characters. + \noindent\ignorespaces##\unskip\multistrut}\cr +} + +\def\setmultitablespacing{% test to see if user has set \multitablelinespace. +% If so, do nothing. If not, give it an appropriate dimension based on +% current baselineskip. +\ifdim\multitablelinespace=0pt +%% strut to put in table in case some entry doesn't have descenders, +%% to keep lines equally spaced +\let\multistrut = \strut +%% Test to see if parskip is larger than space between lines of +%% table. If not, do nothing. +%% If so, set to same dimension as multitablelinespace. +\else +\gdef\multistrut{\vrule height\multitablelinespace depth\dp0 +width0pt\relax} \fi +\ifdim\multitableparskip>\multitablelinespace +\global\multitableparskip=\multitablelinespace +\global\advance\multitableparskip-7pt %% to keep parskip somewhat smaller + %% than skip between lines in the table. +\fi% +\ifdim\multitableparskip=0pt +\global\multitableparskip=\multitablelinespace +\global\advance\multitableparskip-7pt %% to keep parskip somewhat smaller + %% than skip between lines in the table. +\fi} + + +\message{indexing,} +% Index generation facilities + +% Define \newwrite to be identical to plain tex's \newwrite +% except not \outer, so it can be used within \newindex. +{\catcode`\@=11 +\gdef\newwrite{\alloc@7\write\chardef\sixt@@n}} + +% \newindex {foo} defines an index named foo. +% It automatically defines \fooindex such that +% \fooindex of line... puts an entry in the index foo. +% It also defines \fooindfile to be the number of the output channel for +% the file that accumulates this index. The file's extension is foo. +% The name of an index should be no more than 2 characters long +% for the sake of vms. +% +\def\newindex#1{% + \iflinks + \expandafter\newwrite \csname#1indfile\endcsname + \openout \csname#1indfile\endcsname \jobname.#1 % Open the file + \fi + \expandafter\xdef\csname#1index\endcsname{% % Define @#1index + \noexpand\doindex{#1}} +} + +% @defindex foo == \newindex{foo} + +\def\defindex{\parsearg\newindex} + +% Define @defcodeindex, like @defindex except put all entries in @code. + +\def\newcodeindex#1{% + \iflinks + \expandafter\newwrite \csname#1indfile\endcsname + \openout \csname#1indfile\endcsname \jobname.#1 + \fi + \expandafter\xdef\csname#1index\endcsname{% + \noexpand\docodeindex{#1}} +} + +\def\defcodeindex{\parsearg\newcodeindex} + +% @synindex foo bar makes index foo feed into index bar. +% Do this instead of @defindex foo if you don't want it as a separate index. +% The \closeout helps reduce unnecessary open files; the limit on the +% Acorn RISC OS is a mere 16 files. +\def\synindex#1 #2 {% + \expandafter\let\expandafter\synindexfoo\expandafter=\csname#2indfile\endcsname + \expandafter\closeout\csname#1indfile\endcsname + \expandafter\let\csname#1indfile\endcsname=\synindexfoo + \expandafter\xdef\csname#1index\endcsname{% define \xxxindex + \noexpand\doindex{#2}}% +} + +% @syncodeindex foo bar similar, but put all entries made for index foo +% inside @code. +\def\syncodeindex#1 #2 {% + \expandafter\let\expandafter\synindexfoo\expandafter=\csname#2indfile\endcsname + \expandafter\closeout\csname#1indfile\endcsname + \expandafter\let\csname#1indfile\endcsname=\synindexfoo + \expandafter\xdef\csname#1index\endcsname{% define \xxxindex + \noexpand\docodeindex{#2}}% +} + +% Define \doindex, the driver for all \fooindex macros. +% Argument #1 is generated by the calling \fooindex macro, +% and it is "foo", the name of the index. + +% \doindex just uses \parsearg; it calls \doind for the actual work. +% This is because \doind is more useful to call from other macros. + +% There is also \dosubind {index}{topic}{subtopic} +% which makes an entry in a two-level index such as the operation index. + +\def\doindex#1{\edef\indexname{#1}\parsearg\singleindexer} +\def\singleindexer #1{\doind{\indexname}{#1}} + +% like the previous two, but they put @code around the argument. +\def\docodeindex#1{\edef\indexname{#1}\parsearg\singlecodeindexer} +\def\singlecodeindexer #1{\doind{\indexname}{\code{#1}}} + +\def\indexdummies{% +\def\ { }% +% Take care of the plain tex accent commands. +\def\"{\realbackslash "}% +\def\`{\realbackslash `}% +\def\'{\realbackslash '}% +\def\^{\realbackslash ^}% +\def\~{\realbackslash ~}% +\def\={\realbackslash =}% +\def\b{\realbackslash b}% +\def\c{\realbackslash c}% +\def\d{\realbackslash d}% +\def\u{\realbackslash u}% +\def\v{\realbackslash v}% +\def\H{\realbackslash H}% +% Take care of the plain tex special European modified letters. +\def\oe{\realbackslash oe}% +\def\ae{\realbackslash ae}% +\def\aa{\realbackslash aa}% +\def\OE{\realbackslash OE}% +\def\AE{\realbackslash AE}% +\def\AA{\realbackslash AA}% +\def\o{\realbackslash o}% +\def\O{\realbackslash O}% +\def\l{\realbackslash l}% +\def\L{\realbackslash L}% +\def\ss{\realbackslash ss}% +% Take care of texinfo commands likely to appear in an index entry. +% (Must be a way to avoid doing expansion at all, and thus not have to +% laboriously list every single command here.) +\def\@{@}% will be @@ when we switch to @ as escape char. +% Need these in case \tex is in effect and \{ is a \delimiter again. +% But can't use \lbracecmd and \rbracecmd because texindex assumes +% braces and backslashes are used only as delimiters. +\let\{ = \mylbrace +\let\} = \myrbrace +\def\_{{\realbackslash _}}% +\def\w{\realbackslash w }% +\def\bf{\realbackslash bf }% +%\def\rm{\realbackslash rm }% +\def\sl{\realbackslash sl }% +\def\sf{\realbackslash sf}% +\def\tt{\realbackslash tt}% +\def\gtr{\realbackslash gtr}% +\def\less{\realbackslash less}% +\def\hat{\realbackslash hat}% +\def\TeX{\realbackslash TeX}% +\def\dots{\realbackslash dots }% +\def\result{\realbackslash result}% +\def\equiv{\realbackslash equiv}% +\def\expansion{\realbackslash expansion}% +\def\print{\realbackslash print}% +\def\error{\realbackslash error}% +\def\point{\realbackslash point}% +\def\copyright{\realbackslash copyright}% +\def\tclose##1{\realbackslash tclose {##1}}% +\def\code##1{\realbackslash code {##1}}% +\def\uref##1{\realbackslash uref {##1}}% +\def\url##1{\realbackslash url {##1}}% +\def\env##1{\realbackslash env {##1}}% +\def\command##1{\realbackslash command {##1}}% +\def\option##1{\realbackslash option {##1}}% +\def\dotless##1{\realbackslash dotless {##1}}% +\def\samp##1{\realbackslash samp {##1}}% +\def\,##1{\realbackslash ,{##1}}% +\def\t##1{\realbackslash t {##1}}% +\def\r##1{\realbackslash r {##1}}% +\def\i##1{\realbackslash i {##1}}% +\def\b##1{\realbackslash b {##1}}% +\def\sc##1{\realbackslash sc {##1}}% +\def\cite##1{\realbackslash cite {##1}}% +\def\key##1{\realbackslash key {##1}}% +\def\file##1{\realbackslash file {##1}}% +\def\var##1{\realbackslash var {##1}}% +\def\kbd##1{\realbackslash kbd {##1}}% +\def\dfn##1{\realbackslash dfn {##1}}% +\def\emph##1{\realbackslash emph {##1}}% +\def\acronym##1{\realbackslash acronym {##1}}% +% +% Handle some cases of @value -- where the variable name does not +% contain - or _, and the value does not contain any +% (non-fully-expandable) commands. +\let\value = \expandablevalue +% +\unsepspaces +} + +% If an index command is used in an @example environment, any spaces +% therein should become regular spaces in the raw index file, not the +% expansion of \tie (\\leavevmode \penalty \@M \ ). +{\obeyspaces + \gdef\unsepspaces{\obeyspaces\let =\space}} + +% \indexnofonts no-ops all font-change commands. +% This is used when outputting the strings to sort the index by. +\def\indexdummyfont#1{#1} +\def\indexdummytex{TeX} +\def\indexdummydots{...} + +\def\indexnofonts{% +% Just ignore accents. +\let\,=\indexdummyfont +\let\"=\indexdummyfont +\let\`=\indexdummyfont +\let\'=\indexdummyfont +\let\^=\indexdummyfont +\let\~=\indexdummyfont +\let\==\indexdummyfont +\let\b=\indexdummyfont +\let\c=\indexdummyfont +\let\d=\indexdummyfont +\let\u=\indexdummyfont +\let\v=\indexdummyfont +\let\H=\indexdummyfont +\let\dotless=\indexdummyfont +% Take care of the plain tex special European modified letters. +\def\oe{oe}% +\def\ae{ae}% +\def\aa{aa}% +\def\OE{OE}% +\def\AE{AE}% +\def\AA{AA}% +\def\o{o}% +\def\O{O}% +\def\l{l}% +\def\L{L}% +\def\ss{ss}% +\let\w=\indexdummyfont +\let\t=\indexdummyfont +\let\r=\indexdummyfont +\let\i=\indexdummyfont +\let\b=\indexdummyfont +\let\emph=\indexdummyfont +\let\strong=\indexdummyfont +\let\cite=\indexdummyfont +\let\sc=\indexdummyfont +%Don't no-op \tt, since it isn't a user-level command +% and is used in the definitions of the active chars like <, >, |... +%\let\tt=\indexdummyfont +\let\tclose=\indexdummyfont +\let\code=\indexdummyfont +\let\url=\indexdummyfont +\let\uref=\indexdummyfont +\let\env=\indexdummyfont +\let\command=\indexdummyfont +\let\option=\indexdummyfont +\let\file=\indexdummyfont +\let\samp=\indexdummyfont +\let\kbd=\indexdummyfont +\let\key=\indexdummyfont +\let\var=\indexdummyfont +\let\TeX=\indexdummytex +\let\dots=\indexdummydots +\def\@{@}% +} + +% To define \realbackslash, we must make \ not be an escape. +% We must first make another character (@) an escape +% so we do not become unable to do a definition. + +{\catcode`\@=0 \catcode`\\=\other + @gdef@realbackslash{\}} + +\let\indexbackslash=0 %overridden during \printindex. +\let\SETmarginindex=\relax % put index entries in margin (undocumented)? + +% For \ifx comparisons. +\def\emptymacro{\empty} + +% Most index entries go through here, but \dosubind is the general case. +% +\def\doind#1#2{\dosubind{#1}{#2}\empty} + +% Workhorse for all \fooindexes. +% #1 is name of index, #2 is stuff to put there, #3 is subentry -- +% \empty if called from \doind, as we usually are. The main exception +% is with defuns, which call us directly. +% +\def\dosubind#1#2#3{% + % Put the index entry in the margin if desired. + \ifx\SETmarginindex\relax\else + \insert\margin{\hbox{\vrule height8pt depth3pt width0pt #2}}% + \fi + {% + \count255=\lastpenalty + {% + \indexdummies % Must do this here, since \bf, etc expand at this stage + \escapechar=`\\ + {% + \let\folio = 0% We will expand all macros now EXCEPT \folio. + \def\rawbackslashxx{\indexbackslash}% \indexbackslash isn't defined now + % so it will be output as is; and it will print as backslash. + % + \def\thirdarg{#3}% + % + % If third arg is present, precede it with space in sort key. + \ifx\thirdarg\emptymacro + \let\subentry = \empty + \else + \def\subentry{ #3}% + \fi + % + % First process the index-string with all font commands turned off + % to get the string to sort by. + {\indexnofonts \xdef\indexsorttmp{#2\subentry}}% + % + % Now produce the complete index entry, with both the sort key and the + % original text, including any font commands. + \toks0 = {#2}% + \edef\temp{% + \write\csname#1indfile\endcsname{% + \realbackslash entry{\indexsorttmp}{\folio}{\the\toks0}}% + }% + % + % If third (subentry) arg is present, add it to the index string. + \ifx\thirdarg\emptymacro \else + \toks0 = {#3}% + \edef\temp{\temp{\the\toks0}}% + \fi + % + % If a skip is the last thing on the list now, preserve it + % by backing up by \lastskip, doing the \write, then inserting + % the skip again. Otherwise, the whatsit generated by the + % \write will make \lastskip zero. The result is that sequences + % like this: + % @end defun + % @tindex whatever + % @defun ... + % will have extra space inserted, because the \medbreak in the + % start of the @defun won't see the skip inserted by the @end of + % the previous defun. + % + % But don't do any of this if we're not in vertical mode. We + % don't want to do a \vskip and prematurely end a paragraph. + % + % Avoid page breaks due to these extra skips, too. + % + \iflinks + \ifvmode + \skip0 = \lastskip + \ifdim\lastskip = 0pt \else \nobreak\vskip-\lastskip \fi + \fi + % + \temp % do the write + % + % + \ifvmode \ifdim\skip0 = 0pt \else \nobreak\vskip\skip0 \fi \fi + \fi + }% + }% + \penalty\count255 + }% +} + +% The index entry written in the file actually looks like +% \entry {sortstring}{page}{topic} +% or +% \entry {sortstring}{page}{topic}{subtopic} +% The texindex program reads in these files and writes files +% containing these kinds of lines: +% \initial {c} +% before the first topic whose initial is c +% \entry {topic}{pagelist} +% for a topic that is used without subtopics +% \primary {topic} +% for the beginning of a topic that is used with subtopics +% \secondary {subtopic}{pagelist} +% for each subtopic. + +% Define the user-accessible indexing commands +% @findex, @vindex, @kindex, @cindex. + +\def\findex {\fnindex} +\def\kindex {\kyindex} +\def\cindex {\cpindex} +\def\vindex {\vrindex} +\def\tindex {\tpindex} +\def\pindex {\pgindex} + +\def\cindexsub {\begingroup\obeylines\cindexsub} +{\obeylines % +\gdef\cindexsub "#1" #2^^M{\endgroup % +\dosubind{cp}{#2}{#1}}} + +% Define the macros used in formatting output of the sorted index material. + +% @printindex causes a particular index (the ??s file) to get printed. +% It does not print any chapter heading (usually an @unnumbered). +% +\def\printindex{\parsearg\doprintindex} +\def\doprintindex#1{\begingroup + \dobreak \chapheadingskip{10000}% + % + \indexfonts \rm + \tolerance = 9500 + \indexbreaks + % + % See if the index file exists and is nonempty. + % Change catcode of @ here so that if the index file contains + % \initial {@} + % as its first line, TeX doesn't complain about mismatched braces + % (because it thinks @} is a control sequence). + \catcode`\@ = 11 + \openin 1 \jobname.#1s + \ifeof 1 + % \enddoublecolumns gets confused if there is no text in the index, + % and it loses the chapter title and the aux file entries for the + % index. The easiest way to prevent this problem is to make sure + % there is some text. + (Index is nonexistent) + \else + % + % If the index file exists but is empty, then \openin leaves \ifeof + % false. We have to make TeX try to read something from the file, so + % it can discover if there is anything in it. + \read 1 to \temp + \ifeof 1 + (Index is empty) + \else + % Index files are almost Texinfo source, but we use \ as the escape + % character. It would be better to use @, but that's too big a change + % to make right now. + \def\indexbackslash{\rawbackslashxx}% + \catcode`\\ = 0 + \escapechar = `\\ + \begindoublecolumns + \input \jobname.#1s + \enddoublecolumns + \fi + \fi + \closein 1 +\endgroup} + +% These macros are used by the sorted index file itself. +% Change them to control the appearance of the index. + +\def\initial#1{{% + % Some minor font changes for the special characters. + \let\tentt=\sectt \let\tt=\sectt \let\sf=\sectt + % + % Remove any glue we may have, we'll be inserting our own. + \removelastskip + % + % We like breaks before the index initials, so insert a bonus. + \penalty -300 + % + % Typeset the initial. Making this add up to a whole number of + % baselineskips increases the chance of the dots lining up from column + % to column. It still won't often be perfect, because of the stretch + % we need before each entry, but it's better. + % + % No shrink because it confuses \balancecolumns. + \vskip 1.67\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip + \leftline{\secbf #1}% + \vskip .33\baselineskip plus .1\baselineskip + % + % Do our best not to break after the initial. + \nobreak +}} + +% This typesets a paragraph consisting of #1, dot leaders, and then #2 +% flush to the right margin. It is used for index and table of contents +% entries. The paragraph is indented by \leftskip. +% +\def\entry#1#2{\begingroup + % + % Start a new paragraph if necessary, so our assignments below can't + % affect previous text. + \par + % + % Do not fill out the last line with white space. + \parfillskip = 0in + % + % No extra space above this paragraph. + \parskip = 0in + % + % Do not prefer a separate line ending with a hyphen to fewer lines. + \finalhyphendemerits = 0 + % + % \hangindent is only relevant when the entry text and page number + % don't both fit on one line. In that case, bob suggests starting the + % dots pretty far over on the line. Unfortunately, a large + % indentation looks wrong when the entry text itself is broken across + % lines. So we use a small indentation and put up with long leaders. + % + % \hangafter is reset to 1 (which is the value we want) at the start + % of each paragraph, so we need not do anything with that. + \hangindent = 2em + % + % When the entry text needs to be broken, just fill out the first line + % with blank space. + \rightskip = 0pt plus1fil + % + % A bit of stretch before each entry for the benefit of balancing columns. + \vskip 0pt plus1pt + % + % Start a ``paragraph'' for the index entry so the line breaking + % parameters we've set above will have an effect. + \noindent + % + % Insert the text of the index entry. TeX will do line-breaking on it. + #1% + % The following is kludged to not output a line of dots in the index if + % there are no page numbers. The next person who breaks this will be + % cursed by a Unix daemon. + \def\tempa{{\rm }}% + \def\tempb{#2}% + \edef\tempc{\tempa}% + \edef\tempd{\tempb}% + \ifx\tempc\tempd\ \else% + % + % If we must, put the page number on a line of its own, and fill out + % this line with blank space. (The \hfil is overwhelmed with the + % fill leaders glue in \indexdotfill if the page number does fit.) + \hfil\penalty50 + \null\nobreak\indexdotfill % Have leaders before the page number. + % + % The `\ ' here is removed by the implicit \unskip that TeX does as + % part of (the primitive) \par. Without it, a spurious underfull + % \hbox ensues. + \ #2% The page number ends the paragraph. + \fi% + \par +\endgroup} + +% Like \dotfill except takes at least 1 em. +\def\indexdotfill{\cleaders + \hbox{$\mathsurround=0pt \mkern1.5mu ${\it .}$ \mkern1.5mu$}\hskip 1em plus 1fill} + +\def\primary #1{\line{#1\hfil}} + +\newskip\secondaryindent \secondaryindent=0.5cm + +\def\secondary #1#2{ +{\parfillskip=0in \parskip=0in +\hangindent =1in \hangafter=1 +\noindent\hskip\secondaryindent\hbox{#1}\indexdotfill #2\par +}} + +% Define two-column mode, which we use to typeset indexes. +% Adapted from the TeXbook, page 416, which is to say, +% the manmac.tex format used to print the TeXbook itself. +\catcode`\@=11 + +\newbox\partialpage +\newdimen\doublecolumnhsize + +\def\begindoublecolumns{\begingroup % ended by \enddoublecolumns + % Grab any single-column material above us. + \output = {\global\setbox\partialpage = \vbox{% + % + % Here is a possibility not foreseen in manmac: if we accumulate a + % whole lot of material, we might end up calling this \output + % routine twice in a row (see the doublecol-lose test, which is + % essentially a couple of indexes with @setchapternewpage off). In + % that case, we must prevent the second \partialpage from + % simply overwriting the first, causing us to lose the page. + % This will preserve it until a real output routine can ship it + % out. Generally, \partialpage will be empty when this runs and + % this will be a no-op. + \unvbox\partialpage + % + % Unvbox the main output page. + \unvbox255 + \kern-\topskip \kern\baselineskip + }}% + \eject % run that output routine to set \partialpage + % + % Use the double-column output routine for subsequent pages. + \output = {\doublecolumnout}% + % + % Change the page size parameters. We could do this once outside this + % routine, in each of @smallbook, @afourpaper, and the default 8.5x11 + % format, but then we repeat the same computation. Repeating a couple + % of assignments once per index is clearly meaningless for the + % execution time, so we may as well do it in one place. + % + % First we halve the line length, less a little for the gutter between + % the columns. We compute the gutter based on the line length, so it + % changes automatically with the paper format. The magic constant + % below is chosen so that the gutter has the same value (well, +-<1pt) + % as it did when we hard-coded it. + % + % We put the result in a separate register, \doublecolumhsize, so we + % can restore it in \pagesofar, after \hsize itself has (potentially) + % been clobbered. + % + \doublecolumnhsize = \hsize + \advance\doublecolumnhsize by -.04154\hsize + \divide\doublecolumnhsize by 2 + \hsize = \doublecolumnhsize + % + % Double the \vsize as well. (We don't need a separate register here, + % since nobody clobbers \vsize.) + \advance\vsize by -\ht\partialpage + \vsize = 2\vsize +} + +% The double-column output routine for all double-column pages except +% the last. +% +\def\doublecolumnout{% + \splittopskip=\topskip \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth + % Get the available space for the double columns -- the normal + % (undoubled) page height minus any material left over from the + % previous page. + \dimen@ = \vsize + \divide\dimen@ by 2 + % + % box0 will be the left-hand column, box2 the right. + \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ + \onepageout\pagesofar + \unvbox255 + \penalty\outputpenalty +} +\def\pagesofar{% + % Re-output the contents of the output page -- any previous material, + % followed by the two boxes we just split, in box0 and box2. + \advance\vsize by \ht\partialpage + \unvbox\partialpage + % + \hsize = \doublecolumnhsize + \wd0=\hsize \wd2=\hsize + \hbox to\pagewidth{\box0\hfil\box2}% +} +\def\enddoublecolumns{% + \output = {% + % Split the last of the double-column material. Leave it on the + % current page, no automatic page break. + \balancecolumns + % + % If we end up splitting too much material for the current page, + % though, there will be another page break right after this \output + % invocation ends. Having called \balancecolumns once, we do not + % want to call it again. Therefore, reset \output to its normal + % definition right away. (We hope \balancecolumns will never be + % called on to balance too much material, but if it is, this makes + % the output somewhat more palatable.) + \global\output = {\onepageout{\pagecontents\PAGE}}% + }% + \eject + \endgroup % started in \begindoublecolumns + % + % \pagegoal was set to the doubled \vsize above, since we restarted + % the current page. We're now back to normal single-column + % typesetting, so reset \pagegoal to the normal \vsize (after the + % \endgroup where \vsize got restored). + \pagegoal = \vsize +} +\def\balancecolumns{% + % Called at the end of the double column material. + \setbox0 = \vbox{\unvbox255}% like \box255 but more efficient, see p.120. + \dimen@ = \ht0 + \advance\dimen@ by \topskip + \advance\dimen@ by-\baselineskip + \divide\dimen@ by 2 % target to split to + %debug\message{final 2-column material height=\the\ht0, target=\the\dimen@.}% + \splittopskip = \topskip + % Loop until we get a decent breakpoint. + {% + \vbadness = 10000 + \loop + \global\setbox3 = \copy0 + \global\setbox1 = \vsplit3 to \dimen@ + \ifdim\ht3>\dimen@ + \global\advance\dimen@ by 1pt + \repeat + }% + %debug\message{split to \the\dimen@, column heights: \the\ht1, \the\ht3.}% + \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox1}% + \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox3}% + % + \pagesofar +} +\catcode`\@ = \other + + +\message{sectioning,} +% Define chapters, sections, etc. + +\newcount\chapno +\newcount\secno \secno=0 +\newcount\subsecno \subsecno=0 +\newcount\subsubsecno \subsubsecno=0 + +% This counter is funny since it counts through charcodes of letters A, B, ... +\newcount\appendixno \appendixno = `\@ +\def\appendixletter{\char\the\appendixno} + +% Each @chapter defines this as the name of the chapter. +% page headings and footings can use it. @section does likewise. +\def\thischapter{} +\def\thissection{} + +\newcount\absseclevel % used to calculate proper heading level +\newcount\secbase\secbase=0 % @raise/lowersections modify this count + +% @raisesections: treat @section as chapter, @subsection as section, etc. +\def\raisesections{\global\advance\secbase by -1} +\let\up=\raisesections % original BFox name + +% @lowersections: treat @chapter as section, @section as subsection, etc. +\def\lowersections{\global\advance\secbase by 1} +\let\down=\lowersections % original BFox name + +% Choose a numbered-heading macro +% #1 is heading level if unmodified by @raisesections or @lowersections +% #2 is text for heading +\def\numhead#1#2{\absseclevel=\secbase\advance\absseclevel by #1 +\ifcase\absseclevel + \chapterzzz{#2} +\or + \seczzz{#2} +\or + \numberedsubseczzz{#2} +\or + \numberedsubsubseczzz{#2} +\else + \ifnum \absseclevel<0 + \chapterzzz{#2} + \else + \numberedsubsubseczzz{#2} + \fi +\fi +} + +% like \numhead, but chooses appendix heading levels +\def\apphead#1#2{\absseclevel=\secbase\advance\absseclevel by #1 +\ifcase\absseclevel + \appendixzzz{#2} +\or + \appendixsectionzzz{#2} +\or + \appendixsubseczzz{#2} +\or + \appendixsubsubseczzz{#2} +\else + \ifnum \absseclevel<0 + \appendixzzz{#2} + \else + \appendixsubsubseczzz{#2} + \fi +\fi +} + +% like \numhead, but chooses numberless heading levels +\def\unnmhead#1#2{\absseclevel=\secbase\advance\absseclevel by #1 +\ifcase\absseclevel + \unnumberedzzz{#2} +\or + \unnumberedseczzz{#2} +\or + \unnumberedsubseczzz{#2} +\or + \unnumberedsubsubseczzz{#2} +\else + \ifnum \absseclevel<0 + \unnumberedzzz{#2} + \else + \unnumberedsubsubseczzz{#2} + \fi +\fi +} + +% @chapter, @appendix, @unnumbered. +\def\thischaptername{No Chapter Title} +\outer\def\chapter{\parsearg\chapteryyy} +\def\chapteryyy #1{\numhead0{#1}} % normally numhead0 calls chapterzzz +\def\chapterzzz #1{% +\secno=0 \subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 +\global\advance \chapno by 1 \message{\putwordChapter\space \the\chapno}% +\chapmacro {#1}{\the\chapno}% +\gdef\thissection{#1}% +\gdef\thischaptername{#1}% +% We don't substitute the actual chapter name into \thischapter +% because we don't want its macros evaluated now. +\xdef\thischapter{\putwordChapter{} \the\chapno: \noexpand\thischaptername}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash chapentry{\the\toks0}% + {\the\chapno}}}% +\temp +\donoderef +\global\let\section = \numberedsec +\global\let\subsection = \numberedsubsec +\global\let\subsubsection = \numberedsubsubsec +} + +\outer\def\appendix{\parsearg\appendixyyy} +\def\appendixyyy #1{\apphead0{#1}} % normally apphead0 calls appendixzzz +\def\appendixzzz #1{% +\secno=0 \subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 +\global\advance \appendixno by 1 +\message{\putwordAppendix\space \appendixletter}% +\chapmacro {#1}{\putwordAppendix{} \appendixletter}% +\gdef\thissection{#1}% +\gdef\thischaptername{#1}% +\xdef\thischapter{\putwordAppendix{} \appendixletter: \noexpand\thischaptername}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash chapentry{\the\toks0}% + {\putwordAppendix{} \appendixletter}}}% +\temp +\appendixnoderef +\global\let\section = \appendixsec +\global\let\subsection = \appendixsubsec +\global\let\subsubsection = \appendixsubsubsec +} + +% @centerchap is like @unnumbered, but the heading is centered. +\outer\def\centerchap{\parsearg\centerchapyyy} +\def\centerchapyyy #1{{\let\unnumbchapmacro=\centerchapmacro \unnumberedyyy{#1}}} + +% @top is like @unnumbered. +\outer\def\top{\parsearg\unnumberedyyy} + +\outer\def\unnumbered{\parsearg\unnumberedyyy} +\def\unnumberedyyy #1{\unnmhead0{#1}} % normally unnmhead0 calls unnumberedzzz +\def\unnumberedzzz #1{% +\secno=0 \subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 +% +% This used to be simply \message{#1}, but TeX fully expands the +% argument to \message. Therefore, if #1 contained @-commands, TeX +% expanded them. For example, in `@unnumbered The @cite{Book}', TeX +% expanded @cite (which turns out to cause errors because \cite is meant +% to be executed, not expanded). +% +% Anyway, we don't want the fully-expanded definition of @cite to appear +% as a result of the \message, we just want `@cite' itself. We use +% \the to achieve this: TeX expands \the only once, +% simply yielding the contents of . (We also do this for +% the toc entries.) +\toks0 = {#1}\message{(\the\toks0)}% +% +\unnumbchapmacro {#1}% +\gdef\thischapter{#1}\gdef\thissection{#1}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash unnumbchapentry{\the\toks0}}}% +\temp +\unnumbnoderef +\global\let\section = \unnumberedsec +\global\let\subsection = \unnumberedsubsec +\global\let\subsubsection = \unnumberedsubsubsec +} + +% Sections. +\outer\def\numberedsec{\parsearg\secyyy} +\def\secyyy #1{\numhead1{#1}} % normally calls seczzz +\def\seczzz #1{% +\subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 \global\advance \secno by 1 % +\gdef\thissection{#1}\secheading {#1}{\the\chapno}{\the\secno}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash secentry{\the\toks0}% + {\the\chapno}{\the\secno}}}% +\temp +\donoderef +\nobreak +} + +\outer\def\appendixsection{\parsearg\appendixsecyyy} +\outer\def\appendixsec{\parsearg\appendixsecyyy} +\def\appendixsecyyy #1{\apphead1{#1}} % normally calls appendixsectionzzz +\def\appendixsectionzzz #1{% +\subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 \global\advance \secno by 1 % +\gdef\thissection{#1}\secheading {#1}{\appendixletter}{\the\secno}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash secentry{\the\toks0}% + {\appendixletter}{\the\secno}}}% +\temp +\appendixnoderef +\nobreak +} + +\outer\def\unnumberedsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsecyyy} +\def\unnumberedsecyyy #1{\unnmhead1{#1}} % normally calls unnumberedseczzz +\def\unnumberedseczzz #1{% +\plainsecheading {#1}\gdef\thissection{#1}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash unnumbsecentry{\the\toks0}}}% +\temp +\unnumbnoderef +\nobreak +} + +% Subsections. +\outer\def\numberedsubsec{\parsearg\numberedsubsecyyy} +\def\numberedsubsecyyy #1{\numhead2{#1}} % normally calls numberedsubseczzz +\def\numberedsubseczzz #1{% +\gdef\thissection{#1}\subsubsecno=0 \global\advance \subsecno by 1 % +\subsecheading {#1}{\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash subsecentry{\the\toks0}% + {\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}}}% +\temp +\donoderef +\nobreak +} + +\outer\def\appendixsubsec{\parsearg\appendixsubsecyyy} +\def\appendixsubsecyyy #1{\apphead2{#1}} % normally calls appendixsubseczzz +\def\appendixsubseczzz #1{% +\gdef\thissection{#1}\subsubsecno=0 \global\advance \subsecno by 1 % +\subsecheading {#1}{\appendixletter}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash subsecentry{\the\toks0}% + {\appendixletter}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}}}% +\temp +\appendixnoderef +\nobreak +} + +\outer\def\unnumberedsubsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsubsecyyy} +\def\unnumberedsubsecyyy #1{\unnmhead2{#1}} %normally calls unnumberedsubseczzz +\def\unnumberedsubseczzz #1{% +\plainsubsecheading {#1}\gdef\thissection{#1}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash unnumbsubsecentry% + {\the\toks0}}}% +\temp +\unnumbnoderef +\nobreak +} + +% Subsubsections. +\outer\def\numberedsubsubsec{\parsearg\numberedsubsubsecyyy} +\def\numberedsubsubsecyyy #1{\numhead3{#1}} % normally numberedsubsubseczzz +\def\numberedsubsubseczzz #1{% +\gdef\thissection{#1}\global\advance \subsubsecno by 1 % +\subsubsecheading {#1} + {\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\the\subsubsecno}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash subsubsecentry{\the\toks0}% + {\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\the\subsubsecno}}}% +\temp +\donoderef +\nobreak +} + +\outer\def\appendixsubsubsec{\parsearg\appendixsubsubsecyyy} +\def\appendixsubsubsecyyy #1{\apphead3{#1}} % normally appendixsubsubseczzz +\def\appendixsubsubseczzz #1{% +\gdef\thissection{#1}\global\advance \subsubsecno by 1 % +\subsubsecheading {#1} + {\appendixletter}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\the\subsubsecno}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash subsubsecentry{\the\toks0}% + {\appendixletter}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\the\subsubsecno}}}% +\temp +\appendixnoderef +\nobreak +} + +\outer\def\unnumberedsubsubsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsubsubsecyyy} +\def\unnumberedsubsubsecyyy #1{\unnmhead3{#1}} %normally unnumberedsubsubseczzz +\def\unnumberedsubsubseczzz #1{% +\plainsubsubsecheading {#1}\gdef\thissection{#1}% +\toks0 = {#1}% +\edef\temp{\noexpand\writetocentry{\realbackslash unnumbsubsubsecentry% + {\the\toks0}}}% +\temp +\unnumbnoderef +\nobreak +} + +% These are variants which are not "outer", so they can appear in @ifinfo. +% Actually, they should now be obsolete; ordinary section commands should work. +\def\infotop{\parsearg\unnumberedzzz} +\def\infounnumbered{\parsearg\unnumberedzzz} +\def\infounnumberedsec{\parsearg\unnumberedseczzz} +\def\infounnumberedsubsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsubseczzz} +\def\infounnumberedsubsubsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsubsubseczzz} + +\def\infoappendix{\parsearg\appendixzzz} +\def\infoappendixsec{\parsearg\appendixseczzz} +\def\infoappendixsubsec{\parsearg\appendixsubseczzz} +\def\infoappendixsubsubsec{\parsearg\appendixsubsubseczzz} + +\def\infochapter{\parsearg\chapterzzz} +\def\infosection{\parsearg\sectionzzz} +\def\infosubsection{\parsearg\subsectionzzz} +\def\infosubsubsection{\parsearg\subsubsectionzzz} + +% These macros control what the section commands do, according +% to what kind of chapter we are in (ordinary, appendix, or unnumbered). +% Define them by default for a numbered chapter. +\global\let\section = \numberedsec +\global\let\subsection = \numberedsubsec +\global\let\subsubsection = \numberedsubsubsec + +% Define @majorheading, @heading and @subheading + +% NOTE on use of \vbox for chapter headings, section headings, and such: +% 1) We use \vbox rather than the earlier \line to permit +% overlong headings to fold. +% 2) \hyphenpenalty is set to 10000 because hyphenation in a +% heading is obnoxious; this forbids it. +% 3) Likewise, headings look best if no \parindent is used, and +% if justification is not attempted. Hence \raggedright. + + +\def\majorheading{\parsearg\majorheadingzzz} +\def\majorheadingzzz #1{% +{\advance\chapheadingskip by 10pt \chapbreak }% +{\chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}\bigskip \par\penalty 200} + +\def\chapheading{\parsearg\chapheadingzzz} +\def\chapheadingzzz #1{\chapbreak % +{\chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}\bigskip \par\penalty 200} + +% @heading, @subheading, @subsubheading. +\def\heading{\parsearg\plainsecheading} +\def\subheading{\parsearg\plainsubsecheading} +\def\subsubheading{\parsearg\plainsubsubsecheading} + +% These macros generate a chapter, section, etc. heading only +% (including whitespace, linebreaking, etc. around it), +% given all the information in convenient, parsed form. + +%%% Args are the skip and penalty (usually negative) +\def\dobreak#1#2{\par\ifdim\lastskip<#1\removelastskip\penalty#2\vskip#1\fi} + +\def\setchapterstyle #1 {\csname CHAPF#1\endcsname} + +%%% Define plain chapter starts, and page on/off switching for it +% Parameter controlling skip before chapter headings (if needed) + +\newskip\chapheadingskip + +\def\chapbreak{\dobreak \chapheadingskip {-4000}} +\def\chappager{\par\vfill\supereject} +\def\chapoddpage{\chappager \ifodd\pageno \else \hbox to 0pt{} \chappager\fi} + +\def\setchapternewpage #1 {\csname CHAPPAG#1\endcsname} + +\def\CHAPPAGoff{% +\global\let\contentsalignmacro = \chappager +\global\let\pchapsepmacro=\chapbreak +\global\let\pagealignmacro=\chappager} + +\def\CHAPPAGon{% +\global\let\contentsalignmacro = \chappager +\global\let\pchapsepmacro=\chappager +\global\let\pagealignmacro=\chappager +\global\def\HEADINGSon{\HEADINGSsingle}} + +\def\CHAPPAGodd{ +\global\let\contentsalignmacro = \chapoddpage +\global\let\pchapsepmacro=\chapoddpage +\global\let\pagealignmacro=\chapoddpage +\global\def\HEADINGSon{\HEADINGSdouble}} + +\CHAPPAGon + +\def\CHAPFplain{ +\global\let\chapmacro=\chfplain +\global\let\unnumbchapmacro=\unnchfplain +\global\let\centerchapmacro=\centerchfplain} + +% Plain chapter opening. +% #1 is the text, #2 the chapter number or empty if unnumbered. +\def\chfplain#1#2{% + \pchapsepmacro + {% + \chapfonts \rm + \def\chapnum{#2}% + \setbox0 = \hbox{#2\ifx\chapnum\empty\else\enspace\fi}% + \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000 \tolerance=5000 \parindent=0pt \raggedright + \hangindent = \wd0 \centerparametersmaybe + \unhbox0 #1\par}% + }% + \nobreak\bigskip % no page break after a chapter title + \nobreak +} + +% Plain opening for unnumbered. +\def\unnchfplain#1{\chfplain{#1}{}} + +% @centerchap -- centered and unnumbered. +\let\centerparametersmaybe = \relax +\def\centerchfplain#1{{% + \def\centerparametersmaybe{% + \advance\rightskip by 3\rightskip + \leftskip = \rightskip + \parfillskip = 0pt + }% + \chfplain{#1}{}% +}} + +\CHAPFplain % The default + +\def\unnchfopen #1{% +\chapoddpage {\chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}\bigskip \par\nobreak +} + +\def\chfopen #1#2{\chapoddpage {\chapfonts +\vbox to 3in{\vfil \hbox to\hsize{\hfil #2} \hbox to\hsize{\hfil #1} \vfil}}% +\par\penalty 5000 % +} + +\def\centerchfopen #1{% +\chapoddpage {\chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt + \hfill {\rm #1}\hfill}}\bigskip \par\nobreak +} + +\def\CHAPFopen{ +\global\let\chapmacro=\chfopen +\global\let\unnumbchapmacro=\unnchfopen +\global\let\centerchapmacro=\centerchfopen} + + +% Section titles. +\newskip\secheadingskip +\def\secheadingbreak{\dobreak \secheadingskip {-1000}} +\def\secheading#1#2#3{\sectionheading{sec}{#2.#3}{#1}} +\def\plainsecheading#1{\sectionheading{sec}{}{#1}} + +% Subsection titles. +\newskip \subsecheadingskip +\def\subsecheadingbreak{\dobreak \subsecheadingskip {-500}} +\def\subsecheading#1#2#3#4{\sectionheading{subsec}{#2.#3.#4}{#1}} +\def\plainsubsecheading#1{\sectionheading{subsec}{}{#1}} + +% Subsubsection titles. +\let\subsubsecheadingskip = \subsecheadingskip +\let\subsubsecheadingbreak = \subsecheadingbreak +\def\subsubsecheading#1#2#3#4#5{\sectionheading{subsubsec}{#2.#3.#4.#5}{#1}} +\def\plainsubsubsecheading#1{\sectionheading{subsubsec}{}{#1}} + + +% Print any size section title. +% +% #1 is the section type (sec/subsec/subsubsec), #2 is the section +% number (maybe empty), #3 the text. +\def\sectionheading#1#2#3{% + {% + \expandafter\advance\csname #1headingskip\endcsname by \parskip + \csname #1headingbreak\endcsname + }% + {% + % Switch to the right set of fonts. + \csname #1fonts\endcsname \rm + % + % Only insert the separating space if we have a section number. + \def\secnum{#2}% + \setbox0 = \hbox{#2\ifx\secnum\empty\else\enspace\fi}% + % + \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000 \tolerance=5000 \parindent=0pt \raggedright + \hangindent = \wd0 % zero if no section number + \unhbox0 #3}% + }% + \ifdim\parskip<10pt \nobreak\kern10pt\nobreak\kern-\parskip\fi \nobreak +} + + +\message{toc,} +\newwrite\tocfile + +% Write an entry to the toc file, opening it if necessary. +% Called from @chapter, etc. We supply {\folio} at the end of the +% argument, which will end up as the last argument to the \...entry macro. +% +% We open the .toc file here instead of at @setfilename or any other +% given time so that @contents can be put in the document anywhere. +% +\newif\iftocfileopened +\def\writetocentry#1{% + \iftocfileopened\else + \immediate\openout\tocfile = \jobname.toc + \global\tocfileopenedtrue + \fi + \iflinks \write\tocfile{#1{\folio}}\fi +} + +\newskip\contentsrightmargin \contentsrightmargin=1in +\newcount\savepageno +\newcount\lastnegativepageno \lastnegativepageno = -1 + +% Finish up the main text and prepare to read what we've written +% to \tocfile. +% +\def\startcontents#1{% + % If @setchapternewpage on, and @headings double, the contents should + % start on an odd page, unlike chapters. Thus, we maintain + % \contentsalignmacro in parallel with \pagealignmacro. + % From: Torbjorn Granlund + \contentsalignmacro + \immediate\closeout\tocfile + % + % Don't need to put `Contents' or `Short Contents' in the headline. + % It is abundantly clear what they are. + \unnumbchapmacro{#1}\def\thischapter{}% + \savepageno = \pageno + \begingroup % Set up to handle contents files properly. + \catcode`\\=0 \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode`\@=11 + % We can't do this, because then an actual ^ in a section + % title fails, e.g., @chapter ^ -- exponentiation. --karl, 9jul97. + %\catcode`\^=7 % to see ^^e4 as \"a etc. + \raggedbottom % Worry more about breakpoints than the bottom. + \advance\hsize by -\contentsrightmargin % Don't use the full line length. + % + % Roman numerals for page numbers. + \ifnum \pageno>0 \pageno = \lastnegativepageno \fi +} + + +% Normal (long) toc. +\def\contents{% + \startcontents{\putwordTableofContents}% + \openin 1 \jobname.toc + \ifeof 1 \else + \closein 1 + \input \jobname.toc + \fi + \vfill \eject + \endgroup + \lastnegativepageno = \pageno + \pageno = \savepageno +} + +% And just the chapters. +\def\summarycontents{% + \startcontents{\putwordShortContents}% + % + \let\chapentry = \shortchapentry + \let\unnumbchapentry = \shortunnumberedentry + % We want a true roman here for the page numbers. + \secfonts + \let\rm=\shortcontrm \let\bf=\shortcontbf \let\sl=\shortcontsl + \rm + \hyphenpenalty = 10000 + \advance\baselineskip by 1pt % Open it up a little. + \def\secentry ##1##2##3##4{} + \def\unnumbsecentry ##1##2{} + \def\subsecentry ##1##2##3##4##5{} + \def\unnumbsubsecentry ##1##2{} + \def\subsubsecentry ##1##2##3##4##5##6{} + \def\unnumbsubsubsecentry ##1##2{} + \openin 1 \jobname.toc + \ifeof 1 \else + \closein 1 + \input \jobname.toc + \fi + \vfill \eject + \endgroup + \lastnegativepageno = \pageno + \pageno = \savepageno +} +\let\shortcontents = \summarycontents + +% These macros generate individual entries in the table of contents. +% The first argument is the chapter or section name. +% The last argument is the page number. +% The arguments in between are the chapter number, section number, ... + +% Chapter-level things, for both the long and short contents. +\def\chapentry#1#2#3{\dochapentry{#2\labelspace#1}{#3}} + +% See comments in \dochapentry re vbox and related settings +\def\shortchapentry#1#2#3{% + \tocentry{\shortchaplabel{#2}\labelspace #1}{\doshortpageno{#3}}% +} + +% Typeset the label for a chapter or appendix for the short contents. +% The arg is, e.g. `Appendix A' for an appendix, or `3' for a chapter. +% We could simplify the code here by writing out an \appendixentry +% command in the toc file for appendices, instead of using \chapentry +% for both, but it doesn't seem worth it. +\setbox0 = \hbox{\shortcontrm \putwordAppendix } +\newdimen\shortappendixwidth \shortappendixwidth = \wd0 + +\def\shortchaplabel#1{% + % We typeset #1 in a box of constant width, regardless of the text of + % #1, so the chapter titles will come out aligned. + \setbox0 = \hbox{#1}% + \dimen0 = \ifdim\wd0 > \shortappendixwidth \shortappendixwidth \else 0pt \fi + % + % This space should be plenty, since a single number is .5em, and the + % widest letter (M) is 1em, at least in the Computer Modern fonts. + % (This space doesn't include the extra space that gets added after + % the label; that gets put in by \shortchapentry above.) + \advance\dimen0 by 1.1em + \hbox to \dimen0{#1\hfil}% +} + +\def\unnumbchapentry#1#2{\dochapentry{#1}{#2}} +\def\shortunnumberedentry#1#2{\tocentry{#1}{\doshortpageno{#2}}} + +% Sections. +\def\secentry#1#2#3#4{\dosecentry{#2.#3\labelspace#1}{#4}} +\def\unnumbsecentry#1#2{\dosecentry{#1}{#2}} + +% Subsections. +\def\subsecentry#1#2#3#4#5{\dosubsecentry{#2.#3.#4\labelspace#1}{#5}} +\def\unnumbsubsecentry#1#2{\dosubsecentry{#1}{#2}} + +% And subsubsections. +\def\subsubsecentry#1#2#3#4#5#6{% + \dosubsubsecentry{#2.#3.#4.#5\labelspace#1}{#6}} +\def\unnumbsubsubsecentry#1#2{\dosubsubsecentry{#1}{#2}} + +% This parameter controls the indentation of the various levels. +\newdimen\tocindent \tocindent = 3pc + +% Now for the actual typesetting. In all these, #1 is the text and #2 is the +% page number. +% +% If the toc has to be broken over pages, we want it to be at chapters +% if at all possible; hence the \penalty. +\def\dochapentry#1#2{% + \penalty-300 \vskip1\baselineskip plus.33\baselineskip minus.25\baselineskip + \begingroup + \chapentryfonts + \tocentry{#1}{\dopageno{#2}}% + \endgroup + \nobreak\vskip .25\baselineskip plus.1\baselineskip +} + +\def\dosecentry#1#2{\begingroup + \secentryfonts \leftskip=\tocindent + \tocentry{#1}{\dopageno{#2}}% +\endgroup} + +\def\dosubsecentry#1#2{\begingroup + \subsecentryfonts \leftskip=2\tocindent + \tocentry{#1}{\dopageno{#2}}% +\endgroup} + +\def\dosubsubsecentry#1#2{\begingroup + \subsubsecentryfonts \leftskip=3\tocindent + \tocentry{#1}{\dopageno{#2}}% +\endgroup} + +% Final typesetting of a toc entry; we use the same \entry macro as for +% the index entries, but we want to suppress hyphenation here. (We +% can't do that in the \entry macro, since index entries might consist +% of hyphenated-identifiers-that-do-not-fit-on-a-line-and-nothing-else.) +\def\tocentry#1#2{\begingroup + \vskip 0pt plus1pt % allow a little stretch for the sake of nice page breaks + % Do not use \turnoffactive in these arguments. Since the toc is + % typeset in cmr, so characters such as _ would come out wrong; we + % have to do the usual translation tricks. + \entry{#1}{#2}% +\endgroup} + +% Space between chapter (or whatever) number and the title. +\def\labelspace{\hskip1em \relax} + +\def\dopageno#1{{\rm #1}} +\def\doshortpageno#1{{\rm #1}} + +\def\chapentryfonts{\secfonts \rm} +\def\secentryfonts{\textfonts} +\let\subsecentryfonts = \textfonts +\let\subsubsecentryfonts = \textfonts + + +\message{environments,} + +% Since these characters are used in examples, it should be an even number of +% \tt widths. Each \tt character is 1en, so two makes it 1em. +% Furthermore, these definitions must come after we define our fonts. +\newbox\dblarrowbox \newbox\longdblarrowbox +\newbox\pushcharbox \newbox\bullbox +\newbox\equivbox \newbox\errorbox + +%{\tentt +%\global\setbox\dblarrowbox = \hbox to 1em{\hfil$\Rightarrow$\hfil} +%\global\setbox\longdblarrowbox = \hbox to 1em{\hfil$\mapsto$\hfil} +%\global\setbox\pushcharbox = \hbox to 1em{\hfil$\dashv$\hfil} +%\global\setbox\equivbox = \hbox to 1em{\hfil$\ptexequiv$\hfil} +% Adapted from the manmac format (p.420 of TeXbook) +%\global\setbox\bullbox = \hbox to 1em{\kern.15em\vrule height .75ex width .85ex +% depth .1ex\hfil} +%} + +% @point{}, @result{}, @expansion{}, @print{}, @equiv{}. +\def\point{$\star$} +\def\result{\leavevmode\raise.15ex\hbox to 1em{\hfil$\Rightarrow$\hfil}} +\def\expansion{\leavevmode\raise.1ex\hbox to 1em{\hfil$\mapsto$\hfil}} +\def\print{\leavevmode\lower.1ex\hbox to 1em{\hfil$\dashv$\hfil}} +\def\equiv{\leavevmode\lower.1ex\hbox to 1em{\hfil$\ptexequiv$\hfil}} + +% Adapted from the TeXbook's \boxit. +{\tentt \global\dimen0 = 3em}% Width of the box. +\dimen2 = .55pt % Thickness of rules +% The text. (`r' is open on the right, `e' somewhat less so on the left.) +\setbox0 = \hbox{\kern-.75pt \tensf error\kern-1.5pt} + +\global\setbox\errorbox=\hbox to \dimen0{\hfil + \hsize = \dimen0 \advance\hsize by -5.8pt % Space to left+right. + \advance\hsize by -2\dimen2 % Rules. + \vbox{ + \hrule height\dimen2 + \hbox{\vrule width\dimen2 \kern3pt % Space to left of text. + \vtop{\kern2.4pt \box0 \kern2.4pt}% Space above/below. + \kern3pt\vrule width\dimen2}% Space to right. + \hrule height\dimen2} + \hfil} + +% The @error{} command. +\def\error{\leavevmode\lower.7ex\copy\errorbox} + +% @tex ... @end tex escapes into raw Tex temporarily. +% One exception: @ is still an escape character, so that @end tex works. +% But \@ or @@ will get a plain tex @ character. + +\def\tex{\begingroup + \catcode `\\=0 \catcode `\{=1 \catcode `\}=2 + \catcode `\$=3 \catcode `\&=4 \catcode `\#=6 + \catcode `\^=7 \catcode `\_=8 \catcode `\~=13 \let~=\tie + \catcode `\%=14 + \catcode 43=12 % plus + \catcode`\"=12 + \catcode`\==12 + \catcode`\|=12 + \catcode`\<=12 + \catcode`\>=12 + \escapechar=`\\ + % + \let\b=\ptexb + \let\bullet=\ptexbullet + \let\c=\ptexc + \let\,=\ptexcomma + \let\.=\ptexdot + \let\dots=\ptexdots + \let\equiv=\ptexequiv + \let\!=\ptexexclam + \let\i=\ptexi + \let\{=\ptexlbrace + \let\+=\tabalign + \let\}=\ptexrbrace + \let\*=\ptexstar + \let\t=\ptext + % + \def\endldots{\mathinner{\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots}}% + \def\enddots{\relax\ifmmode\endldots\else$\mathsurround=0pt \endldots\,$\fi}% + \def\@{@}% +\let\Etex=\endgroup} + +% Define @lisp ... @endlisp. +% @lisp does a \begingroup so it can rebind things, +% including the definition of @endlisp (which normally is erroneous). + +% Amount to narrow the margins by for @lisp. +\newskip\lispnarrowing \lispnarrowing=0.4in + +% This is the definition that ^^M gets inside @lisp, @example, and other +% such environments. \null is better than a space, since it doesn't +% have any width. +\def\lisppar{\null\endgraf} + +% Make each space character in the input produce a normal interword +% space in the output. Don't allow a line break at this space, as this +% is used only in environments like @example, where each line of input +% should produce a line of output anyway. +% +{\obeyspaces % +\gdef\sepspaces{\obeyspaces\let =\tie}} + +% Define \obeyedspace to be our active space, whatever it is. This is +% for use in \parsearg. +{\sepspaces% +\global\let\obeyedspace= } + +% This space is always present above and below environments. +\newskip\envskipamount \envskipamount = 0pt + +% Make spacing and below environment symmetrical. We use \parskip here +% to help in doing that, since in @example-like environments \parskip +% is reset to zero; thus the \afterenvbreak inserts no space -- but the +% start of the next paragraph will insert \parskip +% +\def\aboveenvbreak{{\advance\envskipamount by \parskip +\endgraf \ifdim\lastskip<\envskipamount +\removelastskip \penalty-50 \vskip\envskipamount \fi}} + +\let\afterenvbreak = \aboveenvbreak + +% \nonarrowing is a flag. If "set", @lisp etc don't narrow margins. +\let\nonarrowing=\relax + +% @cartouche ... @end cartouche: draw rectangle w/rounded corners around +% environment contents. +\font\circle=lcircle10 +\newdimen\circthick +\newdimen\cartouter\newdimen\cartinner +\newskip\normbskip\newskip\normpskip\newskip\normlskip +\circthick=\fontdimen8\circle +% +\def\ctl{{\circle\char'013\hskip -6pt}}% 6pt from pl file: 1/2charwidth +\def\ctr{{\hskip 6pt\circle\char'010}} +\def\cbl{{\circle\char'012\hskip -6pt}} +\def\cbr{{\hskip 6pt\circle\char'011}} +\def\carttop{\hbox to \cartouter{\hskip\lskip + \ctl\leaders\hrule height\circthick\hfil\ctr + \hskip\rskip}} +\def\cartbot{\hbox to \cartouter{\hskip\lskip + \cbl\leaders\hrule height\circthick\hfil\cbr + \hskip\rskip}} +% +\newskip\lskip\newskip\rskip + +\long\def\cartouche{% +\begingroup + \lskip=\leftskip \rskip=\rightskip + \leftskip=0pt\rightskip=0pt %we want these *outside*. + \cartinner=\hsize \advance\cartinner by-\lskip + \advance\cartinner by-\rskip + \cartouter=\hsize + \advance\cartouter by 18.4pt % allow for 3pt kerns on either +% side, and for 6pt waste from +% each corner char, and rule thickness + \normbskip=\baselineskip \normpskip=\parskip \normlskip=\lineskip + % Flag to tell @lisp, etc., not to narrow margin. + \let\nonarrowing=\comment + \vbox\bgroup + \baselineskip=0pt\parskip=0pt\lineskip=0pt + \carttop + \hbox\bgroup + \hskip\lskip + \vrule\kern3pt + \vbox\bgroup + \hsize=\cartinner + \kern3pt + \begingroup + \baselineskip=\normbskip + \lineskip=\normlskip + \parskip=\normpskip + \vskip -\parskip +\def\Ecartouche{% + \endgroup + \kern3pt + \egroup + \kern3pt\vrule + \hskip\rskip + \egroup + \cartbot + \egroup +\endgroup +}} + + +% This macro is called at the beginning of all the @example variants, +% inside a group. +\def\nonfillstart{% + \aboveenvbreak + \inENV % This group ends at the end of the body + \hfuzz = 12pt % Don't be fussy + \sepspaces % Make spaces be word-separators rather than space tokens. + \singlespace + \let\par = \lisppar % don't ignore blank lines + \obeylines % each line of input is a line of output + \parskip = 0pt + \parindent = 0pt + \emergencystretch = 0pt % don't try to avoid overfull boxes + % @cartouche defines \nonarrowing to inhibit narrowing + % at next level down. + \ifx\nonarrowing\relax + \advance \leftskip by \lispnarrowing + \exdentamount=\lispnarrowing + \let\exdent=\nofillexdent + \let\nonarrowing=\relax + \fi +} + +% Define the \E... control sequence only if we are inside the particular +% environment, so the error checking in \end will work. +% +% To end an @example-like environment, we first end the paragraph (via +% \afterenvbreak's vertical glue), and then the group. That way we keep +% the zero \parskip that the environments set -- \parskip glue will be +% inserted at the beginning of the next paragraph in the document, after +% the environment. +% +\def\nonfillfinish{\afterenvbreak\endgroup} + +% @lisp: indented, narrowed, typewriter font. +\def\lisp{\begingroup + \nonfillstart + \let\Elisp = \nonfillfinish + \tt + \let\kbdfont = \kbdexamplefont % Allow @kbd to do something special. + \gobble % eat return +} + +% @example: Same as @lisp. +\def\example{\begingroup \def\Eexample{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\lisp} + +% @small... is usually equivalent to the non-small (@smallbook +% redefines). We must call \example (or whatever) last in the +% definition, since it reads the return following the @example (or +% whatever) command. +% +% This actually allows (for example) @end display inside an +% @smalldisplay. Too bad, but makeinfo will catch the error anyway. +% +\def\smalldisplay{\begingroup\def\Esmalldisplay{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\display} +\def\smallexample{\begingroup\def\Esmallexample{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\lisp} +\def\smallformat{\begingroup\def\Esmallformat{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\format} +\def\smalllisp{\begingroup\def\Esmalllisp{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\lisp} + +% Real @smallexample and @smalllisp (when @smallbook): use smaller fonts. +% Originally contributed by Pavel@xerox. +\def\smalllispx{\begingroup + \def\Esmalllisp{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}% + \def\Esmallexample{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}% + \indexfonts + \lisp +} + +% @display: same as @lisp except keep current font. +% +\def\display{\begingroup + \nonfillstart + \let\Edisplay = \nonfillfinish + \gobble +} + +% @smalldisplay (when @smallbook): @display plus smaller fonts. +% +\def\smalldisplayx{\begingroup + \def\Esmalldisplay{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}% + \indexfonts \rm + \display +} + +% @format: same as @display except don't narrow margins. +% +\def\format{\begingroup + \let\nonarrowing = t + \nonfillstart + \let\Eformat = \nonfillfinish + \gobble +} + +% @smallformat (when @smallbook): @format plus smaller fonts. +% +\def\smallformatx{\begingroup + \def\Esmallformat{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}% + \indexfonts \rm + \format +} + +% @flushleft (same as @format). +% +\def\flushleft{\begingroup \def\Eflushleft{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\format} + +% @flushright. +% +\def\flushright{\begingroup + \let\nonarrowing = t + \nonfillstart + \let\Eflushright = \nonfillfinish + \advance\leftskip by 0pt plus 1fill + \gobble +} + +% @quotation does normal linebreaking (hence we can't use \nonfillstart) +% and narrows the margins. +% +\def\quotation{% + \begingroup\inENV %This group ends at the end of the @quotation body + {\parskip=0pt \aboveenvbreak}% because \aboveenvbreak inserts \parskip + \singlespace + \parindent=0pt + % We have retained a nonzero parskip for the environment, since we're + % doing normal filling. So to avoid extra space below the environment... + \def\Equotation{\parskip = 0pt \nonfillfinish}% + % + % @cartouche defines \nonarrowing to inhibit narrowing at next level down. + \ifx\nonarrowing\relax + \advance\leftskip by \lispnarrowing + \advance\rightskip by \lispnarrowing + \exdentamount = \lispnarrowing + \let\nonarrowing = \relax + \fi +} + + +\message{defuns,} +% Define formatter for defuns +% First, allow user to change definition object font (\df) internally +\def\setdeffont #1 {\csname DEF#1\endcsname} + +\newskip\defbodyindent \defbodyindent=.4in +\newskip\defargsindent \defargsindent=50pt +\newskip\deftypemargin \deftypemargin=12pt +\newskip\deflastargmargin \deflastargmargin=18pt + +\newcount\parencount +% define \functionparens, which makes ( and ) and & do special things. +% \functionparens affects the group it is contained in. +\def\activeparens{% +\catcode`\(=\active \catcode`\)=\active \catcode`\&=\active +\catcode`\[=\active \catcode`\]=\active} + +% Make control sequences which act like normal parenthesis chars. +\let\lparen = ( \let\rparen = ) + +{\activeparens % Now, smart parens don't turn on until &foo (see \amprm) + +% Be sure that we always have a definition for `(', etc. For example, +% if the fn name has parens in it, \boldbrax will not be in effect yet, +% so TeX would otherwise complain about undefined control sequence. +\global\let(=\lparen \global\let)=\rparen +\global\let[=\lbrack \global\let]=\rbrack + +\gdef\functionparens{\boldbrax\let&=\amprm\parencount=0 } +\gdef\boldbrax{\let(=\opnr\let)=\clnr\let[=\lbrb\let]=\rbrb} +% This is used to turn on special parens +% but make & act ordinary (given that it's active). +\gdef\boldbraxnoamp{\let(=\opnr\let)=\clnr\let[=\lbrb\let]=\rbrb\let&=\ampnr} + +% Definitions of (, ) and & used in args for functions. +% This is the definition of ( outside of all parentheses. +\gdef\oprm#1 {{\rm\char`\(}#1 \bf \let(=\opnested + \global\advance\parencount by 1 +} +% +% This is the definition of ( when already inside a level of parens. +\gdef\opnested{\char`\(\global\advance\parencount by 1 } +% +\gdef\clrm{% Print a paren in roman if it is taking us back to depth of 0. + % also in that case restore the outer-level definition of (. + \ifnum \parencount=1 {\rm \char `\)}\sl \let(=\oprm \else \char `\) \fi + \global\advance \parencount by -1 } +% If we encounter &foo, then turn on ()-hacking afterwards +\gdef\amprm#1 {{\rm\}\let(=\oprm \let)=\clrm\ } +% +\gdef\normalparens{\boldbrax\let&=\ampnr} +} % End of definition inside \activeparens +%% These parens (in \boldbrax) actually are a little bolder than the +%% contained text. This is especially needed for [ and ] +\def\opnr{{\sf\char`\(}\global\advance\parencount by 1 } +\def\clnr{{\sf\char`\)}\global\advance\parencount by -1 } +\def\ampnr{\&} +\def\lbrb{{\bf\char`\[}} +\def\rbrb{{\bf\char`\]}} + +% First, defname, which formats the header line itself. +% #1 should be the function name. +% #2 should be the type of definition, such as "Function". + +\def\defname #1#2{% +% Get the values of \leftskip and \rightskip as they were +% outside the @def... +\dimen2=\leftskip +\advance\dimen2 by -\defbodyindent +\noindent +\setbox0=\hbox{\hskip \deflastargmargin{\rm #2}\hskip \deftypemargin}% +\dimen0=\hsize \advance \dimen0 by -\wd0 % compute size for first line +\dimen1=\hsize \advance \dimen1 by -\defargsindent %size for continuations +\parshape 2 0in \dimen0 \defargsindent \dimen1 +% Now output arg 2 ("Function" or some such) +% ending at \deftypemargin from the right margin, +% but stuck inside a box of width 0 so it does not interfere with linebreaking +{% Adjust \hsize to exclude the ambient margins, +% so that \rightline will obey them. +\advance \hsize by -\dimen2 +\rlap{\rightline{{\rm #2}\hskip -1.25pc }}}% +% Make all lines underfull and no complaints: +\tolerance=10000 \hbadness=10000 +\advance\leftskip by -\defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +{\df #1}\enskip % Generate function name +} + +% Actually process the body of a definition +% #1 should be the terminating control sequence, such as \Edefun. +% #2 should be the "another name" control sequence, such as \defunx. +% #3 should be the control sequence that actually processes the header, +% such as \defunheader. + +\def\defparsebody #1#2#3{\begingroup\inENV% Environment for definitionbody +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2{\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit#3}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup % +\catcode 61=\active % 61 is `=' +\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit#3} + +% #1 is the \E... control sequence to end the definition (which we define). +% #2 is the \...x control sequence for consecutive fns (which we define). +% #3 is the control sequence to call to resume processing. +% #4, delimited by the space, is the class name. +% +\def\defmethparsebody#1#2#3#4 {\begingroup\inENV % +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2##1 {\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{##1}}}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{#4}}} + +% @deftypemethod has an extra argument that nothing else does. Sigh. +% #1 is the \E... control sequence to end the definition (which we define). +% #2 is the \...x control sequence for consecutive fns (which we define). +% #3 is the control sequence to call to resume processing. +% #4, delimited by the space, is the class name. +% #5 is the method's return type. +% +\def\deftypemethparsebody#1#2#3#4 #5 {\begingroup\inENV % +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2##1 ##2 {\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{##1}{##2}}}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{#4}{#5}}} + +\def\defopparsebody #1#2#3#4#5 {\begingroup\inENV % +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2##1 ##2 {\def#4{##1}% +\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{##2}}}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{#5}}} + +% These parsing functions are similar to the preceding ones +% except that they do not make parens into active characters. +% These are used for "variables" since they have no arguments. + +\def\defvarparsebody #1#2#3{\begingroup\inENV% Environment for definitionbody +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2{\begingroup\obeylines\spacesplit#3}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup % +\catcode 61=\active % +\obeylines\spacesplit#3} + +% This is used for \def{tp,vr}parsebody. It could probably be used for +% some of the others, too, with some judicious conditionals. +% +\def\parsebodycommon#1#2#3{% + \begingroup\inENV % + \medbreak % + % Define the end token that this defining construct specifies + % so that it will exit this group. + \def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% + \def#2##1 {\begingroup\obeylines\spacesplit{#3{##1}}}% + \parindent=0in + \advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent + \exdentamount=\defbodyindent + \begingroup\obeylines +} + +\def\defvrparsebody#1#2#3#4 {% + \parsebodycommon{#1}{#2}{#3}% + \spacesplit{#3{#4}}% +} + +% This loses on `@deftp {Data Type} {struct termios}' -- it thinks the +% type is just `struct', because we lose the braces in `{struct +% termios}' when \spacesplit reads its undelimited argument. Sigh. +% \let\deftpparsebody=\defvrparsebody +% +% So, to get around this, we put \empty in with the type name. That +% way, TeX won't find exactly `{...}' as an undelimited argument, and +% won't strip off the braces. +% +\def\deftpparsebody #1#2#3#4 {% + \parsebodycommon{#1}{#2}{#3}% + \spacesplit{\parsetpheaderline{#3{#4}}}\empty +} + +% Fine, but then we have to eventually remove the \empty *and* the +% braces (if any). That's what this does. +% +\def\removeemptybraces\empty#1\relax{#1} + +% After \spacesplit has done its work, this is called -- #1 is the final +% thing to call, #2 the type name (which starts with \empty), and #3 +% (which might be empty) the arguments. +% +\def\parsetpheaderline#1#2#3{% + #1{\removeemptybraces#2\relax}{#3}% +}% + +\def\defopvarparsebody #1#2#3#4#5 {\begingroup\inENV % +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2##1 ##2 {\def#4{##1}% +\begingroup\obeylines\spacesplit{#3{##2}}}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup\obeylines\spacesplit{#3{#5}}} + +% Split up #2 at the first space token. +% call #1 with two arguments: +% the first is all of #2 before the space token, +% the second is all of #2 after that space token. +% If #2 contains no space token, all of it is passed as the first arg +% and the second is passed as empty. + +{\obeylines +\gdef\spacesplit#1#2^^M{\endgroup\spacesplitfoo{#1}#2 \relax\spacesplitfoo}% +\long\gdef\spacesplitfoo#1#2 #3#4\spacesplitfoo{% +\ifx\relax #3% +#1{#2}{}\else #1{#2}{#3#4}\fi}} + +% So much for the things common to all kinds of definitions. + +% Define @defun. + +% First, define the processing that is wanted for arguments of \defun +% Use this to expand the args and terminate the paragraph they make up + +\def\defunargs #1{\functionparens \sl +% Expand, preventing hyphenation at `-' chars. +% Note that groups don't affect changes in \hyphenchar. +\hyphenchar\tensl=0 +#1% +\hyphenchar\tensl=45 +\ifnum\parencount=0 \else \errmessage{Unbalanced parentheses in @def}\fi% +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fil +\endgraf\nobreak\vskip -\parskip\nobreak +} + +\def\deftypefunargs #1{% +% Expand, preventing hyphenation at `-' chars. +% Note that groups don't affect changes in \hyphenchar. +% Use \boldbraxnoamp, not \functionparens, so that & is not special. +\boldbraxnoamp +\tclose{#1}% avoid \code because of side effects on active chars +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fil +\endgraf\nobreak\vskip -\parskip\nobreak +} + +% Do complete processing of one @defun or @defunx line already parsed. + +% @deffn Command forward-char nchars + +\def\deffn{\defmethparsebody\Edeffn\deffnx\deffnheader} + +\def\deffnheader #1#2#3{\doind {fn}{\code{#2}}% +\begingroup\defname {#2}{#1}\defunargs{#3}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @defun == @deffn Function + +\def\defun{\defparsebody\Edefun\defunx\defunheader} + +\def\defunheader #1#2{\doind {fn}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{Function}% +\defunargs {#2}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @deftypefun int foobar (int @var{foo}, float @var{bar}) + +\def\deftypefun{\defparsebody\Edeftypefun\deftypefunx\deftypefunheader} + +% #1 is the data type. #2 is the name and args. +\def\deftypefunheader #1#2{\deftypefunheaderx{#1}#2 \relax} +% #1 is the data type, #2 the name, #3 the args. +\def\deftypefunheaderx #1#2 #3\relax{% +\doind {fn}{\code{#2}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {\defheaderxcond#1\relax$$$#2}{Function}% +\deftypefunargs {#3}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @deftypefn {Library Function} int foobar (int @var{foo}, float @var{bar}) + +\def\deftypefn{\defmethparsebody\Edeftypefn\deftypefnx\deftypefnheader} + +% \defheaderxcond#1\relax$$$ +% puts #1 in @code, followed by a space, but does nothing if #1 is null. +\def\defheaderxcond#1#2$$${\ifx#1\relax\else\code{#1#2} \fi} + +% #1 is the classification. #2 is the data type. #3 is the name and args. +\def\deftypefnheader #1#2#3{\deftypefnheaderx{#1}{#2}#3 \relax} +% #1 is the classification, #2 the data type, #3 the name, #4 the args. +\def\deftypefnheaderx #1#2#3 #4\relax{% +\doind {fn}{\code{#3}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup +\normalparens % notably, turn off `&' magic, which prevents +% at least some C++ text from working +\defname {\defheaderxcond#2\relax$$$#3}{#1}% +\deftypefunargs {#4}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @defmac == @deffn Macro + +\def\defmac{\defparsebody\Edefmac\defmacx\defmacheader} + +\def\defmacheader #1#2{\doind {fn}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{Macro}% +\defunargs {#2}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @defspec == @deffn Special Form + +\def\defspec{\defparsebody\Edefspec\defspecx\defspecheader} + +\def\defspecheader #1#2{\doind {fn}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{Special Form}% +\defunargs {#2}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% This definition is run if you use @defunx +% anywhere other than immediately after a @defun or @defunx. + +\def\deffnx #1 {\errmessage{@deffnx in invalid context}} +\def\defunx #1 {\errmessage{@defunx in invalid context}} +\def\defmacx #1 {\errmessage{@defmacx in invalid context}} +\def\defspecx #1 {\errmessage{@defspecx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypefnx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypefnx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypemethodx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypemethodx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypefunx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypefunx in invalid context}} + +% @defmethod, and so on + +% @defop CATEGORY CLASS OPERATION ARG... + +\def\defop #1 {\def\defoptype{#1}% +\defopparsebody\Edefop\defopx\defopheader\defoptype} + +\def\defopheader #1#2#3{% +\dosubind {fn}{\code{#2}}{\putwordon\ #1}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#2}{\defoptype{} on #1}% +\defunargs {#3}\endgroup % +} + +% @deftypemethod CLASS RETURN-TYPE METHOD ARG... +% +\def\deftypemethod{% + \deftypemethparsebody\Edeftypemethod\deftypemethodx\deftypemethodheader} +% +% #1 is the class name, #2 the data type, #3 the method name, #4 the args. +\def\deftypemethodheader#1#2#3#4{% + \dosubind{fn}{\code{#3}}{\putwordon\ \code{#1}}% entry in function index + \begingroup + \defname{\defheaderxcond#2\relax$$$#3}{\putwordMethodon\ \code{#1}}% + \deftypefunargs{#4}% + \endgroup +} + +% @defmethod == @defop Method +% +\def\defmethod{\defmethparsebody\Edefmethod\defmethodx\defmethodheader} +% +% #1 is the class name, #2 the method name, #3 the args. +\def\defmethodheader#1#2#3{% + \dosubind{fn}{\code{#2}}{\putwordon\ \code{#1}}% entry in function index + \begingroup + \defname{#2}{\putwordMethodon\ \code{#1}}% + \defunargs{#3}% + \endgroup +} + +% @defcv {Class Option} foo-class foo-flag + +\def\defcv #1 {\def\defcvtype{#1}% +\defopvarparsebody\Edefcv\defcvx\defcvarheader\defcvtype} + +\def\defcvarheader #1#2#3{% +\dosubind {vr}{\code{#2}}{of #1}% Make entry in var index +\begingroup\defname {#2}{\defcvtype{} of #1}% +\defvarargs {#3}\endgroup % +} + +% @defivar == @defcv {Instance Variable} + +\def\defivar{\defvrparsebody\Edefivar\defivarx\defivarheader} + +\def\defivarheader #1#2#3{% +\dosubind {vr}{\code{#2}}{of #1}% Make entry in var index +\begingroup\defname {#2}{Instance Variable of #1}% +\defvarargs {#3}\endgroup % +} + +% These definitions are run if you use @defmethodx, etc., +% anywhere other than immediately after a @defmethod, etc. + +\def\defopx #1 {\errmessage{@defopx in invalid context}} +\def\defmethodx #1 {\errmessage{@defmethodx in invalid context}} +\def\defcvx #1 {\errmessage{@defcvx in invalid context}} +\def\defivarx #1 {\errmessage{@defivarx in invalid context}} + +% Now @defvar + +% First, define the processing that is wanted for arguments of @defvar. +% This is actually simple: just print them in roman. +% This must expand the args and terminate the paragraph they make up +\def\defvarargs #1{\normalparens #1% +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\endgraf\nobreak\vskip -\parskip\nobreak} + +% @defvr Counter foo-count + +\def\defvr{\defvrparsebody\Edefvr\defvrx\defvrheader} + +\def\defvrheader #1#2#3{\doind {vr}{\code{#2}}% +\begingroup\defname {#2}{#1}\defvarargs{#3}\endgroup} + +% @defvar == @defvr Variable + +\def\defvar{\defvarparsebody\Edefvar\defvarx\defvarheader} + +\def\defvarheader #1#2{\doind {vr}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in var index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{Variable}% +\defvarargs {#2}\endgroup % +} + +% @defopt == @defvr {User Option} + +\def\defopt{\defvarparsebody\Edefopt\defoptx\defoptheader} + +\def\defoptheader #1#2{\doind {vr}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in var index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{User Option}% +\defvarargs {#2}\endgroup % +} + +% @deftypevar int foobar + +\def\deftypevar{\defvarparsebody\Edeftypevar\deftypevarx\deftypevarheader} + +% #1 is the data type. #2 is the name, perhaps followed by text that +% is actually part of the data type, which should not be put into the index. +\def\deftypevarheader #1#2{% +\dovarind#2 \relax% Make entry in variables index +\begingroup\defname {\defheaderxcond#1\relax$$$#2}{Variable}% +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\endgraf\nobreak\vskip -\parskip\nobreak +\endgroup} +\def\dovarind#1 #2\relax{\doind{vr}{\code{#1}}} + +% @deftypevr {Global Flag} int enable + +\def\deftypevr{\defvrparsebody\Edeftypevr\deftypevrx\deftypevrheader} + +\def\deftypevrheader #1#2#3{\dovarind#3 \relax% +\begingroup\defname {\defheaderxcond#2\relax$$$#3}{#1} +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\endgraf\nobreak\vskip -\parskip\nobreak +\endgroup} + +% This definition is run if you use @defvarx +% anywhere other than immediately after a @defvar or @defvarx. + +\def\defvrx #1 {\errmessage{@defvrx in invalid context}} +\def\defvarx #1 {\errmessage{@defvarx in invalid context}} +\def\defoptx #1 {\errmessage{@defoptx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypevarx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypevarx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypevrx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypevrx in invalid context}} + +% Now define @deftp +% Args are printed in bold, a slight difference from @defvar. + +\def\deftpargs #1{\bf \defvarargs{#1}} + +% @deftp Class window height width ... + +\def\deftp{\deftpparsebody\Edeftp\deftpx\deftpheader} + +\def\deftpheader #1#2#3{\doind {tp}{\code{#2}}% +\begingroup\defname {#2}{#1}\deftpargs{#3}\endgroup} + +% This definition is run if you use @deftpx, etc +% anywhere other than immediately after a @deftp, etc. + +\def\deftpx #1 {\errmessage{@deftpx in invalid context}} + + +\message{macros,} +% @macro. + +% To do this right we need a feature of e-TeX, \scantokens, +% which we arrange to emulate with a temporary file in ordinary TeX. +\ifx\eTeXversion\undefined + \newwrite\macscribble + \def\scanmacro#1{% + \begingroup \newlinechar`\^^M + \immediate\openout\macscribble=\jobname.tmp + \immediate\write\macscribble{#1}% + \immediate\closeout\macscribble + \let\xeatspaces\eatspaces + \input \jobname.tmp + \endgroup +} +\else +\def\scanmacro#1{% +\begingroup \newlinechar`\^^M +\let\xeatspaces\eatspaces\scantokens{#1}\endgroup} +\fi + +\newcount\paramno % Count of parameters +\newtoks\macname % Macro name +\newif\ifrecursive % Is it recursive? + +% Utility routines. +% Thisdoes \let #1 = #2, except with \csnames. +\def\cslet#1#2{% +\expandafter\expandafter +\expandafter\let +\expandafter\expandafter +\csname#1\endcsname +\csname#2\endcsname} + +% Trim leading and trailing spaces off a string. +% Concepts from aro-bend problem 15 (see CTAN). +{\catcode`\@=11 +\gdef\eatspaces #1{\expandafter\trim@\expandafter{#1 }} +\gdef\trim@ #1{\trim@@ @#1 @ #1 @ @@} +\gdef\trim@@ #1@ #2@ #3@@{\trim@@@\empty #2 @} +\def\unbrace#1{#1} +\unbrace{\gdef\trim@@@ #1 } #2@{#1} +} + +% Trim a single trailing ^^M off a string. +{\catcode`\^^M=12\catcode`\Q=3% +\gdef\eatcr #1{\eatcra #1Q^^MQ}% +\gdef\eatcra#1^^MQ{\eatcrb#1Q}% +\gdef\eatcrb#1Q#2Q{#1}% +} + +% Macro bodies are absorbed as an argument in a context where +% all characters are catcode 10, 11 or 12, except \ which is active +% (as in normal texinfo). It is necessary to change the definition of \. + +% It's necessary to have hard CRs when the macro is executed. This is +% done by making ^^M (\endlinechar) catcode 12 when reading the macro +% body, and then making it the \newlinechar in \scanmacro. + +\def\macrobodyctxt{% + \catcode`\~=12 + \catcode`\^=12 + \catcode`\_=12 + \catcode`\|=12 + \catcode`\<=12 + \catcode`\>=12 + \catcode`\+=12 + \catcode`\{=12 + \catcode`\}=12 + \catcode`\@=12 + \catcode`\^^M=12 + \usembodybackslash} + +\def\macroargctxt{% + \catcode`\~=12 + \catcode`\^=12 + \catcode`\_=12 + \catcode`\|=12 + \catcode`\<=12 + \catcode`\>=12 + \catcode`\+=12 + \catcode`\@=12 + \catcode`\\=12} + +% \mbodybackslash is the definition of \ in @macro bodies. +% It maps \foo\ => \csname\endcsname => #N +% where N is the macro parameter number. +% We define \csname macarg.\endcsname to be \realbackslash, so +% \\ in macro replacement text gets you a backslash. + +{\catcode`@=0 @catcode`@\=@active + @gdef@usembodybackslash{@let\=@mbodybackslash} + @gdef@mbodybackslash#1\{@csname macarg.#1@endcsname} +} +\expandafter\def\csname macarg.\endcsname{\realbackslash} + +\def\macro{\recursivefalse\parsearg\macroxxx} +\def\rmacro{\recursivetrue\parsearg\macroxxx} + +\def\macroxxx#1{% + \getargs{#1}% now \macname is the macname and \argl the arglist + \ifx\argl\empty % no arguments + \paramno=0% + \else + \expandafter\parsemargdef \argl;% + \fi + \expandafter\ifx \csname macsave.\the\macname\endcsname \relax + \cslet{macsave.\the\macname}{\the\macname}% + \else + \message{Warning: redefining \the\macname}% + \fi + \begingroup \macrobodyctxt + \ifrecursive \expandafter\parsermacbody + \else \expandafter\parsemacbody + \fi} + +\def\unmacro{\parsearg\unmacroxxx} +\def\unmacroxxx#1{% + \expandafter\ifx \csname macsave.\the\macname\endcsname \relax + \errmessage{Macro \the\macname\ not defined.}% + \else + \cslet{#1}{macsave.#1}% + \expandafter\let \csname macsave.\the\macname\endcsname \undefined + \fi +} + +% This makes use of the obscure feature that if the last token of a +% is #, then the preceding argument is delimited by +% an opening brace, and that opening brace is not consumed. +\def\getargs#1{\getargsxxx#1{}} +\def\getargsxxx#1#{\getmacname #1 \relax\getmacargs} +\def\getmacname #1 #2\relax{\macname={#1}} +\def\getmacargs#1{\def\argl{#1}} + +% Parse the optional {params} list. Set up \paramno and \paramlist +% so \defmacro knows what to do. Define \macarg.blah for each blah +% in the params list, to be ##N where N is the position in that list. +% That gets used by \mbodybackslash (above). + +% We need to get `macro parameter char #' into several definitions. +% The technique used is stolen from LaTeX: let \hash be something +% unexpandable, insert that wherever you need a #, and then redefine +% it to # just before using the token list produced. +% +% The same technique is used to protect \eatspaces till just before +% the macro is used. + +\def\parsemargdef#1;{\paramno=0\def\paramlist{}% + \let\hash\relax\let\xeatspaces\relax\parsemargdefxxx#1,;,} +\def\parsemargdefxxx#1,{% + \if#1;\let\next=\relax + \else \let\next=\parsemargdefxxx + \advance\paramno by 1% + \expandafter\edef\csname macarg.\eatspaces{#1}\endcsname + {\xeatspaces{\hash\the\paramno}}% + \edef\paramlist{\paramlist\hash\the\paramno,}% + \fi\next} + +% These two commands read recursive and nonrecursive macro bodies. +% (They're different since rec and nonrec macros end differently.) + +\long\def\parsemacbody#1@end macro% +{\xdef\temp{\eatcr{#1}}\endgroup\defmacro}% +\long\def\parsermacbody#1@end rmacro% +{\xdef\temp{\eatcr{#1}}\endgroup\defmacro}% + +% This defines the macro itself. There are six cases: recursive and +% nonrecursive macros of zero, one, and many arguments. +% Much magic with \expandafter here. +% \xdef is used so that macro definitions will survive the file +% they're defined in; @include reads the file inside a group. +\def\defmacro{% + \let\hash=##% convert placeholders to macro parameter chars + \ifrecursive + \ifcase\paramno + % 0 + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname\endcsname{% + \noexpand\scanmacro{\temp}}% + \or % 1 + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname\endcsname{% + \bgroup\noexpand\macroargctxt + \noexpand\braceorline\csname\the\macname xxx\endcsname}% + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname xxx\endcsname##1{% + \egroup\noexpand\scanmacro{\temp}}% + \else % many + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname\endcsname{% + \bgroup\noexpand\macroargctxt + \noexpand\csname\the\macname xx\endcsname} + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname xx\endcsname##1{% + \csname\the\macname xxx\endcsname ##1,}% + \expandafter\expandafter + \expandafter\xdef + \expandafter\expandafter + \csname\the\macname xxx\endcsname + \paramlist{\egroup\noexpand\scanmacro{\temp}}% + \fi + \else + \ifcase\paramno + % 0 + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname\endcsname{% + \noexpand\norecurse{\the\macname}% + \noexpand\scanmacro{\temp}\egroup}% + \or % 1 + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname\endcsname{% + \bgroup\noexpand\macroargctxt + \noexpand\braceorline\csname\the\macname xxx\endcsname}% + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname xxx\endcsname##1{% + \egroup + \noexpand\norecurse{\the\macname}% + \noexpand\scanmacro{\temp}\egroup}% + \else % many + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname\endcsname{% + \bgroup\noexpand\macroargctxt + \noexpand\csname\the\macname xx\endcsname} + \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\macname xx\endcsname##1{% + \csname\the\macname xxx\endcsname ##1,}% + \expandafter\expandafter + \expandafter\xdef + \expandafter\expandafter + \csname\the\macname xxx\endcsname + \paramlist{% + \egroup + \noexpand\norecurse{\the\macname}% + \noexpand\scanmacro{\temp}\egroup}% + \fi + \fi} + +\def\norecurse#1{\bgroup\cslet{#1}{macsave.#1}} + +% \braceorline decides whether the next nonwhitespace character is a +% {. If so it reads up to the closing }, if not, it reads the whole +% line. Whatever was read is then fed to the next control sequence +% as an argument (by \parsebrace or \parsearg) +\def\braceorline#1{\let\next=#1\futurelet\nchar\braceorlinexxx} +\def\braceorlinexxx{% + \ifx\nchar\bgroup\else + \expandafter\parsearg + \fi \next} + + +\message{cross references,} +\newwrite\auxfile + +\newif\ifhavexrefs % True if xref values are known. +\newif\ifwarnedxrefs % True if we warned once that they aren't known. + +% @inforef is relatively simple. +\def\inforef #1{\inforefzzz #1,,,,**} +\def\inforefzzz #1,#2,#3,#4**{\putwordSee{} \putwordInfo{} \putwordfile{} \file{\ignorespaces #3{}}, + node \samp{\ignorespaces#1{}}} + +% @node's job is to define \lastnode. +\def\node{\ENVcheck\parsearg\nodezzz} +\def\nodezzz#1{\nodexxx [#1,]} +\def\nodexxx[#1,#2]{\gdef\lastnode{#1}} +\let\nwnode=\node +\let\lastnode=\relax + +% The sectioning commands (@chapter, etc.) call these. +\def\donoderef{% + \ifx\lastnode\relax\else + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\setref{\lastnode}% + {Ysectionnumberandtype}% + \global\let\lastnode=\relax + \fi +} +\def\unnumbnoderef{% + \ifx\lastnode\relax\else + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\setref{\lastnode}{Ynothing}% + \global\let\lastnode=\relax + \fi +} +\def\appendixnoderef{% + \ifx\lastnode\relax\else + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\setref{\lastnode}% + {Yappendixletterandtype}% + \global\let\lastnode=\relax + \fi +} + + +% @anchor{NAME} -- define xref target at arbitrary point. +% +\def\anchor#1{\setref{#1}{Ynothing}} + + +% \setref{NAME}{SNT} defines a cross-reference point NAME, namely +% NAME-title, NAME-pg, and NAME-SNT. Called from \foonoderef. We have +% to set \indexdummies so commands such as @code in a section title +% aren't expanded. It would be nicer not to expand the titles in the +% first place, but there's so many layers that that is hard to do. +% +\def\setref#1#2{{% + \indexdummies + \dosetq{#1-title}{Ytitle}% + \dosetq{#1-pg}{Ypagenumber}% + \dosetq{#1-snt}{#2} +}} + +% @xref, @pxref, and @ref generate cross-references. For \xrefX, #1 is +% the node name, #2 the name of the Info cross-reference, #3 the printed +% node name, #4 the name of the Info file, #5 the name of the printed +% manual. All but the node name can be omitted. +% +\def\pxref#1{\putwordsee{} \xrefX[#1,,,,,,,]} +\def\xref#1{\putwordSee{} \xrefX[#1,,,,,,,]} +\def\ref#1{\xrefX[#1,,,,,,,]} +\def\xrefX[#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6]{\begingroup + \def\printedmanual{\ignorespaces #5}% + \def\printednodename{\ignorespaces #3}% + \setbox1=\hbox{\printedmanual}% + \setbox0=\hbox{\printednodename}% + \ifdim \wd0 = 0pt + % No printed node name was explicitly given. + \expandafter\ifx\csname SETxref-automatic-section-title\endcsname\relax + % Use the node name inside the square brackets. + \def\printednodename{\ignorespaces #1}% + \else + % Use the actual chapter/section title appear inside + % the square brackets. Use the real section title if we have it. + \ifdim \wd1 > 0pt + % It is in another manual, so we don't have it. + \def\printednodename{\ignorespaces #1}% + \else + \ifhavexrefs + % We know the real title if we have the xref values. + \def\printednodename{\refx{#1-title}{}}% + \else + % Otherwise just copy the Info node name. + \def\printednodename{\ignorespaces #1}% + \fi% + \fi + \fi + \fi + % + % If we use \unhbox0 and \unhbox1 to print the node names, TeX does not + % insert empty discretionaries after hyphens, which means that it will + % not find a line break at a hyphen in a node names. Since some manuals + % are best written with fairly long node names, containing hyphens, this + % is a loss. Therefore, we give the text of the node name again, so it + % is as if TeX is seeing it for the first time. + \ifdim \wd1 > 0pt + \putwordsection{} ``\printednodename'' in \cite{\printedmanual}% + \else + % _ (for example) has to be the character _ for the purposes of the + % control sequence corresponding to the node, but it has to expand + % into the usual \leavevmode...\vrule stuff for purposes of + % printing. So we \turnoffactive for the \refx-snt, back on for the + % printing, back off for the \refx-pg. + {\normalturnoffactive + % Only output a following space if the -snt ref is nonempty; for + % @unnumbered and @anchor, it won't be. + \setbox2 = \hbox{\ignorespaces \refx{#1-snt}{}}% + \ifdim \wd2 > 0pt \refx{#1-snt}\space\fi + }% + % [mynode], + [\printednodename],\space + % page 3 + \turnoffactive \putwordpage\tie\refx{#1-pg}{}% + \fi +\endgroup} + +% \dosetq is the interface for calls from other macros + +% Use \normalturnoffactive so that punctuation chars such as underscore +% and backslash work in node names. (\turnoffactive doesn't do \.) +\def\dosetq#1#2{% + {\let\folio=0 + \normalturnoffactive + \edef\next{\write\auxfile{\internalsetq{#1}{#2}}}% + \iflinks + \next + \fi + }% +} + +% \internalsetq {foo}{page} expands into +% CHARACTERS 'xrdef {foo}{...expansion of \Ypage...} +% When the aux file is read, ' is the escape character + +\def\internalsetq #1#2{'xrdef {#1}{\csname #2\endcsname}} + +% Things to be expanded by \internalsetq + +\def\Ypagenumber{\folio} + +\def\Ytitle{\thissection} + +\def\Ynothing{} + +\def\Ysectionnumberandtype{% +\ifnum\secno=0 \putwordChapter\xreftie\the\chapno % +\else \ifnum \subsecno=0 \putwordSection\xreftie\the\chapno.\the\secno % +\else \ifnum \subsubsecno=0 % +\putwordSection\xreftie\the\chapno.\the\secno.\the\subsecno % +\else % +\putwordSection\xreftie\the\chapno.\the\secno.\the\subsecno.\the\subsubsecno % +\fi \fi \fi } + +\def\Yappendixletterandtype{% +\ifnum\secno=0 \putwordAppendix\xreftie'char\the\appendixno{}% +\else \ifnum \subsecno=0 \putwordSection\xreftie'char\the\appendixno.\the\secno % +\else \ifnum \subsubsecno=0 % +\putwordSection\xreftie'char\the\appendixno.\the\secno.\the\subsecno % +\else % +\putwordSection\xreftie'char\the\appendixno.\the\secno.\the\subsecno.\the\subsubsecno % +\fi \fi \fi } + +\gdef\xreftie{'tie} + +% Use TeX 3.0's \inputlineno to get the line number, for better error +% messages, but if we're using an old version of TeX, don't do anything. +% +\ifx\inputlineno\thisisundefined + \let\linenumber = \empty % Non-3.0. +\else + \def\linenumber{\the\inputlineno:\space} +\fi + +% Define \refx{NAME}{SUFFIX} to reference a cross-reference string named NAME. +% If its value is nonempty, SUFFIX is output afterward. + +\def\refx#1#2{% + \expandafter\ifx\csname X#1\endcsname\relax + % If not defined, say something at least. + \angleleft un\-de\-fined\angleright + \iflinks + \ifhavexrefs + \message{\linenumber Undefined cross reference `#1'.}% + \else + \ifwarnedxrefs\else + \global\warnedxrefstrue + \message{Cross reference values unknown; you must run TeX again.}% + \fi + \fi + \fi + \else + % It's defined, so just use it. + \csname X#1\endcsname + \fi + #2% Output the suffix in any case. +} + +% This is the macro invoked by entries in the aux file. +% +\def\xrdef#1{\begingroup + % Reenable \ as an escape while reading the second argument. + \catcode`\\ = 0 + \afterassignment\endgroup + \expandafter\gdef\csname X#1\endcsname +} + +% Read the last existing aux file, if any. No error if none exists. +\def\readauxfile{\begingroup + \catcode`\^^@=\other + \catcode`\^^A=\other + \catcode`\^^B=\other + \catcode`\^^C=\other + \catcode`\^^D=\other + \catcode`\^^E=\other + \catcode`\^^F=\other + \catcode`\^^G=\other + \catcode`\^^H=\other + \catcode`\^^K=\other + \catcode`\^^L=\other + \catcode`\^^N=\other + \catcode`\^^P=\other + \catcode`\^^Q=\other + \catcode`\^^R=\other + \catcode`\^^S=\other + \catcode`\^^T=\other + \catcode`\^^U=\other + \catcode`\^^V=\other + \catcode`\^^W=\other + \catcode`\^^X=\other + \catcode`\^^Z=\other + \catcode`\^^[=\other + \catcode`\^^\=\other + \catcode`\^^]=\other + \catcode`\^^^=\other + \catcode`\^^_=\other + \catcode`\@=\other + \catcode`\^=\other + % It was suggested to define this as 7, which would allow ^^e4 etc. + % in xref tags, i.e., node names. But since ^^e4 notation isn't + % supported in the main text, it doesn't seem desirable. Furthermore, + % that is not enough: for node names that actually contain a ^ + % character, we would end up writing a line like this: 'xrdef {'hat + % b-title}{'hat b} and \xrdef does a \csname...\endcsname on the first + % argument, and \hat is not an expandable control sequence. It could + % all be worked out, but why? Either we support ^^ or we don't. + % + % The other change necessary for this was to define \auxhat: + % \def\auxhat{\def^{'hat }}% extra space so ok if followed by letter + % and then to call \auxhat in \setq. + % + \catcode`\~=\other + \catcode`\[=\other + \catcode`\]=\other + \catcode`\"=\other + \catcode`\_=\other + \catcode`\|=\other + \catcode`\<=\other + \catcode`\>=\other + \catcode`\$=\other + \catcode`\#=\other + \catcode`\&=\other + \catcode`+=\other % avoid \+ for paranoia even though we've turned it off + % Make the characters 128-255 be printing characters + {% + \count 1=128 + \def\loop{% + \catcode\count 1=\other + \advance\count 1 by 1 + \ifnum \count 1<256 \loop \fi + }% + }% + % The aux file uses ' as the escape (for now). + % Turn off \ as an escape so we do not lose on + % entries which were dumped with control sequences in their names. + % For example, 'xrdef {$\leq $-fun}{page ...} made by @defun ^^ + % Reference to such entries still does not work the way one would wish, + % but at least they do not bomb out when the aux file is read in. + \catcode`\{=1 + \catcode`\}=2 + \catcode`\%=\other + \catcode`\'=0 + \catcode`\\=\other + % + \openin 1 \jobname.aux + \ifeof 1 \else + \closein 1 + \input \jobname.aux + \global\havexrefstrue + \global\warnedobstrue + \fi + % Open the new aux file. TeX will close it automatically at exit. + \openout\auxfile=\jobname.aux +\endgroup} + + +% Footnotes. + +\newcount \footnoteno + +% The trailing space in the following definition for supereject is +% vital for proper filling; pages come out unaligned when you do a +% pagealignmacro call if that space before the closing brace is +% removed. (Generally, numeric constants should always be followed by a +% space to prevent strange expansion errors.) +\def\supereject{\par\penalty -20000\footnoteno =0 } + +% @footnotestyle is meaningful for info output only. +\let\footnotestyle=\comment + +\let\ptexfootnote=\footnote + +{\catcode `\@=11 +% +% Auto-number footnotes. Otherwise like plain. +\gdef\footnote{% + \global\advance\footnoteno by \@ne + \edef\thisfootno{$^{\the\footnoteno}$}% + % + % In case the footnote comes at the end of a sentence, preserve the + % extra spacing after we do the footnote number. + \let\@sf\empty + \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\/\fi + % + % Remove inadvertent blank space before typesetting the footnote number. + \unskip + \thisfootno\@sf + \footnotezzz +}% + +% Don't bother with the trickery in plain.tex to not require the +% footnote text as a parameter. Our footnotes don't need to be so general. +% +% Oh yes, they do; otherwise, @ifset and anything else that uses +% \parseargline fail inside footnotes because the tokens are fixed when +% the footnote is read. --karl, 16nov96. +% +\long\gdef\footnotezzz{\insert\footins\bgroup + % We want to typeset this text as a normal paragraph, even if the + % footnote reference occurs in (for example) a display environment. + % So reset some parameters. + \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty + \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes + \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox + \floatingpenalty\@MM + \leftskip\z@skip + \rightskip\z@skip + \spaceskip\z@skip + \xspaceskip\z@skip + \parindent\defaultparindent + % + % Hang the footnote text off the number. + \hang + \textindent{\thisfootno}% + % + % Don't crash into the line above the footnote text. Since this + % expands into a box, it must come within the paragraph, lest it + % provide a place where TeX can split the footnote. + \footstrut + \futurelet\next\fo@t +} +\def\fo@t{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next \let\next\f@@t + \else\let\next\f@t\fi \next} +\def\f@@t{\bgroup\aftergroup\@foot\let\next} +\def\f@t#1{#1\@foot} +\def\@foot{\strut\egroup} + +}%end \catcode `\@=11 + +% Set the baselineskip to #1, and the lineskip and strut size +% correspondingly. There is no deep meaning behind these magic numbers +% used as factors; they just match (closely enough) what Knuth defined. +% +\def\lineskipfactor{.08333} +\def\strutheightpercent{.70833} +\def\strutdepthpercent {.29167} +% +\def\setleading#1{% + \normalbaselineskip = #1\relax + \normallineskip = \lineskipfactor\normalbaselineskip + \normalbaselines + \setbox\strutbox =\hbox{% + \vrule width0pt height\strutheightpercent\baselineskip + depth \strutdepthpercent \baselineskip + }% +} + +% @| inserts a changebar to the left of the current line. It should +% surround any changed text. This approach does *not* work if the +% change spans more than two lines of output. To handle that, we would +% have adopt a much more difficult approach (putting marks into the main +% vertical list for the beginning and end of each change). +% +\def\|{% + % \vadjust can only be used in horizontal mode. + \leavevmode + % + % Append this vertical mode material after the current line in the output. + \vadjust{% + % We want to insert a rule with the height and depth of the current + % leading; that is exactly what \strutbox is supposed to record. + \vskip-\baselineskip + % + % \vadjust-items are inserted at the left edge of the type. So + % the \llap here moves out into the left-hand margin. + \llap{% + % + % For a thicker or thinner bar, change the `1pt'. + \vrule height\baselineskip width1pt + % + % This is the space between the bar and the text. + \hskip 12pt + }% + }% +} + +% For a final copy, take out the rectangles +% that mark overfull boxes (in case you have decided +% that the text looks ok even though it passes the margin). +% +\def\finalout{\overfullrule=0pt} + +% @image. We use the macros from epsf.tex to support this. +% If epsf.tex is not installed and @image is used, we complain. +% +% Check for and read epsf.tex up front. If we read it only at @image +% time, we might be inside a group, and then its definitions would get +% undone and the next image would fail. +\openin 1 = epsf.tex +\ifeof 1 \else + \closein 1 + % Do not bother showing banner with post-v2.7 epsf.tex (available in + % doc/epsf.tex until it shows up on ctan). + \def\epsfannounce{\toks0 = }% + \input epsf.tex +\fi +% +\newif\ifwarnednoepsf +\newhelp\noepsfhelp{epsf.tex must be installed for images to + work. It is also included in the Texinfo distribution, or you can get + it from} +% +% Only complain once about lack of epsf.tex. +\def\image#1{% + \ifx\epsfbox\undefined + \ifwarnednoepsf \else + \errhelp = \noepsfhelp + \errmessage{epsf.tex not found, images will be ignored}% + \global\warnednoepsftrue + \fi + \else + \imagexxx #1,,,\finish + \fi +} +% +% Arguments to @image: +% #1 is (mandatory) image filename; we tack on .eps extension. +% #2 is (optional) width, #3 is (optional) height. +% #4 is just the usual extra ignored arg for parsing this stuff. +\def\imagexxx#1,#2,#3,#4\finish{% + % \epsfbox itself resets \epsf?size at each figure. + \setbox0 = \hbox{\ignorespaces #2}\ifdim\wd0 > 0pt \epsfxsize=#2\relax \fi + \setbox0 = \hbox{\ignorespaces #3}\ifdim\wd0 > 0pt \epsfysize=#3\relax \fi + % If the image is by itself, center it. + \ifvmode + \nobreak\medskip + \nobreak + \centerline{\epsfbox{#1.eps}}% + \bigbreak + \else + \epsfbox{#1.eps}% + \fi +} + + +\message{paper sizes,} +% And other related parameters. + +\newdimen\defaultparindent \defaultparindent = 15pt + +\chapheadingskip = 15pt plus 4pt minus 2pt +\secheadingskip = 12pt plus 3pt minus 2pt +\subsecheadingskip = 9pt plus 2pt minus 2pt + +% Prevent underfull vbox error messages. +\vbadness = 10000 + +% Don't be so finicky about underfull hboxes, either. +\hbadness = 2000 + +% Following George Bush, just get rid of widows and orphans. +\widowpenalty=10000 +\clubpenalty=10000 + +% Use TeX 3.0's \emergencystretch to help line breaking, but if we're +% using an old version of TeX, don't do anything. We want the amount of +% stretch added to depend on the line length, hence the dependence on +% \hsize. This makes it come to about 9pt for the 8.5x11 format. We +% call this whenever the paper size is set. +% +\def\setemergencystretch{% + \ifx\emergencystretch\thisisundefined + % Allow us to assign to \emergencystretch anyway. + \def\emergencystretch{\dimen0}% + \else + \emergencystretch = \hsize + \divide\emergencystretch by 45 + \fi +} + +% Parameters in order: 1) textheight; 2) textwidth; 3) voffset; +% 4) hoffset; 5) binding offset; 6) topskip. Then whoever calls us can +% set \parskip and call \setleading for \baselineskip. +% +\def\internalpagesizes#1#2#3#4#5#6{% + \voffset = #3\relax + \topskip = #6\relax + \splittopskip = \topskip + % + \vsize = #1\relax + \advance\vsize by \topskip + \outervsize = \vsize + \advance\outervsize by 2\topandbottommargin + \pageheight = \vsize + % + \hsize = #2\relax + \outerhsize = \hsize + \advance\outerhsize by 0.5in + \pagewidth = \hsize + % + \normaloffset = #4\relax + \bindingoffset = #5\relax + % + \parindent = \defaultparindent + \setemergencystretch +} + +% @letterpaper (the default). +\def\letterpaper{{\globaldefs = 1 + \parskip = 3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt + \setleading{13.2pt}% + % + % If page is nothing but text, make it come out even. + \internalpagesizes{46\baselineskip}{6in}{\voffset}{.25in}{\bindingoffset}{36pt}% +}} + +% Use @smallbook to reset parameters for 7x9.5 (or so) format. +\def\smallbook{{\globaldefs = 1 + \parskip = 2pt plus 1pt + \setleading{12pt}% + % + \internalpagesizes{7.5in}{}{\voffset}{.25in}{\bindingoffset}{16pt}% + % + \lispnarrowing = 0.3in + \tolerance = 700 + \hfuzz = 1pt + \contentsrightmargin = 0pt + \deftypemargin = 0pt + \defbodyindent = .5cm + % + \let\smalldisplay = \smalldisplayx + \let\smallexample = \smalllispx + \let\smallformat = \smallformatx + \let\smalllisp = \smalllispx +}} + +% Use @afourpaper to print on European A4 paper. +\def\afourpaper{{\globaldefs = 1 + \setleading{12pt}% + \parskip = 3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt + % + \internalpagesizes{53\baselineskip}{160mm}{\voffset}{4mm}{\bindingoffset}{44pt}% + % + \tolerance = 700 + \hfuzz = 1pt +}} + +% A specific text layout, 24x15cm overall, intended for A4 paper. Top margin +% 29mm, hence bottom margin 28mm, nominal side margin 3cm. +\def\afourlatex{{\globaldefs = 1 + \setleading{13.6pt}% + % + \afourpaper + \internalpagesizes{237mm}{150mm}{3.6mm}{3.6mm}{3mm}{7mm}% + % + \globaldefs = 0 +}} + +% Use @afourwide to print on European A4 paper in wide format. +\def\afourwide{% + \afourpaper + \internalpagesizes{9.5in}{6.5in}{\hoffset}{\normaloffset}{\bindingoffset}{7mm}% + % + \globaldefs = 0 +} + +% @pagesizes TEXTHEIGHT[,TEXTWIDTH] +% Perhaps we should allow setting the margins, \topskip, \parskip, +% and/or leading, also. Or perhaps we should compute them somehow. +% +\def\pagesizes{\parsearg\pagesizesxxx} +\def\pagesizesxxx#1{\pagesizesyyy #1,,\finish} +\def\pagesizesyyy#1,#2,#3\finish{{% + \setbox0 = \hbox{\ignorespaces #2}\ifdim\wd0 > 0pt \hsize=#2\relax \fi + \globaldefs = 1 + % + \parskip = 3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt + \setleading{13.2pt}% + % + \internalpagesizes{#1}{\hsize}{\voffset}{\normaloffset}{\bindingoffset}{44pt}% +}} + +% Set default to letter. +% +\letterpaper + +\message{and turning on texinfo input format.} + +% Define macros to output various characters with catcode for normal text. +\catcode`\"=\other +\catcode`\~=\other +\catcode`\^=\other +\catcode`\_=\other +\catcode`\|=\other +\catcode`\<=\other +\catcode`\>=\other +\catcode`\+=\other +\def\normaldoublequote{"} +\def\normaltilde{~} +\def\normalcaret{^} +\def\normalunderscore{_} +\def\normalverticalbar{|} +\def\normalless{<} +\def\normalgreater{>} +\def\normalplus{+} + +% This macro is used to make a character print one way in ttfont +% where it can probably just be output, and another way in other fonts, +% where something hairier probably needs to be done. +% +% #1 is what to print if we are indeed using \tt; #2 is what to print +% otherwise. Since all the Computer Modern typewriter fonts have zero +% interword stretch (and shrink), and it is reasonable to expect all +% typewriter fonts to have this, we can check that font parameter. +% +\def\ifusingtt#1#2{\ifdim \fontdimen3\the\font=0pt #1\else #2\fi} + +% Turn off all special characters except @ +% (and those which the user can use as if they were ordinary). +% Most of these we simply print from the \tt font, but for some, we can +% use math or other variants that look better in normal text. + +\catcode`\"=\active +\def\activedoublequote{{\tt\char34}} +\let"=\activedoublequote +\catcode`\~=\active +\def~{{\tt\char126}} +\chardef\hat=`\^ +\catcode`\^=\active +\def^{{\tt \hat}} + +\catcode`\_=\active +\def_{\ifusingtt\normalunderscore\_} +% Subroutine for the previous macro. +\def\_{\leavevmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.3em height.1ex}} + +\catcode`\|=\active +\def|{{\tt\char124}} +\chardef \less=`\< +\catcode`\<=\active +\def<{{\tt \less}} +\chardef \gtr=`\> +\catcode`\>=\active +\def>{{\tt \gtr}} +\catcode`\+=\active +\def+{{\tt \char 43}} +%\catcode 27=\active +%\def^^[{$\diamondsuit$} + +% Set up an active definition for =, but don't enable it most of the time. +{\catcode`\==\active +\global\def={{\tt \char 61}}} + +\catcode`+=\active +\catcode`\_=\active + +% If a .fmt file is being used, characters that might appear in a file +% name cannot be active until we have parsed the command line. +% So turn them off again, and have \everyjob (or @setfilename) turn them on. +% \otherifyactive is called near the end of this file. +\def\otherifyactive{\catcode`+=\other \catcode`\_=\other} + +\catcode`\@=0 + +% \rawbackslashxx output one backslash character in current font +\global\chardef\rawbackslashxx=`\\ +%{\catcode`\\=\other +%@gdef@rawbackslashxx{\}} + +% \rawbackslash redefines \ as input to do \rawbackslashxx. +{\catcode`\\=\active +@gdef@rawbackslash{@let\=@rawbackslashxx }} + +% \normalbackslash outputs one backslash in fixed width font. +\def\normalbackslash{{\tt\rawbackslashxx}} + +% Say @foo, not \foo, in error messages. +\escapechar=`\@ + +% \catcode 17=0 % Define control-q +\catcode`\\=\active + +% Used sometimes to turn off (effectively) the active characters +% even after parsing them. +@def@turnoffactive{@let"=@normaldoublequote +@let\=@realbackslash +@let~=@normaltilde +@let^=@normalcaret +@let_=@normalunderscore +@let|=@normalverticalbar +@let<=@normalless +@let>=@normalgreater +@let+=@normalplus} + +@def@normalturnoffactive{@let"=@normaldoublequote +@let\=@normalbackslash +@let~=@normaltilde +@let^=@normalcaret +@let_=@normalunderscore +@let|=@normalverticalbar +@let<=@normalless +@let>=@normalgreater +@let+=@normalplus} + +% Make _ and + \other characters, temporarily. +% This is canceled by @fixbackslash. +@otherifyactive + +% If a .fmt file is being used, we don't want the `\input texinfo' to show up. +% That is what \eatinput is for; after that, the `\' should revert to printing +% a backslash. +% +@gdef@eatinput input texinfo{@fixbackslash} +@global@let\ = @eatinput + +% On the other hand, perhaps the file did not have a `\input texinfo'. Then +% the first `\{ in the file would cause an error. This macro tries to fix +% that, assuming it is called before the first `\' could plausibly occur. +% Also back turn on active characters that might appear in the input +% file name, in case not using a pre-dumped format. +% +@gdef@fixbackslash{@ifx\@eatinput @let\ = @normalbackslash @fi + @catcode`+=@active @catcode`@_=@active} + +% These look ok in all fonts, so just make them not special. The @rm below +% makes sure that the current font starts out as the newly loaded cmr10 +@catcode`@$=@other @catcode`@%=@other @catcode`@&=@other @catcode`@#=@other + +@textfonts +@rm + +@c Local variables: +@c eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +@c page-delimiter: "^\\\\message" +@c time-stamp-start: "def\\\\texinfoversion{" +@c time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d" +@c time-stamp-end: "}" +@c End: diff --git a/doc/tinc.texi b/doc/tinc.texi new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46af02dd --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/tinc.texi @@ -0,0 +1,1218 @@ +\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- +@c %**start of header +@setfilename +@settitle tinc Manual +@setchapternewpage odd +@c %**end of header + +@ifinfo + +This is the info manual for tinc, a Virtual Private Network daemon. + +Copyright 1998 Ivo Timmermans + + Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim + copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and + this permission notice are preserved on all copies. + + Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified + versions of this manual under the conditions for + verbatim copying, provided + that the entire resulting derived work is distributed + under the terms of a permission notice identical to this + one. + +@end ifinfo + +@titlepage +@title tinc Manual +@subtitle Setting up a Virtual Private Network with tinc +@author Ivo Timmermans + +@page +@vskip 0pt plus 1filll +Copyright @copyright{} 1998 Ivo Timmermans + + Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim + copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and + this permission notice are preserved on all copies. + + Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified + versions of this manual under the conditions for + verbatim copying, provided + that the entire resulting derived work is distributed + under the terms of a permission notice identical to this + one. + +@end titlepage + +@c ================================================================== +@node Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir) + +@menu +* Introduction:: Introduction +* Configuring a Linux system:: Before compiling tinc +* Installing tinc:: +* Configuring tinc:: +* Running tinc:: +* Technical information:: +* About us:: +* Concept Index:: All used terms explained +@end menu + +@c ================================================================== +@node Introduction, Configuring a Linux system, Top, Top +@chapter Introduction + +@c straight from the www page + +tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon that uses tunneling and +encryption to create a secure private network between hosts on the +Internet. + +Because the tunnel appears to the IP level network code as a normal +network device, there is no need to adapt any existing software. + +This tunneling allows VPN sites to share information with eachother +over the Internet without exposing any information to others. + +This document is the manual for tinc. Included are chapters on how to +configure your computer to use tinc, as well as the configuration +process of tinc itself. + +@menu +* VPNs:: Virtual Private Networks in general +* tinc:: about tinc +@end menu + +@c ================================================================== +@node VPNs, tinc, Introduction, Introduction +@section Virtual Private Networks + +A Virtual Private Network or VPN is a network that can only be accessed +by a few elected computers that participate. This goal is achievable in +more than just one way. + +@cindex private +For instance, a VPN can consist of a single standalone ethernet LAN. Or +even two computers hooked up using a nullmodem cable@footnote{Though +discussable, I think it qualifies as a VPN.}. In these cases, it is +obvious that the network is @emph{private}. But there is another type +of VPN, the type tinc was made for. + +@cindex virtual +tinc uses normal IP datagrams to encapsulate data that goes over the VPN +network link. In this case it's also clear that the network is +@emph{virtual}, because no direct network link has to exist between to +participants. + +As is the case with either type of VPN, anybody could eavesdrop. Or +worse, alter data. Hence it's probably advisable to encrypt the data +that flows over the network. + +` +@c ================================================================== +@node tinc, , VPNs, Introduction +@section tinc + +I really don't quite remember what got us started, but it must have been +Guus' idea. He wrote a simple implementation (about 50 lines of C) that +used the @emph{ethertap} device that linux knows of since somewhere +about kernel 2.1.60. It didn't work immediately and he improved it a +bit. At this stage, the project was still simply called @samp{vpnd}. + +Since then, a lot has changed---to say the least. + +@cindex tincd +tinc now supports encryption, it consists of a single daemon (tincd) for +both the receiving and sending end, it hase becom largely +runtime-configurable---in short, it has become a full-fledged +professional package. + +A lot can---and will be---changed. I have a few things that I'd like to +see in the future releases of tinc. Not everything will be available in +the near future. Our first objective is to make tinc work perfectly as +it stands, and then add more advanced features. + +Meanwhile, we're always open-minded towards new ideas. And we're +available too. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Configuring a Linux system, Installing tinc, Introduction, Top +@chapter Configuring a Linux system + +This chapter contains information on how a Linux system is configured +for the use of tinc. + +@menu +* Configuring the kernel:: +* Files Needed:: +* Setting up the devices:: +@end menu + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Configuring the kernel, Files Needed, Configuring a Linux system, Configuring a Linux system +@section Configuring the kernel + +Since this particular implementation only runs on 2.1 or higher Linux +kernels, you should grab one (2.2 is current at this time). A 2.0 port +is not really possible, unless someone tells me someone ported the +ethertap and netlink devices back to 2.0. + +If you are unfamiliar with the process of configuring and compiling a +new kernel, you should read the +@uref{, Kernel +HOWTO} first. Do that now! + +Here are the options you have to turn on/off when configuring a new +kernel. + +@example +Code maturity level options +[*] Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers +Networking options +[*] Kernel/User netlink socket +<*> Netlink device emulation +Network device support +<*> Ethertap network tap +@end example + +Any other options not mentioned here are not relevant to tinc. If you +decide to build any of these as dynamic kernel modules, it's a good idea +to add these lines to @file{/etc/modules.conf}. + +@example +alias tap0 ethertap +alias char-major-36 netlink_dev +@end example + +Finally, after having set up other options, build the kernel and boot +it. Unfortunately it's not possible to insert these modules in a running +kernel. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Files Needed, Setting up the devices, Configuring the kernel, Configuring a Linux system +@section Files Needed + +@subsubheading Device files + +First, you'll need the special device file(s) that form the interface +between the kernel and the daemon. + +@example +mknod -m 600 /dev/tap0 c 36 16 +chown 0.0 /dev/tap0 +@end example + +The permissions now will be such that only the super user may read/write +to this file. You'd want this, because otherwise eavesdropping would +become a tad too easy. This does, however, imply that you'd have to run +tincd as root. + +If you want to, you may also create more device files, which would be +numbered 0...15, with minor device numbers 16...31. They all should be +owned by root and have permission 600. + + +@subsubheading @file{/etc/networks} + +You may add a line to @file{/etc/networks} so that your vpn will get a +symoblic name. For example: + +@example +myvpn +@end example + + +@subsubheading @file{/etc/services} + +You may add this line to @file{/etc/services}. The effect is that you +may supply a @samp{vpn} as a valid port number to some programs. The +number 655 is registered with the IANA. + +@example +tinc 655/tcp TINC +tinc 655/udp TINC +# Ivo Timmermans +@end example + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Setting up the devices, , Files Needed, Configuring a Linux system +@section Setting up the devices + +Before you can start transmitting data over the tinc tunnel, you must +set up the ethertap network devices. + +First, decide which IP addresses you want to have associated with these +devices, and what network mask they must have. You also need these +numbers when you are going to configure tinc itself. @xref{Configuring +tinc}. + +It doesn't matter much which part you do first, setting up the network +devices or configure tinc. But they both have to be done before you try +to start a tincd. + +The actual setup of the ethertap device is quite simple, just repeat +after me: + +@example +ifconfig tap@emph{n} hw ether fe:fd:@emph{xx}:@emph{xx}:@emph{xx}:@emph{xx} +@end example + +The @emph{n} here is the number of the ethertap device you want to +use. It should be the same @emph{n} as the one you use for +@file{/dev/tap@emph{n}}. The @emph{xx}s are four hexadecimal numbers +(0--ff). With previous versions of tincd, it didn't matter what they +were. But newer kernels require properly set up ehternet addresses. +In fact, the old behaviour was wrong. It is required that the @emph{xx}s +match MyOwnVPNIP. + +@example +ifconfig tap@emph{n} @emph{IP} netmask @emph{mask} +@end example + +This will activate the device with an IP address @emph{IP} with network +mask @emph{mask}. + + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Installing tinc, Configuring tinc, Configuring a Linux system, Top +@chapter Installing tinc + +First download it. This is the +@uref{, download +page}, which has the checksums of these files listed; you may wish to +check these with md5sum before continuing. + +tinc comes in a handy autoconf/automake package, which you can just +treat the same as any other package. Which is just untar it, type +`configure' and then `make'. + +More detailed instructions are in the file @file{INSTALL}, which is +included in the source distribution. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Configuring tinc, Running tinc, Installing tinc, Top +@chapter Configuring tinc + +@menu +* Multiple networks:: +* How connections work:: +* Configuration file:: +* Example:: +@end menu + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Multiple networks, How connections work, Configuring tinc, Configuring tinc +@section Multiple networks + +@c from the manpage + +It is perfectly ok for you to run more than one tinc daemon. +However, in its default form, you will soon notice that you can't use +two different configuration files without the -c option. + +We have thought of another way of dealing with this: network names. This +means that you call tincd with the -n argument, which will assign a name +to this daemon. + +The effect of this is that the daemon will set its configuration +``root'' to /etc/tinc/nn/, where nn is your argument to the -n +option. You'll notice that it appears in syslog as ``tincd.nn''. + +However, it is not strictly necessary that you call tinc with the -n +option. In this case, the network name would just be empty, and it will +be used as such. tinc now looks for files in /etc/tinc/, instead of +/etc/tinc/nn/; the configuration file should be /etc/tinc/tincd.conf, +and the passphrases are now expected to be in /etc/tinc/passphrases/. + +But it is highly recommended that you use this feature of tinc, because +it will be so much clearer whom your daemon talks to. Hence, we will +assume that you use it. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node How connections work, Configuration file, Multiple networks, Configuring tinc +@section How connections work + +Before going on, first a bit on how tinc sees connections. + +When tinc starts up, it reads in the configuration file and parses the +commandline options. If it sees a `ConnectTo' value in the file, it will +try to connect to it, on the given port. If this fails, tinc exits. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Configuration file, Example, How connections work, Configuring tinc +@section Configuration file + +The actual configuration of the daemon is done in the file +@file{/etc/tinc/nn/tincd.conf}. + +This file consists of comments (lines started with a #) or assignments +in the form of + +@example +Variable = Value. +@end example + +The variable names are case insensitive, and any spaces, tabs, newlines +and carriage returns are ignored. Note: it is not required that you put +in the `=' sign, but doing so improves readability. If you leave it +out, remember to replace it with at least one space character. + +@menu +* Variables:: +@end menu + +@c ================================================================== +@node Variables, , Configuration file, Configuration file +@subsection Variables + +Here are all valid variables, listed in alphabetical order: + +@c straight from the manpage +@table @asis +@item AllowConnect = (yes|no) +If set to yes, anyone may try to connect to you. If you set this to no, +no incoming connections will be accepted. This does not affect the +outgoing connections. + +@item ConnectPort = port +Connect to the upstream host (given with the ConnectTo directive) on +port port. port may be given in decimal (default), octal (when preceded +by a single zero) or hexadecimal (prefixed with 0x). port is the port +number for both the UDP and the TCP (meta) connections. + +@item ConnectTo = (IP address|hostname) +Specifies which host to connect to on startup. If the ConnectPort +variable is omitted, then tinc will try to connect to port 655. + +If you don't specify a host with ConnectTo, regardless of whether a +value for ConnectPort is given, tinc won't connect at all, and will +instead just listen for incoming connections. Only the initiator of a +tinc VPN should need this. + +@item ListenPort = port +Listen on local port port. The computer connecting to this daemon should +use this number as the argument for his ConnectPort. Again, the +default is 655. + +@item MyOwnVPNIP = local address[/maskbits] +The local address is the number that the daemon will propagate to +other daemons on the network when it is identifying itself. Hence this +will be the file name of the passphrase file that the other end expects +to find the passphrase in. + +The local address is the IP address of the tap device, not the real IP +address of the host running tincd. Due to changes in recent kernels, it +is also necessary that you make the ethernet (also known as MAC) address +equal to the IP address (see the example). + +maskbits is the number of bits set to 1 in the netmask part. + +@item MyVirtualIP = local address[/maskbits] +This is an alias for MyOwnVPNIP. + +@item Passphrases = directory +The directory where tinc will look for passphrases when someone tries to +cennect. Please see the manpage for genauth(8) for more information +about passphrases as used by tinc. + +@item PingTimeout = number +The number of seconds of inactivity that tinc will wait before sending a +probe to the other end. If that other end doesn't answer within that +same amount of seconds, the connection is terminated, and the others +will be notified of this. + +@item TapDevice = device +The ethertap device to use. Note that you can only use one device per +daemon. The info pages of the tinc package contain more information +about configuring an ethertap device for linux. + +@end table + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Example, , Configuration file, Configuring tinc +@section Example + +Imagine the following situation. An A-based company wants to connect +three branch offices in B, C and D using the internet. All four offices +have a 24/7 connection to the internet. + +A is going to serve as the center of the network. B and C will connect +to A, and D will connect to C. Each office will be assigned their own IP +network, 10.x.0.0. + +@example +A: net mask gateway internet IP +B: net mask gateway internet IP +C: net mask gateway internet IP +D: net mask gateway internet IP +@end example + +``gateway'' is the VPN IP address of the machine that is running the +tincd. ``internet IP'' is the IP address of the firewall, which does not +need to run tincd, but it must do a port forwarding of TCP&UDP on port +655 (unless otherwise configured).e + +In this example, it is assumed that eth0 is the interface that points to +the inner LAN of the office. This could be the same as the interface +that leads to the internet. + +@subsubheading For A + +@emph{A} would be configured like this: + +@example +ifconfig tap0 hw ether fe:fd:0a:01:36:01 +ifconfig tap0 netmask +ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast +@end example + +and in /etc/tinc/tincd.conf: + +@example +TapDevice = /dev/tap0 +MyVirtualIP = +@end example + +@subsubheading For B + +@example +ifconfig tap0 hw ether fe:fd:0a:02:01:0c +ifconfig tap0 netmask +ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast +@end example + +and in /etc/tinc/tincd.conf: + +@example +TapDevice = /dev/tap0 +MyVirtualIP = +ConnectTo = +AllowConnect = no +@end example + +Note here that the internal address (on eth0) doesn't have to be the +same as on the tap0 device. Also, ConnectTo is given so that no-one can +connect to this node. + +@subsubheading For C + +@example +ifconfig tap0 hw ether fe:fd:0a:03:45:fe +ifconfig tap0 netmask +ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast +@end example + +and in /etc/tinc/A/tincd.conf: + +@example +MyVirtualIP = +ConnectTo = +ListenPort = 2000 +@end example + +C already has another daemon that runs on port 655, so they have to +reserve another port for tinc. They also use the netname to distinguish +between the two. tinc is started with `tincd -n A'. + +@subsubheading For D + +@example +ifconfig tap0 hw ether fe:fd:0a:04:03:20 +ifconfig tap0 netmask +ifconfig tap0 netmask broadcast +@end example + +and in /etc/tinc/tincd.conf: + +@example +MyVirtualIP = +ConnectTo = +ConnectPort = 2000 +AllowConnect = no +@end example + +D will be connecting to C, which has a tincd running for this network on +port 2000. Hence they need to put in a ConnectPort. + +@subsubheading Authentication + +A, B, C and D all generate a passphrase with genauth 2048, the output is +stored in /etc/tinc/passphrases/local, except for C, where it should be +/etc/tinc/A/passphrases/local. + +A stores a copy of B's passphrase in /etc/tinc/passphrases/ + +A stores a copy of C's passphrase in /etc/tinc/passphrases/ + +B stores a copy of A's passphrase in /etc/tinc/passphrases/ + +C stores a copy of A's passphrase in /etc/tinc/A/passphrases/ + +C stores a copy of D's passphrase in /etc/tinc/A/passphrases/ + +D stores a copy of C's passphrase in /etc/tinc/passphrases/ + +@subsubheading Starting + +A has to start their tincd first. Then come B and C, where C has to +provide the option `-n A', because they have more than one tinc +network. Finally, D's tincd is started. + + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Running tinc, Technical information, Configuring tinc, Top +@chapter Running tinc + +Running tinc isn't just as easy as typing `tincd' and hoping everything +will just work out the way you wanted. Instead, the use of tinc is a +project that involves trust relations and more than one computer. + +@menu +* Managing keys:: +* Runtime options:: +@end menu + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Managing keys, Runtime options, Running tinc, Running tinc +@section Managing keys + +Before attempting to start tinc, you have to create passphrases. When +tinc tries to make a connection, it exchanges some sensitive +data. Before doing so, it likes to know if the other end is +trustworthy. + +To do this, both ends must have some knowledge about the other. In the +case of tinc this is the authentication passphrase. + +This passphrase is a number, which is chosen at random. This number is +then sent to the other computers which want to talk to us directly. To +avoid breaking security, this should be done over a known secure channel +(such as ssh or similar). + +All passphrases are stored in the passphrases directory, which is +normally /etc/tinc/nn/passphrases/, but it may be changed using the +`Passphrases' option in the config file. + +To generate a passphrase, run `genauth'. genauth takes one argument, +which is the length of the passphrase in bits. The length of the +passphrase should be in the range 1024--2048 for a key length of 128 +bits. genauth creates a random number of the specified length, and puts +it to stdout. + +Every computer that wants to participate in the VPN should do this, and +store the output in the passphrases directory, in the file @file{local}. + +When every computer has his own local key, it should copy it to the +computer that it wants to talk to directly. (i.e. the one it connects to +during startup.) This should be done via a secure channel, because it is +sensitive information. If this is not done securely, someone might break +in on you later on. + +Those non-local passphrase files must have the name of the VPN IP +address that they will advertise to you. For instance, if a computer +tells us it likes to be with netmask, the file +should still be called, and not + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Runtime options, , Managing keys, Running tinc +@section Runtime options + +Besides the settings in the configuration file, tinc also accepts some +command line options. + +This list is a longer version of that in the manpage. The latter is +generated automatically, so may be more up-to-date. + +@c from the manpage +@table @asis +@item -c, --config=FILE +Read configuration options from FILE. The default is +@file{/etc/tinc/nn/tincd.conf}. + +@item -d +Increase debug level. The higher it gets, the more gets +logged. Everything goes via syslog. + +0 is the default, only some basic information connection attempts get +logged. Setting it to 1 will log a bit more, still not very +disturbing. With two -d's tincd will log protocol information, which can +get pretty noisy. Three or more -d's will output every single packet +that goes out or comes in, which probably generates more data than the +packets themselves. + +@item -k, --kill +Attempt to kill a running tincd and exit. A TERM signal (15) gets sent +to the daemon that his its PID in /var/run/ + +Because it kills only one tincd, you should use -n here if you use it +normally. + +@item -n, --net=NETNAME +Connect to net NETNAME. @xref{Multiple networks}. + +@item -t, --timeout=TIMEOUT +Seconds to wait before giving a timeout. Should not be set too low, +because every time tincd senses a timeout, it disconnects and reconnects +again, which will cause unnecessary network traffic and log messages. + +@item --help +Display a short reminder of these runtime options and terminate. + +@item --version +Output version information and exit. + +@end table + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Technical information, About us, Running tinc, Top +@chapter Technical information + + +@c ================================================================== +@menu +* The Connection:: +* Security:: +* The Protocol:: +@end menu + +@node The Connection, Security, Technical information, Technical information +@section The basic philosophy of the way tinc works +@cindex Connection + +tinc is a daemon that takes VPN data and transmit that to another host +computer over the existing Internet infrastructure. + +@menu +* Protocol Preview:: +* The Meta-connection:: +@end menu + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Protocol Preview, The Meta-connection, The Connection, The Connection +@subsection A preview of the way the tinc works + +@cindex ethertap +@cindex frame type +The data itself is read from a character device file, the so-called +@emph{ethertap} device. This device is associated with a network +interface. Any data sent to this interface can be read from the device, +and any data written to the device gets sent from the interface. Data to +and from the device is formatted as if it were a normal ethernet card, +so a frame is preceded by two MAC addresses and a @emph{frame type} +field. + +So when tinc reads an ethernet frame from the device, it determines its +type. Right now, tinc can only handle Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) +frames. Plans to support other protocols are being made. When tinc knows +which type of frame it has read, it can also read the source and +destination address from it. + +Now it is time that the frame gets encrypted. Currently the only +encryption algorithm available is blowfish. + +@cindex encapsulating +When the encryption is ready, time has come to actually transport the +packet to the destination computer. We do this by sending the packet +over an UDP connection to the destination host. This is called +@emph{encapsulating}, the VPN packet (though now encrypted) is +encapsulated in another IP datagram. + +When the destination receives this packet, the same thing happens, only +in reverse. So it does a decrypt on the contents of the UDP datagram, +and it writes the decrypted information to its own ethertap device. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node The Meta-connection, , Protocol Preview, The Connection +@subsection The meta-connection + +Having only a UDP connection available is not enough. Though suitable +for transmitting data, we want to be able to reliably send other +information, such as routing and encryption information to somebody. + +TCP is a better alternative, because it already contains protection +against information being lost, unlike UDP. + +So we establish two connections. One for the encrypted VPN data, and one +for other information, the meta-data. Hence, we call the second +connection the meta-connection. We can now be sure that the +meta-information doesn't get lost on the way to another computer. + +@cindex data-protocol +@cindex meta-protocol +Like with any communication, we must have a protocol, so that everybody +knows what everything stands for, an how he should react. Because we +have two connections, we also have two protocols. The protocol used for +the UDP data is the ``data-protocol,'' the other one is the +``meta-protocol.'' + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Security, The Protocol, The Connection, Technical information +@section About tinc's encryption and other security-related issues. + +@cindex tinc +@cindex Cabal +tinc got its name from ``TINC,'' short for @emph{There Is No Cabal}; the +alleged Cabal was/is an organization that was said to keep an eye on the +entire Internet. As this is exactly what you @emph{don't} want, we named +the tinc project after TINC. + +@cindex SVPN +But in order to be ``immune'' to eavesdropping, you'll have to encrypt +your data. Because tinc is a @emph{Secure} VPN (SVPN) daemon, it does +exactly that: encrypt. + +This chapter is a mixture of ideas, reasoning and explanation, please +don't take it too serious. + +@menu +* Encryption:: +* Key Management:: +* Authentification:: How to be sure we're talking to the right person +* Protection:: +@end menu + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Encryption, Key Management, Security, Security +@subsection Encryption + +Encryption algorithms come in lots of flavors, most of which are not +safe enough to use on the Internet, if at all. Algorithms that we've +considered using are: RSA, blowfish, twofish and IDEA. + +@itemize @bullet +@item +@cindex RSA +@emph{RSA} is patented. A fee must be paid if you use it, so it can't +be used in an Open Source program. + +@item +@cindex blowfish +@emph{blowfish} was the standard encryption method at least up to version +0.2.23, but as Dekan pointed out, it may not be all that secure. It is +also patented, but it may be used freely. + +@item +@cindex twofish +@emph{twofish} should be better, but i've not seen a useable +ready-to-use implementation somewhere out of the US. I'll remember this +as a future encryption method. + +@item +@cindex IDEA +@emph{IDEA} is patented, and free for non-commercial use. It is going to +be the standard encryption method. + +@end itemize + +You may choose any of the last three encryption methods in tinc. Please +note, however, that ALL computers on your VPN must currenttly use the +same. This should (among other things) be more flexible, tinc could for +instance load a new encryption library the minute it is needed. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Key Management, Authentification, Encryption, Security +@subsection Key Management +@c FIXME: recheck + +@cindex Diffie-Hellman +You can't just send a private encryption key to your peer, because +somebody else might already be listening to you. So you'll have to +negotiate over a shared but secret key. One way to do this is by using +the ``Diffie-Hellman key exchange'' protocol +(@uref{}). The idea is as +follows. + +You have two participants A and B that want to agree over a shared +secret encryption key. Both parties have some large prime number p and a +generator g. These numbers may be known to the outside world, and hence +may be included in the source distribution. + +@cindex secret key +Both parties then generate a secret key. A generates a, and computes g^a +mod p. This is then sent to B; while B computes g^b mod p, and transmits +this to A, b being generated by B. Both a and b must be smaller than +p-1. + +These private keys are generated upon startup, and they are not changed +while the connection exists. A possible feature in the future is to +dynamically change the keys, every hour for example. + +Both parties then calculate g^ab mod p = k. k is the new, shared, but +still secret key. + +To obtain a key k of a sufficient length (128 bits in our vpnd), p +should be 2^129-1 or more. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Authentification, Protection, Key Management, Security +@subsection Authentification +@c FIXME: recheck + +@cindex man-in-the-middle attack +Because the Diffie-Hellman protocol is in itself vulnerable to the +``man-in-the-middle attack,'' we should introduce an authentification +system. + +We will let A transmit a passphrase that is also known to B encrypted +with g^a, before A sends this to B. This way, B can check whether A is +really A or just someone else. + +@cindex passphrase +This passphrase should be 2304 bits for a symmetric encryption +system. But since an asymmetric system is more secure, we could do with +2048 bits. This only holds if the passphrase is very random. + +These passphrases could be stored in a file that is non-readable by +anyone else but root; e.g. @file{/etc/vpn/passphrases}. + +The only thing that needs to be taken care of is how A announces its +passphrase to B. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Protection, , Authentification, Security +@subsection Protecting your data + +Now we have securely hidden our data. But a malicious cracker may still +bother you by randomly altering the encrypted data he intercepts. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node The Protocol, , Security, Technical information +@section Detailed protocol specifications + + + +@menu +* Data protocol:: +* Meta protocol:: +@end menu + +@c ================================================================== +@node Data protocol, Meta protocol, The Protocol, The Protocol +@subsection The data protocol + +The data that is sent through the UDP connection is formatted as follows: + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0-1 | The length of this packet, including all leading fields + 2-5 | The destination IP address + 6-... | The encrypted data + +@end example + +The method that was used to encrypt the data should be made known via +the meta-protocol, during early identification stages. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Meta protocol, , Data protocol, The Protocol +@subsection The Meta protocol + +This protocol consists of separate packets of enformation, that are +generally formatted thusly: + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | The request ID + 1-... | (Optional: arguments) + +@end example + +What follows is a listing of possible request IDs. + +@table @samp +@item ACK +Acknowledge. This generally means that the authentication has been +accepted by the remote computer. Takes no arguments. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `1' + +@end example + +@item AUTH_S_INIT +@itemx AUTH_C_INIT +Obsolete. Use @samp{BASIC_INFO}. + +@item AUTH_S_SPP +@itemx AUTH_C_SPP +Obsolete. Use @samp{PASSPHRASE}. + +@item AUTH_S_SKEY +@itemx AUTH_C_SKEY +Obsolete. Use @samp{PUBLIC_KEY}, @samp{REQ_KEY} and @samp{ANS_KEY}. + +@item AUTH_S_SACK +@itemx AUTH_C_RACK +Obsolete. Use @samp{ACK}. + +@item TERMREQ +A request to terminate this connection, for whatever reason. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `30' + 1-4 | The VPN IP address of the host that has exited + +@end example + + +@item PINGTIMEOUT +Terminate connection, but the reason must be a ping timeout. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `31' + 1-4 | The VPN IP address of the host that has exited + +@end example + + +@item PING +Send probe to the other end, if he hasn't returned a @samp{PONG} within +10 seconds, the connection is considered to be dead and will be +terminated, we should try to notify the other by sending a +@samp{PINGTIMEOUT} packet. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `40' + +@end example + + +@item PONG +See explanation for @samp{PING} + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `41' + +@end example + + +@item ADD_HOST +Send an @samp{ADD_HOST} packet if you want to propagate all your current +connections to a new computer on a network. If we get this request, we +must forward it to everyone that hasn't got it yet. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `60' + 1-4 | The real IP address of the new host + 5-8 | The VPN IP address of the new host + 9-12 | The VPN netmask + 13-14 | The port number that the new host listens on + +@end example + + +@item BASIC_INFO +This packet will contain all necessary basic information about +ourselves, such as the port we listen on and our desired VPN IP address. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `61' + 1 | The protocol version. + | This chapter describes version 4. + 2-3 | The port number that the new host listens on + 4-7 | The VPN IP address of the new host + 8-11 | The VPN netmask + +@end example + + +@item PASSPHRASE +Send an encrypted passphrase. Should be encrypted with our +@strong{public} key, and it must reach us before a @samp{PUBLIC_KEY} +request. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `62' + 1-2 | The length of the encrypted passphrase + 3-... | The encrypted passphrase + +@end example + + +@item PUBLIC_KEY +This is only used during authentication of a new connection, later on we +may use @samp{REQ_KEY} and @samp{ANS_KEY}. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `63' + 1-2 | The length of the key + 3-... | The public key, given in base-36 + +@end example + + +@item HOLD +@itemx RESUME +Unused. + +@item CALCULATE +@itemx CALC_RES +@itemx ALMOST_KEY +Never been in use. + +@item REQ_KEY +Request a public key from someone and return it to the sender of this +request using a @samp{ANS_KEY} packet. If we get such request, we must +forward it to the connection that leads to the destination. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `160' + 1-4 | The source VPN IP address + 5-8 | The destination VPN IP address + 9-14 | `0' + +@end example + + +@item ANS_KEY +Answer to a @samp{REQ_KEY} request, forward it to the destination if it +is not meant for us. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `161' + 1-4 | The source VPN IP address + 5-8 | The destination VPN IP address + 9-12 | The expiration date/time in seconds + 13-14 | The key length + 15-... | The public key in base-36 + +@end example + + +@item KEY_CHANGED +The source computer wants to tell that it has regenerated its private +and public keys, so anything going there must be encrypted with a new +shared key. + +@example + + bytes | Contents +---------------------- + 0 | `162' + 1-4 | The source VPN IP address + +@end example + + +@end table + + +@c ================================================================== +@node About us, Concept Index, Technical information, Top +@chapter About us + + +@menu +* Contact Information:: +* Authors:: +@end menu + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Contact Information, Authors, About us, About us +@section Contact information + +tinc's main page is at @url{}, +this server is located in the Netherlands. + +We have an IRC channel on the Open Projects IRC network. Connect to +@uref{,}, +and join channel #tinc. + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Authors, , Contact Information, About us +@section Authors + +@table @asis +@item Ivo Timmermans (zarq) (@email{}) +Main coder/hacker and maintainer of the package. + +@item Guus Sliepen (guus) +Originator of it all, co-author. + +@item Wessel Dankers (Ubiq) +General obfuscator of the code. + +@end table + +Thank you's to: Dekan, Emphyrio, vDong + +Greetings to: braque, Fluor, giggles, macro, smoke, tribbel + + +@c ================================================================== +@node Concept Index, , About us, Top +@c node-name, next, previous, up +@unnumbered Concept Index + +@c ================================================================== +@printindex cp + + +@c ================================================================== +@contents +@bye + diff --git a/doc/tincd.conf.5 b/doc/tincd.conf.5 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa5112ef --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/tincd.conf.5 @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +.TH TINC 5 "March 1999" "tinc version 0.2.16" "FSF" +.SH NAME +tincd.conf \- tinc daemon configuration +.SH "DESCRIPTION" +The files in the \fI/etc/tinc\fR directory contain runtime and +security information for the \fBtinc\fR(8) daemon. +.PP +.SH "NETWORKS" +It is perfectly ok for you to run more than one tinc daemon. However, +in its default form, you will soon notice that you can't use two +different configuration files without the \fI-c\fR option. + +We have thought of another way of dealing with this: network +names. This means that you call \fBtincd\fR with the \fI-n\fR argument, +which will assign a name to this daemon. + +The effect of this is that the daemon will set its configuration +``root'' to \fI/etc/tinc/\fBnn\fI/\fR, where \fBnn\fR is your argument +to the \fI-n\fR option. You'll notice that it appears in syslog as +``tincd.\fBnn\fR''. + +However, it is not strictly necessary that you call tinc with the -n +option. In this case, the network name would just be empty, and it +will be used as such. tinc now looks for files in \fI/etc/tinc/\fR, +instead of \fI/etc/tinc/\fBnn\fI/\fR; the configuration file should be +\fI/etc/tinc/tincd.conf\fR, and the passphrases are now expected to be +in \fI/etc/tinc/passphrases/\fR. + +But it is highly recommended that you use this feature of tinc, +because it will be so much clearer whom your daemon talks to. Hence, +we will assume that you use it. +.PP +.SH "PASSPHRASES" +You should use the \fBgenauth\fR(8) program to generate passphrases. +with, it accepts a single parameter, which is the number of bits the +passphrase should be. Its output should be stored in +\fI/etc/tinc/\fBnn\fI/passphrases/local\fR \-\- where \fBnn\fR stands +for the network (See under \fBNETWORKS\fR) above. + +Please see the manpage for \fBgenauth\fR to learn more about setting +up an authentication scheme. +.PP +.SH "CONFIGURATION" +The actual configuration of the daemon is done in the file +\fI/etc/tinc/\fBnn\fI/tincd.conf\fR. + +This file consists of comments (lines started with a \fB#\fR) or +assignments in the form of +.PP +.Vb 1 +\& \fIVariable \fB= \fIValue\fR. +.Ve +.PP +The variable names are case insensitive, and any spaces, tabs, +newlines and carriage returns are ignored. \fINote\fR: it is not +required that you put in the \fB=\fR sign, but doing so improves +readability. If you leave it out, remember to replace it with at least +one space character. +.PP +.SH "VARIABLES" +.PP +Here are all valid variables, listed in alphabetical order: +.TP +\fBAllowConnect = \fB(\fIyes\fB|\fIno\fB)\fR +If set to \fIyes\fR, anyone may try to connect to you. If you set this +to no, no incoming connections will be accepted. This does not affect +the outgoing connections. +.TP +\fBConnectPort = \fIport\fR +Connect to the upstream host (given with the \fBConnectTo\fR +directive) on port \fIport\fR. \fIport\fR may be given in decimal +(default), octal (when preceded by a single zero) or hexadecimal +(prefixed with \fB0x\fR). \fIport\fR is the port number for both the +UDP and the TCP (meta) connections. +.TP +\fBConnectTo = \fB(\fIIP address\fB|\fIhostname\fB)\fR +Specifies which host to connect to on startup. If the +\fBConnectPort\fR variable is omitted, then tinc will try to connect +to port 655. + +If you don't specify a host with \fBConnectTo\fR, tinc won't connect +at all, and will instead just listen for incoming connections. Only +the initiator of a tinc VPN should need this. +.TP +\fBKeyExpire = \fIs\fR +The secret (and public) key expires after \fIs\fR seconds. The default +is 3600 seconds, or one hour. + +If you make it shorter, a lot of time and bandwidth is spent +negotiating over the new keys. If you make it longer, you make +yourself more vulnerable to crackers, because they have more data to +work with. The best value depends on the speed of the link, and the +amount of data that goes over it. +.TP +\fBListenPort = \fIport\fR +Listen on local port \fIport\fR. The computer connecting to this +daemon should use this number as the argument for his +\fBConnectPort\fR. Again, the default is 655. +.TP +\fBMyOwnVPNIP = \fInetwork address\fR[\fB/\fImaskbits\fR] +The \fInetwork address\fR is the number that the daemon will propagate +to other daemons on the network when it is identifying itself. Hence +this will be the file name of the passphrase file that the other end +expects to find the passphrase in. + +\fImaskbits\fR is the number of bits set to 1 in the netmask part. +.TP +\fBMyVirtualIP = \fInetwork address\fR[\fB/\fImaskbits\fR] +This is an alias for \fBMyOwnVPNIP\fR. +.TP +\fBPassphrases = \fIdirectory\fR +The directory where tinc will look for passphrases when someone tries +to cennect. Please see the manpage for \fBgenauth\fR(8) for more +information about passphrases as used by tinc. +.TP +\fBPingTimeout = \fInumber\fR +The number of seconds of inactivity that tinc will wait before sending +a probe to the other end. If that other end doesn't answer within that +same amount of seconds, the connection is terminated, and the others +will be notified of this. +.TP +\fBTapDevice = \fIdevice\fR +The ethertap device to use. Note that you can only use one device per +daemon. The info pages of the tinc package contain more information +about configuring an ethertap device for linux. +.PP +.SH "FILES" +.TP +\fI/etc/tinc/\fR +The top directory for configuration files. +.TP +\fI/etc/tinc/\fBnn\fI/tincd.conf\fR +The default name of the configuration file for net +\fBnn\fR. +.TP +\fI/etc/tinc/\fBnn\fI/passphrases/\fR +Passphrases are kept in this directory. (See the section +\fBPASSPHRASES\fR above). +.PP +.SH "SEE ALSO" +\fBtincd\fR(8), \fBgenauth\fR(8) +.PP +The full documentation for +.B tinc +is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the +.B info +and +.B tinc +programs are properly installed at your site, the command +.IP +.B info tinc +.PP +should give you access to the complete manual. +.PP +tinc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, +and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; +see the file COPYING for details. diff --git a/doc/tincd.conf.sample b/doc/tincd.conf.sample new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df005fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/tincd.conf.sample @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# Sample tinc configuration file + +# This is a comment. +# Lines can have a maximum of 80 characters. +# Spaces and tabs are eliminated. +# The = sign isn't strictly necessary any longer, though you may want +# to leave it in as it improves readability :) +# Variable names are treated case insensitive. + +# The internet host to connect with +# comment these out to make yourself a listen-only connection +# You may use an IP address or its FQDN. +ConnectTo = + +# Connect to which port of the `ConnectTo' host + +# It is advised that you only connect to ports that are < 1024, +# because some malicious (non-root) user may run a fake tincd on ports +# above 1024. +# The default port is 655, the port that has been assigned to tinc +# by the IANA. If you want tincd to listen on any other port than 655, +# you can use ListenPort for the `server', and ConnectPort for the +# `client'. + +# You may use the prefixes 0x or 0 to denote a hexadecimal or octal +# number respectively. +ConnectPort = 0x300 + +# Listen on which port +ListenPort = 200 + +# My own VPN IP +# You may use the /nn notation to indicate the number of bits used for +# the mask, /8 is equivalent to the netmask (the first 8 +# bits are set to 1). +MyOwnVPNIP = 10.x.x.x/8 + +# Which local file? +# Default is /dev/tap0 +TapDevice = /dev/tap1 diff --git a/doc/tincd.x b/doc/tincd.x new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ec6e9e4d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/tincd.x @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +[DESCRIPTION] +." Add any additional description here + +This is the daemon part of tinc. tinc is a secure virtual private +network (VPN) project. + +.SH OPTIONS + + +[FILES] +.TP +\fI/etc/tinc\fR +The top directory for configuration files. +.PP + +[SEE ALSO] +\fBtincd.conf\fR(5) +.TP +\fB\fR + diff --git a/install-sh b/install-sh new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9de2384 --- /dev/null +++ b/install-sh @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# install - install a program, script, or datafile +# This comes from X11R5 (mit/util/scripts/ +# +# Copyright 1991 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology +# +# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its +# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that +# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that +# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting +# documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or +# publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, +# written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the +# suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" +# without express or implied warranty. +# +# Calling this script install-sh is preferred over, to prevent +# `make' implicit rules from creating a file called install from it +# when there is no Makefile. +# +# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written +# from scratch. It can only install one file at a time, a restriction +# shared with many OS's install programs. + + +# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script + +# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it. +doit="${DOITPROG-}" + + +# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars. + +mvprog="${MVPROG-mv}" +cpprog="${CPPROG-cp}" +chmodprog="${CHMODPROG-chmod}" +chownprog="${CHOWNPROG-chown}" +chgrpprog="${CHGRPPROG-chgrp}" +stripprog="${STRIPPROG-strip}" +rmprog="${RMPROG-rm}" +mkdirprog="${MKDIRPROG-mkdir}" + +transformbasename="" +transform_arg="" +instcmd="$mvprog" +chmodcmd="$chmodprog 0755" +chowncmd="" +chgrpcmd="" +stripcmd="" +rmcmd="$rmprog -f" +mvcmd="$mvprog" +src="" +dst="" +dir_arg="" + +while [ x"$1" != x ]; do + case $1 in + -c) instcmd="$cpprog" + shift + continue;; + + -d) dir_arg=true + shift + continue;; + + -m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2" + shift + shift + continue;; + + -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2" + shift + shift + continue;; + + -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2" + shift + shift + continue;; + + -s) stripcmd="$stripprog" + shift + continue;; + + -t=*) transformarg=`echo $1 | sed 's/-t=//'` + shift + continue;; + + -b=*) transformbasename=`echo $1 | sed 's/-b=//'` + shift + continue;; + + *) if [ x"$src" = x ] + then + src=$1 + else + # this colon is to work around a 386BSD /bin/sh bug + : + dst=$1 + fi + shift + continue;; + esac +done + +if [ x"$src" = x ] +then + echo "install: no input file specified" + exit 1 +else + true +fi + +if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ]; then + dst=$src + src="" + + if [ -d $dst ]; then + instcmd=: + chmodcmd="" + else + instcmd=mkdir + fi +else + +# Waiting for this to be detected by the "$instcmd $src $dsttmp" command +# might cause directories to be created, which would be especially bad +# if $src (and thus $dsttmp) contains '*'. + + if [ -f $src -o -d $src ] + then + true + else + echo "install: $src does not exist" + exit 1 + fi + + if [ x"$dst" = x ] + then + echo "install: no destination specified" + exit 1 + else + true + fi + +# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system +# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic + + if [ -d $dst ] + then + dst="$dst"/`basename $src` + else + true + fi +fi + +## this sed command emulates the dirname command +dstdir=`echo $dst | sed -e 's,[^/]*$,,;s,/$,,;s,^$,.,'` + +# Make sure that the destination directory exists. +# this part is taken from Noah Friedman's mkinstalldirs script + +# Skip lots of stat calls in the usual case. +if [ ! -d "$dstdir" ]; then +defaultIFS=' +' +IFS="${IFS-${defaultIFS}}" + +oIFS="${IFS}" +# Some sh's can't handle IFS=/ for some reason. +IFS='%' +set - `echo ${dstdir} | sed -e 's@/@%@g' -e 's@^%@/@'` +IFS="${oIFS}" + +pathcomp='' + +while [ $# -ne 0 ] ; do + pathcomp="${pathcomp}${1}" + shift + + if [ ! -d "${pathcomp}" ] ; + then + $mkdirprog "${pathcomp}" + else + true + fi + + pathcomp="${pathcomp}/" +done +fi + +if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ] +then + $doit $instcmd $dst && + + if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dst; else true ; fi && + if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dst; else true ; fi && + if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dst; else true ; fi && + if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dst; else true ; fi +else + +# If we're going to rename the final executable, determine the name now. + + if [ x"$transformarg" = x ] + then + dstfile=`basename $dst` + else + dstfile=`basename $dst $transformbasename | + sed $transformarg`$transformbasename + fi + +# don't allow the sed command to completely eliminate the filename + + if [ x"$dstfile" = x ] + then + dstfile=`basename $dst` + else + true + fi + +# Make a temp file name in the proper directory. + + dsttmp=$dstdir/#inst.$$# + +# Move or copy the file name to the temp name + + $doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp && + + trap "rm -f ${dsttmp}" 0 && + +# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits + +# If any of these fail, we abort the whole thing. If we want to +# ignore errors from any of these, just make sure not to ignore +# errors from the above "$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp" command. + + if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dsttmp; else true;fi && + if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi && + if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi && + if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi && + +# Now rename the file to the real destination. + + $doit $rmcmd -f $dstdir/$dstfile && + $doit $mvcmd $dsttmp $dstdir/$dstfile + +fi && + + +exit 0 diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7af26e9b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +## Process this file with automake to produce + +noinst_LIBRARIES = libvpn.a + +INCLUDES = -I. -I$(top_builddir) + +libvpn_a_SOURCES = xmalloc.c pidfile.c utils.c + +libvpn_a_LIBADD = @LIBOBJS@ @ALLOCA@ +libvpn_a_DEPENDENCIES = $(libvpn_a_LIBADD) + +noinst_HEADERS = xalloc.h pidfile.h utils.h + +EXTRA_DIST = README \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/README b/lib/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d842e59a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +The files in this directory were merely copied from fileutils 4.0. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/alloca.c b/lib/alloca.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..10e5d65f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/alloca.c @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +/* alloca.c -- allocate automatically reclaimed memory + (Mostly) portable public-domain implementation -- D A Gwyn + + This implementation of the PWB library alloca function, + which is used to allocate space off the run-time stack so + that it is automatically reclaimed upon procedure exit, + was inspired by discussions with J. Q. Johnson of Cornell. + J.Otto Tennant contributed the Cray support. + + There are some preprocessor constants that can + be defined when compiling for your specific system, for + improved efficiency; however, the defaults should be okay. + + The general concept of this implementation is to keep + track of all alloca-allocated blocks, and reclaim any + that are found to be deeper in the stack than the current + invocation. This heuristic does not reclaim storage as + soon as it becomes invalid, but it will do so eventually. + + As a special case, alloca(0) reclaims storage without + allocating any. It is a good idea to use alloca(0) in + your main control loop, etc. to force garbage collection. */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +# include +#endif + +#ifdef emacs +# include "blockinput.h" +#endif + +/* If compiling with GCC 2, this file's not needed. */ +#if !defined (__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ < 2 + +/* If someone has defined alloca as a macro, + there must be some other way alloca is supposed to work. */ +# ifndef alloca + +# ifdef emacs +# ifdef static +/* actually, only want this if static is defined as "" + -- this is for usg, in which emacs must undefine static + in order to make unexec workable + */ +# ifndef STACK_DIRECTION +you +lose +-- must know STACK_DIRECTION at compile-time +# endif /* STACK_DIRECTION undefined */ +# endif /* static */ +# endif /* emacs */ + +/* If your stack is a linked list of frames, you have to + provide an "address metric" ADDRESS_FUNCTION macro. */ + +# if defined (CRAY) && defined (CRAY_STACKSEG_END) +long i00afunc (); +# define ADDRESS_FUNCTION(arg) (char *) i00afunc (&(arg)) +# else +# define ADDRESS_FUNCTION(arg) &(arg) +# endif + +# if __STDC__ +typedef void *pointer; +# else +typedef char *pointer; +# endif + +# ifndef NULL +# define NULL 0 +# endif + +/* Different portions of Emacs need to call different versions of + malloc. The Emacs executable needs alloca to call xmalloc, because + ordinary malloc isn't protected from input signals. On the other + hand, the utilities in lib-src need alloca to call malloc; some of + them are very simple, and don't have an xmalloc routine. + + Non-Emacs programs expect this to call xmalloc. + + Callers below should use malloc. */ + +# ifndef emacs +# define malloc xmalloc +# endif +extern pointer malloc (); + +/* Define STACK_DIRECTION if you know the direction of stack + growth for your system; otherwise it will be automatically + deduced at run-time. + + STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses + STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses + STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown */ + +# ifndef STACK_DIRECTION +# define STACK_DIRECTION 0 /* Direction unknown. */ +# endif + +# if STACK_DIRECTION != 0 + +# define STACK_DIR STACK_DIRECTION /* Known at compile-time. */ + +# else /* STACK_DIRECTION == 0; need run-time code. */ + +static int stack_dir; /* 1 or -1 once known. */ +# define STACK_DIR stack_dir + +static void +find_stack_direction () +{ + static char *addr = NULL; /* Address of first `dummy', once known. */ + auto char dummy; /* To get stack address. */ + + if (addr == NULL) + { /* Initial entry. */ + addr = ADDRESS_FUNCTION (dummy); + + find_stack_direction (); /* Recurse once. */ + } + else + { + /* Second entry. */ + if (ADDRESS_FUNCTION (dummy) > addr) + stack_dir = 1; /* Stack grew upward. */ + else + stack_dir = -1; /* Stack grew downward. */ + } +} + +# endif /* STACK_DIRECTION == 0 */ + +/* An "alloca header" is used to: + (a) chain together all alloca'ed blocks; + (b) keep track of stack depth. + + It is very important that sizeof(header) agree with malloc + alignment chunk size. The following default should work okay. */ + +# ifndef ALIGN_SIZE +# define ALIGN_SIZE sizeof(double) +# endif + +typedef union hdr +{ + char align[ALIGN_SIZE]; /* To force sizeof(header). */ + struct + { + union hdr *next; /* For chaining headers. */ + char *deep; /* For stack depth measure. */ + } h; +} header; + +static header *last_alloca_header = NULL; /* -> last alloca header. */ + +/* Return a pointer to at least SIZE bytes of storage, + which will be automatically reclaimed upon exit from + the procedure that called alloca. Originally, this space + was supposed to be taken from the current stack frame of the + caller, but that method cannot be made to work for some + implementations of C, for example under Gould's UTX/32. */ + +pointer +alloca (size) + unsigned size; +{ + auto char probe; /* Probes stack depth: */ + register char *depth = ADDRESS_FUNCTION (probe); + +# if STACK_DIRECTION == 0 + if (STACK_DIR == 0) /* Unknown growth direction. */ + find_stack_direction (); +# endif + + /* Reclaim garbage, defined as all alloca'd storage that + was allocated from deeper in the stack than currently. */ + + { + register header *hp; /* Traverses linked list. */ + +# ifdef emacs + BLOCK_INPUT; +# endif + + for (hp = last_alloca_header; hp != NULL;) + if ((STACK_DIR > 0 && hp->h.deep > depth) + || (STACK_DIR < 0 && hp->h.deep < depth)) + { + register header *np = hp->; + + free ((pointer) hp); /* Collect garbage. */ + + hp = np; /* -> next header. */ + } + else + break; /* Rest are not deeper. */ + + last_alloca_header = hp; /* -> last valid storage. */ + +# ifdef emacs + UNBLOCK_INPUT; +# endif + } + + if (size == 0) + return NULL; /* No allocation required. */ + + /* Allocate combined header + user data storage. */ + + { + register pointer new = malloc (sizeof (header) + size); + /* Address of header. */ + + ((header *) new)-> = last_alloca_header; + ((header *) new)->h.deep = depth; + + last_alloca_header = (header *) new; + + /* User storage begins just after header. */ + + return (pointer) ((char *) new + sizeof (header)); + } +} + +# if defined (CRAY) && defined (CRAY_STACKSEG_END) + +# ifdef DEBUG_I00AFUNC +# include +# endif + +# ifndef CRAY_STACK +# define CRAY_STACK +# ifndef CRAY2 +/* Stack structures for CRAY-1, CRAY X-MP, and CRAY Y-MP */ +struct stack_control_header + { + long shgrow:32; /* Number of times stack has grown. */ + long shaseg:32; /* Size of increments to stack. */ + long shhwm:32; /* High water mark of stack. */ + long shsize:32; /* Current size of stack (all segments). */ + }; + +/* The stack segment linkage control information occurs at + the high-address end of a stack segment. (The stack + grows from low addresses to high addresses.) The initial + part of the stack segment linkage control information is + 0200 (octal) words. This provides for register storage + for the routine which overflows the stack. */ + +struct stack_segment_linkage + { + long ss[0200]; /* 0200 overflow words. */ + long sssize:32; /* Number of words in this segment. */ + long ssbase:32; /* Offset to stack base. */ + long:32; + long sspseg:32; /* Offset to linkage control of previous + segment of stack. */ + long:32; + long sstcpt:32; /* Pointer to task common address block. */ + long sscsnm; /* Private control structure number for + microtasking. */ + long ssusr1; /* Reserved for user. */ + long ssusr2; /* Reserved for user. */ + long sstpid; /* Process ID for pid based multi-tasking. */ + long ssgvup; /* Pointer to multitasking thread giveup. */ + long sscray[7]; /* Reserved for Cray Research. */ + long ssa0; + long ssa1; + long ssa2; + long ssa3; + long ssa4; + long ssa5; + long ssa6; + long ssa7; + long sss0; + long sss1; + long sss2; + long sss3; + long sss4; + long sss5; + long sss6; + long sss7; + }; + +# else /* CRAY2 */ +/* The following structure defines the vector of words + returned by the STKSTAT library routine. */ +struct stk_stat + { + long now; /* Current total stack size. */ + long maxc; /* Amount of contiguous space which would + be required to satisfy the maximum + stack demand to date. */ + long high_water; /* Stack high-water mark. */ + long overflows; /* Number of stack overflow ($STKOFEN) calls. */ + long hits; /* Number of internal buffer hits. */ + long extends; /* Number of block extensions. */ + long stko_mallocs; /* Block allocations by $STKOFEN. */ + long underflows; /* Number of stack underflow calls ($STKRETN). */ + long stko_free; /* Number of deallocations by $STKRETN. */ + long stkm_free; /* Number of deallocations by $STKMRET. */ + long segments; /* Current number of stack segments. */ + long maxs; /* Maximum number of stack segments so far. */ + long pad_size; /* Stack pad size. */ + long current_address; /* Current stack segment address. */ + long current_size; /* Current stack segment size. This + number is actually corrupted by STKSTAT to + include the fifteen word trailer area. */ + long initial_address; /* Address of initial segment. */ + long initial_size; /* Size of initial segment. */ + }; + +/* The following structure describes the data structure which trails + any stack segment. I think that the description in 'asdef' is + out of date. I only describe the parts that I am sure about. */ + +struct stk_trailer + { + long this_address; /* Address of this block. */ + long this_size; /* Size of this block (does not include + this trailer). */ + long unknown2; + long unknown3; + long link; /* Address of trailer block of previous + segment. */ + long unknown5; + long unknown6; + long unknown7; + long unknown8; + long unknown9; + long unknown10; + long unknown11; + long unknown12; + long unknown13; + long unknown14; + }; + +# endif /* CRAY2 */ +# endif /* not CRAY_STACK */ + +# ifdef CRAY2 +/* Determine a "stack measure" for an arbitrary ADDRESS. + I doubt that "lint" will like this much. */ + +static long +i00afunc (long *address) +{ + struct stk_stat status; + struct stk_trailer *trailer; + long *block, size; + long result = 0; + + /* We want to iterate through all of the segments. The first + step is to get the stack status structure. We could do this + more quickly and more directly, perhaps, by referencing the + $LM00 common block, but I know that this works. */ + + STKSTAT (&status); + + /* Set up the iteration. */ + + trailer = (struct stk_trailer *) (status.current_address + + status.current_size + - 15); + + /* There must be at least one stack segment. Therefore it is + a fatal error if "trailer" is null. */ + + if (trailer == 0) + abort (); + + /* Discard segments that do not contain our argument address. */ + + while (trailer != 0) + { + block = (long *) trailer->this_address; + size = trailer->this_size; + if (block == 0 || size == 0) + abort (); + trailer = (struct stk_trailer *) trailer->link; + if ((block <= address) && (address < (block + size))) + break; + } + + /* Set the result to the offset in this segment and add the sizes + of all predecessor segments. */ + + result = address - block; + + if (trailer == 0) + { + return result; + } + + do + { + if (trailer->this_size <= 0) + abort (); + result += trailer->this_size; + trailer = (struct stk_trailer *) trailer->link; + } + while (trailer != 0); + + /* We are done. Note that if you present a bogus address (one + not in any segment), you will get a different number back, formed + from subtracting the address of the first block. This is probably + not what you want. */ + + return (result); +} + +# else /* not CRAY2 */ +/* Stack address function for a CRAY-1, CRAY X-MP, or CRAY Y-MP. + Determine the number of the cell within the stack, + given the address of the cell. The purpose of this + routine is to linearize, in some sense, stack addresses + for alloca. */ + +static long +i00afunc (long address) +{ + long stkl = 0; + + long size, pseg, this_segment, stack; + long result = 0; + + struct stack_segment_linkage *ssptr; + + /* Register B67 contains the address of the end of the + current stack segment. If you (as a subprogram) store + your registers on the stack and find that you are past + the contents of B67, you have overflowed the segment. + + B67 also points to the stack segment linkage control + area, which is what we are really interested in. */ + + stkl = CRAY_STACKSEG_END (); + ssptr = (struct stack_segment_linkage *) stkl; + + /* If one subtracts 'size' from the end of the segment, + one has the address of the first word of the segment. + + If this is not the first segment, 'pseg' will be + nonzero. */ + + pseg = ssptr->sspseg; + size = ssptr->sssize; + + this_segment = stkl - size; + + /* It is possible that calling this routine itself caused + a stack overflow. Discard stack segments which do not + contain the target address. */ + + while (!(this_segment <= address && address <= stkl)) + { +# ifdef DEBUG_I00AFUNC + fprintf (stderr, "%011o %011o %011o\n", this_segment, address, stkl); +# endif + if (pseg == 0) + break; + stkl = stkl - pseg; + ssptr = (struct stack_segment_linkage *) stkl; + size = ssptr->sssize; + pseg = ssptr->sspseg; + this_segment = stkl - size; + } + + result = address - this_segment; + + /* If you subtract pseg from the current end of the stack, + you get the address of the previous stack segment's end. + This seems a little convoluted to me, but I'll bet you save + a cycle somewhere. */ + + while (pseg != 0) + { +# ifdef DEBUG_I00AFUNC + fprintf (stderr, "%011o %011o\n", pseg, size); +# endif + stkl = stkl - pseg; + ssptr = (struct stack_segment_linkage *) stkl; + size = ssptr->sssize; + pseg = ssptr->sspseg; + result += size; + } + return (result); +} + +# endif /* not CRAY2 */ +# endif /* CRAY */ + +# endif /* no alloca */ +#endif /* not GCC version 2 */ diff --git a/lib/malloc.c b/lib/malloc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b859e586 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/malloc.c @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/* Work around bug on some systems where malloc (0) fails. + Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ + +/* written by Jim Meyering */ + +#if HAVE_CONFIG_H +# include +#endif +#undef malloc + +#include + +char *malloc (); + +/* Allocate an N-byte block of memory from the heap. + If N is zero, allocate a 1-byte block. */ + +char * +rpl_malloc (n) + size_t n; +{ + if (n == 0) + n = 1; + return malloc (n); +} diff --git a/lib/memcmp.c b/lib/memcmp.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12269472 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/memcmp.c @@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Contributed by Torbjorn Granlund ( + + NOTE: The canonical source of this file is maintained with the GNU C Library. + Bugs can be reported to + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the + Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any + later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, + USA. */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +# include "config.h" +#endif + +#undef __ptr_t +#if defined __cplusplus || (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__) +# define __ptr_t void * +#else /* Not C++ or ANSI C. */ +# undef const +# define const +# define __ptr_t char * +#endif /* C++ or ANSI C. */ + +#ifndef __P +# if defined __GNUC__ || (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__) +# define __P(args) args +# else +# define __P(args) () +# endif /* GCC. */ +#endif /* Not __P. */ + +#if defined HAVE_STRING_H || defined _LIBC +# include +#endif + +#undef memcmp + +#ifdef _LIBC + +# include + +#else /* Not in the GNU C library. */ + +# include + +/* Type to use for aligned memory operations. + This should normally be the biggest type supported by a single load + and store. Must be an unsigned type. */ +# define op_t unsigned long int +# define OPSIZ (sizeof(op_t)) + +/* Threshold value for when to enter the unrolled loops. */ +# define OP_T_THRES 16 + +/* Type to use for unaligned operations. */ +typedef unsigned char byte; + +# ifndef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# define MERGE(w0, sh_1, w1, sh_2) (((w0) >> (sh_1)) | ((w1) << (sh_2))) +# else +# define MERGE(w0, sh_1, w1, sh_2) (((w0) << (sh_1)) | ((w1) >> (sh_2))) +# endif + +#endif /* In the GNU C library. */ + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# define CMP_LT_OR_GT(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? 1 : -1) +#else +# define CMP_LT_OR_GT(a, b) memcmp_bytes ((a), (b)) +#endif + +/* BE VERY CAREFUL IF YOU CHANGE THIS CODE! */ + +/* The strategy of this memcmp is: + + 1. Compare bytes until one of the block pointers is aligned. + + 2. Compare using memcmp_common_alignment or + memcmp_not_common_alignment, regarding the alignment of the other + block after the initial byte operations. The maximum number of + full words (of type op_t) are compared in this way. + + 3. Compare the few remaining bytes. */ + +#ifndef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +/* memcmp_bytes -- Compare A and B bytewise in the byte order of the machine. + A and B are known to be different. + This is needed only on little-endian machines. */ + +static int memcmp_bytes __P((op_t, op_t)); + +# ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +# endif +static int +memcmp_bytes (a, b) + op_t a, b; +{ + long int srcp1 = (long int) &a; + long int srcp2 = (long int) &b; + op_t a0, b0; + + do + { + a0 = ((byte *) srcp1)[0]; + b0 = ((byte *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 += 1; + srcp2 += 1; + } + while (a0 == b0); + return a0 - b0; +} +#endif + +static int memcmp_common_alignment __P((long, long, size_t)); + +/* memcmp_common_alignment -- Compare blocks at SRCP1 and SRCP2 with LEN `op_t' + objects (not LEN bytes!). Both SRCP1 and SRCP2 should be aligned for + memory operations on `op_t's. */ +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#endif +static int +memcmp_common_alignment (srcp1, srcp2, len) + long int srcp1; + long int srcp2; + size_t len; +{ + op_t a0, a1; + op_t b0, b1; + + switch (len % 4) + { + default: /* Avoid warning about uninitialized local variables. */ + case 2: + a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 -= 2 * OPSIZ; + srcp2 -= 2 * OPSIZ; + len += 2; + goto do1; + case 3: + a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 -= OPSIZ; + srcp2 -= OPSIZ; + len += 1; + goto do2; + case 0: + if (OP_T_THRES <= 3 * OPSIZ && len == 0) + return 0; + a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + goto do3; + case 1: + a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 += OPSIZ; + srcp2 += OPSIZ; + len -= 1; + if (OP_T_THRES <= 3 * OPSIZ && len == 0) + goto do0; + /* Fall through. */ + } + + do + { + a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + if (a1 != b1) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a1, b1); + + do3: + a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1]; + b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[1]; + if (a0 != b0) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a0, b0); + + do2: + a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[2]; + b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[2]; + if (a1 != b1) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a1, b1); + + do1: + a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[3]; + b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[3]; + if (a0 != b0) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a0, b0); + + srcp1 += 4 * OPSIZ; + srcp2 += 4 * OPSIZ; + len -= 4; + } + while (len != 0); + + /* This is the right position for do0. Please don't move + it into the loop. */ + do0: + if (a1 != b1) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a1, b1); + return 0; +} + +static int memcmp_not_common_alignment __P((long, long, size_t)); + +/* memcmp_not_common_alignment -- Compare blocks at SRCP1 and SRCP2 with LEN + `op_t' objects (not LEN bytes!). SRCP2 should be aligned for memory + operations on `op_t', but SRCP1 *should be unaligned*. */ +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#endif +static int +memcmp_not_common_alignment (srcp1, srcp2, len) + long int srcp1; + long int srcp2; + size_t len; +{ + op_t a0, a1, a2, a3; + op_t b0, b1, b2, b3; + op_t x; + int shl, shr; + + /* Calculate how to shift a word read at the memory operation + aligned srcp1 to make it aligned for comparison. */ + + shl = 8 * (srcp1 % OPSIZ); + shr = 8 * OPSIZ - shl; + + /* Make SRCP1 aligned by rounding it down to the beginning of the `op_t' + it points in the middle of. */ + srcp1 &= -OPSIZ; + + switch (len % 4) + { + default: /* Avoid warning about uninitialized local variables. */ + case 2: + a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + a2 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1]; + b2 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 -= 1 * OPSIZ; + srcp2 -= 2 * OPSIZ; + len += 2; + goto do1; + case 3: + a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1]; + b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp2 -= 1 * OPSIZ; + len += 1; + goto do2; + case 0: + if (OP_T_THRES <= 3 * OPSIZ && len == 0) + return 0; + a3 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1]; + b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 += 1 * OPSIZ; + goto do3; + case 1: + a2 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + a3 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1]; + b3 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 += 2 * OPSIZ; + srcp2 += 1 * OPSIZ; + len -= 1; + if (OP_T_THRES <= 3 * OPSIZ && len == 0) + goto do0; + /* Fall through. */ + } + + do + { + a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0]; + b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0]; + x = MERGE(a2, shl, a3, shr); + if (x != b3) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b3); + + do3: + a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1]; + b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[1]; + x = MERGE(a3, shl, a0, shr); + if (x != b0) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b0); + + do2: + a2 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[2]; + b2 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[2]; + x = MERGE(a0, shl, a1, shr); + if (x != b1) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b1); + + do1: + a3 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[3]; + b3 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[3]; + x = MERGE(a1, shl, a2, shr); + if (x != b2) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b2); + + srcp1 += 4 * OPSIZ; + srcp2 += 4 * OPSIZ; + len -= 4; + } + while (len != 0); + + /* This is the right position for do0. Please don't move + it into the loop. */ + do0: + x = MERGE(a2, shl, a3, shr); + if (x != b3) + return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b3); + return 0; +} + +int +rpl_memcmp (s1, s2, len) + const __ptr_t s1; + const __ptr_t s2; + size_t len; +{ + op_t a0; + op_t b0; + long int srcp1 = (long int) s1; + long int srcp2 = (long int) s2; + op_t res; + + if (len >= OP_T_THRES) + { + /* There are at least some bytes to compare. No need to test + for LEN == 0 in this alignment loop. */ + while (srcp2 % OPSIZ != 0) + { + a0 = ((byte *) srcp1)[0]; + b0 = ((byte *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 += 1; + srcp2 += 1; + res = a0 - b0; + if (res != 0) + return res; + len -= 1; + } + + /* SRCP2 is now aligned for memory operations on `op_t'. + SRCP1 alignment determines if we can do a simple, + aligned compare or need to shuffle bits. */ + + if (srcp1 % OPSIZ == 0) + res = memcmp_common_alignment (srcp1, srcp2, len / OPSIZ); + else + res = memcmp_not_common_alignment (srcp1, srcp2, len / OPSIZ); + if (res != 0) + return res; + + /* Number of bytes remaining in the interval [0..OPSIZ-1]. */ + srcp1 += len & -OPSIZ; + srcp2 += len & -OPSIZ; + len %= OPSIZ; + } + + /* There are just a few bytes to compare. Use byte memory operations. */ + while (len != 0) + { + a0 = ((byte *) srcp1)[0]; + b0 = ((byte *) srcp2)[0]; + srcp1 += 1; + srcp2 += 1; + res = a0 - b0; + if (res != 0) + return res; + len -= 1; + } + + return 0; +} + +#ifdef weak_alias +# undef bcmp +weak_alias (memcmp, bcmp) +#endif diff --git a/lib/pidfile.c b/lib/pidfile.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f30a4e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/pidfile.c @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +/* + pidfile.c - interact with pidfiles + Copyright (c) 1995 Martin Schulze + + This file is part of the sysklogd package, a kernel and system log daemon. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA +*/ + +/* left unaltered for tinc -- Ivo Timmermans */ +/* + * Sat Aug 19 13:24:33 MET DST 1995: Martin Schulze + * First version (v0.2) released + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* read_pid + * + * Reads the specified pidfile and returns the read pid. + * 0 is returned if either there's no pidfile, it's empty + * or no pid can be read. + */ +int read_pid (char *pidfile) +{ + FILE *f; + int pid; + + if (!(f=fopen(pidfile,"r"))) + return 0; + fscanf(f,"%d", &pid); + fclose(f); + return pid; +} + +/* check_pid + * + * Reads the pid using read_pid and looks up the pid in the process + * table (using /proc) to determine if the process already exists. If + * so 1 is returned, otherwise 0. + */ +int check_pid (char *pidfile) +{ + int pid = read_pid(pidfile); + + /* Amazing ! _I_ am already holding the pid file... */ + if ((!pid) || (pid == getpid ())) + return 0; + + /* + * The 'standard' method of doing this is to try and do a 'fake' kill + * of the process. If an ESRCH error is returned the process cannot + * be found -- GW + */ + /* But... errno is usually changed only on error.. */ + if (kill(pid, 0) && errno == ESRCH) + return(0); + + return pid; +} + +/* write_pid + * + * Writes the pid to the specified file. If that fails 0 is + * returned, otherwise the pid. + */ +int write_pid (char *pidfile) +{ + FILE *f; + int fd; + int pid; + + if ( ((fd = open(pidfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644)) == -1) + || ((f = fdopen(fd, "r+")) == NULL) ) { + fprintf(stderr, "Can't open or create %s.\n", pidfile); + return 0; + } + + if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) == -1) { + fscanf(f, "%d", &pid); + fclose(f); + printf("Can't lock, lock is held by pid %d.\n", pid); + return 0; + } + + pid = getpid(); + if (!fprintf(f,"%d\n", pid)) { + printf("Can't write pid , %s.\n", strerror(errno)); + close(fd); + return 0; + } + fflush(f); + + if (flock(fd, LOCK_UN) == -1) { + printf("Can't unlock pidfile %s, %s.\n", pidfile, strerror(errno)); + close(fd); + return 0; + } + close(fd); + + return pid; +} + +/* remove_pid + * + * Remove the the specified file. The result from unlink(2) + * is returned + */ +int remove_pid (char *pidfile) +{ + return unlink (pidfile); +} + diff --git a/lib/pidfile.h b/lib/pidfile.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19d19c16 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/pidfile.h @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/* + pidfile.h - interact with pidfiles + Copyright (c) 1995 Martin Schulze + + This file is part of the sysklogd package, a kernel and system log daemon. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. +*/ + +/* read_pid + * + * Reads the specified pidfile and returns the read pid. + * 0 is returned if either there's no pidfile, it's empty + * or no pid can be read. + */ +int read_pid (char *pidfile); + +/* check_pid + * + * Reads the pid using read_pid and looks up the pid in the process + * table (using /proc) to determine if the process already exists. If + * so 1 is returned, otherwise 0. + */ +int check_pid (char *pidfile); + +/* write_pid + * + * Writes the pid to the specified file. If that fails 0 is + * returned, otherwise the pid. + */ +int write_pid (char *pidfile); + +/* remove_pid + * + * Remove the the specified file. The result from unlink(2) + * is returned + */ +int remove_pid (char *pidfile); diff --git a/lib/realloc.c b/lib/realloc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0d3e4ab --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/realloc.c @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* Work around bug on some systems where realloc (NULL, 0) fails. + Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ + +/* written by Jim Meyering */ + +#if HAVE_CONFIG_H +# include +#endif +#undef realloc + +#include + +char *malloc (); +char *realloc (); + +/* Change the size of an allocated block of memory P to N bytes, + with error checking. If N is zero, change it to 1. If P is NULL, + use malloc. */ + +char * +rpl_realloc (p, n) + char *p; + size_t n; +{ + if (n == 0) + n = 1; + if (p == 0) + return malloc (n); + return realloc (p, n); +} diff --git a/lib/utils.c b/lib/utils.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f42ee3ac --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/utils.c @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* + utils.c -- gathering of some stupid small functions + Copyright (C) 1999 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#include "config.h" + +#include + +volatile int cp_line; +volatile char *cp_file; + diff --git a/lib/utils.h b/lib/utils.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed6550dc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/* + utils.h -- header file for utils.c + Copyright (C) 1999 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef __TINC_UTILS_H__ +#define __TINC_UTILS_H__ + +#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) + +#define cp { cp_line = __LINE__; cp_file = __FILE__; } + +extern volatile int cp_line; +extern volatile char *cp_file; + +#endif /* __TINC_UTILS_H__ */ diff --git a/lib/xalloc.h b/lib/xalloc.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f8d7792 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/xalloc.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#ifndef PARAMS +# if defined PROTOTYPES || (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__) +# define PARAMS(Args) Args +# else +# define PARAMS(Args) () +# endif +#endif + +/* Exit value when the requested amount of memory is not available. + The caller may set it to some other value. */ +extern int xalloc_exit_failure; + +/* FIXME: describe */ +extern char *const xalloc_msg_memory_exhausted; + +/* FIXME: describe */ +extern void (*xalloc_fail_func) (); + +void *xmalloc PARAMS ((size_t n)); +void *xcalloc PARAMS ((size_t n, size_t s)); +void *xrealloc PARAMS ((void *p, size_t n)); diff --git a/lib/xmalloc.c b/lib/xmalloc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..204469f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/xmalloc.c @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* xmalloc.c -- malloc with out of memory checking + Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ + +#if HAVE_CONFIG_H +# include +#endif + +#include + +#if STDC_HEADERS +# include +#else +void *calloc (); +void *malloc (); +void *realloc (); +void free (); +#endif + +#if ENABLE_NLS +# include +# define _(Text) gettext (Text) +#else +# define textdomain(Domain) +# define _(Text) Text +#endif +#define N_(Text) Text + +#include "error.h" +#include "xalloc.h" + +#ifndef EXIT_FAILURE +# define EXIT_FAILURE 1 +#endif + +/* Prototypes for functions defined here. */ +#if defined (__STDC__) && __STDC__ +void *xmalloc (size_t n); +void *xcalloc (size_t n, size_t s); +void *xrealloc (void *p, size_t n); +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_DONE_WORKING_MALLOC_CHECK +you must run the autoconf test for a properly working malloc -- see malloc.m4 +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_DONE_WORKING_REALLOC_CHECK +you must run the autoconf test for a properly working realloc -- see realloc.m4 +#endif + +/* Exit value when the requested amount of memory is not available. + The caller may set it to some other value. */ +int xalloc_exit_failure = EXIT_FAILURE; + +/* FIXME: describe */ +char *const xalloc_msg_memory_exhausted = N_("Memory exhausted"); + +/* FIXME: describe */ +void (*xalloc_fail_func) () = 0; + +#if __STDC__ && (HAVE_VPRINTF || HAVE_DOPRNT) +void error (int, int, const char *, ...); +#else +void error (); +#endif + +static void +xalloc_fail () +{ + if (xalloc_fail_func) + (*xalloc_fail_func) (); + error (xalloc_exit_failure, 0, xalloc_msg_memory_exhausted); +} + +/* Allocate N bytes of memory dynamically, with error checking. */ + +void * +xmalloc (n) + size_t n; +{ + void *p; + + p = malloc (n); + if (p == 0) + xalloc_fail (); + return p; +} + +/* Change the size of an allocated block of memory P to N bytes, + with error checking. + If P is NULL, run xmalloc. */ + +void * +xrealloc (p, n) + void *p; + size_t n; +{ + p = realloc (p, n); + if (p == 0) + xalloc_fail (); + return p; +} + +#ifdef NOT_USED + +/* Allocate memory for N elements of S bytes, with error checking. */ + +void * +xcalloc (n, s) + size_t n, s; +{ + void *p; + + p = calloc (n, s); + if (p == 0) + xalloc_fail (); + return p; +} + +#endif /* NOT_USED */ diff --git a/ltconfig b/ltconfig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..65ec6f65 --- /dev/null +++ b/ltconfig @@ -0,0 +1,3017 @@ +#! /bin/sh + +# ltconfig - Create a system-specific libtool. +# Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 +# +# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# A lot of this script is taken from autoconf-2.10. + +# Check that we are running under the correct shell. +SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} +echo=echo +if test "X$1" = X--no-reexec; then + # Discard the --no-reexec flag, and continue. + shift +elif test "X$1" = X--fallback-echo; then + # Avoid inline document here, it may be left over + : +elif test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t'; then + # Yippee, $echo works! + : +else + # Restart under the correct shell. + exec "$SHELL" "$0" --no-reexec ${1+"$@"} +fi + +if test "X$1" = X--fallback-echo; then + # used as fallback echo + shift + cat </dev/null`} + case X$UNAME in + *-DOS) PATH_SEPARATOR=';' ;; + *) PATH_SEPARATOR=':' ;; + esac +fi + +# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout +# if CDPATH is set. +if test "${CDPATH+set}" = set; then CDPATH=; export CDPATH; fi + +if test "X${echo_test_string+set}" != "Xset"; then + # find a string as large as possible, as long as the shell can cope with it + for cmd in 'sed 50q "$0"' 'sed 20q "$0"' 'sed 10q "$0"' 'sed 2q "$0"' 'echo test'; do + # expected sizes: less than 2Kb, 1Kb, 512 bytes, 16 bytes, ... + if (echo_test_string="`eval $cmd`") 2>/dev/null && + echo_test_string="`eval $cmd`" && + (test "X$echo_test_string" = "X$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null; then + break + fi + done +fi + +if test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" != 'X\t' || + test "X`($echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" != X"$echo_test_string"; then + # The Solaris, AIX, and Digital Unix default echo programs unquote + # backslashes. This makes it impossible to quote backslashes using + # echo "$something" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' + # + # So, first we look for a working echo in the user's PATH. + + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}" + for dir in $PATH /usr/ucb; do + if (test -f $dir/echo || test -f $dir/echo$ac_exeext) && + test "X`($dir/echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + test "X`($dir/echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then + echo="$dir/echo" + break + fi + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + + if test "X$echo" = Xecho; then + # We didn't find a better echo, so look for alternatives. + if test "X`(print -r '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + test "X`(print -r "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then + # This shell has a builtin print -r that does the trick. + echo='print -r' + elif (test -f /bin/ksh || test -f /bin/ksh$ac_exeext) && + test "X$CONFIG_SHELL" != X/bin/ksh; then + # If we have ksh, try running ltconfig again with it. + ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL="${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh}" + export ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL + CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/ksh + export CONFIG_SHELL + exec "$CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --no-reexec ${1+"$@"} + else + # Try using printf. + echo='printf "%s\n"' + if test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + test "X`($echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then + # Cool, printf works + : + elif test "X`("$ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --fallback-echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + test "X`("$ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --fallback-echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then + CONFIG_SHELL="$ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL" + export CONFIG_SHELL + SHELL="$CONFIG_SHELL" + export SHELL + echo="$CONFIG_SHELL $0 --fallback-echo" + elif test "X`("$CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --fallback-echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + test "X`("$CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --fallback-echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then + echo="$CONFIG_SHELL $0 --fallback-echo" + else + # maybe with a smaller string... + prev=: + + for cmd in 'echo test' 'sed 2q "$0"' 'sed 10q "$0"' 'sed 20q "$0"' 'sed 50q "$0"'; do + if (test "X$echo_test_string" = "X`eval $cmd`") 2>/dev/null; then + break + fi + prev="$cmd" + done + + if test "$prev" != 'sed 50q "$0"'; then + echo_test_string=`eval $prev` + export echo_test_string + exec "${ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL}" "$0" ${1+"$@"} + else + # Oops. We lost completely, so just stick with echo. + echo=echo + fi + fi + fi + fi +fi + +# Sed substitution that helps us do robust quoting. It backslashifies +# metacharacters that are still active within double-quoted strings. +Xsed='sed -e s/^X//' +sed_quote_subst='s/\([\\"\\`$\\\\]\)/\\\1/g' + +# Same as above, but do not quote variable references. +double_quote_subst='s/\([\\"\\`\\\\]\)/\\\1/g' + +# Sed substitution to delay expansion of an escaped shell variable in a +# double_quote_subst'ed string. +delay_variable_subst='s/\\\\\\\\\\\$/\\\\\\$/g' + +# The name of this program. +progname=`$echo "X$0" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + +# Constants: +PROGRAM=ltconfig +PACKAGE=libtool +VERSION=1.3.3 +TIMESTAMP=" (1.385.2.181 1999/07/02 15:49:11)" +ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.c 1>&5' +ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.c $LIBS 1>&5' +rm="rm -f" + +help="Try \`$progname --help' for more information." + +# Global variables: +default_ofile=libtool +can_build_shared=yes +enable_shared=yes +# All known linkers require a `.a' archive for static linking (except M$VC, +# which needs '.lib'). +enable_static=yes +enable_fast_install=yes +enable_dlopen=unknown +enable_win32_dll=no +ltmain= +silent= +srcdir= +ac_config_guess= +ac_config_sub= +host= +nonopt= +ofile="$default_ofile" +verify_host=yes +with_gcc=no +with_gnu_ld=no +need_locks=yes +ac_ext=c +objext=o +libext=a +exeext= +cache_file= + +old_AR="$AR" +old_CC="$CC" +old_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" +old_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" +old_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" +old_LD="$LD" +old_LN_S="$LN_S" +old_LIBS="$LIBS" +old_NM="$NM" +old_RANLIB="$RANLIB" +old_DLLTOOL="$DLLTOOL" +old_OBJDUMP="$OBJDUMP" +old_AS="$AS" + +# Parse the command line options. +args= +prev= +for option +do + case "$option" in + -*=*) optarg=`echo "$option" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;; + *) optarg= ;; + esac + + # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it. + if test -n "$prev"; then + eval "$prev=\$option" + prev= + continue + fi + + case "$option" in + --help) cat <&2 + echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + + *) + if test -z "$ltmain"; then + ltmain="$option" + elif test -z "$host"; then +# This generates an unnecessary warning for sparc-sun-solaris4.1.3_U1 +# if test -n "`echo $option| sed 's/[-a-z0-9.]//g'`"; then +# echo "$progname: warning \`$option' is not a valid host type" 1>&2 +# fi + host="$option" + else + echo "$progname: too many arguments" 1>&2 + echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi ;; + esac +done + +if test -z "$ltmain"; then + echo "$progname: you must specify a LTMAIN file" 1>&2 + echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi + +if test ! -f "$ltmain"; then + echo "$progname: \`$ltmain' does not exist" 1>&2 + echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi + +# Quote any args containing shell metacharacters. +ltconfig_args= +for arg +do + case "$arg" in + *" "*|*" "*|*[\[\]\~\#\$\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\\\|\;\<\>\?]*) + ltconfig_args="$ltconfig_args '$arg'" ;; + *) ltconfig_args="$ltconfig_args $arg" ;; + esac +done + +# A relevant subset of AC_INIT. + +# File descriptor usage: +# 0 standard input +# 1 file creation +# 2 errors and warnings +# 3 some systems may open it to /dev/tty +# 4 used on the Kubota Titan +# 5 compiler messages saved in config.log +# 6 checking for... messages and results +if test "$silent" = yes; then + exec 6>/dev/null +else + exec 6>&1 +fi +exec 5>>./config.log + +# NLS nuisances. +# Only set LANG and LC_ALL to C if already set. +# These must not be set unconditionally because not all systems understand +# e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO). +if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi +if test "${LANG+set}" = set; then LANG=C; export LANG; fi + +if test -n "$cache_file" && test -r "$cache_file"; then + echo "loading cache $cache_file within ltconfig" + . $cache_file +fi + +if (echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3) | grep c >/dev/null; then + # Stardent Vistra SVR4 grep lacks -e, says + if (echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3) | sed s/-n/xn/ | grep xn >/dev/null; then + ac_n= ac_c=' +' ac_t=' ' + else + ac_n=-n ac_c= ac_t= + fi +else + ac_n= ac_c='\c' ac_t= +fi + +if test -z "$srcdir"; then + # Assume the source directory is the same one as the path to LTMAIN. + srcdir=`$echo "X$ltmain" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + test "$srcdir" = "$ltmain" && srcdir=. +fi + +trap "$rm conftest*; exit 1" 1 2 15 +if test "$verify_host" = yes; then + # Check for config.guess and config.sub. + ac_aux_dir= + for ac_dir in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../..; do + if test -f $ac_dir/config.guess; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + break + fi + done + if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then + echo "$progname: cannot find config.guess in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../.." 1>&2 + echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + ac_config_guess=$ac_aux_dir/config.guess + ac_config_sub=$ac_aux_dir/config.sub + + # Make sure we can run config.sub. + if $SHELL $ac_config_sub sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + else + echo "$progname: cannot run $ac_config_sub" 1>&2 + echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + echo $ac_n "checking host system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6 + + host_alias=$host + case "$host_alias" in + "") + if host_alias=`$SHELL $ac_config_guess`; then : + else + echo "$progname: cannot guess host type; you must specify one" 1>&2 + echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi ;; + esac + host=`$SHELL $ac_config_sub $host_alias` + echo "$ac_t$host" 1>&6 + + # Make sure the host verified. + test -z "$host" && exit 1 + +elif test -z "$host"; then + echo "$progname: you must specify a host type if you use \`--no-verify'" 1>&2 + echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 +else + host_alias=$host +fi + +# Transform linux* to *-*-linux-gnu*, to support old configure scripts. +case "$host_os" in +linux-gnu*) ;; +linux*) host=`echo $host | sed 's/^\(.*-.*-linux\)\(.*\)$/\1-gnu\2/'` +esac + +host_cpu=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'` +host_vendor=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'` +host_os=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'` + +case "$host_os" in +aix3*) + # AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program. For some + # reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems + # vanish in a puff of smoke. + if test "${COLLECT_NAMES+set}" != set; then + COLLECT_NAMES= + export COLLECT_NAMES + fi + ;; +esac + +# Determine commands to create old-style static archives. +old_archive_cmds='$AR cru $oldlib$oldobjs' +old_postinstall_cmds='chmod 644 $oldlib' +old_postuninstall_cmds= + +# Set a sane default for `AR'. +test -z "$AR" && AR=ar + +# Set a sane default for `OBJDUMP'. +test -z "$OBJDUMP" && OBJDUMP=objdump + +# If RANLIB is not set, then run the test. +if test "${RANLIB+set}" != "set"; then + result=no + + echo $ac_n "checking for ranlib... $ac_c" 1>&6 + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}" + for dir in $PATH; do + test -z "$dir" && dir=. + if test -f $dir/ranlib || test -f $dir/ranlib$ac_exeext; then + RANLIB="ranlib" + result="ranlib" + break + fi + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + + echo "$ac_t$result" 1>&6 +fi + +if test -n "$RANLIB"; then + old_archive_cmds="$old_archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$oldlib" + old_postinstall_cmds="\$RANLIB \$oldlib~$old_postinstall_cmds" +fi + +# Set sane defaults for `DLLTOOL', `OBJDUMP', and `AS', used on cygwin. +test -z "$DLLTOOL" && DLLTOOL=dlltool +test -z "$OBJDUMP" && OBJDUMP=objdump +test -z "$AS" && AS=as + +# Check to see if we are using GCC. +if test "$with_gcc" != yes || test -z "$CC"; then + # If CC is not set, then try to find GCC or a usable CC. + if test -z "$CC"; then + echo $ac_n "checking for gcc... $ac_c" 1>&6 + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}" + for dir in $PATH; do + test -z "$dir" && dir=. + if test -f $dir/gcc || test -f $dir/gcc$ac_exeext; then + CC="gcc" + break + fi + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + + if test -n "$CC"; then + echo "$ac_t$CC" 1>&6 + else + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + fi + fi + + # Not "gcc", so try "cc", rejecting "/usr/ucb/cc". + if test -z "$CC"; then + echo $ac_n "checking for cc... $ac_c" 1>&6 + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}" + cc_rejected=no + for dir in $PATH; do + test -z "$dir" && dir=. + if test -f $dir/cc || test -f $dir/cc$ac_exeext; then + if test "$dir/cc" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then + cc_rejected=yes + continue + fi + CC="cc" + break + fi + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + if test $cc_rejected = yes; then + # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it. + set dummy $CC + shift + if test $# -gt 0; then + # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one. + # However, it has the same name, so the bogon will be chosen + # first if we set CC to just the name; use the full file name. + shift + set dummy "$dir/cc" "$@" + shift + CC="$@" + fi + fi + + if test -n "$CC"; then + echo "$ac_t$CC" 1>&6 + else + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + fi + + if test -z "$CC"; then + echo "$progname: error: no acceptable cc found in \$PATH" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + fi + + # Now see if the compiler is really GCC. + with_gcc=no + echo $ac_n "checking whether we are using GNU C... $ac_c" 1>&6 + echo "$progname:581: checking whether we are using GNU C" >&5 + + $rm conftest.c + cat > conftest.c <&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then + with_gcc=yes + fi + $rm conftest.c + echo "$ac_t$with_gcc" 1>&6 +fi + +# Allow CC to be a program name with arguments. +set dummy $CC +compiler="$2" + +echo $ac_n "checking for object suffix... $ac_c" 1>&6 +$rm conftest* +echo 'int i = 1;' > conftest.c +echo "$progname:603: checking for object suffix" >& 5 +if { (eval echo $progname:604: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; }; then + # Append any warnings to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + + for ac_file in conftest.*; do + case $ac_file in + *.c) ;; + *) objext=`echo $ac_file | sed -e s/conftest.//` ;; + esac + done +else + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.c >&5 +fi +$rm conftest* +echo "$ac_t$objext" 1>&6 + +echo $ac_n "checking for executable suffix... $ac_c" 1>&6 +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_exeext'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + ac_cv_exeext="no" + $rm conftest* + echo 'main () { return 0; }' > conftest.c + echo "$progname:629: checking for executable suffix" >& 5 + if { (eval echo $progname:630: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>conftest.err; }; then + # Append any warnings to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + + for ac_file in conftest.*; do + case $ac_file in + *.c | *.err | *.$objext ) ;; + *) ac_cv_exeext=.`echo $ac_file | sed -e s/conftest.//` ;; + esac + done + else + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.c >&5 + fi + $rm conftest* +fi +if test "X$ac_cv_exeext" = Xno; then + exeext="" +else + exeext="$ac_cv_exeext" +fi +echo "$ac_t$ac_cv_exeext" 1>&6 + +echo $ac_n "checking for $compiler option to produce PIC... $ac_c" 1>&6 +pic_flag= +special_shlib_compile_flags= +wl= +link_static_flag= +no_builtin_flag= + +if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then + wl='-Wl,' + link_static_flag='-static' + + case "$host_os" in + beos* | irix5* | irix6* | osf3* | osf4*) + # PIC is the default for these OSes. + ;; + aix*) + # Below there is a dirty hack to force normal static linking with -ldl + # The problem is because libdl dynamically linked with both libc and + # libC (AIX C++ library), which obviously doesn't included in libraries + # list by gcc. This cause undefined symbols with -static flags. + # This hack allows C programs to be linked with "-static -ldl", but + # we not sure about C++ programs. + link_static_flag="$link_static_flag ${wl}-lC" + ;; + cygwin* | mingw* | os2*) + # We can build DLLs from non-PIC. + ;; + amigaos*) + # FIXME: we need at least 68020 code to build shared libraries, but + # adding the `-m68020' flag to GCC prevents building anything better, + # like `-m68040'. + pic_flag='-m68020 -resident32 -malways-restore-a4' + ;; + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec; then + pic_flag=-Kconform_pic + fi + ;; + *) + pic_flag='-fPIC' + ;; + esac +else + # PORTME Check for PIC flags for the system compiler. + case "$host_os" in + aix3* | aix4*) + # All AIX code is PIC. + link_static_flag='-bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp' + ;; + + hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + # Is there a better link_static_flag that works with the bundled CC? + wl='-Wl,' + link_static_flag="${wl}-a ${wl}archive" + pic_flag='+Z' + ;; + + irix5* | irix6*) + wl='-Wl,' + link_static_flag='-non_shared' + # PIC (with -KPIC) is the default. + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw* | os2*) + # We can build DLLs from non-PIC. + ;; + + osf3* | osf4*) + # All OSF/1 code is PIC. + wl='-Wl,' + link_static_flag='-non_shared' + ;; + + sco3.2v5*) + pic_flag='-Kpic' + link_static_flag='-dn' + special_shlib_compile_flags='-belf' + ;; + + solaris*) + pic_flag='-KPIC' + link_static_flag='-Bstatic' + wl='-Wl,' + ;; + + sunos4*) + pic_flag='-PIC' + link_static_flag='-Bstatic' + wl='-Qoption ld ' + ;; + + sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*) + pic_flag='-KPIC' + link_static_flag='-Bstatic' + wl='-Wl,' + ;; + + uts4*) + pic_flag='-pic' + link_static_flag='-Bstatic' + ;; + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec ;then + pic_flag='-Kconform_pic' + link_static_flag='-Bstatic' + fi + ;; + *) + can_build_shared=no + ;; + esac +fi + +if test -n "$pic_flag"; then + echo "$ac_t$pic_flag" 1>&6 + + # Check to make sure the pic_flag actually works. + echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler PIC flag $pic_flag works... $ac_c" 1>&6 + $rm conftest* + echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.c + save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $pic_flag -DPIC" + echo "$progname:776: checking if $compiler PIC flag $pic_flag works" >&5 + if { (eval echo $progname:777: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; } && test -s conftest.$objext; then + # Append any warnings to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + + case "$host_os" in + hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + # On HP-UX, both CC and GCC only warn that PIC is supported... then they + # create non-PIC objects. So, if there were any warnings, we assume that + # PIC is not supported. + if test -s conftest.err; then + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + can_build_shared=no + pic_flag= + else + echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6 + pic_flag=" $pic_flag" + fi + ;; + *) + echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6 + pic_flag=" $pic_flag" + ;; + esac + else + # Append any errors to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + can_build_shared=no + pic_flag= + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + fi + CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" + $rm conftest* +else + echo "$ac_t"none 1>&6 +fi + +# Check to see if options -o and -c are simultaneously supported by compiler +echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.o... $ac_c" 1>&6 +$rm -r conftest 2>/dev/null +mkdir conftest +cd conftest +$rm conftest* +echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.c +mkdir out +# According to Tom Tromey, Ian Lance Taylor reported there are C compilers +# that will create temporary files in the current directory regardless of +# the output directory. Thus, making CWD read-only will cause this test +# to fail, enabling locking or at least warning the user not to do parallel +# builds. +chmod -w . +save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -o out/conftest2.o" +echo "$progname:829: checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.o" >&5 +if { (eval echo $progname:830: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>out/conftest.err; } && test -s out/conftest2.o; then + + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + if test -s out/conftest.err; then + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + compiler_c_o=no + else + echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6 + compiler_c_o=yes + fi +else + # Append any errors to the config.log. + cat out/conftest.err 1>&5 + compiler_c_o=no + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 +fi +CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" +chmod u+w . +$rm conftest* out/* +rmdir out +cd .. +rmdir conftest +$rm -r conftest 2>/dev/null + +if test x"$compiler_c_o" = x"yes"; then + # Check to see if we can write to a .lo + echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.lo... $ac_c" 1>&6 + $rm conftest* + echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.c + save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -c -o conftest.lo" + echo "$progname:862: checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.lo" >&5 +if { (eval echo $progname:863: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; } && test -s conftest.lo; then + + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + if test -s conftest.err; then + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + compiler_o_lo=no + else + echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6 + compiler_o_lo=yes + fi + else + # Append any errors to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + compiler_o_lo=no + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + fi + CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" + $rm conftest* +else + compiler_o_lo=no +fi + +# Check to see if we can do hard links to lock some files if needed +hard_links="nottested" +if test "$compiler_c_o" = no && test "$need_locks" != no; then + # do not overwrite the value of need_locks provided by the user + echo $ac_n "checking if we can lock with hard links... $ac_c" 1>&6 + hard_links=yes + $rm conftest* + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no + touch conftest.a + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>&5 || hard_links=no + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no + echo "$ac_t$hard_links" 1>&6 + $rm conftest* + if test "$hard_links" = no; then + echo "*** WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe" >&2 + need_locks=warn + fi +else + need_locks=no +fi + +if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then + # Check to see if options -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions are supported by compiler + echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions ... $ac_c" 1>&6 + $rm conftest* + echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.c + save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -c conftest.c" + echo "$progname:914: checking if $compiler supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions" >&5 + if { (eval echo $progname:915: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; } && test -s conftest.o; then + + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + if test -s conftest.err; then + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + compiler_rtti_exceptions=no + else + echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6 + compiler_rtti_exceptions=yes + fi + else + # Append any errors to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + compiler_rtti_exceptions=no + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + fi + CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" + $rm conftest* + + if test "$compiler_rtti_exceptions" = "yes"; then + no_builtin_flag=' -fno-builtin -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions' + else + no_builtin_flag=' -fno-builtin' + fi + +fi + +# Check for any special shared library compilation flags. +if test -n "$special_shlib_compile_flags"; then + echo "$progname: warning: \`$CC' requires \`$special_shlib_compile_flags' to build shared libraries" 1>&2 + if echo "$old_CC $old_CFLAGS " | egrep -e "[ ]$special_shlib_compile_flags[ ]" >/dev/null; then : + else + echo "$progname: add \`$special_shlib_compile_flags' to the CC or CFLAGS env variable and reconfigure" 1>&2 + can_build_shared=no + fi +fi + +echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler static flag $link_static_flag works... $ac_c" 1>&6 +$rm conftest* +echo 'main(){return(0);}' > conftest.c +save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" +LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $link_static_flag" +echo "$progname:958: checking if $compiler static flag $link_static_flag works" >&5 +if { (eval echo $progname:959: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest; then + echo "$ac_t$link_static_flag" 1>&6 +else + echo "$ac_t"none 1>&6 + link_static_flag= +fi +LDFLAGS="$save_LDFLAGS" +$rm conftest* + +if test -z "$LN_S"; then + # Check to see if we can use ln -s, or we need hard links. + echo $ac_n "checking whether ln -s works... $ac_c" 1>&6 + $rm conftest.dat + if ln -s X conftest.dat 2>/dev/null; then + $rm conftest.dat + LN_S="ln -s" + else + LN_S=ln + fi + if test "$LN_S" = "ln -s"; then + echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6 + else + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + fi +fi + +# Make sure LD is an absolute path. +if test -z "$LD"; then + ac_prog=ld + if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then + # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. + echo $ac_n "checking for ld used by GCC... $ac_c" 1>&6 + echo "$progname:991: checking for ld used by GCC" >&5 + ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` + case "$ac_prog" in + # Accept absolute paths. + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) + re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./' + # Canonicalize the path of ld + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` + while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` + done + test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" + ;; + "") + # If it fails, then pretend we are not using GCC. + ac_prog=ld + ;; + *) + # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH. + with_gnu_ld=unknown + ;; + esac + elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + echo $ac_n "checking for GNU ld... $ac_c" 1>&6 + echo "$progname:1015: checking for GNU ld" >&5 + else + echo $ac_n "checking for non-GNU ld""... $ac_c" 1>&6 + echo "$progname:1018: checking for non-GNU ld" >&5 + fi + + if test -z "$LD"; then + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}" + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then + LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" + # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, + # but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. + # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. + if "$LD" -v 2>&1 < /dev/null | egrep '(GNU|with BFD)' > /dev/null; then + test "$with_gnu_ld" != no && break + else + test "$with_gnu_ld" != yes && break + fi + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" + fi + + if test -n "$LD"; then + echo "$ac_t$LD" 1>&6 + else + echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6 + fi + + if test -z "$LD"; then + echo "$progname: error: no acceptable ld found in \$PATH" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi +fi + +# Check to see if it really is or is not GNU ld. +echo $ac_n "checking if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld... $ac_c" 1>&6 +# I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. +if $LD -v 2>&1 &5; then + with_gnu_ld=yes +else + with_gnu_ld=no +fi +echo "$ac_t$with_gnu_ld" 1>&6 + +# See if the linker supports building shared libraries. +echo $ac_n "checking whether the linker ($LD) supports shared libraries... $ac_c" 1>&6 + +allow_undefined_flag= +no_undefined_flag= +need_lib_prefix=unknown +need_version=unknown +# when you set need_version to no, make sure it does not cause -set_version +# flags to be left without arguments +archive_cmds= +archive_expsym_cmds= +old_archive_from_new_cmds= +export_dynamic_flag_spec= +whole_archive_flag_spec= +thread_safe_flag_spec= +hardcode_libdir_flag_spec= +hardcode_libdir_separator= +hardcode_direct=no +hardcode_minus_L=no +hardcode_shlibpath_var=unsupported +runpath_var= +always_export_symbols=no +export_symbols_cmds='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | sed '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' +# include_expsyms should be a list of space-separated symbols to be *always* +# included in the symbol list +include_expsyms= +# exclude_expsyms can be an egrep regular expression of symbols to exclude +# it will be wrapped by ` (' and `)$', so one must not match beginning or +# end of line. Example: `a|bc|.*d.*' will exclude the symbols `a' and `bc', +# as well as any symbol that contains `d'. +exclude_expsyms="_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" +# Although _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ is a valid symbol C name, most a.out +# platforms (ab)use it in PIC code, but their linkers get confused if +# the symbol is explicitly referenced. Since portable code cannot +# rely on this symbol name, it's probably fine to never include it in +# preloaded symbol tables. + +case "$host_os" in +cygwin* | mingw*) + # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time + # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using + # Microsoft Visual C++. + if test "$with_gcc" != yes; then + with_gnu_ld=no + fi + ;; + +esac + +ld_shlibs=yes +if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + # If archive_cmds runs LD, not CC, wlarc should be empty + wlarc='${wl}' + + # See if GNU ld supports shared libraries. + case "$host_os" in + aix3* | aix4*) + # On AIX, the GNU linker is very broken + ld_shlibs=no + cat <&2 + +*** Warning: the GNU linker, at least up to release 2.9.1, is reported +*** to be unable to reliably create shared libraries on AIX. +*** Therefore, libtool is disabling shared libraries support. If you +*** really care for shared libraries, you may want to modify your PATH +*** so that a non-GNU linker is found, and then restart. + +EOF + ;; + + amigaos*) + archive_cmds='$rm $objdir/$echo "#define NAME $libname" > $objdir/$echo "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $objdir/$echo "#define VERSION $major" >> $objdir/$echo "#define REVISION $revision" >> $objdir/$AR cru $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_minus_L=yes + + # Samuel A. Falvo II reports + # that the semantics of dynamic libraries on AmigaOS, at least up + # to version 4, is to share data among multiple programs linked + # with the same dynamic library. Since this doesn't match the + # behavior of shared libraries on other platforms, we can use + # them. + ld_shlibs=no + ;; + + beos*) + if $LD --help 2>&1 | egrep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + # Joseph Beckenbach says some releases of gcc + # support --undefined. This deserves some investigation. FIXME + archive_cmds='$CC -nostart $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw*) + # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is + # no search path for DLLs. + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + always_export_symbols=yes + + # Extract the symbol export list from an `--export-all' def file, + # then regenerate the def file from the symbol export list, so that + # the compiled dll only exports the symbol export list. + export_symbols_cmds='test -f $objdir/$soname-ltdll.c || sed -e "/^# \/\* ltdll\.c starts here \*\//,/^# \/\* ltdll.c ends here \*\// { s/^# //; p; }" -e d < $0 > $objdir/$soname-ltdll.c~ + test -f $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext || (cd $objdir && $CC -c $soname-ltdll.c)~ + $DLLTOOL --export-all --exclude-symbols DllMain@12,_cygwin_dll_entry@12,_cygwin_noncygwin_dll_entry@12 --output-def $objdir/$soname-def $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext $libobjs $convenience~ + sed -e "1,/EXPORTS/d" -e "s/ @ [0-9]* ; *//" < $objdir/$soname-def > $export_symbols' + + archive_expsym_cmds='echo EXPORTS > $objdir/$soname-def~ + _lt_hint=1; + for symbol in `cat $export_symbols`; do + echo " \$symbol @ \$_lt_hint ; " >> $objdir/$soname-def; + _lt_hint=`expr 1 + \$_lt_hint`; + done~ + test -f $objdir/$soname-ltdll.c || sed -e "/^# \/\* ltdll\.c starts here \*\//,/^# \/\* ltdll.c ends here \*\// { s/^# //; p; }" -e d < $0 > $objdir/$soname-ltdll.c~ + test -f $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext || (cd $objdir && $CC -c $soname-ltdll.c)~ + $CC -Wl,--base-file,$objdir/$soname-base -Wl,--dll -nostartfiles -Wl,-e,__cygwin_dll_entry@12 -o $lib $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts~ + $DLLTOOL --as=$AS --dllname $soname --exclude-symbols DllMain@12,_cygwin_dll_entry@12,_cygwin_noncygwin_dll_entry@12 --def $objdir/$soname-def --base-file $objdir/$soname-base --output-exp $objdir/$soname-exp~ + $CC -Wl,--base-file,$objdir/$soname-base $objdir/$soname-exp -Wl,--dll -nostartfiles -Wl,-e,__cygwin_dll_entry@12 -o $lib $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts~ + $DLLTOOL --as=$AS --dllname $soname --exclude-symbols DllMain@12,_cygwin_dll_entry@12,_cygwin_noncygwin_dll_entry@12 --def $objdir/$soname-def --base-file $objdir/$soname-base --output-exp $objdir/$soname-exp~ + $CC $objdir/$soname-exp -Wl,--dll -nostartfiles -Wl,-e,__cygwin_dll_entry@12 -o $lib $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + + old_archive_from_new_cmds='$DLLTOOL --as=$AS --dllname $soname --def $objdir/$soname-def --output-lib $objdir/$libname.a' + ;; + + netbsd*) + if $LD --help 2>&1 | egrep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + else + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts -o $lib' + # can we support soname and/or expsyms with a.out? -oliva + fi + ;; + + solaris*) + if $LD -v 2>&1 | egrep 'BFD 2\.8' > /dev/null; then + ld_shlibs=no + cat <&2 + +*** Warning: The releases 2.8.* of the GNU linker cannot reliably +*** create shared libraries on Solaris systems. Therefore, libtool +*** is disabling shared libraries support. We urge you to upgrade GNU +*** binutils to release 2.9.1 or newer. Another option is to modify +*** your PATH or compiler configuration so that the native linker is +*** used, and then restart. + +EOF + elif $LD --help 2>&1 | egrep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + + sunos4*) + archive_cmds='$LD -assert pure-text -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + wlarc= + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + *) + if $LD --help 2>&1 | egrep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + esac + + if test "$ld_shlibs" = yes; then + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}--rpath ${wl}$libdir' + export_dynamic_flag_spec='${wl}--export-dynamic' + case $host_os in + cygwin* | mingw*) + # dlltool doesn't understand --whole-archive et. al. + whole_archive_flag_spec= + ;; + *) + whole_archive_flag_spec="$wlarc"'--whole-archive$convenience '"$wlarc"'--no-whole-archive' + ;; + esac + fi +else + # PORTME fill in a description of your system's linker (not GNU ld) + case "$host_os" in + aix3*) + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + always_export_symbols=yes + archive_expsym_cmds='$LD -o $objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts -bE:$export_symbols -T512 -H512 -bM:SRE~$AR cru $lib $objdir/$soname' + # Note: this linker hardcodes the directories in LIBPATH if there + # are no directories specified by -L. + hardcode_minus_L=yes + if test "$with_gcc" = yes && test -z "$link_static_flag"; then + # Neither direct hardcoding nor static linking is supported with a + # broken collect2. + hardcode_direct=unsupported + fi + ;; + + aix4*) + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-b ${wl}nolibpath ${wl}-b ${wl}libpath:$libdir:/usr/lib:/lib' + hardcode_libdir_separator=':' + if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then + collect2name=`${CC} -print-prog-name=collect2` + if test -f "$collect2name" && \ + strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null + then + # We have reworked collect2 + hardcode_direct=yes + else + # We have old collect2 + hardcode_direct=unsupported + # It fails to find uninstalled libraries when the uninstalled + # path is not listed in the libpath. Setting hardcode_minus_L + # to unsupported forces relinking + hardcode_minus_L=yes + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator= + fi + shared_flag='-shared' + else + shared_flag='${wl}-bM:SRE' + hardcode_direct=yes + fi + allow_undefined_flag=' ${wl}-berok' + archive_cmds="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-bexpall ${wl}-bnoentry${allow_undefined_flag}' + archive_expsym_cmds="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-bE:$export_symbols ${wl}-bnoentry${allow_undefined_flag}' + case "$host_os" in aix4.[01]|aix4.[01].*) + # According to Greg Wooledge, -bexpall is only supported from AIX 4.2 on + always_export_symbols=yes ;; + esac + ;; + + amigaos*) + archive_cmds='$rm $objdir/$echo "#define NAME $libname" > $objdir/$echo "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $objdir/$echo "#define VERSION $major" >> $objdir/$echo "#define REVISION $revision" >> $objdir/$AR cru $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_minus_L=yes + # see comment about different semantics on the GNU ld section + ld_shlibs=no + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw*) + # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using + # Microsoft Visual C++. + # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is + # no search path for DLLs. + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=' ' + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + # Tell ltmain to make .lib files, not .a files. + libext=lib + # FIXME: Setting linknames here is a bad hack. + archive_cmds='$CC -o $lib $libobjs $linkopts `echo "$deplibs" | sed -e '\''s/ -lc$//'\''` -link -dll~linknames=' + # The linker will automatically build a .lib file if we build a DLL. + old_archive_from_new_cmds='true' + # FIXME: Should let the user specify the lib program. + old_archive_cmds='lib /OUT:$oldlib$oldobjs' + fix_srcfile_path='`cygpath -w $srcfile`' + ;; + + freebsd1*) + ld_shlibs=no + ;; + + # FreeBSD 2.2.[012] allows us to include c++rt0.o to get C++ constructor + # support. Future versions do this automatically, but an explicit c++rt0.o + # does not break anything, and helps significantly (at the cost of a little + # extra space). + freebsd2.2*) + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts /usr/lib/c++rt0.o' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + # Unfortunately, older versions of FreeBSD 2 do not have this feature. + freebsd2*) + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_minus_L=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + # FreeBSD 3 and greater uses gcc -shared to do shared libraries. + freebsd*) + archive_cmds='$CC -shared -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + case "$host_os" in + hpux9*) archive_cmds='$rm $objdir/$soname~$LD -b +b $install_libdir -o $objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts~test $objdir/$soname = $lib || mv $objdir/$soname $lib' ;; + *) archive_cmds='$LD -b +h $soname +b $install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' ;; + esac + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_minus_L=yes # Not in the search PATH, but as the default + # location of the library. + export_dynamic_flag_spec='${wl}-E' + ;; + + irix5* | irix6*) + if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then + archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + else + archive_cmds='$LD -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + fi + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + ;; + + netbsd*) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' # a.out + else + archive_cmds='$LD -shared -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' # ELF + fi + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-R$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + openbsd*) + archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + os2*) + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_minus_L=yes + allow_undefined_flag=unsupported + archive_cmds='$echo "LIBRARY $libname INITINSTANCE" > $objdir/$libname.def~$echo "DESCRIPTION \"$libname\"" >> $objdir/$libname.def~$echo DATA >> $objdir/$libname.def~$echo " SINGLE NONSHARED" >> $objdir/$libname.def~$echo EXPORTS >> $objdir/$libname.def~emxexp $libobjs >> $objdir/$libname.def~$CC -Zdll -Zcrtdll -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts $objdir/$libname.def' + old_archive_from_new_cmds='emximp -o $objdir/$libname.a $objdir/$libname.def' + ;; + + osf3* | osf4*) + if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then + allow_undefined_flag=' ${wl}-expect_unresolved ${wl}\*' + archive_cmds='$CC -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + else + allow_undefined_flag=' -expect_unresolved \*' + archive_cmds='$LD -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + fi + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + hardcode_libdir_separator=: + ;; + + sco3.2v5*) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + hardcode_runpath_var=yes + ;; + + solaris*) + no_undefined_flag=' -z text' + # $CC -shared without GNU ld will not create a library from C++ + # object files and a static libstdc++, better avoid it by now + archive_cmds='$LD -G${allow_undefined_flag} -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + archive_expsym_cmds='$echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~$echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $LD -G${allow_undefined_flag} -M $lib.exp -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts~$rm $lib.exp' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + case "$host_os" in + solaris2.[0-5] | solaris2.[0-5].*) ;; + *) # Supported since Solaris 2.6 (maybe 2.5.1?) + whole_archive_flag_spec='-z allextract$convenience -z defaultextract' ;; + esac + ;; + + sunos4*) + archive_cmds='$LD -assert pure-text -Bstatic -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_direct=yes + hardcode_minus_L=yes + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + sysv4) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + runpath_var='LD_RUN_PATH' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + hardcode_direct=no #Motorola manual says yes, but my tests say they lie + ;; + + sysv4.3*) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + export_dynamic_flag_spec='-Bexport' + ;; + + uts4*) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + dgux*) + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + ;; + + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec ;then + # archive_cmds='$LD -G -z text -h $soname -o $lib$libobjs$deplibs' + archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib$libobjs$deplibs' + hardcode_shlibpath_var=no + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + hardcode_runpath_var=yes + ld_shlibs=yes + fi + ;; + + *) + ld_shlibs=no + ;; + esac +fi +echo "$ac_t$ld_shlibs" 1>&6 +test "$ld_shlibs" = no && can_build_shared=no + +if test -z "$NM"; then + echo $ac_n "checking for BSD-compatible nm... $ac_c" 1>&6 + case "$NM" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;; # Let the user override the test with a path. + *) + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}" + for ac_dir in $PATH /usr/ucb /usr/ccs/bin /bin; do + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f $ac_dir/nm || test -f $ac_dir/nm$ac_exeext; then + # Check to see if the nm accepts a BSD-compat flag. + # Adding the `sed 1q' prevents false positives on HP-UX, which says: + # nm: unknown option "B" ignored + if ($ac_dir/nm -B /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'; exit 0) | egrep /dev/null >/dev/null; then + NM="$ac_dir/nm -B" + break + elif ($ac_dir/nm -p /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'; exit 0) | egrep /dev/null >/dev/null; then + NM="$ac_dir/nm -p" + break + else + NM=${NM="$ac_dir/nm"} # keep the first match, but + continue # so that we can try to find one that supports BSD flags + fi + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" + test -z "$NM" && NM=nm + ;; + esac + echo "$ac_t$NM" 1>&6 +fi + +# Check for command to grab the raw symbol name followed by C symbol from nm. +echo $ac_n "checking command to parse $NM output... $ac_c" 1>&6 + +# These are sane defaults that work on at least a few old systems. +# [They come from Ultrix. What could be older than Ultrix?!! ;)] + +# Character class describing NM global symbol codes. +symcode='[BCDEGRST]' + +# Regexp to match symbols that can be accessed directly from C. +sympat='\([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*\)' + +# Transform the above into a raw symbol and a C symbol. +symxfrm='\1 \2\3 \3' + +# Transform an extracted symbol line into a proper C declaration +global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n -e 's/^. .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1;/p'" + +# Define system-specific variables. +case "$host_os" in +aix*) + symcode='[BCDT]' + ;; +cygwin* | mingw*) + symcode='[ABCDGISTW]' + ;; +hpux*) # Its linker distinguishes data from code symbols + global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n -e 's/^T .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1();/p' -e 's/^. .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1;/p'" + ;; +irix*) + symcode='[BCDEGRST]' + ;; +solaris*) + symcode='[BDT]' + ;; +sysv4) + symcode='[DFNSTU]' + ;; +esac + +# If we're using GNU nm, then use its standard symbol codes. +if $NM -V 2>&1 | egrep '(GNU|with BFD)' > /dev/null; then + symcode='[ABCDGISTW]' +fi + +# Try without a prefix undercore, then with it. +for ac_symprfx in "" "_"; do + + # Write the raw and C identifiers. + global_symbol_pipe="sed -n -e 's/^.*[ ]\($symcode\)[ ][ ]*\($ac_symprfx\)$sympat$/$symxfrm/p'" + + # Check to see that the pipe works correctly. + pipe_works=no + $rm conftest* + cat > conftest.c <&5 + if { (eval echo $progname:1593: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest.$objext; then + # Now try to grab the symbols. + nlist=conftest.nm + if { echo "$progname:1596: eval \"$NM conftest.$objext | $global_symbol_pipe > $nlist\"" >&5; eval "$NM conftest.$objext | $global_symbol_pipe > $nlist 2>&5"; } && test -s "$nlist"; then + + # Try sorting and uniquifying the output. + if sort "$nlist" | uniq > "$nlist"T; then + mv -f "$nlist"T "$nlist" + else + rm -f "$nlist"T + fi + + # Make sure that we snagged all the symbols we need. + if egrep ' nm_test_var$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then + if egrep ' nm_test_func$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then + cat < conftest.c +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +EOF + # Now generate the symbol file. + eval "$global_symbol_to_cdecl"' < "$nlist" >> conftest.c' + + cat <> conftest.c +#if defined (__STDC__) && __STDC__ +# define lt_ptr_t void * +#else +# define lt_ptr_t char * +# define const +#endif + +/* The mapping between symbol names and symbols. */ +const struct { + const char *name; + lt_ptr_t address; +} +lt_preloaded_symbols[] = +{ +EOF + sed 's/^. \(.*\) \(.*\)$/ {"\2", (lt_ptr_t) \&\2},/' < "$nlist" >> conftest.c + cat <<\EOF >> conftest.c + {0, (lt_ptr_t) 0} +}; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +EOF + # Now try linking the two files. + mv conftest.$objext conftstm.$objext + save_LIBS="$LIBS" + save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + LIBS="conftstm.$objext" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS$no_builtin_flag" + if { (eval echo $progname:1648: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest; then + pipe_works=yes + else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.c >&5 + fi + LIBS="$save_LIBS" + else + echo "cannot find nm_test_func in $nlist" >&5 + fi + else + echo "cannot find nm_test_var in $nlist" >&5 + fi + else + echo "cannot run $global_symbol_pipe" >&5 + fi + else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.c >&5 + fi + $rm conftest* conftst* + + # Do not use the global_symbol_pipe unless it works. + if test "$pipe_works" = yes; then + break + else + global_symbol_pipe= + fi +done +if test "$pipe_works" = yes; then + echo "${ac_t}ok" 1>&6 +else + echo "${ac_t}failed" 1>&6 +fi + +if test -z "$global_symbol_pipe"; then + global_symbol_to_cdecl= +fi + +# Check hardcoding attributes. +echo $ac_n "checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... $ac_c" 1>&6 +hardcode_action= +if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" || \ + test -n "$runpath_var"; then + + # We can hardcode non-existant directories. + if test "$hardcode_direct" != no && + # If the only mechanism to avoid hardcoding is shlibpath_var, we + # have to relink, otherwise we might link with an installed library + # when we should be linking with a yet-to-be-installed one + ## test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" != no && + test "$hardcode_minus_L" != no; then + # Linking always hardcodes the temporary library directory. + hardcode_action=relink + else + # We can link without hardcoding, and we can hardcode nonexisting dirs. + hardcode_action=immediate + fi +else + # We cannot hardcode anything, or else we can only hardcode existing + # directories. + hardcode_action=unsupported +fi +echo "$ac_t$hardcode_action" 1>&6 + + +reload_flag= +reload_cmds='$LD$reload_flag -o $output$reload_objs' +echo $ac_n "checking for $LD option to reload object files... $ac_c" 1>&6 +# PORTME Some linkers may need a different reload flag. +reload_flag='-r' +echo "$ac_t$reload_flag" 1>&6 +test -n "$reload_flag" && reload_flag=" $reload_flag" + +# PORTME Fill in your characteristics +library_names_spec= +libname_spec='lib$name' +soname_spec= +postinstall_cmds= +postuninstall_cmds= +finish_cmds= +finish_eval= +shlibpath_var= +shlibpath_overrides_runpath=unknown +version_type=none +dynamic_linker="$host_os" +sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib" +sys_lib_search_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib" +file_magic_cmd= +file_magic_test_file= +deplibs_check_method='unknown' +# Need to set the preceding variable on all platforms that support +# interlibrary dependencies. +# 'none' -- dependencies not supported. +# `unknown' -- same as none, but documents that we really don't know. +# 'pass_all' -- all dependencies passed with no checks. +# 'test_compile' -- check by making test program. +# 'file_magic [regex]' -- check by looking for files in library path +# which responds to the $file_magic_cmd with a given egrep regex. +# If you have `file' or equivalent on your system and you're not sure +# whether `pass_all' will *always* work, you probably want this one. +echo $ac_n "checking dynamic linker characteristics... $ac_c" 1>&6 +case "$host_os" in +aix3*) + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix $libname.a' + shlibpath_var=LIBPATH + + # AIX has no versioning support, so we append a major version to the name. + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + ;; + +aix4*) + version_type=linux + # AIX has no versioning support, so currently we can not hardcode correct + # soname into executable. Probably we can add versioning support to + # collect2, so additional links can be useful in future. + # We preserve .a as extension for shared libraries though AIX4.2 + # and later linker supports .so + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $libname.a' + shlibpath_var=LIBPATH + deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +amigaos*) + library_names_spec='$libname.ixlibrary $libname.a' + # Create ${libname}_ixlibrary.a entries in /sys/libs. + finish_eval='for lib in `ls $libdir/*.ixlibrary 2>/dev/null`; do libname=`$echo "X$lib" | $Xsed -e '\''s%^.*/\([^/]*\)\.ixlibrary$%\1%'\''`; test $rm /sys/libs/${libname}_ixlibrary.a; $show "(cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a)"; (cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a) || exit 1; done' + ;; + +beos*) + library_names_spec='${libname}.so' + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=LIBRARY_PATH + deplibs_check_method=pass_all + lt_cv_dlopen="load_add_on" + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes + ;; + +bsdi4*) + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='${libname}.so$major ${libname}.so' + soname_spec='${libname}.so' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [ML]SB (shared object|dynamic lib)' + file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + file_magic_test_file=/shlib/ + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/X11/lib /usr/contrib/lib /lib /usr/local/lib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib" + # the default also contains /usr/contrib/lib and + # /usr/X11R6/lib (/usr/X11 is a link to /usr/X11R6), but let us allow + # libtool to hard-code these into programs + ;; + +cygwin* | mingw*) + version_type=windows + need_version=no + need_lib_prefix=no + if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then + library_names_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | sed -e 's/[.]/-/g'`${versuffix}.dll $libname.a' + else + library_names_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | sed -e 's/[.]/-/g'`${versuffix}.dll $libname.lib' + fi + dynamic_linker='Win32 ld.exe' + deplibs_check_method='file_magic file format pei*-i386(.*architecture: i386)?' + file_magic_cmd='${OBJDUMP} -f' + # FIXME: first we should search . and the directory the executable is in + shlibpath_var=PATH + lt_cv_dlopen="LoadLibrary" + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + ;; + +freebsd1*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; + +freebsd*) + objformat=`test -x /usr/bin/objformat && /usr/bin/objformat || echo aout` + version_type=freebsd-$objformat + case "$version_type" in + freebsd-elf*) + deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [LM]SB shared object' + file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/*` + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so $' + need_version=no + need_lib_prefix=no + ;; + freebsd-*) + deplibs_check_method=unknown + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix $$versuffix' + need_version=yes + ;; + esac + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" OBJFORMAT="'"$objformat"'" ldconfig -m $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + case "$host_os" in + freebsd2* | freebsd3.[01]*) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + *) # from 3.2 on + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + ;; + esac + ;; + +gnu*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so${major} ${libname}.so' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + # Give a soname corresponding to the major version so that refuses to + # link against other versions. + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + version_type=sunos + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + shlibpath_var=SHLIB_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no # +s is required to enable SHLIB_PATH + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.sl$versuffix ${libname}${release}.sl$major $' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.sl$major' + # HP-UX runs *really* slowly unless shared libraries are mode 555. + postinstall_cmds='chmod 555 $lib' + ;; + +irix5* | irix6*) + version_type=irix + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so.$major' + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so.$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so.$major ${libname}${release}.so $' + case "$host_os" in + irix5*) + libsuff= shlibsuff= + # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case + deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF 32-bit MSB dynamic lib MIPS - version 1" + ;; + *) + case "$LD" in # libtool.m4 will add one of these switches to LD + *-32|*"-32 ") libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=32-bit;; + *-n32|*"-n32 ") libsuff=32 shlibsuff=N32 libmagic=N32;; + *-64|*"-64 ") libsuff=64 shlibsuff=64 libmagic=64-bit;; + *) libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=never-match;; + esac + # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case + deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF ${libmagic} MSB mips-[1234] dynamic lib MIPS - version 1" + ;; + esac + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY${shlibsuff}_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff} /usr/local/lib${libsuff}" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff}" + file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + file_magic_test_file=`echo /lib${libsuff}/*` + deplibs_check_method='pass_all' + ;; + +# No shared lib support for Linux oldld, aout, or coff. +linux-gnuoldld* | linux-gnuaout* | linux-gnucoff*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; + +# This must be Linux ELF. +linux-gnu*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [LM]SB (shared object|dynamic lib )' + file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + file_magic_test_file=`echo /lib/* /lib/libc-*.so` + + if test -f /lib/; then + dynamic_linker='GNU' + else + # Only the GNU supports shared libraries on MkLinux. + case "$host_cpu" in + powerpc*) dynamic_linker=no ;; + *) dynamic_linker='Linux' ;; + esac + fi + ;; + +netbsd*) + version_type=sunos + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}.so$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir' + dynamic_linker='NetBSD (a.out)' + else + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major ${libname}${release}.so ${libname}.so' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + dynamic_linker='NetBSD ld.elf_so' + fi + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +openbsd*) + version_type=sunos + if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + fi + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}.so$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +os2*) + libname_spec='$name' + need_lib_prefix=no + library_names_spec='$libname.dll $libname.a' + dynamic_linker='OS/2 ld.exe' + shlibpath_var=LIBPATH + ;; + +osf3* | osf4*) + version_type=osf + need_version=no + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so' + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so $' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case + deplibs_check_method='file_magic COFF format alpha shared library' + file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + file_magic_test_file=/shlib/ + deplibs_check_method='pass_all' + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/shlib /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /var/shlib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec" + ;; + +sco3.2v5*) + version_type=osf + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +solaris*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + # ldd complains unless libraries are executable + postinstall_cmds='chmod +x $lib' + deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]-bit [LM]SB dynamic lib" + file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + file_magic_test_file=/lib/ + ;; + +sunos4*) + version_type=sunos + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}.so$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/usr/etc" ldconfig $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + need_lib_prefix=no + fi + need_version=yes + ;; + +sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*) + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + case "$host_vendor" in + ncr) + deplibs_check_method='pass_all' + ;; + motorola) + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + sys_lib_search_path_spec='/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib' + deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [ML]SB (shared object|dynamic lib) M[0-9][0-9]* Version [0-9]' + file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/*` + ;; + esac + ;; + +uts4*) + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +dgux*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec ;then + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='$$versuffix $$major $' + soname_spec='$$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + fi + ;; + +*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; +esac +echo "$ac_t$dynamic_linker" 1>&6 +test "$dynamic_linker" = no && can_build_shared=no + +# Report the final consequences. +echo "checking if libtool supports shared libraries... $can_build_shared" 1>&6 + +# Only try to build win32 dlls if AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL was used in +#, otherwise build static only libraries. +case "$host_os" in +cygwin* | mingw* | os2*) + if test x$can_build_shared = xyes; then + test x$enable_win32_dll = xno && can_build_shared=no + echo "checking if package supports dlls... $can_build_shared" 1>&6 + fi +;; +esac + +if test -n "$file_magic_test_file" && test -n "$file_magic_cmd"; then + case "$deplibs_check_method" in + "file_magic "*) + file_magic_regex="`expr \"$deplibs_check_method\" : \"file_magic \(.*\)\"`" + if eval $file_magic_cmd \$file_magic_test_file 2> /dev/null | + egrep "$file_magic_regex" > /dev/null; then + : + else + cat <&2 + +*** Warning: the command libtool uses to detect shared libraries, +*** $file_magic_cmd, produces output that libtool cannot recognize. +*** The result is that libtool may fail to recognize shared libraries +*** as such. This will affect the creation of libtool libraries that +*** depend on shared libraries, but programs linked with such libtool +*** libraries will work regardless of this problem. Nevertheless, you +*** may want to report the problem to your system manager and/or to +*** + +EOF + fi ;; + esac +fi + +echo $ac_n "checking whether to build shared libraries... $ac_c" 1>&6 +test "$can_build_shared" = "no" && enable_shared=no + +# On AIX, shared libraries and static libraries use the same namespace, and +# are all built from PIC. +case "$host_os" in +aix3*) + test "$enable_shared" = yes && enable_static=no + if test -n "$RANLIB"; then + archive_cmds="$archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$lib" + postinstall_cmds='$RANLIB $lib' + fi + ;; + +aix4*) + test "$enable_shared" = yes && enable_static=no + ;; +esac + +echo "$ac_t$enable_shared" 1>&6 + +# Make sure either enable_shared or enable_static is yes. +test "$enable_shared" = yes || enable_static=yes + +echo "checking whether to build static libraries... $enable_static" 1>&6 + +if test "$hardcode_action" = relink; then + # Fast installation is not supported + enable_fast_install=no +elif test "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" = yes || + test "$enable_shared" = no; then + # Fast installation is not necessary + enable_fast_install=needless +fi + +echo $ac_n "checking for objdir... $ac_c" 1>&6 +rm -f .libs 2>/dev/null +mkdir .libs 2>/dev/null +if test -d .libs; then + objdir=.libs +else + # MS-DOS does not allow filenames that begin with a dot. + objdir=_libs +fi +rmdir .libs 2>/dev/null +echo "$ac_t$objdir" 1>&6 + +if test "x$enable_dlopen" != xyes; then + enable_dlopen=unknown + enable_dlopen_self=unknown + enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown +else +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'lt_cv_dlopen'+set}'`\" != set"; then + lt_cv_dlopen=no lt_cv_dlopen_libs= +echo $ac_n "checking for dlopen in -ldl""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +echo "$progname:2170: checking for dlopen in -ldl" >&5 +ac_lib_var=`echo dl'_'dlopen | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'` +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="-ldl $LIBS" +cat > conftest.$ac_ext <&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes" +else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no" +fi +rm -f conftest* +LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" + +fi +if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then + echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6 + lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldl" +else + echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 +echo $ac_n "checking for dlopen""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +echo "$progname:2207: checking for dlopen" >&5 +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_dlopen'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + cat > conftest.$ac_ext < +/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ +/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +char dlopen(); + +int main() { + +/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements + to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually named + something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias. */ +#if defined (__stub_dlopen) || defined (__stub___dlopen) +choke me +#else +dlopen(); +#endif + +; return 0; } +EOF +if { (eval echo $progname:2234: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_func_dlopen=yes" +else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_func_dlopen=no" +fi +rm -f conftest* +fi +if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_func_'dlopen`\" = yes"; then + echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6 + lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" +else + echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 +echo $ac_n "checking for dld_link in -ldld""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +echo "$progname:2251: checking for dld_link in -ldld" >&5 +ac_lib_var=`echo dld'_'dld_link | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'` +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="-ldld $LIBS" +cat > conftest.$ac_ext <&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes" +else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no" +fi +rm -f conftest* +LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" + +fi +if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then + echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6 + lt_cv_dlopen="dld_link" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldld" +else + echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 +echo $ac_n "checking for shl_load""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +echo "$progname:2288: checking for shl_load" >&5 +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_shl_load'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + cat > conftest.$ac_ext < +/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ +/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +char shl_load(); + +int main() { + +/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements + to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually named + something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias. */ +#if defined (__stub_shl_load) || defined (__stub___shl_load) +choke me +#else +shl_load(); +#endif + +; return 0; } +EOF +if { (eval echo $progname:2315: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_func_shl_load=yes" +else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_func_shl_load=no" +fi +rm -f conftest* +fi + +if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_func_'shl_load`\" = yes"; then + echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6 + lt_cv_dlopen="shl_load" +else + echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 +echo $ac_n "checking for shl_load in -ldld""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +echo "$progname:2333: checking for shl_load in -ldld" >&5 +ac_lib_var=`echo dld'_'shl_load | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'` +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="-ldld $LIBS" +cat > conftest.$ac_ext <&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes" +else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no" +fi +rm -f conftest* +LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" + +fi +if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then + echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6 + lt_cv_dlopen="shl_load" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldld" +else + echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 +fi + + +fi + + +fi + + +fi + + +fi + +fi + + if test "x$lt_cv_dlopen" != xno; then + enable_dlopen=yes + fi + + case "$lt_cv_dlopen" in + dlopen) +for ac_hdr in dlfcn.h; do +ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'` +echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +echo "$progname:2395: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5 +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + cat > conftest.$ac_ext < +int fnord = 0; +EOF +ac_try="$ac_compile conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out" +{ (eval echo $progname:2405: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; } +ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"` +if test -z "$ac_err"; then + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes" +else + echo "$ac_err" >&5 + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + rm -rf conftest* + eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=no" +fi +rm -f conftest* +fi +if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then + echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6 +else + echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 +fi +done + + if test "x$ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h" = xyes; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DHAVE_DLFCN_H" + fi + eval LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $export_dynamic_flag_spec\" + LIBS="$lt_cv_dlopen_libs $LIBS" + + echo $ac_n "checking whether a program can dlopen itself""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +echo "$progname:2433: checking whether a program can dlopen itself" >&5 +if test "${lt_cv_dlopen_self+set}" = set; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then + lt_cv_dlopen_self=cross + else + cat > conftest.c < +#endif + +#include + +#ifdef RTLD_GLOBAL +# define LTDL_GLOBAL RTLD_GLOBAL +#else +# ifdef DL_GLOBAL +# define LTDL_GLOBAL DL_GLOBAL +# else +# define LTDL_GLOBAL 0 +# endif +#endif + +/* We may have to define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW in the command line if we + find out it does not work in some platform. */ +#ifndef LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW +# ifdef RTLD_LAZY +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_LAZY +# else +# ifdef DL_LAZY +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW DL_LAZY +# else +# ifdef RTLD_NOW +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_NOW +# else +# ifdef DL_NOW +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW DL_NOW +# else +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW 0 +# endif +# endif +# endif +# endif +#endif + +fnord() { int i=42;} +main() { void *self, *ptr1, *ptr2; self=dlopen(0,LTDL_GLOBAL|LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW); + if(self) { ptr1=dlsym(self,"fnord"); ptr2=dlsym(self,"_fnord"); + if(ptr1 || ptr2) { dlclose(self); exit(0); } } exit(1); } + +EOF +if { (eval echo $progname:2487: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null +then + lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes +else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + rm -fr conftest* + lt_cv_dlopen_self=no +fi +rm -fr conftest* +fi + +fi + +echo "$ac_t""$lt_cv_dlopen_self" 1>&6 + + if test "$lt_cv_dlopen_self" = yes; then + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $link_static_flag" + echo $ac_n "checking whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +echo "$progname:2506: checking whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself" >&5 +if test "${lt_cv_dlopen_self_static+set}" = set; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then + lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=cross + else + cat > conftest.c < +#endif + +#include + +#ifdef RTLD_GLOBAL +# define LTDL_GLOBAL RTLD_GLOBAL +#else +# ifdef DL_GLOBAL +# define LTDL_GLOBAL DL_GLOBAL +# else +# define LTDL_GLOBAL 0 +# endif +#endif + +/* We may have to define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW in the command line if we + find out it does not work in some platform. */ +#ifndef LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW +# ifdef RTLD_LAZY +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_LAZY +# else +# ifdef DL_LAZY +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW DL_LAZY +# else +# ifdef RTLD_NOW +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_NOW +# else +# ifdef DL_NOW +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW DL_NOW +# else +# define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW 0 +# endif +# endif +# endif +# endif +#endif + +fnord() { int i=42;} +main() { void *self, *ptr1, *ptr2; self=dlopen(0,LTDL_GLOBAL|LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW); + if(self) { ptr1=dlsym(self,"fnord"); ptr2=dlsym(self,"_fnord"); + if(ptr1 || ptr2) { dlclose(self); exit(0); } } exit(1); } + +EOF +if { (eval echo $progname:2560: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null +then + lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=yes +else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5 + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + rm -fr conftest* + lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=no +fi +rm -fr conftest* +fi + +fi + +echo "$ac_t""$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static" 1>&6 +fi + ;; + esac + + case "$lt_cv_dlopen_self" in + yes|no) enable_dlopen_self=$lt_cv_dlopen_self ;; + *) enable_dlopen_self=unknown ;; + esac + + case "$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static" in + yes|no) enable_dlopen_self_static=$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static ;; + *) enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown ;; + esac +fi + +# Copy echo and quote the copy, instead of the original, because it is +# used later. +ltecho="$echo" +if test "X$ltecho" = "X$CONFIG_SHELL $0 --fallback-echo"; then + ltecho="$CONFIG_SHELL \$0 --fallback-echo" +fi +LTSHELL="$SHELL" + +LTCONFIG_VERSION="$VERSION" + +# Only quote variables if we're using +case "$ltmain" in +*.sh) + # Now quote all the things that may contain metacharacters. + for var in ltecho old_CC old_CFLAGS old_CPPFLAGS \ + old_LD old_LDFLAGS old_LIBS \ + old_NM old_RANLIB old_LN_S old_DLLTOOL old_OBJDUMP old_AS \ + AR CC LD LN_S NM LTSHELL LTCONFIG_VERSION \ + reload_flag reload_cmds wl \ + pic_flag link_static_flag no_builtin_flag export_dynamic_flag_spec \ + thread_safe_flag_spec whole_archive_flag_spec libname_spec \ + library_names_spec soname_spec \ + RANLIB old_archive_cmds old_archive_from_new_cmds old_postinstall_cmds \ + old_postuninstall_cmds archive_cmds archive_expsym_cmds postinstall_cmds postuninstall_cmds \ + file_magic_cmd export_symbols_cmds deplibs_check_method allow_undefined_flag no_undefined_flag \ + finish_cmds finish_eval global_symbol_pipe global_symbol_to_cdecl \ + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec hardcode_libdir_separator \ + sys_lib_search_path_spec sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec \ + compiler_c_o compiler_o_lo need_locks exclude_expsyms include_expsyms; do + + case "$var" in + reload_cmds | old_archive_cmds | old_archive_from_new_cmds | \ + old_postinstall_cmds | old_postuninstall_cmds | \ + export_symbols_cmds | archive_cmds | archive_expsym_cmds | \ + postinstall_cmds | postuninstall_cmds | \ + finish_cmds | sys_lib_search_path_spec | sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec) + # Double-quote double-evaled strings. + eval "$var=\\\"\`\$echo \"X\$$var\" | \$Xsed -e \"\$double_quote_subst\" -e \"\$sed_quote_subst\" -e \"\$delay_variable_subst\"\`\\\"" + ;; + *) + eval "$var=\\\"\`\$echo \"X\$$var\" | \$Xsed -e \"\$sed_quote_subst\"\`\\\"" + ;; + esac + done + + case "$ltecho" in + *'\$0 --fallback-echo"') + ltecho=`$echo "X$ltecho" | $Xsed -e 's/\\\\\\\$0 --fallback-echo"$/$0 --fallback-echo"/'` + ;; + esac + + trap "$rm \"$ofile\"; exit 1" 1 2 15 + echo "creating $ofile" + $rm "$ofile" + cat < "$ofile" +#! $SHELL + +# `$echo "$ofile" | sed 's%^.*/%%'` - Provide generalized library-building support services. +# Generated automatically by $PROGRAM (GNU $PACKAGE $VERSION$TIMESTAMP) +# NOTE: Changes made to this file will be lost: look at ltconfig or +# +# Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# Sed that helps us avoid accidentally triggering echo(1) options like -n. +Xsed="sed -e s/^X//" + +# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout +# if CDPATH is set. +if test "\${CDPATH+set}" = set; then CDPATH=; export CDPATH; fi + +### BEGIN LIBTOOL CONFIG +EOF + cfgfile="$ofile" + ;; + +*) + # Double-quote the variables that need it (for aesthetics). + for var in old_CC old_CFLAGS old_CPPFLAGS \ + old_LD old_LDFLAGS old_LIBS \ + old_NM old_RANLIB old_LN_S old_DLLTOOL old_OBJDUMP old_AS; do + eval "$var=\\\"\$var\\\"" + done + + # Just create a config file. + cfgfile="$ofile.cfg" + trap "$rm \"$cfgfile\"; exit 1" 1 2 15 + echo "creating $cfgfile" + $rm "$cfgfile" + cat < "$cfgfile" +# `$echo "$cfgfile" | sed 's%^.*/%%'` - Libtool configuration file. +# Generated automatically by $PROGRAM (GNU $PACKAGE $VERSION$TIMESTAMP) +EOF + ;; +esac + +cat <> "$cfgfile" +# Libtool was configured as follows, on host `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`: +# +# CC=$old_CC CFLAGS=$old_CFLAGS CPPFLAGS=$old_CPPFLAGS \\ +# LD=$old_LD LDFLAGS=$old_LDFLAGS LIBS=$old_LIBS \\ +# NM=$old_NM RANLIB=$old_RANLIB LN_S=$old_LN_S \\ +# DLLTOOL=$old_DLLTOOL OBJDUMP=$old_OBJDUMP AS=$old_AS \\ +# $0$ltconfig_args +# +# Compiler and other test output produced by $progname, useful for +# debugging $progname, is in ./config.log if it exists. + +# The version of $progname that generated this script. +LTCONFIG_VERSION=$LTCONFIG_VERSION + +# Shell to use when invoking shell scripts. +SHELL=$LTSHELL + +# Whether or not to build shared libraries. +build_libtool_libs=$enable_shared + +# Whether or not to build static libraries. +build_old_libs=$enable_static + +# Whether or not to optimize for fast installation. +fast_install=$enable_fast_install + +# The host system. +host_alias=$host_alias +host=$host + +# An echo program that does not interpret backslashes. +echo=$ltecho + +# The archiver. +AR=$AR + +# The default C compiler. +CC=$CC + +# The linker used to build libraries. +LD=$LD + +# Whether we need hard or soft links. +LN_S=$LN_S + +# A BSD-compatible nm program. +NM=$NM + +# Used on cygwin: DLL creation program. +DLLTOOL="$DLLTOOL" + +# Used on cygwin: object dumper. +OBJDUMP="$OBJDUMP" + +# Used on cygwin: assembler. +AS="$AS" + +# The name of the directory that contains temporary libtool files. +objdir=$objdir + +# How to create reloadable object files. +reload_flag=$reload_flag +reload_cmds=$reload_cmds + +# How to pass a linker flag through the compiler. +wl=$wl + +# Object file suffix (normally "o"). +objext="$objext" + +# Old archive suffix (normally "a"). +libext="$libext" + +# Executable file suffix (normally ""). +exeext="$exeext" + +# Additional compiler flags for building library objects. +pic_flag=$pic_flag + +# Does compiler simultaneously support -c and -o options? +compiler_c_o=$compiler_c_o + +# Can we write directly to a .lo ? +compiler_o_lo=$compiler_o_lo + +# Must we lock files when doing compilation ? +need_locks=$need_locks + +# Do we need the lib prefix for modules? +need_lib_prefix=$need_lib_prefix + +# Do we need a version for libraries? +need_version=$need_version + +# Whether dlopen is supported. +dlopen=$enable_dlopen + +# Whether dlopen of programs is supported. +dlopen_self=$enable_dlopen_self + +# Whether dlopen of statically linked programs is supported. +dlopen_self_static=$enable_dlopen_self_static + +# Compiler flag to prevent dynamic linking. +link_static_flag=$link_static_flag + +# Compiler flag to turn off builtin functions. +no_builtin_flag=$no_builtin_flag + +# Compiler flag to allow reflexive dlopens. +export_dynamic_flag_spec=$export_dynamic_flag_spec + +# Compiler flag to generate shared objects directly from archives. +whole_archive_flag_spec=$whole_archive_flag_spec + +# Compiler flag to generate thread-safe objects. +thread_safe_flag_spec=$thread_safe_flag_spec + +# Library versioning type. +version_type=$version_type + +# Format of library name prefix. +libname_spec=$libname_spec + +# List of archive names. First name is the real one, the rest are links. +# The last name is the one that the linker finds with -lNAME. +library_names_spec=$library_names_spec + +# The coded name of the library, if different from the real name. +soname_spec=$soname_spec + +# Commands used to build and install an old-style archive. +RANLIB=$RANLIB +old_archive_cmds=$old_archive_cmds +old_postinstall_cmds=$old_postinstall_cmds +old_postuninstall_cmds=$old_postuninstall_cmds + +# Create an old-style archive from a shared archive. +old_archive_from_new_cmds=$old_archive_from_new_cmds + +# Commands used to build and install a shared archive. +archive_cmds=$archive_cmds +archive_expsym_cmds=$archive_expsym_cmds +postinstall_cmds=$postinstall_cmds +postuninstall_cmds=$postuninstall_cmds + +# Method to check whether dependent libraries are shared objects. +deplibs_check_method=$deplibs_check_method + +# Command to use when deplibs_check_method == file_magic. +file_magic_cmd=$file_magic_cmd + +# Flag that allows shared libraries with undefined symbols to be built. +allow_undefined_flag=$allow_undefined_flag + +# Flag that forces no undefined symbols. +no_undefined_flag=$no_undefined_flag + +# Commands used to finish a libtool library installation in a directory. +finish_cmds=$finish_cmds + +# Same as above, but a single script fragment to be evaled but not shown. +finish_eval=$finish_eval + +# Take the output of nm and produce a listing of raw symbols and C names. +global_symbol_pipe=$global_symbol_pipe + +# Transform the output of nm in a proper C declaration +global_symbol_to_cdecl=$global_symbol_to_cdecl + +# This is the shared library runtime path variable. +runpath_var=$runpath_var + +# This is the shared library path variable. +shlibpath_var=$shlibpath_var + +# Is shlibpath searched before the hard-coded library search path? +shlibpath_overrides_runpath=$shlibpath_overrides_runpath + +# How to hardcode a shared library path into an executable. +hardcode_action=$hardcode_action + +# Flag to hardcode \$libdir into a binary during linking. +# This must work even if \$libdir does not exist. +hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec + +# Whether we need a single -rpath flag with a separated argument. +hardcode_libdir_separator=$hardcode_libdir_separator + +# Set to yes if using DIR/ during linking hardcodes DIR into the +# resulting binary. +hardcode_direct=$hardcode_direct + +# Set to yes if using the -LDIR flag during linking hardcodes DIR into the +# resulting binary. +hardcode_minus_L=$hardcode_minus_L + +# Set to yes if using SHLIBPATH_VAR=DIR during linking hardcodes DIR into +# the resulting binary. +hardcode_shlibpath_var=$hardcode_shlibpath_var + +# Compile-time system search path for libraries +sys_lib_search_path_spec=$sys_lib_search_path_spec + +# Run-time system search path for libraries +sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec + +# Fix the shell variable \$srcfile for the compiler. +fix_srcfile_path="$fix_srcfile_path" + +# Set to yes if exported symbols are required. +always_export_symbols=$always_export_symbols + +# The commands to list exported symbols. +export_symbols_cmds=$export_symbols_cmds + +# Symbols that should not be listed in the preloaded symbols. +exclude_expsyms=$exclude_expsyms + +# Symbols that must always be exported. +include_expsyms=$include_expsyms + +EOF + +case "$ltmain" in +*.sh) + echo '### END LIBTOOL CONFIG' >> "$ofile" + echo >> "$ofile" + case "$host_os" in + aix3*) + cat <<\EOF >> "$ofile" + +# AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program. For some +# reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems +# vanish in a puff of smoke. +if test "${COLLECT_NAMES+set}" != set; then + COLLECT_NAMES= + export COLLECT_NAMES +fi +EOF + ;; + esac + + # Append the script. + sed '$q' "$ltmain" >> "$ofile" || (rm -f "$ofile"; exit 1) + + chmod +x "$ofile" + ;; + +*) + # Compile the libtool program. + echo "FIXME: would compile $ltmain" + ;; +esac + +test -n "$cache_file" || exit 0 + +# AC_CACHE_SAVE +trap '' 1 2 15 +cat > confcache <<\EOF +# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure +# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure +# scripts and configure runs. It is not useful on other systems. +# If it contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it. +# +# By default, configure uses ./config.cache as the cache file, +# creating it if it does not exist already. You can give configure +# the --cache-file=FILE option to use a different cache file; that is +# what configure does when it calls configure scripts in +# subdirectories, so they share the cache. +# Giving --cache-file=/dev/null disables caching, for debugging configure. +# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it the +# --recheck option to rerun configure. +# +EOF +# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values, +# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient. +# So, don't put newlines in cache variables' values. +# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly, +# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars. +(set) 2>&1 | + case `(ac_space=' '; set | grep ac_space) 2>&1` in + *ac_space=\ *) + # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes (double-quote substitution + # turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \). + sed -n \ + -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g" \ + -e "s/^\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1=\${\\1='\\2'}/p" + ;; + *) + # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes. + sed -n -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=${\1=\2}/p' + ;; + esac >> confcache +if cmp -s $cache_file confcache; then + : +else + if test -w $cache_file; then + echo "updating cache $cache_file" + cat confcache > $cache_file + else + echo "not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" + fi +fi +rm -f confcache + +exit 0 + +# Local Variables: +# mode:shell-script +# sh-indentation:2 +# End: diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae10cad0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,3975 @@ +# - Provide generalized library-building support services. +# NOTE: Changing this file will not affect anything until you rerun ltconfig. +# +# Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# Check that we have a working $echo. +if test "X$1" = X--no-reexec; then + # Discard the --no-reexec flag, and continue. + shift +elif test "X$1" = X--fallback-echo; then + # Avoid inline document here, it may be left over + : +elif test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t'; then + # Yippee, $echo works! + : +else + # Restart under the correct shell, and then maybe $echo will work. + exec $SHELL "$0" --no-reexec ${1+"$@"} +fi + +if test "X$1" = X--fallback-echo; then + # used as fallback echo + shift + cat <&2 + echo "Fatal configuration error. See the $PACKAGE docs for more information." 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi + +if test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes && test "$build_old_libs" != yes; then + echo "$modename: not configured to build any kind of library" 1>&2 + echo "Fatal configuration error. See the $PACKAGE docs for more information." 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi + +# Global variables. +mode=$default_mode +nonopt= +prev= +prevopt= +run= +show="$echo" +show_help= +execute_dlfiles= +lo2o="s/\\.lo\$/.${objext}/" +o2lo="s/\\.${objext}\$/.lo/" + +# Parse our command line options once, thoroughly. +while test $# -gt 0 +do + arg="$1" + shift + + case "$arg" in + -*=*) optarg=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;; + *) optarg= ;; + esac + + # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it. + if test -n "$prev"; then + case "$prev" in + execute_dlfiles) + eval "$prev=\"\$$prev \$arg\"" + ;; + *) + eval "$prev=\$arg" + ;; + esac + + prev= + prevopt= + continue + fi + + # Have we seen a non-optional argument yet? + case "$arg" in + --help) + show_help=yes + ;; + + --version) + echo "$PROGRAM (GNU $PACKAGE) $VERSION$TIMESTAMP" + exit 0 + ;; + + --config) + sed -e '1,/^### BEGIN LIBTOOL CONFIG/d' -e '/^### END LIBTOOL CONFIG/,$d' $0 + exit 0 + ;; + + --debug) + echo "$progname: enabling shell trace mode" + set -x + ;; + + --dry-run | -n) + run=: + ;; + + --features) + echo "host: $host" + if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then + echo "enable shared libraries" + else + echo "disable shared libraries" + fi + if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then + echo "enable static libraries" + else + echo "disable static libraries" + fi + exit 0 + ;; + + --finish) mode="finish" ;; + + --mode) prevopt="--mode" prev=mode ;; + --mode=*) mode="$optarg" ;; + + --quiet | --silent) + show=: + ;; + + -dlopen) + prevopt="-dlopen" + prev=execute_dlfiles + ;; + + -*) + $echo "$modename: unrecognized option \`$arg'" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + + *) + nonopt="$arg" + break + ;; + esac +done + +if test -n "$prevopt"; then + $echo "$modename: option \`$prevopt' requires an argument" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi + +if test -z "$show_help"; then + + # Infer the operation mode. + if test -z "$mode"; then + case "$nonopt" in + *cc | *++ | gcc* | *-gcc*) + mode=link + for arg + do + case "$arg" in + -c) + mode=compile + break + ;; + esac + done + ;; + *db | *dbx | *strace | *truss) + mode=execute + ;; + *install*|cp|mv) + mode=install + ;; + *rm) + mode=uninstall + ;; + *) + # If we have no mode, but dlfiles were specified, then do execute mode. + test -n "$execute_dlfiles" && mode=execute + + # Just use the default operation mode. + if test -z "$mode"; then + if test -n "$nonopt"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: cannot infer operation mode from \`$nonopt'" 1>&2 + else + $echo "$modename: warning: cannot infer operation mode without MODE-ARGS" 1>&2 + fi + fi + ;; + esac + fi + + # Only execute mode is allowed to have -dlopen flags. + if test -n "$execute_dlfiles" && test "$mode" != execute; then + $echo "$modename: unrecognized option \`-dlopen'" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + # Change the help message to a mode-specific one. + generic_help="$help" + help="Try \`$modename --help --mode=$mode' for more information." + + # These modes are in order of execution frequency so that they run quickly. + case "$mode" in + # libtool compile mode + compile) + modename="$modename: compile" + # Get the compilation command and the source file. + base_compile= + lastarg= + srcfile="$nonopt" + suppress_output= + + user_target=no + for arg + do + # Accept any command-line options. + case "$arg" in + -o) + if test "$user_target" != "no"; then + $echo "$modename: you cannot specify \`-o' more than once" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + user_target=next + ;; + + -static) + build_old_libs=yes + continue + ;; + esac + + case "$user_target" in + next) + # The next one is the -o target name + user_target=yes + continue + ;; + yes) + # We got the output file + user_target=set + libobj="$arg" + continue + ;; + esac + + # Accept the current argument as the source file. + lastarg="$srcfile" + srcfile="$arg" + + # Aesthetically quote the previous argument. + + # Backslashify any backslashes, double quotes, and dollar signs. + # These are the only characters that are still specially + # interpreted inside of double-quoted scrings. + lastarg=`$echo "X$lastarg" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + + # Double-quote args containing other shell metacharacters. + # Many Bourne shells cannot handle close brackets correctly in scan + # sets, so we specify it separately. + case "$lastarg" in + *[\[\~\#\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\|\;\<\>\?\'\ \ ]*|*]*) + lastarg="\"$lastarg\"" + ;; + esac + + # Add the previous argument to base_compile. + if test -z "$base_compile"; then + base_compile="$lastarg" + else + base_compile="$base_compile $lastarg" + fi + done + + case "$user_target" in + set) + ;; + no) + # Get the name of the library object. + libobj=`$echo "X$srcfile" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: you must specify a target with \`-o'" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + # Recognize several different file suffixes. + # If the user specifies -o file.o, it is replaced with file.lo + xform='[cCFSfmso]' + case "$libobj" in + *.ada) xform=ada ;; + *.adb) xform=adb ;; + *.ads) xform=ads ;; + *.asm) xform=asm ;; + *.c++) xform=c++ ;; + *.cc) xform=cc ;; + *.cpp) xform=cpp ;; + *.cxx) xform=cxx ;; + *.f90) xform=f90 ;; + *.for) xform=for ;; + esac + + libobj=`$echo "X$libobj" | $Xsed -e "s/\.$xform$/.lo/"` + + case "$libobj" in + *.lo) obj=`$echo "X$libobj" | $Xsed -e "$lo2o"` ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: cannot determine name of library object from \`$libobj'" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + if test -z "$base_compile"; then + $echo "$modename: you must specify a compilation command" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + # Delete any leftover library objects. + if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then + removelist="$obj $libobj" + else + removelist="$libobj" + fi + + $run $rm $removelist + trap "$run $rm $removelist; exit 1" 1 2 15 + + # Calculate the filename of the output object if compiler does + # not support -o with -c + if test "$compiler_c_o" = no; then + output_obj=`$echo "X$srcfile" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%' -e 's%\..*$%%'`.${objext} + lockfile="$output_obj.lock" + removelist="$removelist $output_obj $lockfile" + trap "$run $rm $removelist; exit 1" 1 2 15 + else + need_locks=no + lockfile= + fi + + # Lock this critical section if it is needed + # We use this script file to make the link, it avoids creating a new file + if test "$need_locks" = yes; then + until ln "$0" "$lockfile" 2>/dev/null; do + $show "Waiting for $lockfile to be removed" + sleep 2 + done + elif test "$need_locks" = warn; then + if test -f "$lockfile"; then + echo "\ +*** ERROR, $lockfile exists and contains: +`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null` + +This indicates that another process is trying to use the same +temporary object file, and libtool could not work around it because +your compiler does not support \`-c' and \`-o' together. If you +repeat this compilation, it may succeed, by chance, but you had better +avoid parallel builds (make -j) in this platform, or get a better +compiler." + + $run $rm $removelist + exit 1 + fi + echo $srcfile > "$lockfile" + fi + + if test -n "$fix_srcfile_path"; then + eval srcfile=\"$fix_srcfile_path\" + fi + + # Only build a PIC object if we are building libtool libraries. + if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then + # Without this assignment, base_compile gets emptied. + fbsd_hideous_sh_bug=$base_compile + + # All platforms use -DPIC, to notify preprocessed assembler code. + command="$base_compile $pic_flag -DPIC $srcfile" + if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then + lo_libobj="$libobj" + dir=`$echo "X$libobj" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + if test "X$dir" = "X$libobj"; then + dir="$objdir" + else + dir="$dir/$objdir" + fi + libobj="$dir/"`$echo "X$libobj" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + + if test -d "$dir"; then + $show "$rm $libobj" + $run $rm $libobj + else + $show "$mkdir $dir" + $run $mkdir $dir + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d $dir; then + exit $status + fi + fi + fi + if test "$compiler_o_lo" = yes; then + output_obj="$libobj" + command="$command -o $output_obj" + elif test "$compiler_c_o" = yes; then + output_obj="$obj" + command="$command -o $output_obj" + fi + + $run $rm "$output_obj" + $show "$command" + if $run eval "$command"; then : + else + test -n "$output_obj" && $run $rm $removelist + exit 1 + fi + + if test "$need_locks" = warn && + test x"`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null`" != x"$srcfile"; then + echo "\ +*** ERROR, $lockfile contains: +`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null` + +but it should contain: +$srcfile + +This indicates that another process is trying to use the same +temporary object file, and libtool could not work around it because +your compiler does not support \`-c' and \`-o' together. If you +repeat this compilation, it may succeed, by chance, but you had better +avoid parallel builds (make -j) in this platform, or get a better +compiler." + + $run $rm $removelist + exit 1 + fi + + # Just move the object if needed, then go on to compile the next one + if test x"$output_obj" != x"$libobj"; then + $show "$mv $output_obj $libobj" + if $run $mv $output_obj $libobj; then : + else + error=$? + $run $rm $removelist + exit $error + fi + fi + + # If we have no pic_flag, then copy the object into place and finish. + if test -z "$pic_flag" && test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then + # Rename the .lo from within objdir to obj + if test -f $obj; then + $show $rm $obj + $run $rm $obj + fi + + $show "$mv $libobj $obj" + if $run $mv $libobj $obj; then : + else + error=$? + $run $rm $removelist + exit $error + fi + + # Now arrange that obj and lo_libobj become the same file + $show "$LN_S $obj $lo_libobj" + if $run $LN_S $obj $lo_libobj; then + exit 0 + else + error=$? + $run $rm $removelist + exit $error + fi + fi + + # Allow error messages only from the first compilation. + suppress_output=' >/dev/null 2>&1' + fi + + # Only build a position-dependent object if we build old libraries. + if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then + command="$base_compile $srcfile" + if test "$compiler_c_o" = yes; then + command="$command -o $obj" + output_obj="$obj" + fi + + # Suppress compiler output if we already did a PIC compilation. + command="$command$suppress_output" + $run $rm "$output_obj" + $show "$command" + if $run eval "$command"; then : + else + $run $rm $removelist + exit 1 + fi + + if test "$need_locks" = warn && + test x"`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null`" != x"$srcfile"; then + echo "\ +*** ERROR, $lockfile contains: +`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null` + +but it should contain: +$srcfile + +This indicates that another process is trying to use the same +temporary object file, and libtool could not work around it because +your compiler does not support \`-c' and \`-o' together. If you +repeat this compilation, it may succeed, by chance, but you had better +avoid parallel builds (make -j) in this platform, or get a better +compiler." + + $run $rm $removelist + exit 1 + fi + + # Just move the object if needed + if test x"$output_obj" != x"$obj"; then + $show "$mv $output_obj $obj" + if $run $mv $output_obj $obj; then : + else + error=$? + $run $rm $removelist + exit $error + fi + fi + + # Create an invalid libtool object if no PIC, so that we do not + # accidentally link it into a program. + if test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes; then + $show "echo timestamp > $libobj" + $run eval "echo timestamp > \$libobj" || exit $? + else + # Move the .lo from within objdir + $show "$mv $libobj $lo_libobj" + if $run $mv $libobj $lo_libobj; then : + else + error=$? + $run $rm $removelist + exit $error + fi + fi + fi + + # Unlock the critical section if it was locked + if test "$need_locks" != no; then + $rm "$lockfile" + fi + + exit 0 + ;; + + # libtool link mode + link) + modename="$modename: link" + C_compiler="$CC" # save it, to compile generated C sources + CC="$nonopt" + case "$host" in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-os2*) + # It is impossible to link a dll without this setting, and + # we shouldn't force the makefile maintainer to figure out + # which system we are compiling for in order to pass an extra + # flag for every libtool invokation. + # allow_undefined=no + + # FIXME: Unfortunately, there are problems with the above when trying + # to make a dll which has undefined symbols, in which case not + # even a static library is built. For now, we need to specify + # -no-undefined on the libtool link line when we can be certain + # that all symbols are satisfied, otherwise we get a static library. + allow_undefined=yes + + # This is a source program that is used to create dlls on Windows + # Don't remove nor modify the starting and closing comments +# /* ltdll.c starts here */ +# #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# #include +# #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# #include +# +# #ifndef __CYGWIN__ +# # ifdef __CYGWIN32__ +# # define __CYGWIN__ __CYGWIN32__ +# # endif +# #endif +# +# #ifdef __cplusplus +# extern "C" { +# #endif +# BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved); +# #ifdef __cplusplus +# } +# #endif +# +# #ifdef __CYGWIN__ +# #include +# DECLARE_CYGWIN_DLL( DllMain ); +# #endif +# HINSTANCE __hDllInstance_base; +# +# BOOL APIENTRY +# DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) +# { +# __hDllInstance_base = hInst; +# return TRUE; +# } +# /* ltdll.c ends here */ + # This is a source program that is used to create import libraries + # on Windows for dlls which lack them. Don't remove nor modify the + # starting and closing comments +# /* impgen.c starts here */ +# /* Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is part of GNU libtool. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +# */ +# +# #include /* for printf() */ +# #include /* for open(), lseek(), read() */ +# #include /* for O_RDONLY, O_BINARY */ +# #include /* for strdup() */ +# +# static unsigned int +# pe_get16 (fd, offset) +# int fd; +# int offset; +# { +# unsigned char b[2]; +# lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET); +# read (fd, b, 2); +# return b[0] + (b[1]<<8); +# } +# +# static unsigned int +# pe_get32 (fd, offset) +# int fd; +# int offset; +# { +# unsigned char b[4]; +# lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET); +# read (fd, b, 4); +# return b[0] + (b[1]<<8) + (b[2]<<16) + (b[3]<<24); +# } +# +# static unsigned int +# pe_as32 (ptr) +# void *ptr; +# { +# unsigned char *b = ptr; +# return b[0] + (b[1]<<8) + (b[2]<<16) + (b[3]<<24); +# } +# +# int +# main (argc, argv) +# int argc; +# char *argv[]; +# { +# int dll; +# unsigned long pe_header_offset, opthdr_ofs, num_entries, i; +# unsigned long export_rva, export_size, nsections, secptr, expptr; +# unsigned long name_rvas, nexp; +# unsigned char *expdata, *erva; +# char *filename, *dll_name; +# +# filename = argv[1]; +# +# dll = open(filename, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); +# if (!dll) +# return 1; +# +# dll_name = filename; +# +# for (i=0; filename[i]; i++) +# if (filename[i] == '/' || filename[i] == '\\' || filename[i] == ':') +# dll_name = filename + i +1; +# +# pe_header_offset = pe_get32 (dll, 0x3c); +# opthdr_ofs = pe_header_offset + 4 + 20; +# num_entries = pe_get32 (dll, opthdr_ofs + 92); +# +# if (num_entries < 1) /* no exports */ +# return 1; +# +# export_rva = pe_get32 (dll, opthdr_ofs + 96); +# export_size = pe_get32 (dll, opthdr_ofs + 100); +# nsections = pe_get16 (dll, pe_header_offset + 4 +2); +# secptr = (pe_header_offset + 4 + 20 + +# pe_get16 (dll, pe_header_offset + 4 + 16)); +# +# expptr = 0; +# for (i = 0; i < nsections; i++) +# { +# char sname[8]; +# unsigned long secptr1 = secptr + 40 * i; +# unsigned long vaddr = pe_get32 (dll, secptr1 + 12); +# unsigned long vsize = pe_get32 (dll, secptr1 + 16); +# unsigned long fptr = pe_get32 (dll, secptr1 + 20); +# lseek(dll, secptr1, SEEK_SET); +# read(dll, sname, 8); +# if (vaddr <= export_rva && vaddr+vsize > export_rva) +# { +# expptr = fptr + (export_rva - vaddr); +# if (export_rva + export_size > vaddr + vsize) +# export_size = vsize - (export_rva - vaddr); +# break; +# } +# } +# +# expdata = (unsigned char*)malloc(export_size); +# lseek (dll, expptr, SEEK_SET); +# read (dll, expdata, export_size); +# erva = expdata - export_rva; +# +# nexp = pe_as32 (expdata+24); +# name_rvas = pe_as32 (expdata+32); +# +# printf ("EXPORTS\n"); +# for (i = 0; i&2 + fi + if test -n "$link_static_flag"; then + dlopen_self=$dlopen_self_static + fi + else + if test -z "$pic_flag" && test -n "$link_static_flag"; then + dlopen_self=$dlopen_self_static + fi + fi + build_libtool_libs=no + build_old_libs=yes + prefer_static_libs=yes + break + ;; + esac + done + + # See if our shared archives depend on static archives. + test -n "$old_archive_from_new_cmds" && build_old_libs=yes + + # Go through the arguments, transforming them on the way. + while test $# -gt 0; do + arg="$1" + shift + + # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it. + if test -n "$prev"; then + case "$prev" in + output) + compile_command="$compile_command @OUTPUT@" + finalize_command="$finalize_command @OUTPUT@" + ;; + esac + + case "$prev" in + dlfiles|dlprefiles) + if test "$preload" = no; then + # Add the symbol object into the linking commands. + compile_command="$compile_command @SYMFILE@" + finalize_command="$finalize_command @SYMFILE@" + preload=yes + fi + case "$arg" in + *.la | *.lo) ;; # We handle these cases below. + force) + if test "$dlself" = no; then + dlself=needless + export_dynamic=yes + fi + prev= + continue + ;; + self) + if test "$prev" = dlprefiles; then + dlself=yes + elif test "$prev" = dlfiles && test "$dlopen_self" != yes; then + dlself=yes + else + dlself=needless + export_dynamic=yes + fi + prev= + continue + ;; + *) + if test "$prev" = dlfiles; then + dlfiles="$dlfiles $arg" + else + dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $arg" + fi + prev= + ;; + esac + ;; + expsyms) + export_symbols="$arg" + if test ! -f "$arg"; then + $echo "$modename: symbol file \`$arg' does not exist" + exit 1 + fi + prev= + continue + ;; + expsyms_regex) + export_symbols_regex="$arg" + prev= + continue + ;; + release) + release="-$arg" + prev= + continue + ;; + rpath | xrpath) + # We need an absolute path. + case "$arg" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: only absolute run-paths are allowed" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + if test "$prev" = rpath; then + case "$rpath " in + *" $arg "*) ;; + *) rpath="$rpath $arg" ;; + esac + else + case "$xrpath " in + *" $arg "*) ;; + *) xrpath="$xrpath $arg" ;; + esac + fi + prev= + continue + ;; + *) + eval "$prev=\"\$arg\"" + prev= + continue + ;; + esac + fi + + prevarg="$arg" + + case "$arg" in + -all-static) + if test -n "$link_static_flag"; then + compile_command="$compile_command $link_static_flag" + finalize_command="$finalize_command $link_static_flag" + fi + continue + ;; + + -allow-undefined) + # FIXME: remove this flag sometime in the future. + $echo "$modename: \`-allow-undefined' is deprecated because it is the default" 1>&2 + continue + ;; + + -avoid-version) + avoid_version=yes + continue + ;; + + -dlopen) + prev=dlfiles + continue + ;; + + -dlpreopen) + prev=dlprefiles + continue + ;; + + -export-dynamic) + export_dynamic=yes + continue + ;; + + -export-symbols | -export-symbols-regex) + if test -n "$export_symbols" || test -n "$export_symbols_regex"; then + $echo "$modename: not more than one -exported-symbols argument allowed" + exit 1 + fi + if test "X$arg" = "X-export-symbols"; then + prev=expsyms + else + prev=expsyms_regex + fi + continue + ;; + + -L*) + dir=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e 's/^-L//'` + # We need an absolute path. + case "$dir" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;; + *) + absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd` + if test -z "$absdir"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: cannot determine absolute directory name of \`$dir'" 1>&2 + $echo "$modename: passing it literally to the linker, although it might fail" 1>&2 + absdir="$dir" + fi + dir="$absdir" + ;; + esac + case " $deplibs " in + *" $arg "*) ;; + *) deplibs="$deplibs $arg";; + esac + case " $lib_search_path " in + *" $dir "*) ;; + *) lib_search_path="$lib_search_path $dir";; + esac + case "$host" in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-os2*) + dllsearchdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd || echo "$dir"` + case ":$dllsearchpath:" in + ::) dllsearchpath="$dllsearchdir";; + *":$dllsearchdir:"*) ;; + *) dllsearchpath="$dllsearchpath:$dllsearchdir";; + esac + ;; + esac + ;; + + -l*) + if test "$arg" = "-lc"; then + case "$host" in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-os2* | *-*-beos*) + # These systems don't actually have c library (as such) + continue + ;; + esac + elif test "$arg" = "-lm"; then + case "$host" in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-beos*) + # These systems don't actually have math library (as such) + continue + ;; + esac + fi + deplibs="$deplibs $arg" + ;; + + -module) + module=yes + continue + ;; + + -no-undefined) + allow_undefined=no + continue + ;; + + -o) prev=output ;; + + -release) + prev=release + continue + ;; + + -rpath) + prev=rpath + continue + ;; + + -R) + prev=xrpath + continue + ;; + + -R*) + dir=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e 's/^-R//'` + # We need an absolute path. + case "$dir" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: only absolute run-paths are allowed" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + case "$xrpath " in + *" $dir "*) ;; + *) xrpath="$xrpath $dir" ;; + esac + continue + ;; + + -static) + # If we have no pic_flag, then this is the same as -all-static. + if test -z "$pic_flag" && test -n "$link_static_flag"; then + compile_command="$compile_command $link_static_flag" + finalize_command="$finalize_command $link_static_flag" + fi + continue + ;; + + -thread-safe) + thread_safe=yes + continue + ;; + + -version-info) + prev=vinfo + continue + ;; + + # Some other compiler flag. + -* | +*) + # Unknown arguments in both finalize_command and compile_command need + # to be aesthetically quoted because they are evaled later. + arg=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + case "$arg" in + *[\[\~\#\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\|\;\<\>\?\'\ \ ]*|*]*) + arg="\"$arg\"" + ;; + esac + ;; + + *.o | *.obj | *.a | *.lib) + # A standard object. + objs="$objs $arg" + ;; + + *.lo) + # A library object. + if test "$prev" = dlfiles; then + dlfiles="$dlfiles $arg" + if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes && test "$dlopen" = yes; then + prev= + continue + else + # If libtool objects are unsupported, then we need to preload. + prev=dlprefiles + fi + fi + + if test "$prev" = dlprefiles; then + # Preload the old-style object. + dlprefiles="$dlprefiles "`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e "$lo2o"` + prev= + fi + libobjs="$libobjs $arg" + ;; + + *.la) + # A libtool-controlled library. + + dlname= + libdir= + library_names= + old_library= + + # Check to see that this really is a libtool archive. + if (sed -e '2q' $arg | egrep "^# Generated by .*$PACKAGE") >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + else + $echo "$modename: \`$arg' is not a valid libtool archive" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + # If the library was installed with an old release of libtool, + # it will not redefine variable installed. + installed=yes + + # Read the .la file + # If there is no directory component, then add one. + case "$arg" in + */* | *\\*) . $arg ;; + *) . ./$arg ;; + esac + + # Get the name of the library we link against. + linklib= + for l in $old_library $library_names; do + linklib="$l" + done + + if test -z "$linklib"; then + $echo "$modename: cannot find name of link library for \`$arg'" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + # Find the relevant object directory and library name. + name=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%' -e 's/\.la$//' -e 's/^lib//'` + + if test "X$installed" = Xyes; then + dir="$libdir" + else + dir=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + if test "X$dir" = "X$arg"; then + dir="$objdir" + else + dir="$dir/$objdir" + fi + fi + + if test -n "$dependency_libs"; then + # Extract -R and -L from dependency_libs + temp_deplibs= + for deplib in $dependency_libs; do + case "$deplib" in + -R*) temp_xrpath=`$echo "X$deplib" | $Xsed -e 's/^-R//'` + case " $rpath $xrpath " in + *" $temp_xrpath "*) ;; + *) xrpath="$xrpath $temp_xrpath";; + esac;; + -L*) case "$compile_command $temp_deplibs " in + *" $deplib "*) ;; + *) temp_deplibs="$temp_deplibs $deplib";; + esac + temp_dir=`$echo "X$deplib" | $Xsed -e 's/^-L//'` + case " $lib_search_path " in + *" $temp_dir "*) ;; + *) lib_search_path="$lib_search_path $temp_dir";; + esac + ;; + *) temp_deplibs="$temp_deplibs $deplib";; + esac + done + dependency_libs="$temp_deplibs" + fi + + if test -z "$libdir"; then + # It is a libtool convenience library, so add in its objects. + convenience="$convenience $dir/$old_library" + old_convenience="$old_convenience $dir/$old_library" + deplibs="$deplibs$dependency_libs" + compile_command="$compile_command $dir/$old_library$dependency_libs" + finalize_command="$finalize_command $dir/$old_library$dependency_libs" + continue + fi + + # This library was specified with -dlopen. + if test "$prev" = dlfiles; then + dlfiles="$dlfiles $arg" + if test -z "$dlname" || test "$dlopen" != yes || test "$build_libtool_libs" = no; then + # If there is no dlname, no dlopen support or we're linking statically, + # we need to preload. + prev=dlprefiles + else + # We should not create a dependency on this library, but we + # may need any libraries it requires. + compile_command="$compile_command$dependency_libs" + finalize_command="$finalize_command$dependency_libs" + prev= + continue + fi + fi + + # The library was specified with -dlpreopen. + if test "$prev" = dlprefiles; then + # Prefer using a static library (so that no silly _DYNAMIC symbols + # are required to link). + if test -n "$old_library"; then + dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $dir/$old_library" + else + dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $dir/$linklib" + fi + prev= + fi + + if test -n "$library_names" && + { test "$prefer_static_libs" = no || test -z "$old_library"; }; then + link_against_libtool_libs="$link_against_libtool_libs $arg" + if test -n "$shlibpath_var"; then + # Make sure the rpath contains only unique directories. + case "$temp_rpath " in + *" $dir "*) ;; + *) temp_rpath="$temp_rpath $dir" ;; + esac + fi + + # We need an absolute path. + case "$dir" in + [\\/] | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) absdir="$dir" ;; + *) + absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd` + if test -z "$absdir"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: cannot determine absolute directory name of \`$dir'" 1>&2 + $echo "$modename: passing it literally to the linker, although it might fail" 1>&2 + absdir="$dir" + fi + ;; + esac + + # This is the magic to use -rpath. + # Skip directories that are in the system default run-time + # search path, unless they have been requested with -R. + case " $sys_lib_dlsearch_path " in + *" $absdir "*) ;; + *) + case "$compile_rpath " in + *" $absdir "*) ;; + *) compile_rpath="$compile_rpath $absdir" + esac + ;; + esac + + case " $sys_lib_dlsearch_path " in + *" $libdir "*) ;; + *) + case "$finalize_rpath " in + *" $libdir "*) ;; + *) finalize_rpath="$finalize_rpath $libdir" + esac + ;; + esac + + lib_linked=yes + case "$hardcode_action" in + immediate | unsupported) + if test "$hardcode_direct" = no; then + compile_command="$compile_command $dir/$linklib" + deplibs="$deplibs $dir/$linklib" + case "$host" in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-os2*) + dllsearchdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd || echo "$dir"` + if test -n "$dllsearchpath"; then + dllsearchpath="$dllsearchpath:$dllsearchdir" + else + dllsearchpath="$dllsearchdir" + fi + ;; + esac + elif test "$hardcode_minus_L" = no; then + case "$host" in + *-*-sunos*) + compile_shlibpath="$compile_shlibpath$dir:" + ;; + esac + case "$compile_command " in + *" -L$dir "*) ;; + *) compile_command="$compile_command -L$dir";; + esac + compile_command="$compile_command -l$name" + deplibs="$deplibs -L$dir -l$name" + elif test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" = no; then + case ":$compile_shlibpath:" in + *":$dir:"*) ;; + *) compile_shlibpath="$compile_shlibpath$dir:";; + esac + compile_command="$compile_command -l$name" + deplibs="$deplibs -l$name" + else + lib_linked=no + fi + ;; + + relink) + if test "$hardcode_direct" = yes; then + compile_command="$compile_command $absdir/$linklib" + deplibs="$deplibs $absdir/$linklib" + elif test "$hardcode_minus_L" = yes; then + case "$compile_command " in + *" -L$absdir "*) ;; + *) compile_command="$compile_command -L$absdir";; + esac + compile_command="$compile_command -l$name" + deplibs="$deplibs -L$absdir -l$name" + elif test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" = yes; then + case ":$compile_shlibpath:" in + *":$absdir:"*) ;; + *) compile_shlibpath="$compile_shlibpath$absdir:";; + esac + compile_command="$compile_command -l$name" + deplibs="$deplibs -l$name" + else + lib_linked=no + fi + ;; + + *) + lib_linked=no + ;; + esac + + if test "$lib_linked" != yes; then + $echo "$modename: configuration error: unsupported hardcode properties" + exit 1 + fi + + # Finalize command for both is simple: just hardcode it. + if test "$hardcode_direct" = yes; then + finalize_command="$finalize_command $libdir/$linklib" + elif test "$hardcode_minus_L" = yes; then + case "$finalize_command " in + *" -L$libdir "*) ;; + *) finalize_command="$finalize_command -L$libdir";; + esac + finalize_command="$finalize_command -l$name" + elif test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" = yes; then + case ":$finalize_shlibpath:" in + *":$libdir:"*) ;; + *) finalize_shlibpath="$finalize_shlibpath$libdir:";; + esac + finalize_command="$finalize_command -l$name" + else + # We cannot seem to hardcode it, guess we'll fake it. + case "$finalize_command " in + *" -L$dir "*) ;; + *) finalize_command="$finalize_command -L$libdir";; + esac + finalize_command="$finalize_command -l$name" + fi + else + # Transform directly to old archives if we don't build new libraries. + if test -n "$pic_flag" && test -z "$old_library"; then + $echo "$modename: cannot find static library for \`$arg'" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + # Here we assume that one of hardcode_direct or hardcode_minus_L + # is not unsupported. This is valid on all known static and + # shared platforms. + if test "$hardcode_direct" != unsupported; then + test -n "$old_library" && linklib="$old_library" + compile_command="$compile_command $dir/$linklib" + finalize_command="$finalize_command $dir/$linklib" + else + case "$compile_command " in + *" -L$dir "*) ;; + *) compile_command="$compile_command -L$dir";; + esac + compile_command="$compile_command -l$name" + case "$finalize_command " in + *" -L$dir "*) ;; + *) finalize_command="$finalize_command -L$dir";; + esac + finalize_command="$finalize_command -l$name" + fi + fi + + # Add in any libraries that this one depends upon. + compile_command="$compile_command$dependency_libs" + finalize_command="$finalize_command$dependency_libs" + continue + ;; + + # Some other compiler argument. + *) + # Unknown arguments in both finalize_command and compile_command need + # to be aesthetically quoted because they are evaled later. + arg=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + case "$arg" in + *[\[\~\#\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\|\;\<\>\?\'\ \ ]*|*]*) + arg="\"$arg\"" + ;; + esac + ;; + esac + + # Now actually substitute the argument into the commands. + if test -n "$arg"; then + compile_command="$compile_command $arg" + finalize_command="$finalize_command $arg" + fi + done + + if test -n "$prev"; then + $echo "$modename: the \`$prevarg' option requires an argument" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test "$export_dynamic" = yes && test -n "$export_dynamic_flag_spec"; then + eval arg=\"$export_dynamic_flag_spec\" + compile_command="$compile_command $arg" + finalize_command="$finalize_command $arg" + fi + + oldlibs= + # calculate the name of the file, without its directory + outputname=`$echo "X$output" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + libobjs_save="$libobjs" + + case "$output" in + "") + $echo "$modename: you must specify an output file" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + + *.a | *.lib) + if test -n "$link_against_libtool_libs"; then + $echo "$modename: error: cannot link libtool libraries into archives" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test -n "$deplibs"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-l' and \`-L' are ignored for archives" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$dlfiles$dlprefiles" || test "$dlself" != no; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-dlopen' is ignored for archives" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$rpath"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-rpath' is ignored for archives" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$xrpath"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-R' is ignored for archives" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$vinfo"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-version-info' is ignored for archives" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$release"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-release' is ignored for archives" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$export_symbols" || test -n "$export_symbols_regex"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-export-symbols' is ignored for archives" 1>&2 + fi + + # Now set the variables for building old libraries. + build_libtool_libs=no + oldlibs="$output" + ;; + + *.la) + # Make sure we only generate libraries of the form `'. + case "$outputname" in + lib*) + name=`$echo "X$outputname" | $Xsed -e 's/\.la$//' -e 's/^lib//'` + eval libname=\"$libname_spec\" + ;; + *) + if test "$module" = no; then + $echo "$modename: libtool library \`$output' must begin with \`lib'" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + if test "$need_lib_prefix" != no; then + # Add the "lib" prefix for modules if required + name=`$echo "X$outputname" | $Xsed -e 's/\.la$//'` + eval libname=\"$libname_spec\" + else + libname=`$echo "X$outputname" | $Xsed -e 's/\.la$//'` + fi + ;; + esac + + output_objdir=`$echo "X$output" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + if test "X$output_objdir" = "X$output"; then + output_objdir="$objdir" + else + output_objdir="$output_objdir/$objdir" + fi + + if test -n "$objs"; then + $echo "$modename: cannot build libtool library \`$output' from non-libtool objects:$objs" 2>&1 + exit 1 + fi + + # How the heck are we supposed to write a wrapper for a shared library? + if test -n "$link_against_libtool_libs"; then + $echo "$modename: error: cannot link shared libraries into libtool libraries" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test -n "$dlfiles$dlprefiles" || test "$dlself" != no; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-dlopen' is ignored for libtool libraries" 1>&2 + fi + + set dummy $rpath + if test $# -gt 2; then + $echo "$modename: warning: ignoring multiple \`-rpath's for a libtool library" 1>&2 + fi + install_libdir="$2" + + oldlibs= + if test -z "$rpath"; then + if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then + # Building a libtool convenience library. + libext=al + oldlibs="$output_objdir/$libname.$libext $oldlibs" + build_libtool_libs=convenience + build_old_libs=yes + fi + dependency_libs="$deplibs" + + if test -n "$vinfo"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-version-info' is ignored for convenience libraries" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$release"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-release' is ignored for convenience libraries" 1>&2 + fi + else + + # Parse the version information argument. + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=':' + set dummy $vinfo 0 0 0 + IFS="$save_ifs" + + if test -n "$8"; then + $echo "$modename: too many parameters to \`-version-info'" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + current="$2" + revision="$3" + age="$4" + + # Check that each of the things are valid numbers. + case "$current" in + 0 | [1-9] | [1-9][0-9]*) ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: CURRENT \`$current' is not a nonnegative integer" 1>&2 + $echo "$modename: \`$vinfo' is not valid version information" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + case "$revision" in + 0 | [1-9] | [1-9][0-9]*) ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: REVISION \`$revision' is not a nonnegative integer" 1>&2 + $echo "$modename: \`$vinfo' is not valid version information" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + case "$age" in + 0 | [1-9] | [1-9][0-9]*) ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: AGE \`$age' is not a nonnegative integer" 1>&2 + $echo "$modename: \`$vinfo' is not valid version information" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + if test $age -gt $current; then + $echo "$modename: AGE \`$age' is greater than the current interface number \`$current'" 1>&2 + $echo "$modename: \`$vinfo' is not valid version information" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + # Calculate the version variables. + major= + versuffix= + verstring= + case "$version_type" in + none) ;; + + irix) + major=`expr $current - $age + 1` + versuffix="$major.$revision" + verstring="sgi$major.$revision" + + # Add in all the interfaces that we are compatible with. + loop=$revision + while test $loop != 0; do + iface=`expr $revision - $loop` + loop=`expr $loop - 1` + verstring="sgi$major.$iface:$verstring" + done + ;; + + linux) + major=.`expr $current - $age` + versuffix="$major.$age.$revision" + ;; + + osf) + major=`expr $current - $age` + versuffix=".$current.$age.$revision" + verstring="$current.$age.$revision" + + # Add in all the interfaces that we are compatible with. + loop=$age + while test $loop != 0; do + iface=`expr $current - $loop` + loop=`expr $loop - 1` + verstring="$verstring:${iface}.0" + done + + # Make executables depend on our current version. + verstring="$verstring:${current}.0" + ;; + + sunos) + major=".$current" + versuffix=".$current.$revision" + ;; + + freebsd-aout) + major=".$current" + versuffix=".$current.$revision"; + ;; + + freebsd-elf) + major=".$current" + versuffix=".$current"; + ;; + + windows) + # Like Linux, but with '-' rather than '.', since we only + # want one extension on Windows 95. + major=`expr $current - $age` + versuffix="-$major-$age-$revision" + ;; + + *) + $echo "$modename: unknown library version type \`$version_type'" 1>&2 + echo "Fatal configuration error. See the $PACKAGE docs for more information." 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + # Clear the version info if we defaulted, and they specified a release. + if test -z "$vinfo" && test -n "$release"; then + major= + verstring="0.0" + if test "$need_version" = no; then + versuffix= + else + versuffix=".0.0" + fi + fi + + # Remove version info from name if versioning should be avoided + if test "$avoid_version" = yes && test "$need_version" = no; then + major= + versuffix= + verstring="" + fi + + # Check to see if the archive will have undefined symbols. + if test "$allow_undefined" = yes; then + if test "$allow_undefined_flag" = unsupported; then + $echo "$modename: warning: undefined symbols not allowed in $host shared libraries" 1>&2 + build_libtool_libs=no + build_old_libs=yes + fi + else + # Don't allow undefined symbols. + allow_undefined_flag="$no_undefined_flag" + fi + + dependency_libs="$deplibs" + case "$host" in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-os2* | *-*-beos*) + # these systems don't actually have a c library (as such)! + ;; + *) + # Add libc to deplibs on all other systems. + deplibs="$deplibs -lc" + ;; + esac + fi + + # Create the output directory, or remove our outputs if we need to. + if test -d $output_objdir; then + $show "${rm}r $output_objdir/$outputname $output_objdir/$libname.* $output_objdir/${libname}${release}.*" + $run ${rm}r $output_objdir/$outputname $output_objdir/$libname.* $output_objdir/${libname}${release}.* + else + $show "$mkdir $output_objdir" + $run $mkdir $output_objdir + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d $output_objdir; then + exit $status + fi + fi + + # Now set the variables for building old libraries. + if test "$build_old_libs" = yes && test "$build_libtool_libs" != convenience ; then + oldlibs="$oldlibs $output_objdir/$libname.$libext" + + # Transform .lo files to .o files. + oldobjs="$objs "`$echo "X$libobjs" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e '/\.'${libext}'$/d' -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP` + fi + + if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then + # Transform deplibs into only deplibs that can be linked in shared. + name_save=$name + libname_save=$libname + release_save=$release + versuffix_save=$versuffix + major_save=$major + # I'm not sure if I'm treating the release correctly. I think + # release should show up in the -l (ie -lgmp5) so we don't want to + # add it in twice. Is that correct? + release="" + versuffix="" + major="" + newdeplibs= + droppeddeps=no + case "$deplibs_check_method" in + pass_all) + # Don't check for shared/static. Everything works. + # This might be a little naive. We might want to check + # whether the library exists or not. But this is on + # osf3 & osf4 and I'm not really sure... Just + # implementing what was already the behaviour. + newdeplibs=$deplibs + ;; + test_compile) + # This code stresses the "libraries are programs" paradigm to its + # limits. Maybe even breaks it. We compile a program, linking it + # against the deplibs as a proxy for the library. Then we can check + # whether they linked in statically or dynamically with ldd. + $rm conftest.c + cat > conftest.c </dev/null` + for potent_lib in $potential_libs; do + # Follow soft links. + if ls -lLd "$potent_lib" 2>/dev/null \ + | grep " -> " >/dev/null; then + continue + fi + # The statement above tries to avoid entering an + # endless loop below, in case of cyclic links. + # We might still enter an endless loop, since a link + # loop can be closed while we follow links, + # but so what? + potlib="$potent_lib" + while test -h "$potlib" 2>/dev/null; do + potliblink=`ls -ld $potlib | sed 's/.* -> //'` + case "$potliblink" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) potlib="$potliblink";; + *) potlib=`$echo "X$potlib" | $Xsed -e 's,[^/]*$,,'`"$potliblink";; + esac + done + if eval $file_magic_cmd \"\$potlib\" 2>/dev/null \ + | sed 10q \ + | egrep "$file_magic_regex" > /dev/null; then + newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $a_deplib" + a_deplib="" + break 2 + fi + done + done + if test -n "$a_deplib" ; then + droppeddeps=yes + echo + echo "*** Warning: This library needs some functionality provided by $a_deplib." + echo "*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when" + echo "*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a" + echo "*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have." + fi + else + # Add a -L argument. + newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $a_deplib" + fi + done # Gone through all deplibs. + ;; + none | unknown | *) + newdeplibs="" + if $echo "X $deplibs" | $Xsed -e 's/ -lc$//' \ + -e 's/ -[LR][^ ]*//g' -e 's/[ ]//g' | + grep . >/dev/null; then + echo + if test "X$deplibs_check_method" = "Xnone"; then + echo "*** Warning: inter-library dependencies are not supported in this platform." + else + echo "*** Warning: inter-library dependencies are not known to be supported." + fi + echo "*** All declared inter-library dependencies are being dropped." + droppeddeps=yes + fi + ;; + esac + versuffix=$versuffix_save + major=$major_save + release=$release_save + libname=$libname_save + name=$name_save + + if test "$droppeddeps" = yes; then + if test "$module" = yes; then + echo + echo "*** Warning: libtool could not satisfy all declared inter-library" + echo "*** dependencies of module $libname. Therefore, libtool will create" + echo "*** a static module, that should work as long as the dlopening" + echo "*** application is linked with the -dlopen flag." + if test -z "$global_symbol_pipe"; then + echo + echo "*** However, this would only work if libtool was able to extract symbol" + echo "*** lists from a program, using \`nm' or equivalent, but libtool could" + echo "*** not find such a program. So, this module is probably useless." + echo "*** \`nm' from GNU binutils and a full rebuild may help." + fi + if test "$build_old_libs" = no; then + oldlibs="$output_objdir/$libname.$libext" + build_libtool_libs=module + build_old_libs=yes + else + build_libtool_libs=no + fi + else + echo "*** The inter-library dependencies that have been dropped here will be" + echo "*** automatically added whenever a program is linked with this library" + echo "*** or is declared to -dlopen it." + fi + fi + # Done checking deplibs! + deplibs=$newdeplibs + fi + + # All the library-specific variables (install_libdir is set above). + library_names= + old_library= + dlname= + + # Test again, we may have decided not to build it any more + if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then + # Get the real and link names of the library. + eval library_names=\"$library_names_spec\" + set dummy $library_names + realname="$2" + shift; shift + + if test -n "$soname_spec"; then + eval soname=\"$soname_spec\" + else + soname="$realname" + fi + + lib="$output_objdir/$realname" + for link + do + linknames="$linknames $link" + done + + # Ensure that we have .o objects for linkers which dislike .lo + # (e.g. aix) incase we are running --disable-static + for obj in $libobjs; do + oldobj=`$echo "X$obj" | $Xsed -e "$lo2o"` + if test ! -f $oldobj; then + $show "${LN_S} $obj $oldobj" + $run ${LN_S} $obj $oldobj || exit $? + fi + done + + # Use standard objects if they are pic + test -z "$pic_flag" && libobjs=`$echo "X$libobjs" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP` + + # Prepare the list of exported symbols + if test -z "$export_symbols"; then + if test "$always_export_symbols" = yes || test -n "$export_symbols_regex"; then + $show "generating symbol list for \`$'" + export_symbols="$output_objdir/$libname.exp" + $run $rm $export_symbols + eval cmds=\"$export_symbols_cmds\" + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" || exit $? + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + if test -n "$export_symbols_regex"; then + $show "egrep -e \"$export_symbols_regex\" \"$export_symbols\" > \"${export_symbols}T\"" + $run eval 'egrep -e "$export_symbols_regex" "$export_symbols" > "${export_symbols}T"' + $show "$mv \"${export_symbols}T\" \"$export_symbols\"" + $run eval '$mv "${export_symbols}T" "$export_symbols"' + fi + fi + fi + + if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$include_expsyms"; then + $run eval '$echo "X$include_expsyms" | $SP2NL >> "$export_symbols"' + fi + + if test -n "$convenience"; then + if test -n "$whole_archive_flag_spec"; then + eval libobjs=\"\$libobjs $whole_archive_flag_spec\" + else + gentop="$output_objdir/${outputname}x" + $show "${rm}r $gentop" + $run ${rm}r "$gentop" + $show "mkdir $gentop" + $run mkdir "$gentop" + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d "$gentop"; then + exit $status + fi + generated="$generated $gentop" + + for xlib in $convenience; do + # Extract the objects. + case "$xlib" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) xabs="$xlib" ;; + *) xabs=`pwd`"/$xlib" ;; + esac + xlib=`$echo "X$xlib" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + xdir="$gentop/$xlib" + + $show "${rm}r $xdir" + $run ${rm}r "$xdir" + $show "mkdir $xdir" + $run mkdir "$xdir" + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d "$xdir"; then + exit $status + fi + $show "(cd $xdir && $AR x $xabs)" + $run eval "(cd \$xdir && $AR x \$xabs)" || exit $? + + libobjs="$libobjs "`find $xdir -name \*.o -print -o -name \*.lo -print | $NL2SP` + done + fi + fi + + if test "$thread_safe" = yes && test -n "$thread_safe_flag_spec"; then + eval flag=\"$thread_safe_flag_spec\" + linkopts="$linkopts $flag" + fi + + # Do each of the archive commands. + if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$archive_expsym_cmds"; then + eval cmds=\"$archive_expsym_cmds\" + else + eval cmds=\"$archive_cmds\" + fi + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" || exit $? + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + + # Create links to the real library. + for linkname in $linknames; do + if test "$realname" != "$linkname"; then + $show "(cd $output_objdir && $rm $linkname && $LN_S $realname $linkname)" + $run eval '(cd $output_objdir && $rm $linkname && $LN_S $realname $linkname)' || exit $? + fi + done + + # If -module or -export-dynamic was specified, set the dlname. + if test "$module" = yes || test "$export_dynamic" = yes; then + # On all known operating systems, these are identical. + dlname="$soname" + fi + fi + ;; + + *.lo | *.o | *.obj) + if test -n "$link_against_libtool_libs"; then + $echo "$modename: error: cannot link libtool libraries into objects" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test -n "$deplibs"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-l' and \`-L' are ignored for objects" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$dlfiles$dlprefiles" || test "$dlself" != no; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-dlopen' is ignored for objects" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$rpath"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-rpath' is ignored for objects" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$xrpath"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-R' is ignored for objects" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$vinfo"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-version-info' is ignored for objects" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$release"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-release' is ignored for objects" 1>&2 + fi + + case "$output" in + *.lo) + if test -n "$objs"; then + $echo "$modename: cannot build library object \`$output' from non-libtool objects" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + libobj="$output" + obj=`$echo "X$output" | $Xsed -e "$lo2o"` + ;; + *) + libobj= + obj="$output" + ;; + esac + + # Delete the old objects. + $run $rm $obj $libobj + + # Objects from convenience libraries. This assumes + # single-version convenience libraries. Whenever we create + # different ones for PIC/non-PIC, this we'll have to duplicate + # the extraction. + reload_conv_objs= + gentop= + # reload_cmds runs $LD directly, so let us get rid of + # -Wl from whole_archive_flag_spec + wl= + + if test -n "$convenience"; then + if test -n "$whole_archive_flag_spec"; then + eval reload_conv_objs=\"\$reload_objs $whole_archive_flag_spec\" + else + gentop="$output_objdir/${obj}x" + $show "${rm}r $gentop" + $run ${rm}r "$gentop" + $show "mkdir $gentop" + $run mkdir "$gentop" + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d "$gentop"; then + exit $status + fi + generated="$generated $gentop" + + for xlib in $convenience; do + # Extract the objects. + case "$xlib" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) xabs="$xlib" ;; + *) xabs=`pwd`"/$xlib" ;; + esac + xlib=`$echo "X$xlib" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + xdir="$gentop/$xlib" + + $show "${rm}r $xdir" + $run ${rm}r "$xdir" + $show "mkdir $xdir" + $run mkdir "$xdir" + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d "$xdir"; then + exit $status + fi + $show "(cd $xdir && $AR x $xabs)" + $run eval "(cd \$xdir && $AR x \$xabs)" || exit $? + + reload_conv_objs="$reload_objs "`find $xdir -name \*.o -print -o -name \*.lo -print | $NL2SP` + done + fi + fi + + # Create the old-style object. + reload_objs="$objs "`$echo "X$libobjs" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e '/\.'${libext}$'/d' -e '/\.lib$/d' -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP`" $reload_conv_objs" + + output="$obj" + eval cmds=\"$reload_cmds\" + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" || exit $? + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + + # Exit if we aren't doing a library object file. + if test -z "$libobj"; then + if test -n "$gentop"; then + $show "${rm}r $gentop" + $run ${rm}r $gentop + fi + + exit 0 + fi + + if test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes; then + if test -n "$gentop"; then + $show "${rm}r $gentop" + $run ${rm}r $gentop + fi + + # Create an invalid libtool object if no PIC, so that we don't + # accidentally link it into a program. + $show "echo timestamp > $libobj" + $run eval "echo timestamp > $libobj" || exit $? + exit 0 + fi + + if test -n "$pic_flag"; then + # Only do commands if we really have different PIC objects. + reload_objs="$libobjs $reload_conv_objs" + output="$libobj" + eval cmds=\"$reload_cmds\" + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" || exit $? + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + else + # Just create a symlink. + $show $rm $libobj + $run $rm $libobj + $show "$LN_S $obj $libobj" + $run $LN_S $obj $libobj || exit $? + fi + + if test -n "$gentop"; then + $show "${rm}r $gentop" + $run ${rm}r $gentop + fi + + exit 0 + ;; + + # Anything else should be a program. + *) + if test -n "$vinfo"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-version-info' is ignored for programs" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$release"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`-release' is ignored for programs" 1>&2 + fi + + if test "$preload" = yes; then + if test "$dlopen" = unknown && test "$dlopen_self" = unknown && + test "$dlopen_self_static" = unknown; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN' not used. Assuming no dlopen support." + fi + fi + + if test -n "$rpath$xrpath"; then + # If the user specified any rpath flags, then add them. + for libdir in $rpath $xrpath; do + # This is the magic to use -rpath. + case "$compile_rpath " in + *" $libdir "*) ;; + *) compile_rpath="$compile_rpath $libdir" ;; + esac + case "$finalize_rpath " in + *" $libdir "*) ;; + *) finalize_rpath="$finalize_rpath $libdir" ;; + esac + done + fi + + # Now hardcode the library paths + rpath= + hardcode_libdirs= + for libdir in $compile_rpath $finalize_rpath; do + if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"; then + if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then + if test -z "$hardcode_libdirs"; then + hardcode_libdirs="$libdir" + else + # Just accumulate the unique libdirs. + case "$hardcode_libdir_separator$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator" in + *"$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir$hardcode_libdir_separator"*) + ;; + *) + hardcode_libdirs="$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir" + ;; + esac + fi + else + eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + rpath="$rpath $flag" + fi + elif test -n "$runpath_var"; then + case "$perm_rpath " in + *" $libdir "*) ;; + *) perm_rpath="$perm_rpath $libdir" ;; + esac + fi + done + # Substitute the hardcoded libdirs into the rpath. + if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator" && + test -n "$hardcode_libdirs"; then + libdir="$hardcode_libdirs" + eval rpath=\" $hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + fi + compile_rpath="$rpath" + + rpath= + hardcode_libdirs= + for libdir in $finalize_rpath; do + if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"; then + if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then + if test -z "$hardcode_libdirs"; then + hardcode_libdirs="$libdir" + else + # Just accumulate the unique libdirs. + case "$hardcode_libdir_separator$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator" in + *"$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir$hardcode_libdir_separator"*) + ;; + *) + hardcode_libdirs="$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir" + ;; + esac + fi + else + eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + rpath="$rpath $flag" + fi + elif test -n "$runpath_var"; then + case "$finalize_perm_rpath " in + *" $libdir "*) ;; + *) finalize_perm_rpath="$finalize_perm_rpath $libdir" ;; + esac + fi + done + # Substitute the hardcoded libdirs into the rpath. + if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator" && + test -n "$hardcode_libdirs"; then + libdir="$hardcode_libdirs" + eval rpath=\" $hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + fi + finalize_rpath="$rpath" + + output_objdir=`$echo "X$output" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + if test "X$output_objdir" = "X$output"; then + output_objdir="$objdir" + else + output_objdir="$output_objdir/$objdir" + fi + + # Create the binary in the object directory, then wrap it. + if test ! -d $output_objdir; then + $show "$mkdir $output_objdir" + $run $mkdir $output_objdir + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d $output_objdir; then + exit $status + fi + fi + + if test -n "$libobjs" && test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then + # Transform all the library objects into standard objects. + compile_command=`$echo "X$compile_command" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP` + finalize_command=`$echo "X$finalize_command" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP` + fi + + dlsyms= + if test -n "$dlfiles$dlprefiles" || test "$dlself" != no; then + if test -n "$NM" && test -n "$global_symbol_pipe"; then + dlsyms="${outputname}S.c" + else + $echo "$modename: not configured to extract global symbols from dlpreopened files" 1>&2 + fi + fi + + if test -n "$dlsyms"; then + case "$dlsyms" in + "") ;; + *.c) + # Discover the nlist of each of the dlfiles. + nlist="$output_objdir/${outputname}.nm" + + $show "$rm $nlist ${nlist}S ${nlist}T" + $run $rm "$nlist" "${nlist}S" "${nlist}T" + + # Parse the name list into a source file. + $show "creating $output_objdir/$dlsyms" + + test -z "$run" && $echo > "$output_objdir/$dlsyms" "\ +/* $dlsyms - symbol resolution table for \`$outputname' dlsym emulation. */ +/* Generated by $PROGRAM - GNU $PACKAGE $VERSION$TIMESTAMP */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern \"C\" { +#endif + +/* Prevent the only kind of declaration conflicts we can make. */ +#define lt_preloaded_symbols some_other_symbol + +/* External symbol declarations for the compiler. */\ +" + + if test "$dlself" = yes; then + $show "generating symbol list for \`$output'" + + test -z "$run" && $echo ': @PROGRAM@ ' > "$nlist" + + # Add our own program objects to the symbol list. + progfiles=`$echo "X$objs" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP` + for arg in $progfiles; do + $show "extracting global C symbols from \`$arg'" + $run eval "$NM $arg | $global_symbol_pipe >> '$nlist'" + done + + if test -n "$exclude_expsyms"; then + $run eval 'egrep -v " ($exclude_expsyms)$" "$nlist" > "$nlist"T' + $run eval '$mv "$nlist"T "$nlist"' + fi + + if test -n "$export_symbols_regex"; then + $run eval 'egrep -e "$export_symbols_regex" "$nlist" > "$nlist"T' + $run eval '$mv "$nlist"T "$nlist"' + fi + + # Prepare the list of exported symbols + if test -z "$export_symbols"; then + export_symbols="$output_objdir/$output.exp" + $run $rm $export_symbols + $run eval "sed -n -e '/^: @PROGRAM@$/d' -e 's/^.* \(.*\)$/\1/p' "'< "$nlist" > "$export_symbols"' + else + $run eval "sed -e 's/\([][.*^$]\)/\\\1/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/$/$/'"' < "$export_symbols" > "$output_objdir/$output.exp"' + $run eval 'grep -f "$output_objdir/$output.exp" < "$nlist" > "$nlist"T' + $run eval 'mv "$nlist"T "$nlist"' + fi + fi + + for arg in $dlprefiles; do + $show "extracting global C symbols from \`$arg'" + name=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + $run eval 'echo ": $name " >> "$nlist"' + $run eval "$NM $arg | $global_symbol_pipe >> '$nlist'" + done + + if test -z "$run"; then + # Make sure we have at least an empty file. + test -f "$nlist" || : > "$nlist" + + if test -n "$exclude_expsyms"; then + egrep -v " ($exclude_expsyms)$" "$nlist" > "$nlist"T + $mv "$nlist"T "$nlist" + fi + + # Try sorting and uniquifying the output. + if grep -v "^: " < "$nlist" | sort +2 | uniq > "$nlist"S; then + : + else + grep -v "^: " < "$nlist" > "$nlist"S + fi + + if test -f "$nlist"S; then + eval "$global_symbol_to_cdecl"' < "$nlist"S >> "$output_objdir/$dlsyms"' + else + echo '/* NONE */' >> "$output_objdir/$dlsyms" + fi + + $echo >> "$output_objdir/$dlsyms" "\ + +#undef lt_preloaded_symbols + +#if defined (__STDC__) && __STDC__ +# define lt_ptr_t void * +#else +# define lt_ptr_t char * +# define const +#endif + +/* The mapping between symbol names and symbols. */ +const struct { + const char *name; + lt_ptr_t address; +} +lt_preloaded_symbols[] = +{\ +" + + sed -n -e 's/^: \([^ ]*\) $/ {\"\1\", (lt_ptr_t) 0},/p' \ + -e 's/^. \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)$/ {"\2", (lt_ptr_t) \&\2},/p' \ + < "$nlist" >> "$output_objdir/$dlsyms" + + $echo >> "$output_objdir/$dlsyms" "\ + {0, (lt_ptr_t) 0} +}; + +/* This works around a problem in FreeBSD linker */ +#ifdef FREEBSD_WORKAROUND +static const void *lt_preloaded_setup() { + return lt_preloaded_symbols; +} +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif\ +" + fi + + pic_flag_for_symtable= + case "$host" in + # compiling the symbol table file with pic_flag works around + # a FreeBSD bug that causes programs to crash when -lm is + # linked before any other PIC object. But we must not use + # pic_flag when linking with -static. The problem exists in + # FreeBSD 2.2.6 and is fixed in FreeBSD 3.1. + *-*-freebsd2*|*-*-freebsd3.0*) + case "$compile_command " in + *" -static "*) ;; + *) pic_flag_for_symtable=" $pic_flag -DPIC -DFREEBSD_WORKAROUND";; + esac + esac + + # Now compile the dynamic symbol file. + $show "(cd $output_objdir && $C_compiler -c$no_builtin_flag$pic_flag_for_symtable \"$dlsyms\")" + $run eval '(cd $output_objdir && $C_compiler -c$no_builtin_flag$pic_flag_for_symtable "$dlsyms")' || exit $? + + # Clean up the generated files. + $show "$rm $output_objdir/$dlsyms $nlist ${nlist}S ${nlist}T" + $run $rm "$output_objdir/$dlsyms" "$nlist" "${nlist}S" "${nlist}T" + + # Transform the symbol file into the correct name. + compile_command=`$echo "X$compile_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@SYMFILE@%$output_objdir/${outputname}S.${objext}%"` + finalize_command=`$echo "X$finalize_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@SYMFILE@%$output_objdir/${outputname}S.${objext}%"` + ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: unknown suffix for \`$dlsyms'" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + else + # We keep going just in case the user didn't refer to + # lt_preloaded_symbols. The linker will fail if global_symbol_pipe + # really was required. + + # Nullify the symbol file. + compile_command=`$echo "X$compile_command" | $Xsed -e "s% @SYMFILE@%%"` + finalize_command=`$echo "X$finalize_command" | $Xsed -e "s% @SYMFILE@%%"` + fi + + if test -z "$link_against_libtool_libs" || test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes; then + # Replace the output file specification. + compile_command=`$echo "X$compile_command" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%'"$output"'%g'` + link_command="$compile_command$compile_rpath" + + # We have no uninstalled library dependencies, so finalize right now. + $show "$link_command" + $run eval "$link_command" + status=$? + + # Delete the generated files. + if test -n "$dlsyms"; then + $show "$rm $output_objdir/${outputname}S.${objext}" + $run $rm "$output_objdir/${outputname}S.${objext}" + fi + + exit $status + fi + + if test -n "$shlibpath_var"; then + # We should set the shlibpath_var + rpath= + for dir in $temp_rpath; do + case "$dir" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) + # Absolute path. + rpath="$rpath$dir:" + ;; + *) + # Relative path: add a thisdir entry. + rpath="$rpath\$thisdir/$dir:" + ;; + esac + done + temp_rpath="$rpath" + fi + + if test -n "$compile_shlibpath$finalize_shlibpath"; then + compile_command="$shlibpath_var=\"$compile_shlibpath$finalize_shlibpath\$$shlibpath_var\" $compile_command" + fi + if test -n "$finalize_shlibpath"; then + finalize_command="$shlibpath_var=\"$finalize_shlibpath\$$shlibpath_var\" $finalize_command" + fi + + compile_var= + finalize_var= + if test -n "$runpath_var"; then + if test -n "$perm_rpath"; then + # We should set the runpath_var. + rpath= + for dir in $perm_rpath; do + rpath="$rpath$dir:" + done + compile_var="$runpath_var=\"$rpath\$$runpath_var\" " + fi + if test -n "$finalize_perm_rpath"; then + # We should set the runpath_var. + rpath= + for dir in $finalize_perm_rpath; do + rpath="$rpath$dir:" + done + finalize_var="$runpath_var=\"$rpath\$$runpath_var\" " + fi + fi + + if test "$hardcode_action" = relink; then + # Fast installation is not supported + link_command="$compile_var$compile_command$compile_rpath" + relink_command="$finalize_var$finalize_command$finalize_rpath" + + $echo "$modename: warning: this platform does not like uninstalled shared libraries" 1>&2 + $echo "$modename: \`$output' will be relinked during installation" 1>&2 + else + if test "$fast_install" != no; then + link_command="$finalize_var$compile_command$finalize_rpath" + if test "$fast_install" = yes; then + relink_command=`$echo "X$compile_var$compile_command$compile_rpath" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%\$progdir/\$file%g'` + else + # fast_install is set to needless + relink_command= + fi + else + link_command="$compile_var$compile_command$compile_rpath" + relink_command="$finalize_var$finalize_command$finalize_rpath" + fi + fi + + # Replace the output file specification. + link_command=`$echo "X$link_command" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%'"$output_objdir/$outputname"'%g'` + + # Delete the old output files. + $run $rm $output $output_objdir/$outputname $output_objdir/lt-$outputname + + $show "$link_command" + $run eval "$link_command" || exit $? + + # Now create the wrapper script. + $show "creating $output" + + # Quote the relink command for shipping. + if test -n "$relink_command"; then + relink_command=`$echo "X$relink_command" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + fi + + # Quote $echo for shipping. + if test "X$echo" = "X$SHELL $0 --fallback-echo"; then + case "$0" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) qecho="$SHELL $0 --fallback-echo";; + *) qecho="$SHELL `pwd`/$0 --fallback-echo";; + esac + qecho=`$echo "X$qecho" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + else + qecho=`$echo "X$echo" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + fi + + # Only actually do things if our run command is non-null. + if test -z "$run"; then + # win32 will think the script is a binary if it has + # a .exe suffix, so we strip it off here. + case $output in + *.exe) output=`echo $output|sed 's,.exe$,,'` ;; + esac + $rm $output + trap "$rm $output; exit 1" 1 2 15 + + $echo > $output "\ +#! $SHELL + +# $output - temporary wrapper script for $objdir/$outputname +# Generated by $PROGRAM - GNU $PACKAGE $VERSION$TIMESTAMP +# +# The $output program cannot be directly executed until all the libtool +# libraries that it depends on are installed. +# +# This wrapper script should never be moved out of the build directory. +# If it is, it will not operate correctly. + +# Sed substitution that helps us do robust quoting. It backslashifies +# metacharacters that are still active within double-quoted strings. +Xsed='sed -e 1s/^X//' +sed_quote_subst='$sed_quote_subst' + +# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout +# if CDPATH is set. +if test \"\${CDPATH+set}\" = set; then CDPATH=; export CDPATH; fi + +relink_command=\"$relink_command\" + +# This environment variable determines our operation mode. +if test \"\$libtool_install_magic\" = \"$magic\"; then + # install mode needs the following variable: + link_against_libtool_libs='$link_against_libtool_libs' +else + # When we are sourced in execute mode, \$file and \$echo are already set. + if test \"\$libtool_execute_magic\" != \"$magic\"; then + echo=\"$qecho\" + file=\"\$0\" + # Make sure echo works. + if test \"X\$1\" = X--no-reexec; then + # Discard the --no-reexec flag, and continue. + shift + elif test \"X\`(\$echo '\t') 2>/dev/null\`\" = 'X\t'; then + # Yippee, \$echo works! + : + else + # Restart under the correct shell, and then maybe \$echo will work. + exec $SHELL \"\$0\" --no-reexec \${1+\"\$@\"} + fi + fi\ +" + $echo >> $output "\ + + # Find the directory that this script lives in. + thisdir=\`\$echo \"X\$file\" | \$Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'\` + test \"x\$thisdir\" = \"x\$file\" && thisdir=. + + # Follow symbolic links until we get to the real thisdir. + file=\`ls -ld \"\$file\" | sed -n 's/.*-> //p'\` + while test -n \"\$file\"; do + destdir=\`\$echo \"X\$file\" | \$Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*\$%%'\` + + # If there was a directory component, then change thisdir. + if test \"x\$destdir\" != \"x\$file\"; then + case \"\$destdir\" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) thisdir=\"\$destdir\" ;; + *) thisdir=\"\$thisdir/\$destdir\" ;; + esac + fi + + file=\`\$echo \"X\$file\" | \$Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'\` + file=\`ls -ld \"\$thisdir/\$file\" | sed -n 's/.*-> //p'\` + done + + # Try to get the absolute directory name. + absdir=\`cd \"\$thisdir\" && pwd\` + test -n \"\$absdir\" && thisdir=\"\$absdir\" +" + + if test "$fast_install" = yes; then + echo >> $output "\ + program=lt-'$outputname' + progdir=\"\$thisdir/$objdir\" + + if test ! -f \"\$progdir/\$program\" || \\ + { file=\`ls -1dt \"\$progdir/\$program\" \"\$progdir/../\$program\" 2>/dev/null | sed 1q\`; \\ + test \"X\$file\" != \"X\$progdir/\$program\"; }; then + + file=\"\$\$-\$program\" + + if test ! -d \"\$progdir\"; then + $mkdir \"\$progdir\" + else + $rm \"\$progdir/\$file\" + fi" + + echo >> $output "\ + + # relink executable if necessary + if test -n \"\$relink_command\"; then + if (cd \"\$thisdir\" && eval \$relink_command); then : + else + $rm \"\$progdir/\$file\" + exit 1 + fi + fi + + $mv \"\$progdir/\$file\" \"\$progdir/\$program\" 2>/dev/null || + { $rm \"\$progdir/\$program\"; + $mv \"\$progdir/\$file\" \"\$progdir/\$program\"; } + $rm \"\$progdir/\$file\" + fi" + else + echo >> $output "\ + program='$outputname$exeext' + progdir=\"\$thisdir/$objdir\" +" + fi + + echo >> $output "\ + + if test -f \"\$progdir/\$program\"; then" + + # Export our shlibpath_var if we have one. + if test "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" = yes && test -n "$shlibpath_var" && test -n "$temp_rpath"; then + $echo >> $output "\ + # Add our own library path to $shlibpath_var + $shlibpath_var=\"$temp_rpath\$$shlibpath_var\" + + # Some systems cannot cope with colon-terminated $shlibpath_var + # The second colon is a workaround for a bug in BeOS R4 sed + $shlibpath_var=\`\$echo \"X\$$shlibpath_var\" | \$Xsed -e 's/::*\$//'\` + + export $shlibpath_var +" + fi + + # fixup the dll searchpath if we need to. + if test -n "$dllsearchpath"; then + $echo >> $output "\ + # Add the dll search path components to the executable PATH + PATH=$dllsearchpath:\$PATH +" + fi + + $echo >> $output "\ + if test \"\$libtool_execute_magic\" != \"$magic\"; then + # Run the actual program with our arguments. +" + case $host in + *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw | *-*-os2*) + # win32 systems need to use the prog path for dll + # lookup to work + $echo >> $output "\ + exec \$progdir\\\\\$program \${1+\"\$@\"} +" + ;; + *) + $echo >> $output "\ + # Export the path to the program. + PATH=\"\$progdir:\$PATH\" + export PATH + + exec \$program \${1+\"\$@\"} +" + ;; + esac + $echo >> $output "\ + \$echo \"\$0: cannot exec \$program \${1+\"\$@\"}\" + exit 1 + fi + else + # The program doesn't exist. + \$echo \"\$0: error: \$progdir/\$program does not exist\" 1>&2 + \$echo \"This script is just a wrapper for \$program.\" 1>&2 + echo \"See the $PACKAGE documentation for more information.\" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi +fi\ +" + chmod +x $output + fi + exit 0 + ;; + esac + + # See if we need to build an old-fashioned archive. + for oldlib in $oldlibs; do + + if test "$build_libtool_libs" = convenience; then + oldobjs="$libobjs_save" + addlibs="$convenience" + build_libtool_libs=no + else + if test "$build_libtool_libs" = module; then + oldobjs="$libobjs_save" + build_libtool_libs=no + else + oldobjs="$objs "`$echo "X$libobjs_save" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e '/\.'${libext}'$/d' -e '/\.lib$/d' -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP` + fi + addlibs="$old_convenience" + fi + + if test -n "$addlibs"; then + gentop="$output_objdir/${outputname}x" + $show "${rm}r $gentop" + $run ${rm}r "$gentop" + $show "mkdir $gentop" + $run mkdir "$gentop" + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d "$gentop"; then + exit $status + fi + generated="$generated $gentop" + + # Add in members from convenience archives. + for xlib in $addlibs; do + # Extract the objects. + case "$xlib" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) xabs="$xlib" ;; + *) xabs=`pwd`"/$xlib" ;; + esac + xlib=`$echo "X$xlib" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + xdir="$gentop/$xlib" + + $show "${rm}r $xdir" + $run ${rm}r "$xdir" + $show "mkdir $xdir" + $run mkdir "$xdir" + status=$? + if test $status -ne 0 && test ! -d "$xdir"; then + exit $status + fi + $show "(cd $xdir && $AR x $xabs)" + $run eval "(cd \$xdir && $AR x \$xabs)" || exit $? + + oldobjs="$oldobjs "`find $xdir -name \*.${objext} -print -o -name \*.lo -print | $NL2SP` + done + fi + + # Do each command in the archive commands. + if test -n "$old_archive_from_new_cmds" && test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then + eval cmds=\"$old_archive_from_new_cmds\" + else + # Ensure that we have .o objects in place incase we decided + # not to build a shared library, and have fallen back to building + # static libs even though --disable-static was passed! + for oldobj in $oldobjs; do + if test ! -f $oldobj; then + obj=`$echo "X$oldobj" | $Xsed -e "$o2lo"` + $show "${LN_S} $obj $oldobj" + $run ${LN_S} $obj $oldobj || exit $? + fi + done + + eval cmds=\"$old_archive_cmds\" + fi + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" || exit $? + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + done + + if test -n "$generated"; then + $show "${rm}r$generated" + $run ${rm}r$generated + fi + + # Now create the libtool archive. + case "$output" in + *.la) + old_library= + test "$build_old_libs" = yes && old_library="$libname.$libext" + $show "creating $output" + + if test -n "$xrpath"; then + temp_xrpath= + for libdir in $xrpath; do + temp_xrpath="$temp_xrpath -R$libdir" + done + dependency_libs="$temp_xrpath $dependency_libs" + fi + + # Only create the output if not a dry run. + if test -z "$run"; then + for installed in no yes; do + if test "$installed" = yes; then + if test -z "$install_libdir"; then + break + fi + output="$output_objdir/$outputname"i + fi + $rm $output + $echo > $output "\ +# $outputname - a libtool library file +# Generated by $PROGRAM - GNU $PACKAGE $VERSION$TIMESTAMP +# +# Please DO NOT delete this file! +# It is necessary for linking the library. + +# The name that we can dlopen(3). +dlname='$dlname' + +# Names of this library. +library_names='$library_names' + +# The name of the static archive. +old_library='$old_library' + +# Libraries that this one depends upon. +dependency_libs='$dependency_libs' + +# Version information for $libname. +current=$current +age=$age +revision=$revision + +# Is this an already installed library? +installed=$installed + +# Directory that this library needs to be installed in: +libdir='$install_libdir'\ +" + done + fi + + # Do a symbolic link so that the libtool archive can be found in + # LD_LIBRARY_PATH before the program is installed. + $show "(cd $output_objdir && $rm $outputname && $LN_S ../$outputname $outputname)" + $run eval "(cd $output_objdir && $rm $outputname && $LN_S ../$outputname $outputname)" || exit $? + ;; + esac + exit 0 + ;; + + # libtool install mode + install) + modename="$modename: install" + + # There may be an optional sh(1) argument at the beginning of + # install_prog (especially on Windows NT). + if test "$nonopt" = "$SHELL" || test "$nonopt" = /bin/sh; then + # Aesthetically quote it. + arg=`$echo "X$nonopt" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + case "$arg" in + *[\[\~\#\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\|\;\<\>\?\'\ \ ]*|*]*) + arg="\"$arg\"" + ;; + esac + install_prog="$arg " + arg="$1" + shift + else + install_prog= + arg="$nonopt" + fi + + # The real first argument should be the name of the installation program. + # Aesthetically quote it. + arg=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + case "$arg" in + *[\[\~\#\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\|\;\<\>\?\'\ \ ]*|*]*) + arg="\"$arg\"" + ;; + esac + install_prog="$install_prog$arg" + + # We need to accept at least all the BSD install flags. + dest= + files= + opts= + prev= + install_type= + isdir=no + stripme= + for arg + do + if test -n "$dest"; then + files="$files $dest" + dest="$arg" + continue + fi + + case "$arg" in + -d) isdir=yes ;; + -f) prev="-f" ;; + -g) prev="-g" ;; + -m) prev="-m" ;; + -o) prev="-o" ;; + -s) + stripme=" -s" + continue + ;; + -*) ;; + + *) + # If the previous option needed an argument, then skip it. + if test -n "$prev"; then + prev= + else + dest="$arg" + continue + fi + ;; + esac + + # Aesthetically quote the argument. + arg=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + case "$arg" in + *[\[\~\#\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\|\;\<\>\?\'\ \ ]*|*]*) + arg="\"$arg\"" + ;; + esac + install_prog="$install_prog $arg" + done + + if test -z "$install_prog"; then + $echo "$modename: you must specify an install program" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test -n "$prev"; then + $echo "$modename: the \`$prev' option requires an argument" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test -z "$files"; then + if test -z "$dest"; then + $echo "$modename: no file or destination specified" 1>&2 + else + $echo "$modename: you must specify a destination" 1>&2 + fi + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + # Strip any trailing slash from the destination. + dest=`$echo "X$dest" | $Xsed -e 's%/$%%'` + + # Check to see that the destination is a directory. + test -d "$dest" && isdir=yes + if test "$isdir" = yes; then + destdir="$dest" + destname= + else + destdir=`$echo "X$dest" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + test "X$destdir" = "X$dest" && destdir=. + destname=`$echo "X$dest" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + + # Not a directory, so check to see that there is only one file specified. + set dummy $files + if test $# -gt 2; then + $echo "$modename: \`$dest' is not a directory" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + fi + case "$destdir" in + [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;; + *) + for file in $files; do + case "$file" in + *.lo) ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: \`$destdir' must be an absolute directory name" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + done + ;; + esac + + # This variable tells wrapper scripts just to set variables rather + # than running their programs. + libtool_install_magic="$magic" + + staticlibs= + future_libdirs= + current_libdirs= + for file in $files; do + + # Do each installation. + case "$file" in + *.a | *.lib) + # Do the static libraries later. + staticlibs="$staticlibs $file" + ;; + + *.la) + # Check to see that this really is a libtool archive. + if (sed -e '2q' $file | egrep "^# Generated by .*$PACKAGE") >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + else + $echo "$modename: \`$file' is not a valid libtool archive" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + library_names= + old_library= + # If there is no directory component, then add one. + case "$file" in + */* | *\\*) . $file ;; + *) . ./$file ;; + esac + + # Add the libdir to current_libdirs if it is the destination. + if test "X$destdir" = "X$libdir"; then + case "$current_libdirs " in + *" $libdir "*) ;; + *) current_libdirs="$current_libdirs $libdir" ;; + esac + else + # Note the libdir as a future libdir. + case "$future_libdirs " in + *" $libdir "*) ;; + *) future_libdirs="$future_libdirs $libdir" ;; + esac + fi + + dir="`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'`/" + test "X$dir" = "X$file/" && dir= + dir="$dir$objdir" + + # See the names of the shared library. + set dummy $library_names + if test -n "$2"; then + realname="$2" + shift + shift + + # Install the shared library and build the symlinks. + $show "$install_prog $dir/$realname $destdir/$realname" + $run eval "$install_prog $dir/$realname $destdir/$realname" || exit $? + + if test $# -gt 0; then + # Delete the old symlinks, and create new ones. + for linkname + do + if test "$linkname" != "$realname"; then + $show "(cd $destdir && $rm $linkname && $LN_S $realname $linkname)" + $run eval "(cd $destdir && $rm $linkname && $LN_S $realname $linkname)" + fi + done + fi + + # Do each command in the postinstall commands. + lib="$destdir/$realname" + eval cmds=\"$postinstall_cmds\" + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" || exit $? + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + fi + + # Install the pseudo-library for information purposes. + name=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + instname="$dir/$name"i + $show "$install_prog $instname $destdir/$name" + $run eval "$install_prog $instname $destdir/$name" || exit $? + + # Maybe install the static library, too. + test -n "$old_library" && staticlibs="$staticlibs $dir/$old_library" + ;; + + *.lo) + # Install (i.e. copy) a libtool object. + + # Figure out destination file name, if it wasn't already specified. + if test -n "$destname"; then + destfile="$destdir/$destname" + else + destfile=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + destfile="$destdir/$destfile" + fi + + # Deduce the name of the destination old-style object file. + case "$destfile" in + *.lo) + staticdest=`$echo "X$destfile" | $Xsed -e "$lo2o"` + ;; + *.o | *.obj) + staticdest="$destfile" + destfile= + ;; + *) + $echo "$modename: cannot copy a libtool object to \`$destfile'" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + # Install the libtool object if requested. + if test -n "$destfile"; then + $show "$install_prog $file $destfile" + $run eval "$install_prog $file $destfile" || exit $? + fi + + # Install the old object if enabled. + if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then + # Deduce the name of the old-style object file. + staticobj=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e "$lo2o"` + + $show "$install_prog $staticobj $staticdest" + $run eval "$install_prog \$staticobj \$staticdest" || exit $? + fi + exit 0 + ;; + + *) + # Figure out destination file name, if it wasn't already specified. + if test -n "$destname"; then + destfile="$destdir/$destname" + else + destfile=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + destfile="$destdir/$destfile" + fi + + # Do a test to see if this is really a libtool program. + if (sed -e '4q' $file | egrep "^# Generated by .*$PACKAGE") >/dev/null 2>&1; then + link_against_libtool_libs= + relink_command= + + # If there is no directory component, then add one. + case "$file" in + */* | *\\*) . $file ;; + *) . ./$file ;; + esac + + # Check the variables that should have been set. + if test -z "$link_against_libtool_libs"; then + $echo "$modename: invalid libtool wrapper script \`$file'" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + finalize=yes + for lib in $link_against_libtool_libs; do + # Check to see that each library is installed. + libdir= + if test -f "$lib"; then + # If there is no directory component, then add one. + case "$lib" in + */* | *\\*) . $lib ;; + *) . ./$lib ;; + esac + fi + libfile="$libdir/`$echo "X$lib" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%g'`" + if test -n "$libdir" && test ! -f "$libfile"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: \`$lib' has not been installed in \`$libdir'" 1>&2 + finalize=no + fi + done + + outputname= + if test "$fast_install" = no && test -n "$relink_command"; then + if test "$finalize" = yes && test -z "$run"; then + tmpdir="/tmp" + test -n "$TMPDIR" && tmpdir="$TMPDIR" + tmpdir="$tmpdir/libtool-$$" + if $mkdir -p "$tmpdir" && chmod 700 "$tmpdir"; then : + else + $echo "$modename: error: cannot create temporary directory \`$tmpdir'" 1>&2 + continue + fi + outputname="$tmpdir/$file" + # Replace the output file specification. + relink_command=`$echo "X$relink_command" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%'"$outputname"'%g'` + + $show "$relink_command" + if $run eval "$relink_command"; then : + else + $echo "$modename: error: relink \`$file' with the above command before installing it" 1>&2 + ${rm}r "$tmpdir" + continue + fi + file="$outputname" + else + $echo "$modename: warning: cannot relink \`$file'" 1>&2 + fi + else + # Install the binary that we compiled earlier. + file=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e "s%\([^/]*\)$%$objdir/\1%"` + fi + fi + + $show "$install_prog$stripme $file $destfile" + $run eval "$install_prog\$stripme \$file \$destfile" || exit $? + test -n "$outputname" && ${rm}r "$tmpdir" + ;; + esac + done + + for file in $staticlibs; do + name=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + + # Set up the ranlib parameters. + oldlib="$destdir/$name" + + $show "$install_prog $file $oldlib" + $run eval "$install_prog \$file \$oldlib" || exit $? + + # Do each command in the postinstall commands. + eval cmds=\"$old_postinstall_cmds\" + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" || exit $? + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + done + + if test -n "$future_libdirs"; then + $echo "$modename: warning: remember to run \`$progname --finish$future_libdirs'" 1>&2 + fi + + if test -n "$current_libdirs"; then + # Maybe just do a dry run. + test -n "$run" && current_libdirs=" -n$current_libdirs" + exec $SHELL $0 --finish$current_libdirs + exit 1 + fi + + exit 0 + ;; + + # libtool finish mode + finish) + modename="$modename: finish" + libdirs="$nonopt" + admincmds= + + if test -n "$finish_cmds$finish_eval" && test -n "$libdirs"; then + for dir + do + libdirs="$libdirs $dir" + done + + for libdir in $libdirs; do + if test -n "$finish_cmds"; then + # Do each command in the finish commands. + eval cmds=\"$finish_cmds\" + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" || admincmds="$admincmds + $cmd" + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + fi + if test -n "$finish_eval"; then + # Do the single finish_eval. + eval cmds=\"$finish_eval\" + $run eval "$cmds" || admincmds="$admincmds + $cmds" + fi + done + fi + + # Exit here if they wanted silent mode. + test "$show" = : && exit 0 + + echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" + echo "Libraries have been installed in:" + for libdir in $libdirs; do + echo " $libdir" + done + echo + echo "If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries" + echo "in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and" + echo "specify the full pathname of the library, or use \`-LLIBDIR'" + echo "flag during linking and do at least one of the following:" + if test -n "$shlibpath_var"; then + echo " - add LIBDIR to the \`$shlibpath_var' environment variable" + echo " during execution" + fi + if test -n "$runpath_var"; then + echo " - add LIBDIR to the \`$runpath_var' environment variable" + echo " during linking" + fi + if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"; then + libdir=LIBDIR + eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + + echo " - use the \`$flag' linker flag" + fi + if test -n "$admincmds"; then + echo " - have your system administrator run these commands:$admincmds" + fi + if test -f /etc/; then + echo " - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to \`/etc/'" + fi + echo + echo "See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for" + echo "more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages." + echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" + exit 0 + ;; + + # libtool execute mode + execute) + modename="$modename: execute" + + # The first argument is the command name. + cmd="$nonopt" + if test -z "$cmd"; then + $echo "$modename: you must specify a COMMAND" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" + exit 1 + fi + + # Handle -dlopen flags immediately. + for file in $execute_dlfiles; do + if test ! -f "$file"; then + $echo "$modename: \`$file' is not a file" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + dir= + case "$file" in + *.la) + # Check to see that this really is a libtool archive. + if (sed -e '2q' $file | egrep "^# Generated by .*$PACKAGE") >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + else + $echo "$modename: \`$lib' is not a valid libtool archive" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + # Read the libtool library. + dlname= + library_names= + + # If there is no directory component, then add one. + case "$file" in + */* | *\\*) . $file ;; + *) . ./$file ;; + esac + + # Skip this library if it cannot be dlopened. + if test -z "$dlname"; then + # Warn if it was a shared library. + test -n "$library_names" && $echo "$modename: warning: \`$file' was not linked with \`-export-dynamic'" + continue + fi + + dir=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + test "X$dir" = "X$file" && dir=. + + if test -f "$dir/$objdir/$dlname"; then + dir="$dir/$objdir" + else + $echo "$modename: cannot find \`$dlname' in \`$dir' or \`$dir/$objdir'" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + ;; + + *.lo) + # Just add the directory containing the .lo file. + dir=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + test "X$dir" = "X$file" && dir=. + ;; + + *) + $echo "$modename: warning \`-dlopen' is ignored for non-libtool libraries and objects" 1>&2 + continue + ;; + esac + + # Get the absolute pathname. + absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd` + test -n "$absdir" && dir="$absdir" + + # Now add the directory to shlibpath_var. + if eval "test -z \"\$$shlibpath_var\""; then + eval "$shlibpath_var=\"\$dir\"" + else + eval "$shlibpath_var=\"\$dir:\$$shlibpath_var\"" + fi + done + + # This variable tells wrapper scripts just to set shlibpath_var + # rather than running their programs. + libtool_execute_magic="$magic" + + # Check if any of the arguments is a wrapper script. + args= + for file + do + case "$file" in + -*) ;; + *) + # Do a test to see if this is really a libtool program. + if (sed -e '4q' $file | egrep "^# Generated by .*$PACKAGE") >/dev/null 2>&1; then + # If there is no directory component, then add one. + case "$file" in + */* | *\\*) . $file ;; + *) . ./$file ;; + esac + + # Transform arg to wrapped name. + file="$progdir/$program" + fi + ;; + esac + # Quote arguments (to preserve shell metacharacters). + file=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` + args="$args \"$file\"" + done + + if test -z "$run"; then + # Export the shlibpath_var. + eval "export $shlibpath_var" + + # Restore saved enviroment variables + if test "${save_LC_ALL+set}" = set; then + LC_ALL="$save_LC_ALL"; export LC_ALL + fi + if test "${save_LANG+set}" = set; then + LANG="$save_LANG"; export LANG + fi + + # Now actually exec the command. + eval "exec \$cmd$args" + + $echo "$modename: cannot exec \$cmd$args" + exit 1 + else + # Display what would be done. + eval "\$echo \"\$shlibpath_var=\$$shlibpath_var\"" + $echo "export $shlibpath_var" + $echo "$cmd$args" + exit 0 + fi + ;; + + # libtool uninstall mode + uninstall) + modename="$modename: uninstall" + rm="$nonopt" + files= + + for arg + do + case "$arg" in + -*) rm="$rm $arg" ;; + *) files="$files $arg" ;; + esac + done + + if test -z "$rm"; then + $echo "$modename: you must specify an RM program" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + for file in $files; do + dir=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'` + test "X$dir" = "X$file" && dir=. + name=`$echo "X$file" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + + rmfiles="$file" + + case "$name" in + *.la) + # Possibly a libtool archive, so verify it. + if (sed -e '2q' $file | egrep "^# Generated by .*$PACKAGE") >/dev/null 2>&1; then + . $dir/$name + + # Delete the libtool libraries and symlinks. + for n in $library_names; do + rmfiles="$rmfiles $dir/$n" + done + test -n "$old_library" && rmfiles="$rmfiles $dir/$old_library" + + $show "$rm $rmfiles" + $run $rm $rmfiles + + if test -n "$library_names"; then + # Do each command in the postuninstall commands. + eval cmds=\"$postuninstall_cmds\" + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + fi + + if test -n "$old_library"; then + # Do each command in the old_postuninstall commands. + eval cmds=\"$old_postuninstall_cmds\" + IFS="${IFS= }"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~' + for cmd in $cmds; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + $show "$cmd" + $run eval "$cmd" + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + fi + + # FIXME: should reinstall the best remaining shared library. + fi + ;; + + *.lo) + if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then + oldobj=`$echo "X$name" | $Xsed -e "$lo2o"` + rmfiles="$rmfiles $dir/$oldobj" + fi + $show "$rm $rmfiles" + $run $rm $rmfiles + ;; + + *) + $show "$rm $rmfiles" + $run $rm $rmfiles + ;; + esac + done + exit 0 + ;; + + "") + $echo "$modename: you must specify a MODE" 1>&2 + $echo "$generic_help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + $echo "$modename: invalid operation mode \`$mode'" 1>&2 + $echo "$generic_help" 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi # test -z "$show_help" + +# We need to display help for each of the modes. +case "$mode" in +"") $echo \ +"Usage: $modename [OPTION]... [MODE-ARG]... + +Provide generalized library-building support services. + + --config show all configuration variables + --debug enable verbose shell tracing +-n, --dry-run display commands without modifying any files + --features display basic configuration information and exit + --finish same as \`--mode=finish' + --help display this help message and exit + --mode=MODE use operation mode MODE [default=inferred from MODE-ARGS] + --quiet same as \`--silent' + --silent don't print informational messages + --version print version information + +MODE must be one of the following: + + compile compile a source file into a libtool object + execute automatically set library path, then run a program + finish complete the installation of libtool libraries + install install libraries or executables + link create a library or an executable + uninstall remove libraries from an installed directory + +MODE-ARGS vary depending on the MODE. Try \`$modename --help --mode=MODE' for +a more detailed description of MODE." + exit 0 + ;; + +compile) + $echo \ +"Usage: $modename [OPTION]... --mode=compile COMPILE-COMMAND... SOURCEFILE + +Compile a source file into a libtool library object. + +This mode accepts the following additional options: + + -o OUTPUT-FILE set the output file name to OUTPUT-FILE + -static always build a \`.o' file suitable for static linking + +COMPILE-COMMAND is a command to be used in creating a \`standard' object file +from the given SOURCEFILE. + +The output file name is determined by removing the directory component from +SOURCEFILE, then substituting the C source code suffix \`.c' with the +library object suffix, \`.lo'." + ;; + +execute) + $echo \ +"Usage: $modename [OPTION]... --mode=execute COMMAND [ARGS]... + +Automatically set library path, then run a program. + +This mode accepts the following additional options: + + -dlopen FILE add the directory containing FILE to the library path + +This mode sets the library path environment variable according to \`-dlopen' +flags. + +If any of the ARGS are libtool executable wrappers, then they are translated +into their corresponding uninstalled binary, and any of their required library +directories are added to the library path. + +Then, COMMAND is executed, with ARGS as arguments." + ;; + +finish) + $echo \ +"Usage: $modename [OPTION]... --mode=finish [LIBDIR]... + +Complete the installation of libtool libraries. + +Each LIBDIR is a directory that contains libtool libraries. + +The commands that this mode executes may require superuser privileges. Use +the \`--dry-run' option if you just want to see what would be executed." + ;; + +install) + $echo \ +"Usage: $modename [OPTION]... --mode=install INSTALL-COMMAND... + +Install executables or libraries. + +INSTALL-COMMAND is the installation command. The first component should be +either the \`install' or \`cp' program. + +The rest of the components are interpreted as arguments to that command (only +BSD-compatible install options are recognized)." + ;; + +link) + $echo \ +"Usage: $modename [OPTION]... --mode=link LINK-COMMAND... + +Link object files or libraries together to form another library, or to +create an executable program. + +LINK-COMMAND is a command using the C compiler that you would use to create +a program from several object files. + +The following components of LINK-COMMAND are treated specially: + + -all-static do not do any dynamic linking at all + -avoid-version do not add a version suffix if possible + -dlopen FILE \`-dlpreopen' FILE if it cannot be dlopened at runtime + -dlpreopen FILE link in FILE and add its symbols to lt_preloaded_symbols + -export-dynamic allow symbols from OUTPUT-FILE to be resolved with dlsym(3) + -export-symbols SYMFILE + try to export only the symbols listed in SYMFILE + -export-symbols-regex REGEX + try to export only the symbols matching REGEX + -LLIBDIR search LIBDIR for required installed libraries + -lNAME OUTPUT-FILE requires the installed library libNAME + -module build a library that can dlopened + -no-undefined declare that a library does not refer to external symbols + -o OUTPUT-FILE create OUTPUT-FILE from the specified objects + -release RELEASE specify package release information + -rpath LIBDIR the created library will eventually be installed in LIBDIR + -R[ ]LIBDIR add LIBDIR to the runtime path of programs and libraries + -static do not do any dynamic linking of libtool libraries + -version-info CURRENT[:REVISION[:AGE]] + specify library version info [each variable defaults to 0] + +All other options (arguments beginning with \`-') are ignored. + +Every other argument is treated as a filename. Files ending in \`.la' are +treated as uninstalled libtool libraries, other files are standard or library +object files. + +If the OUTPUT-FILE ends in \`.la', then a libtool library is created, +only library objects (\`.lo' files) may be specified, and \`-rpath' is +required, except when creating a convenience library. + +If OUTPUT-FILE ends in \`.a' or \`.lib', then a standard library is created +using \`ar' and \`ranlib', or on Windows using \`lib'. + +If OUTPUT-FILE ends in \`.lo' or \`.${objext}', then a reloadable object file +is created, otherwise an executable program is created." + ;; + +uninstall) + $echo \ +"Usage: $modename [OPTION]... --mode=uninstall RM [RM-OPTION]... FILE... + +Remove libraries from an installation directory. + +RM is the name of the program to use to delete files associated with each FILE +(typically \`/bin/rm'). RM-OPTIONS are options (such as \`-f') to be passed +to RM. + +If FILE is a libtool library, all the files associated with it are deleted. +Otherwise, only FILE itself is deleted using RM." + ;; + +*) + $echo "$modename: invalid operation mode \`$mode'" 1>&2 + $echo "$help" 1>&2 + exit 1 + ;; +esac + +echo +$echo "Try \`$modename --help' for more information about other modes." + +exit 0 + +# Local Variables: +# mode:shell-script +# sh-indentation:2 +# End: diff --git a/m4/ b/m4/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f60c83cf --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +## Process this file with automake to produce -*-Makefile-*- + +##m4-files-begin +EXTRA_DIST = README malloc.m4 perl.m4 realloc.m4 + +##m4-files-end + + rm -f $@ $@t + sed -n '1,/^##m4-files-begin/p' $< > $@t + ( echo EXTRA_DIST = README; \ + find . -type f -name '*.m4' -print |sed 's,^\./,,' |sort ) \ + |fmt | (tr '\012' @; echo) \ + |sed 's/@$$/%/;s/@/ \\@/g' |tr @% '\012\012' \ + >> $@t + sed -n '/^##m4-files-end/,$$p' $< >> $@t + chmod a-w $@t + mv $@t $@ diff --git a/m4/ b/m4/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ee9c43b --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +## Process this file with automake to produce -*-Makefile-*- + +##m4-files-begin +##m4-files-end + + rm -f $@ $@t + sed -n '1,/^##m4-files-begin/p' $< > $@t + ( echo EXTRA_DIST = README; \ + find . -type f -name '*.m4' -print |sed 's,^\./,,' |sort ) \ + |fmt | (tr '\012' @; echo) \ + |sed 's/@$$/%/;s/@/ \\@/g' |tr @% '\012\012' \ + >> $@t + sed -n '/^##m4-files-end/,$$p' $< >> $@t + chmod a-w $@t + mv $@t $@ diff --git a/m4/README b/m4/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df032df9 --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/README @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +These files are used by a program called aclocal (part of the GNU automake +package). aclocal uses these files to create aclocal.m4 which is in turn +used by autoconf to create the configure script at the the top level in +this distribution. + +The file in this directory is automatically generated +from the template file, The generation will fail +if you don't have all the right tools. diff --git a/m4/malloc.m4 b/m4/malloc.m4 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bd3cad46 --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/malloc.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +#serial 1 + +dnl From Jim Meyering. +dnl Determine whether malloc accepts 0 as its argument. +dnl If it doesn't, arrange to use the replacement function. +dnl +dnl If you use this macro in a package, you should +dnl add the following two lines to acconfig.h: +dnl /* Define to rpl_malloc if the replacement function should be used. */ +dnl #undef malloc +dnl + +AC_DEFUN(jm_FUNC_MALLOC, +[ + if test x = y; then + dnl This code is deliberately never run via ./configure. + dnl FIXME: this is a gross hack to make autoheader put an entry + dnl for this symbol in + AC_CHECK_FUNCS(DONE_WORKING_MALLOC_CHECK) + fi + dnl xmalloc.c requires that this symbol be defined so it doesn't + dnl mistakenly use a broken malloc -- as it might if this test were omitted. + ac_kludge=HAVE_DONE_WORKING_MALLOC_CHECK + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($ac_kludge) + + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working malloc], jm_cv_func_working_malloc, + [AC_TRY_RUN([ + char *malloc (); + int + main () + { + exit (malloc (0) ? 0 : 1); + } + ], + jm_cv_func_working_malloc=yes, + jm_cv_func_working_malloc=no, + dnl When crosscompiling, assume malloc is broken. + jm_cv_func_working_malloc=no) + ]) + if test $jm_cv_func_working_malloc = no; then + LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS malloc.o" + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(malloc, rpl_malloc) + fi +]) diff --git a/m4/perl.m4 b/m4/perl.m4 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0cc681cc --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/perl.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#serial 1 + +dnl From Jim Meyering. +dnl Find a new-enough version of Perl. +dnl + +AC_DEFUN(jm_PERL, +[ + dnl FIXME: don't hard-code 5.003 + dnl FIXME: should we cache the result? + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for perl5.003 or newer]) + if test "${PERL+set}" = set; then + # `PERL' is set in the user's environment. + candidate_perl_names="$PERL" + perl_specified=yes + else + candidate_perl_names='perl perl5' + perl_specified=no + fi + + found=no + AC_SUBST(PERL) + PERL="$missing_dir/missing perl" + for perl in $candidate_perl_names; do + # Run test in a subshell; some versions of sh will print an error if + # an executable is not found, even if stderr is redirected. + if ( $perl -e 'require 5.003' ) > /dev/null 2>&1; then + PERL=$perl + found=yes + break + fi + done + + AC_MSG_RESULT($found) + test $found = no && AC_MSG_WARN([ +*** You don't seem to have perl5.003 or newer installed. +*** Because of that, you may be unable to regenerate certain files +*** if you modify the sources from which they are derived.] ) +]) diff --git a/m4/realloc.m4 b/m4/realloc.m4 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aba19840 --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/realloc.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +#serial 1 + +dnl From Jim Meyering. +dnl Determine whether realloc works when both arguments are 0. +dnl If it doesn't, arrange to use the replacement function. +dnl +dnl If you use this macro in a package, you should +dnl add the following two lines to acconfig.h: +dnl /* Define to rpl_realloc if the replacement function should be used. */ +dnl #undef realloc +dnl + +AC_DEFUN(jm_FUNC_REALLOC, +[ + if test x = y; then + dnl This code is deliberately never run via ./configure. + dnl FIXME: this is a gross hack to make autoheader put an entry + dnl for this symbol in + AC_CHECK_FUNCS(DONE_WORKING_REALLOC_CHECK) + fi + dnl xmalloc.c requires that this symbol be defined so it doesn't + dnl mistakenly use a broken realloc -- as it might if this test were omitted. + ac_kludge=HAVE_DONE_WORKING_REALLOC_CHECK + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($ac_kludge) + + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working realloc], jm_cv_func_working_realloc, + [AC_TRY_RUN([ + char *realloc (); + int + main () + { + exit (realloc (0, 0) ? 0 : 1); + } + ], + jm_cv_func_working_realloc=yes, + jm_cv_func_working_realloc=no, + dnl When crosscompiling, assume realloc is broken. + jm_cv_func_working_realloc=no) + ]) + if test $jm_cv_func_working_realloc = no; then + LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS realloc.o" + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(realloc, rpl_realloc) + fi +]) diff --git a/missing b/missing new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7789652e --- /dev/null +++ b/missing @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# Common stub for a few missing GNU programs while installing. +# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Franc,ois Pinard , 1996. + +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. + +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA +# 02111-1307, USA. + +if test $# -eq 0; then + echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information" + exit 1 +fi + +case "$1" in + + -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help) + echo "\ +$0 [OPTION]... PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]... + +Handle \`PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...' for when PROGRAM is missing, or return an +error status if there is no known handling for PROGRAM. + +Options: + -h, --help display this help and exit + -v, --version output version information and exit + +Supported PROGRAM values: + aclocal touch file \`aclocal.m4' + autoconf touch file \`configure' + autoheader touch file \`' + automake touch all \`' files + bison create \`[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch] + flex create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c + lex create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c + makeinfo touch the output file + yacc create \`[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch]" + ;; + + -v|--v|--ve|--ver|--vers|--versi|--versio|--version) + echo "missing - GNU libit 0.0" + ;; + + -*) + echo 1>&2 "$0: Unknown \`$1' option" + echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information" + exit 1 + ;; + + aclocal) + echo 1>&2 "\ +WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system. You should only need it if + you modified \`acinclude.m4' or \`'. You might want + to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages. Grab them from + any GNU archive site." + touch aclocal.m4 + ;; + + autoconf) + echo 1>&2 "\ +WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system. You should only need it if + you modified \`'. You might want to install the + \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages. Grab them from any GNU + archive site." + touch configure + ;; + + autoheader) + echo 1>&2 "\ +WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system. You should only need it if + you modified \`acconfig.h' or \`'. You might want + to install the \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages. Grab them + from any GNU archive site." + files=`sed -n 's/^[ ]*A[CM]_CONFIG_HEADER(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/p'` + test -z "$files" && files="config.h" + touch_files= + for f in $files; do + case "$f" in + *:*) touch_files="$touch_files "`echo "$f" | + sed -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//'`;; + *) touch_files="$touch_files $";; + esac + done + touch $touch_files + ;; + + automake) + echo 1>&2 "\ +WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system. You should only need it if + you modified \`', \`acinclude.m4' or \`'. + You might want to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages. + Grab them from any GNU archive site." + find . -type f -name -print | + sed 's/\.am$/.in/' | + while read f; do touch "$f"; done + ;; + + bison|yacc) + echo 1>&2 "\ +WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system. You should only need it if + you modified a \`.y' file. You may need the \`Bison' package + in order for those modifications to take effect. You can get + \`Bison' from any GNU archive site." + rm -f + if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then + eval LASTARG="\${$#}" + case "$LASTARG" in + *.y) + SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/c/'` + if [ -f "$SRCFILE" ]; then + cp "$SRCFILE" + fi + SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/h/'` + if [ -f "$SRCFILE" ]; then + cp "$SRCFILE" + fi + ;; + esac + fi + if [ ! -f ]; then + echo > + fi + if [ ! -f ]; then + echo 'main() { return 0; }' > + fi + ;; + + lex|flex) + echo 1>&2 "\ +WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system. You should only need it if + you modified a \`.l' file. You may need the \`Flex' package + in order for those modifications to take effect. You can get + \`Flex' from any GNU archive site." + rm -f lex.yy.c + if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then + eval LASTARG="\${$#}" + case "$LASTARG" in + *.l) + SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/l$/c/'` + if [ -f "$SRCFILE" ]; then + cp "$SRCFILE" lex.yy.c + fi + ;; + esac + fi + if [ ! -f lex.yy.c ]; then + echo 'main() { return 0; }' >lex.yy.c + fi + ;; + + makeinfo) + echo 1>&2 "\ +WARNING: \`$1' is missing on your system. You should only need it if + you modified a \`.texi' or \`.texinfo' file, or any other file + indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual. The spurious + call might also be the consequence of using a buggy \`make' (AIX, + DU, IRIX). You might want to install the \`Texinfo' package or + the \`GNU make' package. Grab either from any GNU archive site." + file=`echo "$*" | sed -n 's/.*-o \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'` + if test -z "$file"; then + file=`echo "$*" | sed 's/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/'` + file=`sed -n '/^@setfilename/ { s/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/; p; q; }' $file` + fi + touch $file + ;; + + *) + echo 1>&2 "\ +WARNING: \`$1' is needed, and you do not seem to have it handy on your + system. You might have modified some files without having the + proper tools for further handling them. Check the \`README' file, + it often tells you about the needed prerequirements for installing + this package. You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in case + some other package would contain this missing \`$1' program." + exit 1 + ;; +esac + +exit 0 diff --git a/mkinstalldirs b/mkinstalldirs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0a93a67 --- /dev/null +++ b/mkinstalldirs @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# mkinstalldirs --- make directory hierarchy +# Author: Noah Friedman +# Created: 1993-05-16 +# Public domain + +# $Id: mkinstalldirs,v 1.1 2000/03/26 00:33:59 zarq Exp $ + +errstatus=0 + +for file +do + set fnord `echo ":$file" | sed -ne 's/^:\//#/;s/^://;s/\// /g;s/^#/\//;p'` + shift + + pathcomp= + for d + do + pathcomp="$pathcomp$d" + case "$pathcomp" in + -* ) pathcomp=./$pathcomp ;; + esac + + if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then + echo "mkdir $pathcomp" + + mkdir "$pathcomp" || lasterr=$? + + if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then + errstatus=$lasterr + fi + fi + + pathcomp="$pathcomp/" + done +done + +exit $errstatus + +# mkinstalldirs ends here diff --git a/src/ b/src/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02824557 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +## Produce this file with automake to get + +sbin_PROGRAMS = tincd genauth + +genauth_SOURCES = genauth.c +tincd_SOURCES = conf.c encr.c net.c netutl.c protocol.c tincd.c + +INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir) -I$(top_srcdir)/cipher -I$(top_srcdir)/lib + +noinst_HEADERS = conf.h encr.h net.h netutl.h protocol.h + +LIBS = @LIBS@ + +tincd_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/cipher/ \ + $(top_builddir)/lib/libvpn.a -ldl + +genauth_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/libvpn.a + +CFLAGS += -DPKGLIBDIR=$(pkglibdir) -DCONFDIR=\"@sysconfdir@\" diff --git a/src/conf.c b/src/conf.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bea38957 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/conf.c @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +/* + conf.c -- configuration code + Copyright (C) 1998 Emphyrio, + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +/* foute config read code, GPL, emphyrio 1998 */ +/* Mutilated by me -- Ivo */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "conf.h" +#include "netutl.h" /* for strtoip */ + +config_t *config; +int debug_lvl = 0; +int timeout = 0; /* seconds before timeout */ + +typedef struct internal_config_t { + char *name; + enum which_t which; + int argtype; +} internal_config_t; + +/* + These are all the possible configurable values +*/ +static internal_config_t hazahaza[] = { + { "AllowConnect", allowconnect, TYPE_BOOL }, + { "ConnectTo", upstreamip, TYPE_IP }, + { "ConnectPort", upstreamport, TYPE_INT }, + { "ListenPort", listenport, TYPE_INT }, + { "MyOwnVPNIP", myvpnip, TYPE_IP }, + { "MyVirtualIP", myvpnip, TYPE_IP }, /* an alias */ + { "Passphrases", passphrasesdir, TYPE_NAME }, + { "PingTimeout", pingtimeout, TYPE_INT }, + { "TapDevice", tapdevice, TYPE_NAME }, + { "KeyExpire", keyexpire, TYPE_INT }, + { NULL, 0, 0 } +}; + +/* + Add given value to the list of configs cfg +*/ +config_t * +add_config_val(config_t **cfg, int argtype, char *val) +{ + config_t *p; + char *q; + + p = (config_t*)xmalloc(sizeof(config_t)); + p->data.val = 0; + + switch(argtype) + { + case TYPE_INT: + p->data.val = strtol(val, &q, 0); + if(q && *q) + p->data.val = 0; + break; + case TYPE_NAME: + p->data.ptr = xmalloc(strlen(val) + 1); + strcpy(p->data.ptr, val); + break; + case TYPE_IP: + p->data.ip = strtoip(val); + break; + case TYPE_BOOL: + if(!strcasecmp("yes", val)) + p->data.val = stupid_true; + else if(!strcasecmp("no", val)) + p->data.val = stupid_false; + else + p->data.val = 0; + } + + if(p->data.val) + { + p->next = *cfg; + *cfg = p; + return p; + } + + free(p); + return NULL; +} + +/* + Get variable from a section in a configfile. returns -1 on failure. +*/ +int +readconfig(const char *fname, FILE *fp) +{ + char line[81]; + char *p, *q; + int i, lineno = 0; + config_t *cfg; + + for(;;) + { + if(fgets(line, 80, fp) == NULL) + return 0; + lineno++; + + if((p = strtok(line, "\t\n\r =")) == NULL) + continue; /* no tokens on this line */ + + if(p[0] == '#') + continue; /* comment: ignore */ + + for(i = 0; hazahaza[i].name != NULL; i++) + if(!strcasecmp(hazahaza[i].name, p)) + break; + + if(!hazahaza[i].name) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: Invalid variable name `%s'.\n", + fname, lineno, p); + return -1; + } + + if(((q = strtok(NULL, "\t\n\r =")) == NULL) || q[0] == '#') + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: No value given for `%s'.\n", + fname, lineno, hazahaza[i].name); + return -1; + } + + cfg = add_config_val(&config, hazahaza[i].argtype, q); + if(cfg == NULL) + { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: Invalid value `%s' for variable `%s'.\n", + fname, lineno, q, hazahaza[i].name); + return -1; + } + + cfg->which = hazahaza[i].which; + if(!config) + config = cfg; + } +} + +/* + wrapper function for readconfig +*/ +int +read_config_file(const char *fname) +{ + FILE *fp; + + if((fp = fopen (fname, "r")) == NULL) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s: %s\n", fname, sys_errlist[errno]); + return 1; + } + + if(readconfig(fname, fp)) + return -1; + + fclose (fp); + + return 0; +} + +/* + Look up the value of the config option type +*/ +const config_t * +get_config_val(which_t type) +{ + config_t *p; + + for(p = config; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if(p->which == type) + return p; + + /* Not found */ + return NULL; +} + diff --git a/src/conf.h b/src/conf.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d83092d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/conf.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* + conf.h -- header for conf.c + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef __TINC_CONF_H__ +#define __TINC_CONF_H__ + +typedef struct ip_mask_t { + unsigned long ip; + unsigned long mask; +} ip_mask_t; + +typedef union data_t { + unsigned long val; + void *ptr; + ip_mask_t *ip; +} data_t; + +typedef enum which_t { + passphrasesdir = 1, + upstreamip, + upstreamport, + listenport, + myvpnip, + tapdevice, + allowconnect, + pingtimeout, + keyexpire, +} which_t; + +typedef struct config_t { + struct config_t *next; + which_t which; + data_t data; +} config_t; + +enum { + stupid_false = 1, + stupid_true +}; + +enum { + TYPE_NAME = 1, + TYPE_INT, + TYPE_IP, + TYPE_BOOL +}; + +extern config_t *config; +extern int debug_lvl; +extern int timeout; + +extern config_t *add_config_val(config_t **, int, char *); +extern int read_config_file(const char *); +extern const config_t *get_config_val(which_t type); + +#endif /* __TINC_CONF_H__ */ diff --git a/src/encr.c b/src/encr.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..899a46b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/encr.c @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +/* + encr.c -- everything that deals with encryption + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_GMP_H +# include +#else +# ifdef HAVE_GMP2_GMP_H +# include +# endif +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "conf.h" +#include "encr.h" +#include "net.h" +#include "protocol.h" + +#define ENCR_GENERATOR "0xd" +#define ENCR_PRIME "0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" /* Mersenne :) */ + +char text_key[1000]; +char *my_public_key_base36; +int key_inited = 0, encryption_keylen; +mpz_t my_private_key, my_public_key, generator, shared_prime; +int my_key_expiry = (time_t)(-1); + +static char* mypassphrase; +static int mypassphraselen; + +int char_hex_to_bin(int c) +{ + if(isdigit(c)) + return c - '0'; + else + return tolower(c) - 'a' + 10; +} + +int str_hex_to_bin(unsigned char *bin, unsigned char *hex) +{ + int i = 0, j = 0, l = strlen(hex); + + if(l&1) + { + i = j = 1; + bin[0] = char_hex_to_bin(hex[0]); + } + for(; i < l; i+=2, j++) + bin[j] = (char_hex_to_bin(hex[i]) << 4) + char_hex_to_bin(hex[i+1]); + + return j&1?j+1:j; +} + +int read_passphrase(char *which, char **out) +{ + FILE *f; + config_t const *cfg; + char *filename; + int size; + extern char *confbase; + char *pp; + + if((cfg = get_config_val(passphrasesdir)) == NULL) + { + filename = xmalloc(strlen(confbase)+13+strlen(which)); + sprintf(filename, "%spassphrases/%s", confbase, which); + } + else + { + filename = xmalloc(strlen(cfg->data.ptr)+2+strlen(which)); + sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", (char*)cfg->data.ptr, which); + } + + if((f = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not open %s: %m", filename); + return -1; + } + + fscanf(f, "%d ", &size); + size >>= 2; /* nibbles->bits */ + pp = xmalloc(size+2); + fgets(pp, size+1, f); + fclose(f); + + *out = xmalloc(size); + return str_hex_to_bin(*out, pp); +} + +int read_my_passphrase(void) +{ + if((mypassphraselen = read_passphrase("local", &mypassphrase)) < 0) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +int generate_private_key(void) +{ + FILE *f; + int i; + char *s; + config_t const *cfg; + + if((cfg = get_config_val(keyexpire)) == NULL) + my_key_expiry = (time_t)(time(NULL) + 3600); + else + my_key_expiry = (time_t)(time(NULL) + cfg->data.val); + + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Generating %d bits keys.", PRIVATE_KEY_BITS); + + if((f = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r")) == NULL) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Opening /dev/urandom failed: %m"); + return -1; + } + + s = xmalloc((2 * PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH) + 1); + + for(i = 0; i < PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH; i++) + sprintf(&s[i << 1], "%02x", fgetc(f)); + + s[2 * PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH] = '\0'; + + mpz_set_str(my_private_key, s, 16); + + return 0; +} + +void calculate_public_key(void) +{ + mpz_powm(my_public_key, generator, my_private_key, shared_prime); + my_public_key_base36 = mpz_get_str(NULL, 36, my_public_key); +} + +unsigned char static_key[] = { 0x9c, 0xbf, 0x36, 0xa9, 0xce, 0x20, 0x1b, 0x8b, 0x67, 0x56, 0x21, 0x5d, 0x27, 0x1b, 0xd8, 0x7a }; + +int security_init(void) +{ + mpz_init(my_private_key); + mpz_init(my_public_key); + mpz_init_set_str(shared_prime, ENCR_PRIME, 0); + mpz_init_set_str(generator, ENCR_GENERATOR, 0); + + if(read_my_passphrase() < 0) + return -1; + if(generate_private_key() < 0) + return -1; + + if(cipher_init(CIPHER_BLOWFISH) < 0) + return -1; + + calculate_public_key(); + + return 0; +} + +void set_shared_key(char *almost_key) +{ + char *tmp; + int len; + mpz_t ak, our_shared_key; + + mpz_init_set_str(ak, almost_key, 36); + mpz_init(our_shared_key); + mpz_powm(our_shared_key, ak, my_private_key, shared_prime); + + tmp = mpz_get_str(NULL, 16, our_shared_key); + len = str_hex_to_bin(text_key, tmp); + + cipher_set_key(&encryption_key, len, &text_key[0]); + key_inited = 1; + encryption_keylen = len; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_INFO, "Encryption key set to %s", tmp); + + free(tmp); + mpz_clear(ak); + mpz_clear(our_shared_key); +} + + +void encrypt_passphrase(passphrase_t *pp) +{ + char key[1000]; + char tmp[1000]; + int len; + BF_KEY bf_key; + + mpz_get_str(&tmp[0], 16, my_public_key); + len = str_hex_to_bin(key, tmp); + + cipher_set_key(&bf_key, len, &key[0]); + + low_crypt_key(mypassphrase, pp->phrase, &bf_key, mypassphraselen, BF_ENCRYPT); + pp->len = ((mypassphraselen - 1) | 7) + 5; + + if(key_inited) + cipher_set_key(&encryption_key, encryption_keylen, &text_key[0]); +} + +int verify_passphrase(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *his_pubkey) +{ + char key[1000]; + char tmp[1000]; + int len; + mpz_t pk; + unsigned char *out; + BF_KEY bf_key; + char which[sizeof("")+1]; + char *meuk; + + mpz_init_set_str(pk, his_pubkey, 36); + mpz_get_str(&tmp[0], 16, pk); + len = str_hex_to_bin(key, tmp); + out = xmalloc(cl->pp->len+3); + + cipher_set_key(&bf_key, len, &key[0]); + low_crypt_key(cl->pp->phrase, out, &bf_key, cl->pp->len, BF_DECRYPT); + if(key_inited) + cipher_set_key(&encryption_key, encryption_keylen, &text_key[0]); + + sprintf(&which[0], IP_ADDR_S, IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + if((len = read_passphrase(which, &meuk)) < 0) + return -1; + + if(memcmp(meuk, out, len)) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +char *make_shared_key(char *pk) +{ + mpz_t tmp, res; + char *r; + + mpz_init_set_str(tmp, pk, 36); + mpz_init(res); + mpz_powm(res, tmp, my_private_key, shared_prime); + + r = mpz_get_str(NULL, 36, res); + + mpz_clear(res); + mpz_clear(tmp); + + return r; +} + +/* + free a key after overwriting it +*/ +void free_key(enc_key_t *k) +{ + if(!k) + return; + if(k->key) + { + memset(k->key, (char)(-1), k->length); + free(k->key); + } + free(k); +} + +void recalculate_encryption_keys(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + char *ek; + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + { + if(!p->public_key || !p->public_key->key) + continue; + ek = make_shared_key(p->public_key->key); + if(!p->key) + { + p->key = xmalloc(sizeof(enc_key_t)); + p->key->key = NULL; + } + if(p->key->key) + free(p->key->key); + p->key->length = strlen(ek); + p->key->expiry = p->public_key->expiry; + p->key->key = xmalloc(strlen(ek) + 1); + strcpy(p->key->key, ek); + } +} + +void regenerate_keys(void) +{ + generate_private_key(); + calculate_public_key(); + send_key_changed2(); + recalculate_encryption_keys(); +} diff --git a/src/encr.h b/src/encr.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2cc1324 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/encr.h @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + encr.h -- header for encr.c + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef __TINC_ENCR_H__ +#define __TINC_ENCR_H__ + +#include "net.h" + +#define PRIVATE_KEY_BITS 128 +#define PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH (PRIVATE_KEY_BITS >> 3) + +extern char *my_public_key_base36; +extern int my_key_expiry; + +extern int security_init(void); + +extern void do_bf_encrypt(vpn_packet_t *, real_packet_t *); +extern void do_bf_decrypt(real_packet_t *, vpn_packet_t *); + +extern int send_portnumbers(int); +extern void set_shared_key(char *); +extern int send_passphrase(conn_list_t *); +extern int send_public_key(conn_list_t *); +extern int verify_passphrase(conn_list_t *, unsigned char *); +extern char *make_shared_key(char*); +extern void encrypt_passphrase(passphrase_t *pp); +extern void free_key(enc_key_t*); +extern void regenerate_keys(void); + +#endif /* __TINC_ENCR_H__ */ + diff --git a/src/genauth.c b/src/genauth.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0d47d510 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/genauth.c @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/* + genauth.c -- generate a random passphrase + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "encr.h" + +unsigned char initvec[] = { 0x22, 0x7b, 0xad, 0x55, 0x41, 0xf4, 0x3e, 0xf3 }; + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + FILE *fp; + int bits, c, i, bytes; + unsigned char *p; + + if(argc != 2) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s bits\n", argv[0]); + return 1; + } + + if(!(bits = atol(argv[1]))) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Illegal number: %s\n", argv[1]); + return 1; + } + + bits = ((bits - 1) | 63) + 1; + fprintf(stderr, "Generating %d bits number", bits); + bytes = bits >> 3; + + if((fp = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r")) == NULL) + { + perror("Opening /dev/urandom"); + return 1; + } + + p = xmalloc(bytes); + + setbuf(stdout, NULL); + for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) + { + c = fgetc(fp); + if(feof(fp)) + { + puts(""); + fprintf(stderr, "File was empty!\n"); + } + p[i] = c; + } + + for(i = 0; i < (bytes); i++) + { + c = fgetc(fp); + if(feof(fp)) + { + puts(""); + fprintf(stderr, "File was empty!\n"); + } + p[i] = c; + } + fclose(fp); + + printf("%d ", bits); + for(i = 0; i < bytes; i++) + printf("%02x", p[i]); + puts(""); + + return 0; +} + + diff --git a/src/net.c b/src/net.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..daa8cf50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/net.c @@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@ +/* + net.c -- most of the network code + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "conf.h" +#include "encr.h" +#include "net.h" +#include "netutl.h" +#include "protocol.h" + +int tap_fd = -1; + +int total_tap_in = 0; +int total_tap_out = 0; +int total_socket_in = 0; +int total_socket_out = 0; + +time_t last_ping_time = 0; + +/* The global list of existing connections */ +conn_list_t *conn_list = NULL; +conn_list_t *myself = NULL; + +/* + strip off the MAC adresses of an ethernet frame +*/ +void strip_mac_addresses(vpn_packet_t *p) +{ + unsigned char tmp[MAXSIZE]; + + memcpy(tmp, p->data, p->len); + p->len -= 12; + memcpy(p->data, &tmp[12], p->len); +} + +/* + reassemble MAC addresses +*/ +void add_mac_addresses(vpn_packet_t *p) +{ + unsigned char tmp[MAXSIZE]; + + memcpy(&tmp[12], p->data, p->len); + p->len += 12; + tmp[0] = tmp[6] = 0xfe; + tmp[1] = tmp[7] = 0xfd; + *((ip_t*)(&tmp[2])) = (ip_t)(htonl(myself->vpn_ip)); + *((ip_t*)(&tmp[8])) = *((ip_t*)(&tmp[26])); + memcpy(p->data, &tmp[0], p->len); +} + +int xsend(conn_list_t *cl, void *packet) +{ + int r; + real_packet_t rp; + + do_encrypt((vpn_packet_t*)packet, &rp, cl->key); + rp.from = myself->vpn_ip; + + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Sent %d bytes to %lx", rp.len, cl->vpn_ip); + + if((r = send(cl->socket, (char*)&rp, rp.len, 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error sending data: %m"); + return -1; + } + + total_socket_out += r; + + return 0; +} + +/* + write as many bytes as possible to the tap + device, possibly in multiple turns. +*/ +int write_n(int fd, void *buf, size_t len) +{ + int r, done = 0; + + do + { + if((r = write(fd, buf, len)) < 0) + return -1; + len -= r; + buf += r; + done += r; + } while(len > 0); + + return done; +} + +int xrecv(conn_list_t *cl, void *packet) +{ + vpn_packet_t vp; + int lenin; + + do_decrypt((real_packet_t*)packet, &vp, cl->key); + add_mac_addresses(&vp); + + if((lenin = write_n(tap_fd, &vp, vp.len + 2)) < 0) + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Can't write to tap device: %m"); + else + total_tap_out += lenin; + + return 0; +} + +/* + add the given packet of size s to the + queue q, be it the send or receive queue +*/ +void add_queue(packet_queue_t **q, void *packet, size_t s) +{ + queue_element_t *e, *p; + + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "packet to queue: %d", s); + + e = xmalloc(sizeof(queue_element_t)); + e->packet = xmalloc(s); + memcpy(e->packet, packet, s); + if(!*q) + { + *q = xmalloc(sizeof(packet_queue_t)); + (*q)->head = (*q)->tail = NULL; + } + + e->next = NULL; + + if((*q)->tail != NULL) + (*q)->tail->next = e; + + (*q)->tail = e; + + if((*q)->head == NULL) + (*q)->head = e; +} + +/* + flush a queue by calling function for + each packet, and removing it when that + returned a zero exit code +*/ +void flush_queue(conn_list_t *cl, packet_queue_t *pq, + int (*function)(conn_list_t*,void*)) +{ + queue_element_t *p, *prev = NULL, *next = NULL; + + for(p = pq->head; p != NULL; ) + { + next = p->next; + +cp + if(!function(cl, p->packet)) + { + if(prev) + prev->next = next; + else + pq->head = next; + +cp + free(p->packet); +cp + free(p); +cp + } + else + prev = p; +cp + + p = next; + } + + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "queue flushed"); +} + +/* + flush the send&recv queues + void because nothing goes wrong here, packets + remain in the queue if something goes wrong +*/ +void flush_queues(conn_list_t *cl) +{ +cp + if(cl->sq) + { + if(debug_lvl > 1) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Flushing send queue for " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + flush_queue(cl, cl->sq, xsend); + } +cp + + if(cl->rq) + { + if(debug_lvl > 1) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Flushing receive queue for " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + flush_queue(cl, cl->rq, xrecv); + } +cp +} + +/* + send a packet to the given vpn ip. +*/ +int send_packet(ip_t to, vpn_packet_t *packet) +{ + conn_list_t *cl; + + if((cl = lookup_conn(to)) == NULL) + { + if(debug_lvl > 2) + { + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "trying to look up " IP_ADDR_S " in connection list failed.", + IP_ADDR_V(to)); + } + for(cl = conn_list; cl != NULL && !cl->status.outgoing; cl = cl->next); + if(!cl) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "zxnrbl"); + return -1; + } + } + +cp + if(my_key_expiry <= time(NULL)) + regenerate_keys(); + +cp + if(!cl->status.dataopen) + if(setup_vpn_connection(cl) < 0) + return -1; +cp + + if(!cl->status.validkey) + { + add_queue(&(cl->sq), packet, packet->len + 2); + if(!cl->status.waitingforkey) + send_key_request(to); + return 0; + } + +cp + if(!cl-> + { + add_queue(&(cl->sq), packet, packet->len + 2); + if(debug_lvl > 1) + syslog(LOG_INFO, IP_ADDR_S " is not ready, queueing packet.", IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + return 0; /* We don't want to mess up, do we? */ + } + + /* can we send it? can we? can we? huh? */ +cp + return xsend(cl, packet); +} + +int send_broadcast(conn_list_t *cl, vpn_packet_t *packet) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + for(p = cl; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if(send_packet(p->real_ip, packet) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not send a broadcast packet to %08lx (%08lx): %m", + p->vpn_ip, p->real_ip); + break; /* FIXME: should retry later, and send a ping over the metaconnection. */ + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + open the local ethertap device +*/ +int setup_tap_fd(void) +{ + int nfd; + const char *tapfname; + config_t const *cfg; + + if((cfg = get_config_val(tapdevice)) == NULL) + tapfname = "/dev/tap0"; + else + tapfname = cfg->data.ptr; + + if((nfd = open(tapfname, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not open %s: %m", tapfname); + return -1; + } + + tap_fd = nfd; + return 0; +} + +/* + set up the socket that we listen on for incoming + (tcp) connections +*/ +int setup_listen_meta_socket(int port) +{ + int nfd, flags; + struct sockaddr_in a; + const int one = 1; + + if((nfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Creating metasocket failed: %m"); + return -1; + } + + if(setsockopt(nfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one))) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "setsockopt: %m"); + return -1; + } + + flags = fcntl(nfd, F_GETFL); + if(fcntl(nfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "fcntl: %m"); + return -1; + } + + memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a)); + a.sin_family = AF_INET; + a.sin_port = htons(port); + a.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); + + if(bind(nfd, (struct sockaddr *)&a, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Can't bind to port %hd/tcp: %m", port); + return -1; + } + + if(listen(nfd, 3)) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "listen: %m"); + return -1; + } + + return nfd; +} + +/* + setup the socket for incoming encrypted + data (the udp part) +*/ +int setup_vpn_in_socket(int port) +{ + int nfd, flags; + struct sockaddr_in a; + const int one = 1; + + if((nfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Creating socket failed: %m"); + return -1; + } + + if(setsockopt(nfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one))) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "setsockopt: %m"); + return -1; + } + + flags = fcntl(nfd, F_GETFL); + if(fcntl(nfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "fcntl: %m"); + return -1; + } + + memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a)); + a.sin_family = AF_INET; + a.sin_port = htons(port); + a.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); + + if(bind(nfd, (struct sockaddr *)&a, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Can't bind to port %hd/udp: %m", port); + return -1; + } + + return nfd; +} + +/* + setup an outgoing meta (tcp) socket +*/ +int setup_outgoing_meta_socket(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + int flags; + struct sockaddr_in a; + config_t const *cfg; + + if((cfg = get_config_val(upstreamport)) == NULL) + cl->port = 655; + else + cl->port = cfg->data.val; + + cl->meta_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); + if(cl->meta_socket == -1) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Creating socket failed: %m"); + return -1; + } + + a.sin_family = AF_INET; + a.sin_port = htons(cl->port); + a.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(cl->real_ip); + + if(connect(cl->meta_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&a, sizeof(a)) == -1) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, IP_ADDR_S ":%d: %m", IP_ADDR_V(cl->real_ip), cl->port); + return -1; + } + + flags = fcntl(cl->meta_socket, F_GETFL); + if(fcntl(cl->meta_socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "fcntl: %m"); + return -1; + } + + cl->hostname = hostlookup(htonl(cl->real_ip)); + + syslog(LOG_INFO, "Connected to %s:%hd" , cl->hostname, cl->port); + + return 0; +} + +/* + setup an outgoing connection. It's not + necessary to also open an udp socket as + well, because the other host will initiate + an authentication sequence during which + we will do just that. +*/ +int setup_outgoing_connection(ip_t ip) +{ + conn_list_t *ncn; + + ncn = new_conn_list(); + ncn->real_ip = ip; + + if(setup_outgoing_meta_socket(ncn) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Could not set up a meta connection."); + free_conn_element(ncn); + return -1; + } + + ncn->status.meta = 1; + ncn->status.outgoing = 1; + ncn->next = conn_list; + conn_list = ncn; + + return 0; +} + +/* + set up the local sockets (listen only) +*/ +int setup_myself(void) +{ + config_t const *cfg; + + myself = new_conn_list(); + + if(!(cfg = get_config_val(myvpnip))) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "No value for my VPN IP given"); + return -1; + } + + myself->vpn_ip = cfg->data.ip->ip; + myself->vpn_mask = cfg->data.ip->mask; + + if(!(cfg = get_config_val(listenport))) + myself->port = 655; + else + myself->port = cfg->data.val; + + if((myself->meta_socket = setup_listen_meta_socket(myself->port)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unable to set up a listening socket"); + return -1; + } + + if((myself->socket = setup_vpn_in_socket(myself->port)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unable to set up an incoming vpn data socket"); + close(myself->meta_socket); + return -1; + } + + myself-> = 1; + + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Ready: listening on port %d.", myself->port); + + return 0; +} + +/* + setup all initial network connections +*/ +int setup_network_connections(void) +{ + config_t const *cfg; + + if((cfg = get_config_val(pingtimeout)) == NULL) + timeout = 10; + else + timeout = cfg->data.val; + + if(setup_tap_fd() < 0) + return -1; + + if(setup_myself() < 0) + return -1; + + if((cfg = get_config_val(upstreamip)) == NULL) + /* No upstream IP given, we're listen only. */ + return 0; + + if(setup_outgoing_connection(cfg->data.ip->ip)) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sigalrm_handler(int a) +{ + config_t const *cfg; + static int seconds_till_retry; + + cfg = get_config_val(upstreamip); + + if(!setup_outgoing_connection(cfg->data.ip->ip)) + { + signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); + seconds_till_retry = 5; + } + else + { + signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm_handler); + seconds_till_retry += 5; + alarm(seconds_till_retry); + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Still failed to connect to other. Will retry in %d seconds.", + seconds_till_retry); + } +} + +/* + close all open network connections +*/ +void close_network_connections(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + { + if(p->status.dataopen) + { + shutdown(p->socket, 0); /* No more receptions */ + close(p->socket); + } + if(p->status.meta) + { + send_termreq(p); + shutdown(p->meta_socket, 0); /* No more receptions */ + close(p->meta_socket); + } + } + + if(myself) + if(myself-> + { + close(myself->meta_socket); + close(myself->socket); + } + + close(tap_fd); + destroy_conn_list(); + + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Terminating."); + return; +} + +/* + create a data (udp) socket +*/ +int setup_vpn_connection(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + int nfd, flags; + struct sockaddr_in a; + + if(debug_lvl > 1) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Opening UDP socket to " IP_ADDR_S, IP_ADDR_V(cl->real_ip)); + + nfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); + if(nfd == -1) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Creating data socket failed: %m"); + return -1; + } + + a.sin_family = AF_INET; + a.sin_port = htons(cl->port); + a.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(cl->real_ip); + + if(connect(nfd, (struct sockaddr *)&a, sizeof(a)) == -1) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Create connection to %08lx:%d failed: %m", ntohs(cl->real_ip), + cl->port); + return -1; + } + + flags = fcntl(nfd, F_GETFL); + if(fcntl(nfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "This is a bug: %s:%d: %d:%m", __FILE__, __LINE__, nfd); + return -1; + } + + cl->socket = nfd; + cl->status.dataopen = 1; + + return 0; +} + +/* + handle an incoming tcp connect call and open + a connection to it. +*/ +conn_list_t *create_new_connection(int sfd) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + struct sockaddr_in ci; + int len = sizeof(ci); + + p = new_conn_list(); + + if(getpeername(sfd, &ci, &len) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error: getpeername: %m"); + return NULL; + } + + p->hostname = hostlookup(ci.sin_addr.s_addr); + p->real_ip = ntohl(ci.sin_addr.s_addr); + p->meta_socket = sfd; + p->status.meta = 1; + + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Connection from %s:%d", p->hostname, htons(ci.sin_port)); + + if(send_basic_info(p) < 0) + { + free(p); + return NULL; + } + + return p; +} + +/* + put all file descriptors in an fd_set array +*/ +void build_fdset(fd_set *fs) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + FD_ZERO(fs); + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + { + if(p->status.meta) + FD_SET(p->meta_socket, fs); + if(p->status.dataopen) + FD_SET(p->socket, fs); + } + + FD_SET(myself->meta_socket, fs); + FD_SET(myself->socket, fs); + FD_SET(tap_fd, fs); +} + +/* + receive incoming data from the listening + udp socket and write it to the ethertap + device after being decrypted +*/ +int handle_incoming_vpn_data(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + real_packet_t rp; + int lenin; + int x, l = sizeof(x); + conn_list_t *f; + + if(getsockopt(cl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &x, &l) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "This is a bug: %s:%d: %d:%m", __FILE__, __LINE__, cl->socket); + return -1; + } + if(x) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Incoming data socket error: %s", sys_errlist[x]); + return -1; + } + + rp.len = -1; + lenin = recvfrom(cl->socket, &rp, MTU, 0, NULL, NULL); + if(lenin <= 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Receiving data failed: %m"); + return -1; + } + total_socket_in += lenin; + if(rp.len >= 0) + { + f = lookup_conn(rp.from); + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "packet from " IP_ADDR_S " (len %d)", + IP_ADDR_V(rp.from), rp.len); + if(!f) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Got packet from unknown source " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(rp.from)); + return -1; + } + + if(f->status.validkey) + xrecv(f, &rp); + else + { + add_queue(&(f->rq), &rp, rp.len); + if(!cl->status.waitingforkey) + send_key_request(rp.from); + } + + if(my_key_expiry <= time(NULL)) + regenerate_keys(); + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + terminate a connection and notify the other + end before closing the sockets +*/ +void terminate_connection(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + if(cl->status.remove) + return; + + if(debug_lvl > 0) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Closing connection with %s.", cl->hostname); + + if(cl->status.timeout) + send_timeout(cl); + else if(!cl->status.termreq) + send_termreq(cl); + + close(cl->socket); + if(cl->status.meta) + close(cl->meta_socket); + + if(cl->status.outgoing) + { + alarm(5); + signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm_handler); + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Try to re-establish outgoing connection in 5 seconds."); + } + + cl->status.remove = 1; +} + +/* + send out a ping request to all active + connections +*/ +int send_broadcast_ping(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + { + if(p->status.remove) + continue; + if(p-> && p->status.meta) + { + if(send_ping(p)) + terminate_connection(p); + else + { + p->status.pinged = 1; + p->status.got_pong = 0; + } + } + } + + last_ping_time = time(NULL); + + return 0; +} + +/* + end all connections that did not respond + to the ping probe in time +*/ +int check_dead_connections(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + { + if(p->status.remove) + continue; + if(p-> && p->status.meta && p->status.pinged && !p->status.got_pong) + { + syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s (" IP_ADDR_S ") didn't respond to ping", + p->hostname, IP_ADDR_V(p->vpn_ip)); + p->status.timeout = 1; + terminate_connection(p); + } + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + accept a new tcp connect and create a + new connection +*/ +int handle_new_meta_connection(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + conn_list_t *ncn; + struct sockaddr client; + int nfd, len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); + + if((nfd = accept(cl->meta_socket, &client, &len)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Accepting a new connection failed: %m"); + return -1; + } + + if((ncn = create_new_connection(nfd)) == NULL) + { + shutdown(nfd, 2); + close(nfd); + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Closed attempted connection."); + return 0; + } + + ncn->status.meta = 1; + ncn->next = conn_list; + conn_list = ncn; + + return 0; +} + +/* + dispatch any incoming meta requests +*/ +int handle_incoming_meta_data(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + int x, l = sizeof(x), lenin; + unsigned char tmp[1600]; + int request; + + if(getsockopt(cl->meta_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &x, &l) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "This is a bug: %s:%d: %d:%m", __FILE__, __LINE__, cl->meta_socket); + return -1; + } + if(x) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Metadata socket error: %s", sys_errlist[x]); + return -1; + } + + if((lenin = recv(cl->meta_socket, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) <= 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Receive failed: %m"); + return -1; + } + + request = (int)(tmp[0]); + + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got request %d", request); + + if(request_handlers[request] == NULL) + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unknown request %d.", request); + else + if(request_handlers[request](cl, tmp, lenin) < 0) + return -1; + + return 0; +} + +/* + check all connections to see if anything + happened on their sockets +*/ +void check_network_activity(fd_set *f) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + int x, l = sizeof(x); + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + { + if(p->status.remove) + continue; +cp + if(p-> + if(FD_ISSET(p->socket, f)) + { + /* + The only thing that can happen to get us here is apparently an + error on this outgoing(!) UDP socket that isn't immediate (i.e. + something that will not trigger an error directly on send()). + I've once got here when it said `No route to host'. + */ + getsockopt(p->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &x, &l); + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Outgoing data socket error: %s", sys_errlist[x]); + terminate_connection(p); + return; + } +cp + if(p->status.meta) + if(FD_ISSET(p->meta_socket, f)) + if(handle_incoming_meta_data(p) < 0) + { + terminate_connection(p); + return; + } +cp + } + +cp + if(FD_ISSET(myself->socket, f)) + handle_incoming_vpn_data(myself); +cp + if(FD_ISSET(myself->meta_socket, f)) + handle_new_meta_connection(myself); +cp +} + +/* + read, encrypt and send data that is + available through the ethertap device +*/ +void handle_tap_input(void) +{ + vpn_packet_t vp; + ip_t from, to; + int ether_type, lenin; + + memset(&vp, 0, sizeof(vp)); + if((lenin = read(tap_fd, &vp, MTU)) <= 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error while reading from tapdevice: %m"); + return; + } + + total_tap_in += lenin; + + ether_type = ntohs(*((unsigned short*)(&[12]))); + if(ether_type != 0x0800) + { + if(debug_lvl > 0) + syslog(LOG_INFO, "Non-IP ethernet frame %04x from " MAC_ADDR_S, + ether_type, MAC_ADDR_V([6])); + return; + } + + if(lenin < 32) + { + if(debug_lvl > 0) + syslog(LOG_INFO, "Dropping short packet"); + return; + } + + from = ntohl(*((unsigned long*)(&[26]))); + to = ntohl(*((unsigned long*)(&[30]))); + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "An IP packet (%04x) for " IP_ADDR_S " from " IP_ADDR_S, + ether_type, IP_ADDR_V(to), IP_ADDR_V(from)); + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, MAC_ADDR_S " to " MAC_ADDR_S, + MAC_ADDR_V([0]), MAC_ADDR_V([6])); + + vp.len = (length_t)lenin - 2; +cp + strip_mac_addresses(&vp); +cp + send_packet(to, &vp); +cp +} + +/* + this is where it al happens... +*/ +void main_loop(void) +{ + fd_set fset; + struct timeval tv; + int r; + + last_ping_time = time(NULL); + + for(;;) + { + tv.tv_sec = timeout; + tv.tv_usec = 0; + +cp + prune_conn_list(); +cp + build_fdset(&fset); +cp + + if((r = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fset, NULL, NULL, &tv)) < 0) + { + if(errno == EINTR) /* because of alarm */ + continue; + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error while waiting for input: %m"); + return; + } +cp + + if(r == 0 || last_ping_time + timeout < time(NULL)) + /* Timeout... hm... something might be wrong. */ + { + check_dead_connections(); + send_broadcast_ping(); + continue; + } + +cp + check_network_activity(&fset); + +cp + /* local tap data */ + if(FD_ISSET(tap_fd, &fset)) + handle_tap_input(); +cp + } +} diff --git a/src/net.h b/src/net.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af130363 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/net.h @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/* + net.h -- header for net.c + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef __TINC_NET_H__ +#define __TINC_NET_H__ + +#include + +#include "config.h" +#include "conf.h" + +#define MAXSIZE 1700 /* should be a bit more than the MTU for the tapdevice */ +#define MTU 1600 + +#define MAX_PASSPHRASE_SIZE 2000 /* 2kb is really waaaay too much. nobody's + gonna need a 16 kbit passphrase */ + +#define MAC_ADDR_S "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" +#define MAC_ADDR_V(x) ((unsigned char*)&(x))[0],((unsigned char*)&(x))[1], \ + ((unsigned char*)&(x))[2],((unsigned char*)&(x))[3], \ + ((unsigned char*)&(x))[4],((unsigned char*)&(x))[5] + +#define IP_ADDR_S "%d.%d.%d.%d" + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# define IP_ADDR_V(x) ((unsigned char*)&(x))[0],((unsigned char*)&(x))[1], \ + ((unsigned char*)&(x))[2],((unsigned char*)&(x))[3] +#else +# define IP_ADDR_V(x) ((unsigned char*)&(x))[3],((unsigned char*)&(x))[2], \ + ((unsigned char*)&(x))[1],((unsigned char*)&(x))[0] +#endif + +typedef unsigned long ip_t; +typedef short length_t; + +typedef struct vpn_packet_t { + length_t len; /* the actual number of bytes in the `data' field */ + unsigned char data[MAXSIZE]; +} vpn_packet_t; + +typedef struct real_packet_t { + length_t len; /* the length of the entire packet */ + ip_t from; /* where the packet came from */ + vpn_packet_t data; /* encrypted vpn_packet_t */ +} real_packet_t; + +typedef struct passphrase_t { + unsigned char type; + unsigned short len; + unsigned char phrase[MAX_PASSPHRASE_SIZE]; +} passphrase_t; + +typedef struct status_bits_t { + int pinged:1; /* sent ping */ + int got_pong:1; /* received pong */ + int meta:1; /* meta connection exists */ + int active:1; /* 1 if active.. */ + int outgoing:1; /* I myself asked for this conn */ + int termreq:1; /* the termination of this connection was requested */ + int remove:1; /* Set to 1 if you want this connection removed */ + int timeout:1; /* 1 if gotten timeout */ + int validkey:1; /* 1 if we currently have a valid key for him */ + int waitingforkey:1; /* 1 if we already sent out a request */ + int dataopen:1; /* 1 if we have a valid UDP connection open */ + int unused:22; +} status_bits_t; + +typedef struct queue_element_t { + void *packet; + struct queue_element_t *next; +} queue_element_t; + +typedef struct packet_queue_t { + queue_element_t *head; + queue_element_t *tail; +} packet_queue_t; + +typedef struct enc_key_t { + int length; + char *key; + time_t expiry; +} enc_key_t; + +typedef struct conn_list_t { + ip_t vpn_ip; /* his vpn ip */ + ip_t vpn_mask; /* his vpn network address */ + ip_t real_ip; /* his real (internet) ip */ + char *hostname; /* the hostname of its real ip */ + short int port; /* his portnumber */ + int socket; /* our udp vpn socket */ + int meta_socket; /* our tcp meta socket */ + unsigned char protocol_version; /* used protocol */ + status_bits_t status; /* status info */ + passphrase_t *pp; /* encoded passphrase */ + packet_queue_t *sq; /* pending outgoing packets */ + packet_queue_t *rq; /* pending incoming packets (they have no + valid key to be decrypted with) */ + enc_key_t *public_key; /* the other party's public key */ + enc_key_t *key; /* encrypt with this key */ + struct conn_list_t *nexthop; /* nearest meta-hop in this direction */ + struct conn_list_t *next; /* after all, it's a list of connections */ +} conn_list_t; + +extern int tap_fd; + +extern int total_tap_in; +extern int total_tap_out; +extern int total_socket_in; +extern int total_socket_out; + +extern conn_list_t *conn_list; +extern conn_list_t *myself; + +extern int send_packet(ip_t, vpn_packet_t *); +extern int send_broadcast(conn_list_t *, vpn_packet_t *); +extern int setup_network_connections(void); +extern void close_network_connections(void); +extern void main_loop(void); +extern int setup_vpn_connection(conn_list_t *); +extern void terminate_connection(conn_list_t *); +extern void flush_queues(conn_list_t*); + +#endif /* __TINC_NET_H__ */ diff --git a/src/netutl.c b/src/netutl.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d07daa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/netutl.c @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +/* + netutl.c -- some supporting network utility code + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "encr.h" +#include "net.h" +#include "netutl.h" + +/* + look for a connection associated with the given vpn ip, + return its connection structure +*/ +conn_list_t *lookup_conn(ip_t ip) +{ + conn_list_t *p = conn_list; + + /* Exact match suggested by James B. MacLean */ + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if(ip == p->vpn_ip) + return p; + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if((ip & p->vpn_mask) == (p->vpn_ip & p->vpn_mask)) + return p; + + return NULL; +} + +/* + free a queue and all of its elements +*/ +void destroy_queue(packet_queue_t *pq) +{ + queue_element_t *p, *q; + + for(p = pq->head; p != NULL; p = q) + { + q = p->next; + if(p->packet) + free(p->packet); + free(p); + } + + free(pq); +} + +/* + free a conn_list_t element and all its pointers +*/ +void free_conn_element(conn_list_t *p) +{ + if(p->hostname) + free(p->hostname); + if(p->pp) + free(p->pp); + if(p->sq) + destroy_queue(p->sq); + if(p->rq) + destroy_queue(p->rq); + free_key(p->public_key); + free_key(p->key); + free(p); +} + +/* + remove all marked connections +*/ +void prune_conn_list(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p, *prev = NULL, *next = NULL; + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; ) + { + next = p->next; + + if(p->status.remove) + { + if(prev) + prev->next = next; + else + conn_list = next; + + free_conn_element(p); + } + else + prev = p; + + p = next; + } +} + +/* + creates new conn_list element, and initializes it +*/ +conn_list_t *new_conn_list(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p = xmalloc(sizeof(conn_list_t)); + + /* initialise all those stupid pointers at once */ + memset(p, '\0', sizeof(conn_list_t)); + p->nexthop = p; + return p; +} + +/* + free all elements of conn_list +*/ +void destroy_conn_list(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p, *next; +cp + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; ) + { + next = p->next; + free_conn_element(p); + p = next; + } +cp + + conn_list = NULL; +} + +/* + look up the name associated with the ip + address `addr' +*/ +char *hostlookup(unsigned long addr) +{ + char *name; + struct hostent *host = NULL; + struct in_addr in; + + in.s_addr = addr; + + host = gethostbyaddr((char *)&in, sizeof(in), AF_INET); + + if(host) + { + name = xmalloc(strlen(host->h_name)+20); + sprintf(name, "%s (%s)", host->h_name, inet_ntoa(in)); + } + else + { + name = xmalloc(20); + sprintf(name, "%s", inet_ntoa(in)); + } + + return name; +} + +/* + Turn a string into an IP addy with netmask + return NULL on failure +*/ +ip_mask_t *strtoip(char *str) +{ + ip_mask_t *ip; + int masker; + char *q, *p; + struct hostent *h; + + p = str; + if((q = strchr(p, '/'))) + { + *q = '\0'; + q++; /* q now points to netmask part, or NULL if no mask */ + } + + if(!(h = gethostbyname(p))) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Error looking up `%s': %s\n", p, sys_errlist[h_errno]); + return NULL; + } + + masker = 0; + if(q) + { + masker = strtol(q, &p, 10); + if(q == p || (*p)) + return NULL; + } + + ip = xmalloc(sizeof(ip_mask_t)); + ip->ip = ntohl(*((ip_t*)(h->h_addr_list[0]))); + + ip->mask = masker ? ~((1 << (32 - masker)) - 1) : 0; + + return ip; +} + +void dump_conn_list(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Connection list:"); + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + { + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, " " IP_ADDR_S "/" IP_ADDR_S ": %04x (%d|%d)", + IP_ADDR_V(p->vpn_ip), IP_ADDR_V(p->vpn_mask), p->status, + p->socket, p->meta_socket); + } +} diff --git a/src/netutl.h b/src/netutl.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91f388fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/netutl.h @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* + netutl.h -- header file for netutl.c + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef __TINC_NETUTL_H__ +#define __TINC_NETUTL_H__ + +#include "net.h" + +extern conn_list_t *lookup_conn(ip_t); +extern void free_conn_element(conn_list_t *); +extern void free_conn_list(conn_list_t*); +extern void prune_conn_list(void); +extern conn_list_t *new_conn_list(void); +extern void destroy_conn_list(void); +extern char *hostlookup(unsigned long); +extern ip_mask_t *strtoip(char*); +extern void dump_conn_list(void); + +#endif /* __TINC_NETUTL_H__ */ diff --git a/src/protocol.c b/src/protocol.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1460fbf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/protocol.c @@ -0,0 +1,739 @@ +/* + protocol.c -- handle the meta-protocol + Copyright (C) 1999 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "conf.h" +#include "encr.h" +#include "net.h" +#include "netutl.h" +#include "protocol.h" + +int send_ack(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + unsigned char tmp = ACK; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Send ACK to %s", cl->hostname); + + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Connection with %s activated.", cl->hostname); + if((send(cl->meta_socket, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %d:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_termreq(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + termreq_t tmp; + + tmp.type = TERMREQ; + tmp.vpn_ip = myself->vpn_ip; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Send TERMREQ(" IP_ADDR_S ") to " IP_ADDR_S, IP_ADDR_V(tmp.vpn_ip), + IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_timeout(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + termreq_t tmp; + + tmp.type = PINGTIMEOUT; + tmp.vpn_ip = myself->vpn_ip; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Send TIMEOUT(" IP_ADDR_S ") to " IP_ADDR_S, IP_ADDR_V(tmp.vpn_ip), + IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_del_host(conn_list_t *cl, conn_list_t *new_host) +{ + del_host_t tmp; + + tmp.type = DEL_HOST; + tmp.vpn_ip = new_host->vpn_ip; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending delete host %lx to " IP_ADDR_S, + tmp.vpn_ip, IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, (unsigned char*)&tmp, sizeof(del_host_t), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_ping(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + unsigned char tmp = PING; + + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "pinging " IP_ADDR_S, IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_pong(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + unsigned char tmp = PONG; + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_add_host(conn_list_t *cl, conn_list_t *new_host) +{ + add_host_t tmp; + + tmp.type = ADD_HOST; + tmp.real_ip = new_host->real_ip; + tmp.vpn_ip = new_host->vpn_ip; + tmp.vpn_mask = new_host->vpn_mask; + tmp.portnr = new_host->port; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending add host (%lx/%lx %lx:%hd) to " IP_ADDR_S, + tmp.vpn_ip, tmp.vpn_mask, tmp.real_ip, tmp.portnr, + IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, (unsigned char*)&tmp, sizeof(add_host_t), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_key_changed(conn_list_t *cl, conn_list_t *src) +{ + key_changed_t tmp; + + tmp.type = KEY_CHANGED; + tmp.from = src->vpn_ip; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending KEY_CHANGED (%lx) to " IP_ADDR_S, + tmp.from, IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, (unsigned char*)&tmp, sizeof(key_changed_t), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +void send_key_changed2(void) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if(p->status.meta && p->protocol_version > PROT_3) + send_key_changed(p, myself); +} + +int send_basic_info(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + basic_info_t tmp; + + tmp.type = BASIC_INFO; + tmp.protocol = PROT_CURRENT; + + tmp.portnr = myself->port; + tmp.vpn_ip = myself->vpn_ip; + tmp.vpn_mask = myself->vpn_mask; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Send BASIC_INFO(%d,%hd," IP_ADDR_S "," IP_ADDR_S ") to " IP_ADDR_S, + tmp.protocol, tmp.portnr, IP_ADDR_V(tmp.vpn_ip), IP_ADDR_V(tmp.vpn_mask), + IP_ADDR_V(cl->real_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_passphrase(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + passphrase_t tmp; + + tmp.type = PASSPHRASE; + encrypt_passphrase(&tmp); + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Send PASSPHRASE(%hd,...) to " IP_ADDR_S, tmp.len, + IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, &tmp, tmp.len+3, 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_public_key(conn_list_t *cl) +{ + public_key_t *tmp; + + tmp = (public_key_t*)xmalloc(strlen(my_public_key_base36)+sizeof(public_key_t)); + tmp->type = PUBLIC_KEY; + tmp->len = strlen(my_public_key_base36); + strcpy(&tmp->key, my_public_key_base36); + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Send PUBLIC_KEY(%hd,%s) to " IP_ADDR_S, tmp->len, &tmp->key, + IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + + if((send(cl->meta_socket, tmp, tmp->len+sizeof(public_key_t), 0)) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_calculate(conn_list_t *cl, char *k) +{ + calculate_t *tmp; + + tmp = xmalloc(strlen(k)+sizeof(calculate_t)); + tmp->type = CALCULATE; + tmp->len = strlen(k); + strcpy(&tmp->key, k); + + if(send(cl->meta_socket, tmp, tmp->len+4, 0) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int send_key_request(ip_t to) +{ + key_req_t *tmp; + conn_list_t *fw; + + tmp = xmalloc(sizeof(key_req_t)); + tmp->type = REQ_KEY; + tmp->to = to; + tmp->from = myself->vpn_ip; + tmp->len = 0; + + fw = lookup_conn(to); + if(!fw) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Attempting to send key request to " IP_ADDR_S ", which does not exist?", + IP_ADDR_V(to)); + return -1; + } + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending out request for public key to " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(fw->nexthop->vpn_ip)); + if(send(fw->nexthop->meta_socket, tmp, sizeof(key_req_t), 0) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + fw->status.waitingforkey = 1; + + return 0; +} + +int send_key_answer(conn_list_t *cl, ip_t to) +{ + key_req_t *tmp; + conn_list_t *fw; + + tmp = xmalloc(sizeof(key_req_t)+strlen(my_public_key_base36)); + tmp->type = ANS_KEY; + tmp->to = to; + tmp->from = myself->vpn_ip; + tmp->expiry = my_key_expiry; + tmp->len = strlen(my_public_key_base36); + strcpy(&tmp->key, my_public_key_base36); + + fw = lookup_conn(to); + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending public key to " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(fw->nexthop->vpn_ip)); + if(send(fw->nexthop->meta_socket, tmp, sizeof(key_req_t)+tmp->len, 0) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + notify all my direct connections of a new host + that was added to the vpn, with the exception + of the source of the announcement. +*/ +int notify_others(conn_list_t *new, conn_list_t *source, + int (*function)(conn_list_t*, conn_list_t*)) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if(p != new && p != source && p->status.meta && p->protocol_version > PROT_3) + function(p, new); + + return 0; +} + +/* + notify one connection of everything + i have connected +*/ +int notify_one(conn_list_t *new) +{ + conn_list_t *p; + + for(p = conn_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if(p != new && p->protocol_version > PROT_3) + send_add_host(new, p); + + return 0; +} + +/* + The incoming request handlers +*/ + +int basic_info_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + basic_info_t *tmp = (basic_info_t*)d; + + cl->protocol_version = tmp->protocol; + cl->port = tmp->portnr; + cl->vpn_ip = tmp->vpn_ip; + cl->vpn_mask = tmp->vpn_mask; + + if(cl->protocol_version < PROT_CURRENT) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Peer uses protocol version %d which is too old.", + cl->protocol_version); + return -1; + } + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got BASIC_INFO(%hd," IP_ADDR_S "," IP_ADDR_S ")", cl->port, + IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip), IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_mask)); + if(debug_lvl > 1) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Peer uses protocol version %d", + cl->protocol_version); + + if(cl->status.outgoing) + { + if(setup_vpn_connection(cl) < 0) + return -1; + send_basic_info(cl); + } + else + { + if(setup_vpn_connection(cl) < 0) + return -1; + send_passphrase(cl); + } + + cl-> = 0; + + return 0; +} + +int passphrase_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + passphrase_t *tmp = (passphrase_t*)d; + + cl->pp = xmalloc(tmp->len+3); + memcpy(cl->pp, tmp, tmp->len+3); + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got PASSPHRASE(%hd,...)", cl->pp->len); + + if(cl->status.outgoing) + send_passphrase(cl); + else + send_public_key(cl); + + return 0; +} + +int public_key_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + char *g_n; + public_key_t *tmp = (public_key_t*)d; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got PUBLIC_KEY(%hd,%s)", tmp->len, &tmp->key); + + g_n = xmalloc(tmp->len+1); + strcpy(g_n, &tmp->key); + + if(verify_passphrase(cl, g_n)) + { + /* intruder! */ + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Intruder: passphrase does not match."); + return -1; + } + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_INFO, "Passphrase OK"); + + if(cl->status.outgoing) + send_public_key(cl); + else + send_ack(cl); + + cl-> = 1; + notify_others(cl, NULL, send_add_host); + notify_one(cl); + + return 0; +} + +int ack_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got ACK"); + + cl-> = 1; + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Connection with %s activated.", cl->hostname); + + /* + Now I'm going to cheat. The meta protocol is actually + a stream of requests, that may come in in the same TCP + packet. This is the only place that it will happen, + though. + I may change it in the future, if it appears that this + is not retainable. + */ + if(len > 1) /* An ADD_HOST follows */ + { + if(request_handlers[d[1]] == NULL) + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unknown request %d.", d[1]); + if(request_handlers[d[1]](cl, d, len - 1) < 0) + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int termreq_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, IP_ADDR_S " wants to quit", IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + cl->status.termreq = 1; + terminate_connection(cl); + + notify_others(cl, NULL, send_del_host); + + return 0; +} + +int timeout_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, IP_ADDR_S " says it's gotten a timeout from us", IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + cl->status.termreq = 1; + terminate_connection(cl); + + return 0; +} + +int del_host_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + del_host_t *tmp = (del_host_t*)d; + conn_list_t *fw; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got DEL_HOST for " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(tmp->vpn_ip)); + + if(!(fw = lookup_conn(tmp->vpn_ip))) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Somebody wanted to delete " IP_ADDR_S " which does not exist?", + IP_ADDR_V(tmp->vpn_ip)); + return 0; + } + + notify_others(cl, fw, send_del_host); + + fw->status.termreq = 1; + terminate_connection(fw); + + return 0; +} + +int ping_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "responding to ping from " IP_ADDR_S, IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + cl->status.pinged = 0; + cl->status.got_pong = 1; + + send_pong(cl); + + return 0; +} + +int pong_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "ok, got pong from " IP_ADDR_S, IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + cl->status.got_pong = 1; + + return 0; +} + +int add_host_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + add_host_t *tmp = (add_host_t*)d; + conn_list_t *ncn, *fw; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Add host request from " IP_ADDR_S, IP_ADDR_V(cl->vpn_ip)); + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got ADD_HOST(" IP_ADDR_S "," IP_ADDR_S ",%hd)", + IP_ADDR_V(tmp->vpn_ip), IP_ADDR_V(tmp->vpn_mask), tmp->portnr); + + /* + Suggestion of Hans Bayle + */ + if((fw = lookup_conn(tmp->vpn_ip))) + { + notify_others(fw, cl, send_add_host); + return 0; + } + + ncn = new_conn_list(); + ncn->real_ip = tmp->real_ip; + ncn->vpn_ip = tmp->vpn_ip; + ncn->vpn_mask = tmp->vpn_mask; + ncn->port = tmp->portnr; + ncn->hostname = hostlookup(tmp->real_ip); + ncn->nexthop = cl; + ncn->next = conn_list; + conn_list = ncn; + ncn-> = 1; + notify_others(ncn, cl, send_add_host); + + /* + again, i'm cheating here. see the comment in ack_h. + */ + if(len > sizeof(add_host_t)) /* Another ADD_HOST follows */ + { + if(request_handlers[d[sizeof(add_host_t)]] == NULL) + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unknown request %d.", d[sizeof(add_host_t)]); + if(request_handlers[d[sizeof(add_host_t)]](cl, d, len - sizeof(add_host_t)) < 0) + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int req_key_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + key_req_t *tmp = (key_req_t*)d; + conn_list_t *fw; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got REQ_KEY from " IP_ADDR_S " for " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(tmp->from), IP_ADDR_V(tmp->to)); + + if((tmp->to & myself->vpn_mask) == (myself->vpn_ip & myself->vpn_mask)) + { /* hey! they want something from ME! :) */ + send_key_answer(cl, tmp->from); + return 0; + } + + fw = lookup_conn(tmp->to); + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Forwarding request for public key to " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(fw->nexthop->vpn_ip)); + if(send(fw->nexthop->meta_socket, tmp, sizeof(key_req_t), 0) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +void set_keys(conn_list_t *cl, key_req_t *k) +{ + char *ek; + + if(!cl->public_key) + { + cl->public_key = xmalloc(sizeof(enc_key_t)); + cl->public_key->key = NULL; + } + if(cl->public_key->key) + free(cl->public_key->key); + cl->public_key->length = k->len; + cl->public_key->expiry = k->expiry; + cl->public_key->key = xmalloc(k->len + 1); + strcpy(cl->public_key->key, &(k->key)); + + ek = make_shared_key(&(k->key)); + if(!cl->key) + { + cl->key = xmalloc(sizeof(enc_key_t)); + cl->key->key = NULL; + } + if(cl->key->key) + free(cl->key->key); + cl->key->length = strlen(ek); + cl->key->expiry = k->expiry; + cl->key->key = xmalloc(strlen(ek) + 1); + strcpy(cl->key->key, ek); +} + +int ans_key_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + key_req_t *tmp = (key_req_t*)d; + conn_list_t *fw, *gk; + + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got ANS_KEY from " IP_ADDR_S " for " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(tmp->from), IP_ADDR_V(tmp->to)); + + if(tmp->to == myself->vpn_ip) + { /* hey! that key's for ME! :) */ + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Yeah! key arrived. Now do something with it."); + gk = lookup_conn(tmp->from); + set_keys(gk, tmp); + gk->status.validkey = 1; + gk->status.waitingforkey = 0; + flush_queues(gk); + return 0; + } + + fw = lookup_conn(tmp->to); + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Forwarding public key to " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(fw->nexthop->vpn_ip)); + if(send(fw->nexthop->meta_socket, tmp, sizeof(key_req_t)+tmp->len, 0) < 0) + { + syslog(LOG_ERR, "send failed: %s:%d: %m", __FILE__, __LINE__); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +int key_changed_h(conn_list_t *cl, unsigned char *d, int len) +{ + key_changed_t *tmp = (key_changed_t*)d; + conn_list_t *ik; + + if(debug_lvl > 2) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "got KEY_CHANGED from " IP_ADDR_S, + IP_ADDR_V(tmp->from)); + + ik = lookup_conn(tmp->from); + ik->status.validkey = 0; + ik->status.waitingforkey = 0; + + if(debug_lvl > 3) + syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Forwarding key invalidation request"); + + notify_others(cl, ik, send_key_changed); + + return 0; +} + +int (*request_handlers[256])(conn_list_t*, unsigned char*, int) = { + 0, ack_h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + termreq_h, timeout_h, del_host_h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + ping_h, pong_h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + add_host_h, basic_info_h, passphrase_h, public_key_h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + req_key_h, ans_key_h, key_changed_h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 +}; + diff --git a/src/protocol.h b/src/protocol.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3021e2f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/protocol.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* + protocol.h -- header for protocol.c + Copyright (C) 1999 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef __TINC_PROTOCOL_H__ +#define __TINC_PROTOCOL_H__ + +#include "net.h" + +enum { + PROT_RESERVED = 0, /* reserved: do not use. */ + PROT_NOT_IN_USE, + PROT_TOO_OLD = 2, + PROT_3, + PROT_CURRENT, /* protocol currently in use */ +}; + +enum { + ACK = 1, /* acknowledged */ + AUTH_S_INIT = 10, /* initiate authentication */ + AUTH_C_INIT, + AUTH_S_SPP, /* send passphrase */ + AUTH_C_SPP, + AUTH_S_SKEY, /* send g^k */ + AUTH_C_SKEY, + AUTH_S_SACK, /* send ack */ + AUTH_C_RACK, /* waiting for ack */ + TERMREQ = 30, /* terminate connection */ + PINGTIMEOUT, /* terminate due to ping t.o. */ + DEL_HOST, /* forward a termreq to others */ + PING = 40, /* ping */ + PONG, + ADD_HOST = 60, /* Add new given host to connection list */ + BASIC_INFO, /* some basic info follows */ + PASSPHRASE, /* encrypted passphrase */ + PUBLIC_KEY, /* public key in base-36 */ + HOLD = 80, /* don't send any data */ + RESUME, /* resume dataflow with new encryption key */ + CALCULATE = 100, /* calculate the following numer^privkey and send me the result */ + CALC_RES, /* result of the above */ + ALMOST_KEY, /* this number^privkey is the shared key */ + REQ_KEY = 160, /* request public key */ + ANS_KEY, /* answer to such request */ + KEY_CHANGED, /* public key has changed */ +}; + +typedef struct add_host_t { + unsigned char type; + ip_t real_ip; + ip_t vpn_ip; + ip_t vpn_mask; + unsigned short portnr; +} add_host_t; + +typedef struct termreq_t { + unsigned char type; + ip_t vpn_ip; +} termreq_t; + +typedef struct basic_info_t { + unsigned char type; + unsigned char protocol; + unsigned short portnr; + ip_t vpn_ip; + ip_t vpn_mask; +} basic_info_t; + +typedef struct calculate_t { + unsigned char type; + unsigned short len; + char key; +} calculate_t; + +typedef struct public_key_t { + unsigned char type; + unsigned short len; + char key; +} public_key_t; + +typedef struct key_req_t { + unsigned char type; + ip_t from; + ip_t to; + time_t expiry; + short int len; /* 0 if requesting */ + char key; +} key_req_t; + +typedef struct key_changed_t { + unsigned char type; + ip_t from; +} key_changed_t; + +typedef struct del_host_t { + unsigned char type; + ip_t vpn_ip; +} del_host_t; + +extern int (*request_handlers[256])(conn_list_t*, unsigned char*, int); + +extern int send_ping(conn_list_t*); +extern int send_basic_info(conn_list_t *); +extern int send_termreq(conn_list_t *); +extern int send_timeout(conn_list_t *); +extern int send_key_request(ip_t); +extern void send_key_changed2(void); + +#endif /* __TINC_PROTOCOL_H__ */ + diff --git a/src/tincd.c b/src/tincd.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..124276f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/tincd.c @@ -0,0 +1,468 @@ +/* + tincd.c -- the main file for tincd + Copyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +*/ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H +# include +#endif + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "conf.h" +#include "encr.h" +#include "net.h" +#include "netutl.h" + +/* The name this program was run with. */ +char *program_name; + +/* If nonzero, display usage information and exit. */ +static int show_help; + +/* If nonzero, print the version on standard output and exit. */ +static int show_version; + +/* If nonzero, it will attempt to kill a running tincd and exit. */ +static int kill_tincd = 0; + +char *confbase = NULL; /* directory in which all config files are */ +char *configfilename = NULL; /* configuration file name */ +char *identname; /* program name for syslog */ +char *netname = NULL; /* name of the vpn network */ +char *pidfilename; /* pid file location */ +static pid_t ppid; /* pid of non-detached part */ +char **g_argv; /* a copy of the cmdline arguments */ + +void cleanup_and_exit(int); +int detach(void); +int kill_other(void); +void make_names(void); +RETSIGTYPE parent_exit(int a); +void setup_signals(void); +int write_pidfile(void); + +static struct option const long_options[] = +{ + { "kill", no_argument, NULL, 'k' }, + { "net", required_argument, NULL, 'n' }, + { "timeout", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, + { "help", no_argument, &show_help, 1 }, + { "version", no_argument, &show_version, 1 }, + { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } +}; + +static void +usage(int status) +{ + if(status != 0) + fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help\' for more information.\n", program_name); + else + { + printf("Usage: %s [option]...\n\n", program_name); + printf(" -c, --config=FILE Read configuration options from FILE.\n" + " -d Increase debug level.\n" + " -k, --kill Attempt to kill a running tincd and exit.\n" + " -n, --net=NETNAME Connect to net NETNAME.\n" + " -t, --timeout=TIMEOUT Seconds to wait before giving a timeout.\n"); + printf(" --help Display this help and exit.\n" + " --version Output version information and exit.\n\n"); + printf("Report bugs to\n"); + } + exit(status); +} + +void +parse_options(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) +{ + int r; + int option_index = 0; + config_t *p; + + while((r = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:dkn:t:", long_options, &option_index)) != EOF) + { + switch(r) + { + case 0: /* long option */ + break; + case 'c': /* config file */ + configfilename = xmalloc(strlen(optarg)+1); + strcpy(configfilename, optarg); + break; + case 'd': /* inc debug level */ + debug_lvl++; + break; + case 'k': /* kill old tincds */ + kill_tincd = 1; + break; + case 'n': /* net name given */ + netname = xmalloc(strlen(optarg)+1); + strcpy(netname, optarg); + break; + case 't': /* timeout */ + if(!(p = add_config_val(&config, TYPE_INT, optarg))) + { + printf("Invalid timeout value `%s'.\n", optarg); + usage(1); + } + break; + case '?': + usage(1); + default: + break; + } + } +} + +void memory_full(void) +{ + syslog(LOG_ERR, "Memory exhausted; exiting."); + exit(1); +} + +/* + Detach from current terminal, write pidfile, kill parent +*/ +int detach(void) +{ + int fd; + pid_t pid; + + ppid = getpid(); + if((pid = fork()) < 0) + { + perror("fork"); + return -1; + } + if(pid) /* parent process */ + { + signal(SIGTERM, parent_exit); + sleep(600); /* wait 10 minutes */ + exit(1); + } + + if(write_pidfile()) + return -1; + + if((fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) >= 0) + { + if(ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY, NULL)) + { + perror("ioctl"); + return -1; + } + close(fd); + } + + kill(ppid, SIGTERM); + + if(setsid() < 0) + return -1; + chdir("/"); /* avoid keeping a mointpoint busy */ + + openlog(identname, LOG_CONS | LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); + + if(debug_lvl > 1) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "tincd %s (%s %s) starting, debug level %d.", + VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__, debug_lvl); + else + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "tincd %s starting, debug level %d.", VERSION, debug_lvl); + + xalloc_fail_func = memory_full; + + return 0; +} + +/* + Close network connections, and terminate neatly +*/ +void cleanup_and_exit(int c) +{ + close_network_connections(); + + if(debug_lvl > 0) + syslog(LOG_INFO, "Total bytes written: tap %d, socket %d; bytes read: tap %d, socket %d.", + total_tap_out, total_socket_out, total_tap_in, total_socket_in); + + closelog(); + kill(ppid, SIGTERM); + exit(c); +} + +/* + check for an existing tinc for this net, and write pid to pidfile +*/ +int write_pidfile(void) +{ + int pid; + + if((pid = check_pid(pidfilename))) + { + if(netname) + fprintf(stderr, "A tincd is already running for net `%s' with pid %d.\n", + netname, pid); + else + fprintf(stderr, "A tincd is already running with pid %d.\n", pid); + return 1; + } + + /* if it's locked, write-protected, or whatever */ + if(!write_pid(pidfilename)) + return 1; + + return 0; +} + +/* + kill older tincd for this net +*/ +int kill_other(void) +{ + int pid; + + if(!(pid = read_pid(pidfilename))) + { + if(netname) + fprintf(stderr, "No other tincd is running for net `%s'.\n", netname); + else + fprintf(stderr, "No other tincd is running.\n"); + return 1; + } + + errno = 0; /* No error, sometimes errno is only changed on error */ + /* ESRCH is returned when no process with that pid is found */ + if(kill(pid, SIGTERM) && errno == ESRCH) + fprintf(stderr, "Removing stale lock file.\n"); + remove_pid(pidfilename); + + return 0; +} + +/* + Set all files and paths according to netname +*/ +void make_names(void) +{ + if(!configfilename) + { + if(netname) + { + configfilename = xmalloc(strlen(netname)+18+strlen(CONFDIR)); + sprintf(configfilename, "%s/tinc/%s/tincd.conf", CONFDIR, netname); + } + else + { + configfilename = xmalloc(17+strlen(CONFDIR)); + sprintf(configfilename, "%s/tinc/tincd.conf", CONFDIR); + } + } + + if(netname) + { + pidfilename = xmalloc(strlen(netname)+20); + sprintf(pidfilename, "/var/run/", netname); + confbase = xmalloc(strlen(netname)+8+strlen(CONFDIR)); + sprintf(confbase, "%s/tinc/%s/", CONFDIR, netname); + identname = xmalloc(strlen(netname)+7); + sprintf(identname, "tincd.%s", netname); + } + else + { + pidfilename = "/var/run/"; + confbase = xmalloc(7+strlen(CONFDIR)); + sprintf(confbase, "%s/tinc/", CONFDIR); + identname = "tincd"; + } +} + +int +main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) +{ + program_name = argv[0]; + + parse_options(argc, argv, envp); + + if(show_version) + { + printf("%s version %s\nCopyright (C) 1998,99 Ivo Timmermans and others,\n" + "see the AUTHORS file for a complete list.\n\n" + "tinc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,\n" + "and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;\n" + "see the file COPYING for details.\n\n", PACKAGE, VERSION); + printf("This product includes software developed by Eric Young (\n"); + + return 0; + } + + if(show_help) + usage(0); + + if(geteuid()) + { + fprintf(stderr, "You must be root to run this program. sorry.\n"); + return 1; + } + + g_argv = argv; + + make_names(); + + if(kill_tincd) + exit(kill_other()); + + if(read_config_file(configfilename)) + return 1; + + setup_signals(); + + if(detach()) + cleanup_and_exit(1); + + if(security_init()) + return 1; + + if(setup_network_connections()) + cleanup_and_exit(1); + + main_loop(); + + cleanup_and_exit(1); + return 1; +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sigterm_handler(int a) +{ + if(debug_lvl > 0) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got TERM signal"); + cleanup_and_exit(0); +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sigquit_handler(int a) +{ + if(debug_lvl > 0) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got QUIT signal"); + cleanup_and_exit(0); +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sigsegv_square(int a) +{ + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got another SEGV signal: not restarting"); + exit(0); +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sigsegv_handler(int a) +{ + if(cp_file) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got SEGV signal after %s line %d. Trying to re-execute.", + cp_file, cp_line); + else + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got SEGV signal; trying to re-execute."); + + signal(SIGSEGV, sigsegv_square); + + close_network_connections(); + remove_pid(pidfilename); + execvp(g_argv[0], g_argv); +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sighup_handler(int a) +{ + if(debug_lvl > 0) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got HUP signal"); + close_network_connections(); + setup_network_connections(); + /* FIXME: read config-file and re-establish network connections */ +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sigint_handler(int a) +{ + if(debug_lvl > 0) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got INT signal"); + cleanup_and_exit(0); +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sigusr1_handler(int a) +{ + dump_conn_list(); +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sigusr2_handler(int a) +{ + if(debug_lvl > 1) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Forcing new keys"); + regenerate_keys(); +} + +RETSIGTYPE +sighuh(int a) +{ + if(cp_file) + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got unexpected signal after %s line %d.", + cp_file, cp_line); + else + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Got unexpected signal."); +} + +void +setup_signals(void) +{ + int i; + + for(i=0;i<32;i++) + signal(i,sighuh); + + if(signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_ERR) + signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_handler); + if(signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_ERR) + signal(SIGQUIT, sigquit_handler); + if(signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_IGN) != SIG_ERR) + signal(SIGSEGV, sigsegv_handler); + if(signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_ERR) + signal(SIGHUP, sighup_handler); + signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); + if(signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_ERR) + signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); + signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler); + signal(SIGUSR2, sigusr2_handler); +} + +RETSIGTYPE parent_exit(int a) +{ + exit(0); +} + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9788f702 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +timestamp